how old are you fellow mkers and who here wishes the arcades would come back
posted09/30/2005 11:27 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/16/2005 05:01 PM (UTC)
i'm 35 and i remember that fateful day midway decided to abandon the arcades. do you guys remember the mk road tour ? Never again will we
see a new mortal in a arcade and i think that is a real shame. Someone
someday i think will revive those sacred arcades but i don't know
how or when that will happen. Online play is not the same as going into
an arcade and putting your quaters up on that machine. I really wish
a company would make a push to invent some new technologies to
bridge the gap between the consoles and arcade. If the general public
was blowed away at what they saw at the arcade, And it made the consoles
pale in comparsion i think people would be willing to hand over those
quarters again. what do you guys think . by the way shaolin monks is really

09/26/2005 01:28 AM (UTC)
Hell no! The reason arcades became nothing is because once people figured out that they can play that same game at home, they stopped going. I've been ripped off a lot, and I'm not going to spend a ton of money at an arcade again.
09/26/2005 01:36 AM (UTC)
ClassicSmoke Wrote:
Hell no! The reason arcades became nothing is because once people figured out that they can play that same game at home, they stopped going. I've been ripped off a lot, and I'm not going to spend a ton of money at an arcade again.

Not to mention the fact that boring games like *cough*DDR*cough* have taken over arcades like they own the place.
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Kaillera: Private J0k3r

09/26/2005 01:38 AM (UTC)
IN for the arcades to come back. I'm relatively young, 19, but I still remember playing MK2 and U/MK3 at the arcades. Some of the best days were back then. I could easily blow 10 bucks at an arcade. I think online play is the fastfood version of classic arcade gaming. I long for those days of setting your quarters on the machine, waiting your turn. A big crowd of people huddled around watching the match being played. However, I don't see them coming back ever. I think the future will just be some more advanced online play.
09/26/2005 02:03 AM (UTC)
classic smoke did you read what i said if and only if the graphic quality far exceeded the home consoles like it used to be in the glory days. Or a unique
style of gameplay you could not duplicate at home.I'll be the first to say i don't
know what that would be maybe a holographic arenas with fighters in the center and players on either side of that arena with some cool control mechanism. Who knows but the point is something that is worth the money.
09/26/2005 03:30 AM (UTC)
There's a reason we don't have arcades anymore.

It's called the evolution of gaming. Who wants to get up and drive someplace just to play against someone else, when we have online play? Arcades were cool while they lasted, but they've outlived their usefulness.

I will concede one point: Pacman on arcade CAN'T BE BEAT. Wakka wakka wakka! tongue
09/26/2005 04:01 AM (UTC)
Midway would have us believe that they pulled the plug on arcades because they can't make decent money anymore, which is rubbish. Namco are doing alright, why can't Midway? Arcades aren't as popular as they once were, but they're certainly not dead. If you make a good fighting game, people will flock to play it no matter what it is (just look at Nintendo's game Super Smash Brothers, those games have a huge following all things considered - I bet if it had an arcade release it would be even bigger).

I wish Midway would start dealing with arcades again, but that would mean extensive testing and revising their games to remove glitches and such, which doesn't seem like what they want to have to be bothered with.

Online gaming is alright, but games suffer from lag, there's little to no respect among players, and it doesn't have the whole social side that arcades do, and yeah, you can play your buddies at home, but fighting the same person over and over gets stale pretty quickly.

Anyway, just because a game has an arcade release, that doesn't mean it can't have a console release. Release 'em both, and let the cheap people stay at home and play an inferior quality version of the game onine, and let the social and competitive players do their thing at the arcade.
09/26/2005 12:54 PM (UTC)
i really would like the arcades to come back again... will they, probley not. more people would rather sit at home and have interaction with on-line gamers then to actually face their compatition in person. kinda like people would rather use the self check out at a store, or use the atm rather then go inside the bank. the world is getting on a "less interaction with real people face to face" kick, its sad. I for one would rather get my ass out of the house and into the world... for short, yes... bring back the arcades.
09/26/2005 02:37 PM (UTC)
Hey, someone in the same age bracket as me! I'm 34, gonna be 35 in November *gives calendar evil glare*

Anyways, yes I miss the arcades! It was more than just the games it was a fun place to hang out with friends where you're not expected to be constantly carrying a drink in your hand or listening to crappy music. I live in South Texas so the only choices for me was places that played Tejano, Norento (sp?) or Country *shivers*

The main arcade in my area was at the mall, so we had the hamburger place on one side of the hall, the arcade on the other and the movie theatre down the road. We use to make the whole day of it. Catch a movie, then go out for a burger and then spend rest of the day playing games, talking, etc.

But like one guy said, it seems that the arcades have been taken over by DDR, roller ball, etc. The 'arcades' are now targeted to jr high or younger crowds. Which is ok, but I wish there were arcades meant for High School, college and up where you have the grown up games. One of the reasons why this is because games started to get censored. Remember the black screens for the MK fatalities?

Then there are the gang members, drug dealers, etc that seem to take over any arcade where there was decent games. To any business person, arcades are just too much trouble to bring back. How they keep them alive in Japan I have no idea.
09/26/2005 02:48 PM (UTC)
I'm old school fart, and I pretty much grew up around the arcades.
Do I want them back?
Connection Sync Failure.
Games without updates resulting in glitches and infinites galore
Having to type instead of just...talking.
Connection Not Responding.
Game Shark Users.
Not being able to just stand back and watch people play.

Yes, I miss the arcades very much.
09/29/2005 10:34 PM (UTC)
35 old school yes bring the arcades back but maybe make the games 10 cents and the pop games 25 cents i think greed was one resonit failed in the first place
I'll be 24 next month.

I love going to the arcades and watching people play and playing someone else in person.

I would like for more games to come out at the arcades, especially with the fighters because with arcade testing, a lot of bugs can be discovered before the home release.
be 25 in Dec. but the arcades were definatly the golden years back in the early 90's. But in terms of bringing them back nowadays, i definatley dont think it would be the same because of the current home consoles and how far they've come along throughout the years obviously but the only way i can see arcades returning and being anything like it once was is to have developers have more powerful deveopment tools than the home consoles and release them first in the arcades.then do the conversion thing like back then (i.e. Any MK "Arcade" version converted down to days of SNES and genesis). Thats part of what i think arcades were big becuase it left people sometimes wondering what in the arcades can they look forward to playing at home. Just in my opinion
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

09/30/2005 05:53 PM (UTC)
I'm 21, and yeah I wish MK would go back to the arcades. I still play at the arcade across the hall from where I work whenever I get a half hour break. I still play SF3: Third Strike a lot.
09/30/2005 11:27 PM (UTC)
dammit, im the youngest person on this thread by 6 years (im 13) and ive been an mker since i was 5, even without fatalities it was cool (kano was my fav.) on the next subject, HELL YES. i loved arcades, and online isnt even close to the arcade experience. for one, if the machine breaks, you get your money back, the arcade panels are the best for playing fighting games, they were the only things keeping avid gamers tied to the real world, and you can play any game you want without buying it. my favorite non-mk game in the arcades would have to be.... tekken 3. i could not get enough of that game. an arcade at the mall i go to (alladins castle) still has the machine, and i waste at least 5 bucks on that machine every time i step in.
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