how many people think they should bring back human smoke?
posted11/23/2005 10:37 PM (UTC)by
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10/13/2005 04:44 AM (UTC)
ok im doing a poll on how many people think about putting human smoke back in mk7.
11/14/2005 01:10 PM (UTC)
yeah i liked better wen he was human
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It's offical. you Suck!

11/14/2005 02:59 PM (UTC)
I like human Smoke better, the MK team should bring him back
11/14/2005 10:42 PM (UTC)
God no!!!!

How can he had been better as a ninja/human when he was a complete clone from Scorpion. Nothing interesting or important, just another boring pallet swap.

As a robot (even though he started at the side of the other 2 robots) he is more interesting for he has developed a story that makes him important. A trapped mind looking desperately for a soul, he is being controlled and acts against his will, he fights to get free.
11/15/2005 12:27 AM (UTC)
pallet swap? look what they did to scorpion, sub-zero, reptile and ermac. They could have his smoke body, like in deception. if he were free, he could seek revenge on noob or even sub-zero ( his minds probably twisted quite a bit ).
11/15/2005 05:13 AM (UTC)
I'd rather they have Smoke continue to evolve into a more ethereal, elemental form.
Since Cyrax kind of stole the "cyborg who wants his soul back" story, I'd like to see Smoke escape his cyborg body on his own and become something neither human nor cyborg. Completely ethereal like his Deception alt.

IMO, it's past time Smoke becomes his own character.
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11/15/2005 06:59 AM (UTC)
his ethereal form is still a cyborg: remember that when Noob Saibot found him, his nanotechnology reshaped him. Smoke is a cyborg of microscopic swarms of nanoids.

It has already been stated that Human Smoke exists only as a memory in the cyborg. No chance, reason or "coolness" of having him human again. And no, it doesn't matter what they did to Scorpion, Sub-Zero or Ermac, they are still the same.
11/15/2005 04:00 PM (UTC)
Aye. Smoke should stay a robot. If they made him into a human they'd have to totally rethink his moves and abiltiies. As a cyborg he seems better anyway.
11/15/2005 04:07 PM (UTC)
how the hell can they do that?...hes a fuckin robot now!! he cant go back to human..dats like makin darth vader into a human again after losin his limbs n bein burnt alive...
11/15/2005 04:25 PM (UTC)
I think too that he sould stay a cyborg. When he escapes from his cyber-body then Cyrax is able to do this too. He has his own mind and soul but he can ́t escape his cyber-body although he is a member of the U.S Special Forces which has the best technology.

My idea is that he should stay a caborg and evil too, He maybe will get his soul and mind back but then he realizes that Sub-Zero became to soft and destroyed the mighy glory of the assasins of the Lin Kuei. So he will stay on Noob ́s side which was a friend of him too when he was still human and they will try to destroy all his former clan-members and will create a cyber-demon armee.
11/15/2005 11:07 PM (UTC)
cmon its mortal kombat, anything can happen. and how are scorpion sub-zero and ermac be the same? i was referring to thier costumes.
11/16/2005 01:28 AM (UTC)
Smoke is one of those characters that make me just go eh? confused
11/16/2005 04:58 AM (UTC)
I like human Smoke too, but storywise it'll take either a genius or just plain stupid plot development to change him back. There's no real middle ground there.

I think the best would just to include his human form as a hidden novelty outfit for him. A non-cannon unlockable if you will. His human form has been given an unique look in MKSM to use already, so it wouldn't be just a palette swap of Scorpion anymore. That should please his fans without getting weird with the plotline.

I will say one thing: if they are going to meddle with his form yet again, now would be the time to do it. Being exposed to Netherrealm appears to have brought his internal struggle to a boiling point (assuming there'll be any truth to Ashrah's ending in MK7). Midway could pull almost any outcome they please out of this; they've worked with less.
11/23/2005 08:23 PM (UTC)
Sorry, but i HATE the elemental Smoke! And to call him human smoke is just plain silly.

I wouldve prefered the Shaolin Monks Human Smoke instead.

But yes, i want "HUMAN" Smoke to return. Not ELEMENTAL Smoke.

Besides, Elemental Smoke isn't cannon anyway. Smoke was always refered to as Cyborg in the Deception story line. I kinda agree that Smoke should stay a cyborg for awhile. I like to think that one day, in one of the future MK's. That Smoke could become human again. Well almost human with a implants inside his body. But not on the outside of body, mind you. I like for him to have the Shaolin Monks Costume. For those of you with one tracked minds. Why do YOU think its impossible for Smoke to human again. Does anyone ever watch Star Trek: The Next Generation or Voyager I have two characters. In mind CAPTAIN PICARD, if we all thought like you. This man would still be lacutus of borg instead of Captain Picard. Probly would dead by now with Riker as the new captain of the enterprise. Riker would kill Picard to save the Enterprise and his crew. Because he felt there was no alturnative. Another character SEVEN of NINE She's been a borg, since she was a child. Man she was butt ugly in her borg persona. But when the crew of the Voyager freed her from the collective, they gave back her free will and her good looks. If she was still a borg, she would have to die. Because she would still pose a threat to the crew. But you guys would love this plot twist in that series. But i' m here to point out, that if Smoke ever did become human again. The series would still be great despite this change. This is no different than wanting Reptile back despite the fact that he's currently possessed by Onaga. In term, I'm saying nothing is impossible.
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11/23/2005 09:05 PM (UTC)
Sory to say, but elemental Smoke is canon. If you follow Noob Smokes bio, noob Saibot reactivates Smokes nanotechnology. Nanoids are small microscopical units of metallic units in a swarm, in theory, so elemental Smoke IS canon in a sense that he is a cyborg separated into thousands of small droids acting up as a visible Smoke. There you go.

The problem with nanotechnology is that we cannot construct machines of microscopic, or to be more precuise subatomic levels what would act on a programmed conciousness, and the magnetic fields would only distrupt their movements. Though I like the idea eve if it's not possible with technology.
11/23/2005 09:37 PM (UTC)
Keep Smoke as an evil robot..He finally has a storyline which could make him important..Why change that ?
11/23/2005 09:44 PM (UTC)
Grizzle Wrote:
Smoke is one of those characters that make me just go eh? confused

I know! I'd like to like him but all three cyborgs to me seem kinda out of place. A robot that knows martial arts and has dread locks just doesn't seem right in MK. Don't get me wrong they are really cool characters and great designed but the whole concept of making humans into robots seemed silly to me. wow
About Me

11/23/2005 09:58 PM (UTC)
Essentially not, since cyborgs are reality. People in the present with those advanced prostethics and artificial organs are essentially cyborgs and not robots.

We saw what Cyrax looks like under the armor, now combine that with the sight exaggeration of technology in MK and it becomes a bit tolerable. But not enough, a nanotech cloud influenced by Smokes original powers (and hence the purpose of the LK for making Smoke the one to possess thee-se nanotechs) is ok, if it can form to be ahuman most of the time, but thats the furthest extent thwey should go with it if they must.

The chest cavity holding a giant buzzsaw although tricky, is foolish IMO, it could have had a different place, and Sektors payload of missiles is pure dumbness imo. Where the hell does the exhaust flare goes after the la-unch, especially if he has a Stalin Organ in his chest? (backthrow force calculated, Sektor would fly back tens of meters if he attacks with this, lol)
11/23/2005 10:11 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
The chest cavity holding a giant buzzsaw although tricky, is foolish IMO, it could have had a different place,!Quote>

Stop being filthy!!!

FILTH!!! wowtongue
11/23/2005 10:37 PM (UTC)
The nano technology reshaped his cyborg form, its not his elemental form.
Like i said before that form is not cannon. Well in my opion, its not!

I'm not judgeing by the costumes in the endings, because they can be deceiving.

Noob-Smoke costumes are kinda backwards anyway.

I know they want to flesh out Noob to reviel that he was once a human.
But it shouldve been his secondary costume.

Its like the Deadly Aliance, where the real costume Subzero was locked away while you had to play the alturante for the time being.

Black Wraith Noob is Noob's real form.
Cyborg Smoke is Smoke's real form.

Why do i think Cyborg is Smokes real form?

Because the Smoke had dredlocks just like Cyrax and Sektor, Plus Smoke didn't originaly have those stupid tubes on the mouth part and that jetpack.
I believe the nano technology did minor change to his body.

I thinking that after part 3, is when Cyrax, Sektor and Smoke started to evolve in there own serparte way.

Of course i never played MK 4 Gold, So i don't know its Cyrax and Sektor shared the same exact model parts, during that time.

Its cool that Cryrax form is staying closer to home. I know Sektor could be out there remodeling his body to be stronger. Maybe the helmet too?
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