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01/19/2012 02:39 AM (UTC)
When you talk about things like characters "potential" and "deriviative" characters, it starts to get extremely subjective. Another man's trash is another man's treasure.

Baraka gets a lot of crap from people for not having a great story, for being a lackey etc, but he's always been my favorite character and I still hold out hope that some writer at NRS will wake up one day and decide to turn him in to a schemer that's plotting to fill the void left by the death of Shao Khan in outworld or SOMETHING that makes him seem like more than a dim-witted monster servant.

I think that there are several undervalued characters that haven't really been given a full chance to succeed. What if Reiko is actually Shao Khan, and the one killed in MK9 was a decoy?

Or what if Kira actually had her own move set to go with her cool look? Or Kobra wasn't the MK team's attempt at Karate Kid themed humor? Or Drahmin and Mavado had more moves that took advantage of their unique looks/storylines/accessories?

There are a few characters that I absolutely wouldn't want to see, but for the most part, there are a lot that could have potential or could be derivative. There are a few sacred cows, but not nearly as many as the entire population of the trilogy cast.

Here are the characters that I'd want in the next MK:

Sub Zero
Johnny Cage
Shang Tsung
Kung Lao
Shao Khan (playable w/ regular character moves/combos)
Quan Chi
Li Mei
Bo Rai Cho

Then Six new characters that are in the tournament that wouldn't have been had Raiden not altered the timeline and four DLC characters.

01/19/2012 04:21 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
When you talk about things like characters "potential" and "deriviative" characters, it starts to get extremely subjective. Another man's trash is another man's treasure.

Baraka gets a lot of crap from people for not having a great story, for being a lackey etc, but he's always been my favorite character and I still hold out hope that some writer at NRS will wake up one day and decide to turn him in to a schemer that's plotting to fill the void left by the death of Shao Khan in outworld or SOMETHING that makes him seem like more than a dim-witted monster servant.

I think that there are several undervalued characters that haven't really been given a full chance to succeed. What if Reiko is actually Shao Khan, and the one killed in MK9 was a decoy?

Or what if Kira actually had her own move set to go with her cool look? Or Kobra wasn't the MK team's attempt at Karate Kid themed humor? Or Drahmin and Mavado had more moves that took advantage of their unique looks/storylines/accessories?

There are a few characters that I absolutely wouldn't want to see, but for the most part, there are a lot that could have potential or could be derivative. There are a few sacred cows, but not nearly as many as the entire population of the trilogy cast.

Here are the characters that I'd want in the next MK:

Sub Zero
Johnny Cage
Shang Tsung
Kung Lao
Shao Khan (playable w/ regular character moves/combos)
Quan Chi
Li Mei
Bo Rai Cho

Then Six new characters that are in the tournament that wouldn't have been had Raiden not altered the timeline and four DLC characters.

Nice list dude. It's definitely different from a lot of the ones I've seen. Do you have any specific ones from MK4 and on that you absolutely wouldn't want to see though?

Also, I really like you're idea of Reiko actually being Kahn. It could work. Ya never know.

My idea for Kira is farfetched. However, I'm going to tell it anyway.

If I wrote MK. I would give it a little more realism. I've discussed this with some of the other members here, but I have always thought that Kano acted somewhat pervy to Sonya and perhaps a rape storyline would have made their rivalry more important.

Say that rape gets Sonya pregnant and she gives the baby up for adoption. Years later when Sonya is getting older, and Kano is possibly dead, Kira comes along and someone informs her that her birth mother is alive and kicking. She then seeks Sonya out and attempts to get kill Sonya for abandoning her. It would explain why exactly she had both of their moves.lol. I just thought that Kira was always a mix of Kano and Sonya and that'd be an interesting way to add her into the mix of things.

I also think that kharacters who get newly introduced should have ties to an already existing kharacter. That way they are already relevant and you don't have to make them a kharacter who is just there. Anyway that's my thoughts on Kira. I realize it's a little crazy, and that's mostly just fan thinking there. I've thought of storylines before and really that's all I can think of for Kira. Not that it's neccessarily good, it's just all I could think of for her.
01/19/2012 03:34 PM (UTC)
Wish Kano truly died at the hands of Sonya this time. Maybe Jarek will take his place but with his own moves.

Well... should he go for a cowboy style or something?
About Me

<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

01/19/2012 03:47 PM (UTC)
Thanks for the thoughts on my post Scar_Subby. I like the thread that you have going here, for sure.

As for the MK4-MKA characters that I wouldn't want to see? Well, it really just comes down to my own preference of who I'd like to see them re-work or expand upon or fix and who I wouldn't.

That could come from something as simple as their look, or their story, or their moves and where I personally see potential. But seriously, anything could be done to any character to drastically improve them.

Take Hsu Hao for example. A vast majority of MK fans, and even Ed Boon himself, have basically intimated that they don't want to see this character again. But what if he had a different outfit?

What if he lost what looks like a chinese police hat, and the whole giant red heart implant that was basically a ripoff of Kano's eye implant to begin with? Suppose they covered him in tattoos, gave him some brutal moves and look that was less "big muscle guy" and was maybe more a look similar to Chow Yun Fat's character in the 3rd Pirates of the Caribbean movie?

Not the best example, just what I could come up with off the top of my head. Sort of like a tough, warlord type, but with a cooler look and more detail.

But anyways, I'm skirting the issue here. Who do I personally not want to see?

Tanya: Never really dug her story, she just seemed like the betrayer and nothing more.
Reiko: If he's Shao Khan, fine. If not, he just seemed like another minion that offered little in the way of story.
Jarek: I like what they tried to do with him in MK:A, but he's still just another Black Dragon character and a relatively unnecessary one at that.
Frost: Not a bad idea, but the execution was bland. She really is just a female Sub Zero and not much more (to me at least).
Hsu Hao: Taken as he is, this character is just a mess. Terrible look, bad story. He'd basically have to be a completely different character.
Mokap: No reason he couldn't be included as a joke character again, but most people don't want roster space wasted on a joke character.
Blaze: Didn't really like the MK2 fan service version in MK:DA and really didn't need him to be the boss of MK:A. No real potential here (to me).
Shujinko: I like the look, but his story was so awful that it's hard to find anything redeeming about him.
Hotaru: I honestly hated the Order/Chaos plotline in MK:D. I thought it was silly and that what made Hotaru what he was, even if I dug his look.
Ashrah: Sure, I like that she doesn't dress like a skank, but she has little going for her. Weak moves, average look and a one and done story.
Dairou: Terrible look, story and moves. There were WAY better concepts for this character in the MK:DA krypt. They honestly picked the worst one IMO.
Kobra: Extremely bland moves, a story that wasn't overly interesting all suggest a character that wasn't meant to be taken seriously.
Darrius: Hated the Order Vs Resistance storyline as well. Hated his racial stereotype alt costume. Mediocre moves. Not much to like here.
Havik: I really didn't like that he got what should've been Noob's look in MK:D. His moves are corny and I dislike the whole "cleric of chaos" thing.
Onaga: I think that he deserved his spot in the regular timeline, but in the new timeline? Why go down this road again? Think of a new villain.
Taven: Bland as bland could be. His look, his moves, everything about him suggested that he was dull, uninspired and interchangeable.
Daegon: I liked Mavado as the guy in the Red Dragon, then this goofy looking idiot came along and ruined it. Bad moves, look etc.

Again though, that's just my opinion. I personally dislike every new MK3 character not named Kabal (I didn't include him for my list of character for the next game because I think we've seen all that he has to offer) just as I dislike almost all of the new MK:D characters.

As for the Kira storyline you proposed, the only issue I have is that the timeline doesn't work. Sonya is 26 at the start of the first MK tournament (according to the MK Wiki). Kira is 29 at the start of MK:D (again according to the MK Wiki).

Taking all of the math out of it and fudging some of those ages still wouldn't make it work because Kira was one of the chained up women in the most recent MK where Sonya, at the very least, was in her mid-20's and Kira looked like she was basically the same age as Sonya.

I know that all of that stuff is relative and you could claim that in an alternate timeline, anything's possible, but these characters have always looked to be very similar in age, making it seem imposible for one to be the other's mother.

I do like the idea of storylines that are more realistic and characters that are more realistic though. The first MK game, minus Goro, had a very realistic look and tone to me (special moves, jumping etc aside). It looked like real people in what could be real places doing special, super-human things.

In future MK's, I'd love to see the team go down a road that makes these characters more complete, more realistic and believable, even if there are monster characters. There should be real thought behind their actions and real complexities to who they are. Not just "the chosen one" and "the evil sorcerer" and "the ice ninja" etc.

MK fans love the story, while critics point out how ludicrous it can be. I think that there would be less ammo in the critic's collective guns if these characters were more 3D in how they talked, acted, etc within a story that was better executed. Not necessarily more believable in terms of what happens, but better, more complete and more compelling in how it all plays out.
About Me

<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

01/19/2012 04:43 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
I also think that kharacters who get newly introduced should have ties to an already existing kharacter. That way they are already relevant and you don't have to make them a kharacter who is just there. Anyway that's my thoughts on Kira. I realize it's a little crazy, and that's mostly just fan thinking there. I've thought of storylines before and really that's all I can think of for Kira. Not that it's neccessarily good, it's just all I could think of for her.

Here's why I disagree with this:

Jarek was a Black Dragon member who was unnecessary because he was basically Kano, not just in moves, but in storyline as well. When you have a character that relates this much to another character, they become almost a copy.

Frost was lessened by the fact that she was in the Lin Kuei because even though she wasn't what Jarek was to Kano (ie just another evil thug in a gang of evil thugs), she wore Sub Zero's colors, she had Sub Zero's moves, and those two things alone made her very un-original.

Kira's background gave her a ton of potential, but tying her to the already aging Black Dragon storyline squashed that potential. She went from being this evil arms dealer to more or less being Kabal's thug in training.

Jax has been one of the most stagnant characters in terms of storyline because he's forever tied to the special forces and Sonya / Kano. The best thing they've ever done is give him cybernetic arms, which I personally hated. But he's still forever resucing Sonya or hunting Kano and it makes him weaker as a character for having such story repetition.

Kabal had an AWESOME background in MK3. He WAS tied to Kano's Black Dragon, but then left and was nearly killed by the extermination squads. So what killed all that potential? Having him want to reform the Black Dragon again in MK:D instead of having him be a loner. He was cool as hell until they saddled him with an old story idea that had run it's course already.

Fujin was brought in as another God and seemed to be somewhat of a foil to Raiden, but that never really materialized, as he was left out of both MK:DA and MK:D. Raiden is still remembered as the god in the game and Fujin is in his shadow at best.

I could keep going, but my point is that characters that tend to be introduced in to existing storylines or attached to specific characters never really seem to get anywhere or evolve beyond their initial concept.

Could they though? Could Jax get framed for a crime he didn't commit and be hunted down by Sonya, his former parter who has mixed emotions about going after him? Could this lead to a bigger conspiracy involving the U.S. Government, out of fear, siding with an invading force like Shang Tsung or Shao Khan or something else? (sorry, just going off the top of my head again)

Absolutely. But history hasn't really shown that to be the case with NRS. Once they establish a character, that character seems to simply remain in that storyline, with the small group of characters they interact with and honestly? It's why alot of those stories, like the Black Dragon, the Lin Kuei, the Special Forces etc have become rather stagnant over the years.

Just my opinion though.
01/21/2012 04:17 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
I also think that kharacters who get newly introduced should have ties to an already existing kharacter. That way they are already relevant and you don't have to make them a kharacter who is just there. Anyway that's my thoughts on Kira. I realize it's a little crazy, and that's mostly just fan thinking there. I've thought of storylines before and really that's all I can think of for Kira. Not that it's neccessarily good, it's just all I could think of for her.

Here's why I disagree with this:

Jarek was a Black Dragon member who was unnecessary because he was basically Kano, not just in moves, but in storyline as well. When you have a character that relates this much to another character, they become almost a copy.

Frost was lessened by the fact that she was in the Lin Kuei because even though she wasn't what Jarek was to Kano (ie just another evil thug in a gang of evil thugs), she wore Sub Zero's colors, she had Sub Zero's moves, and those two things alone made her very un-original.

Kira's background gave her a ton of potential, but tying her to the already aging Black Dragon storyline squashed that potential. She went from being this evil arms dealer to more or less being Kabal's thug in training.

Jax has been one of the most stagnant characters in terms of storyline because he's forever tied to the special forces and Sonya / Kano. The best thing they've ever done is give him cybernetic arms, which I personally hated. But he's still forever resucing Sonya or hunting Kano and it makes him weaker as a character for having such story repetition.

Kabal had an AWESOME background in MK3. He WAS tied to Kano's Black Dragon, but then left and was nearly killed by the extermination squads. So what killed all that potential? Having him want to reform the Black Dragon again in MK:D instead of having him be a loner. He was cool as hell until they saddled him with an old story idea that had run it's course already.

Fujin was brought in as another God and seemed to be somewhat of a foil to Raiden, but that never really materialized, as he was left out of both MK:DA and MK:D. Raiden is still remembered as the god in the game and Fujin is in his shadow at best.

I could keep going, but my point is that characters that tend to be introduced in to existing storylines or attached to specific characters never really seem to get anywhere or evolve beyond their initial concept.

Could they though? Could Jax get framed for a crime he didn't commit and be hunted down by Sonya, his former parter who has mixed emotions about going after him? Could this lead to a bigger conspiracy involving the U.S. Government, out of fear, siding with an invading force like Shang Tsung or Shao Khan or something else? (sorry, just going off the top of my head again)

Absolutely. But history hasn't really shown that to be the case with NRS. Once they establish a character, that character seems to simply remain in that storyline, with the small group of characters they interact with and honestly? It's why alot of those stories, like the Black Dragon, the Lin Kuei, the Special Forces etc have become rather stagnant over the years.

Just my opinion though.

I feel like that's looking at some of the bad examples though. Let's look at when they used to introduce characters into existing storylines.

Jax with Sonya in MK2. I know you see it as a negative, but one man's negative is another's positive. Jax may not even exist if it wasn't for Sonya. Period. I do view him as stagnant, however I'll get to that in a moment.

Sektor and Cyrax as a storyline for Sub-Zero.

Rain with Kitana and Edenia as a whole.

Li Mei with Shang Tsung. Kenshi with Shang Tsung for that matter.

Bo Rai Cho as a trainer for the best warriors.

Also I see nothing wrong with Fujin besides he was pretty much dropped until Armageddon. WTF?

There are good examples too, I feel you just overlooked them.

Jarek,Kira, and Frost I think are bad examples.

Let me say why.

Jarek is just generic in general. No real individuality to him whatsoever. He was pretty much just Kano for MK4. I said incorporate them into a story,not try to copy someone else's story completely.

Frost is just a bad concept. She uses Ice and is female. She dresses in blue, which I've already said we had Kitana already. She uses Ice like Sub-Zero. So why is she needed? She's just unoriginal and was pretty much bound to fail from the get go. She's just a copy, that's it.

Kira could have been a good character had they not copied both Kano's and Sonya's moves onto her. Then on top of that they incorporated her into an already dead black dragon storyline. Very few people have ever cared about the black dragon, and attaching a character to them will most likely make them fail.

Remember, I said they should incorporate new characters with existing characters. That doesn't mean that the new character's storyline forever has to follow that existing character though. Like Jax. Bringing him in with Sonya was a smart move. However, leaving him with her forever was a bad move, and that's why he's stagnant now. I still stand by the statement though that when they bring in a new character, that character should have some tie to an already existing character.

01/22/2012 09:08 PM (UTC)
I also think that kharacters who get newly introduced should have ties to an already existing kharacter. That way they are already relevant and you don't have to make them a kharacter who is just there.

Frost was lessened by the fact that she was in the Lin Kuei because even though she wasn't what Jarek was to Kano (ie just another evil thug in a gang of evil thugs), she wore Sub Zero's colors, she had Sub Zero's moves, and those two things alone made her very un-original.

Jax has been one of the most stagnant characters in terms of storyline because he's forever tied to the special forces and Sonya / Kano. The best thing they've ever done is give him cybernetic arms, which I personally hated. But he's still forever resucing Sonya or hunting Kano and it makes him weaker as a character for having such story repetition.

Kabal had an AWESOME background in MK3. He WAS tied to Kano's Black Dragon, but then left and was nearly killed by the extermination squads. So what killed all that potential? Having him want to reform the Black Dragon again in MK:D instead of having him be a loner. He was cool as hell until they saddled him with an old story idea that had run it's course already.

Fujin was brought in as another God and seemed to be somewhat of a foil to Raiden, but that never really materialized, as he was left out of both MK:DA and MK:D. Raiden is still remembered as the god in the game and Fujin is in his shadow at best.

Frost is just a bad concept. She uses Ice and is female. She dresses in blue, which I've already said we had Kitana already. She uses Ice like Sub-Zero. So why is she needed? She's just unoriginal and was pretty much bound to fail from the get go. She's just a copy, that's it.

Kira could have been a good character had they not copied both Kano's and Sonya's moves onto her. Then on top of that they incorporated her into an already dead black dragon storyline. Very few people have ever cared about the black dragon, and attaching a character to them will most likely make them fail.

Remember, I said they should incorporate new characters with existing characters. That doesn't mean that the new character's storyline forever has to follow that existing character though. Like Jax. Bringing him in with Sonya was a smart move. However, leaving him with her forever was a bad move, and that's why he's stagnant now. I still stand by the statement though that when they bring in a new character, that character should have some tie to an already existing character.

In response to the criticisms of "Frost" I'll acknowledge that she seems to be a imitation copy of Sub-Zero, but I think with a span of creativity she could be a character that's reinvigorated. If it were up to me I would do the following...

First, I would give her a new look. I think the look from Ibuki in Street Fighter would be an appropriate look being as how she's supposedly is a female ninja warrior. I would give her a pair of ballooning hakama pants in blue with no holes in the pants and the attire would be tucked in at the shins, with ninja footwear. Then I would give her a sleeveless blue gi like attire like Ibuki wears in Street Fighter with a symbol over her heart indicating her alliance with her clan, (a point I'll get into more detail later on.) Then I would give her a blue sleeveless undershirt to cover up her chest and neck region. And finally she would wear a moderatedly clothed facial mask covering the lower part of her face. She would also have her patented frost bitten white hair tips and black forearm and wrist pads similar to what MMA fighters would wear or the ones that MK1 had on Scorpion & Sub-Zero. I think this would give her a look that would differeniate herself from her counterpart Sub-Zero.

Second, although she would still command the powers of ice, I would make it to where she would have differeniating ice moves from Sub-Zero. There are numerous possiblities you can create with ice without having to be the same as Sub-Zero's. Matter of fact, I'll post my ideas for her moves in a separate thread to test the waters but it would seem that I've come up with at least 12 moves for her that aren't photocopies of Sub-Zero's move sets, al beit a few of them might be similar. And because her ties with her apprentice Sub-Zero, it would explain the resemblance in their move sets to a degree. This would also go for her X-Ray moves, fatalities, and fighting styles. I think it would be important that she have a similar fighting style to Sub-Zero, such as Ninjitsu techniques, Hapkido and other various fighting styles that would be indicative of ninjas. I think this along with a good storyline would give her the perfect balance of being similar but different to Sub-Zero.

Third, her storyline would be changed up to better explain her motivations, origins, and ties to exisiting characters. I would make it to where she was originally, a member of the Shirai Ryu ninja clan, with ties to Scorpion and other unnamed ninja warriors. And due to her lack of discipline or maturity she was restricted to be trained in the Shirai Ryu variations of Ninjitsu. So due to being frustrated and confined to minimal roles within the walls of the Shirai Ryu, she went rogue faked her death and searched elsewhere for a master to teach her how to fight and came across Sub-Zero, whom she had more natural chemistry with in terms of mentality and personality wise.
She would then begin novice level training with him and learn some of the Lin Kuei's sacred ice techniques which would more thoroughly explain the resemblance in their move sets. But since Sub-Zero and Frost are deemed somewhat rivals based on previous storylines, a twist in the narrative could be that she abruptly ended their training due to her impatient nature and stole a Lin Kuei artifact, Ei Ching manual, that contained some of the more sacred and more traditional martial arts of the Lin Kuei. To make the long story shorter, she teaches herself some of the moves and harnests her moves back on the grounds of the Shirai Ryu and incites the past war and conflict between the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu. This would build the rivialry between Sub-Zero and Frost, explain the past war between Shirai Ryu and the Lin Kuei and also explain the similarities in Sub-Zero's and Frost's skill set. I think this storyline seems plausible.

What do you think? Comments, criticisms?

01/23/2012 01:05 AM (UTC)
Esoteric Wrote:
I also think that kharacters who get newly introduced should have ties to an already existing kharacter. That way they are already relevant and you don't have to make them a kharacter who is just there.

Frost was lessened by the fact that she was in the Lin Kuei because even though she wasn't what Jarek was to Kano (ie just another evil thug in a gang of evil thugs), she wore Sub Zero's colors, she had Sub Zero's moves, and those two things alone made her very un-original.

Jax has been one of the most stagnant characters in terms of storyline because he's forever tied to the special forces and Sonya / Kano. The best thing they've ever done is give him cybernetic arms, which I personally hated. But he's still forever resucing Sonya or hunting Kano and it makes him weaker as a character for having such story repetition.

Kabal had an AWESOME background in MK3. He WAS tied to Kano's Black Dragon, but then left and was nearly killed by the extermination squads. So what killed all that potential? Having him want to reform the Black Dragon again in MK:D instead of having him be a loner. He was cool as hell until they saddled him with an old story idea that had run it's course already.

Fujin was brought in as another God and seemed to be somewhat of a foil to Raiden, but that never really materialized, as he was left out of both MK:DA and MK:D. Raiden is still remembered as the god in the game and Fujin is in his shadow at best.

Frost is just a bad concept. She uses Ice and is female. She dresses in blue, which I've already said we had Kitana already. She uses Ice like Sub-Zero. So why is she needed? She's just unoriginal and was pretty much bound to fail from the get go. She's just a copy, that's it.

Kira could have been a good character had they not copied both Kano's and Sonya's moves onto her. Then on top of that they incorporated her into an already dead black dragon storyline. Very few people have ever cared about the black dragon, and attaching a character to them will most likely make them fail.

Remember, I said they should incorporate new characters with existing characters. That doesn't mean that the new character's storyline forever has to follow that existing character though. Like Jax. Bringing him in with Sonya was a smart move. However, leaving him with her forever was a bad move, and that's why he's stagnant now. I still stand by the statement though that when they bring in a new character, that character should have some tie to an already existing character.

In response to the criticisms of "Frost" I'll acknowledge that she seems to be a imitation copy of Sub-Zero, but I think with a span of creativity she could be a character that's reinvigorated. If it were up to me I would do the following...

First, I would give her a new look. I think the look from Ibuki in Street Fighter would be an appropriate look being as how she's supposedly is a female ninja warrior. I would give her a pair of ballooning hakama pants in blue with no holes in the pants and the attire would be tucked in at the shins, with ninja footwear. Then I would give her a sleeveless blue gi like attire like Ibuki wears in Street Fighter with a symbol over her heart indicating her alliance with her clan, (a point I'll get into more detail later on.) Then I would give her a blue sleeveless undershirt to cover up her chest and neck region. And finally she would wear a moderatedly clothed facial mask covering the lower part of her face. She would also have her patented frost bitten white hair tips and black forearm and wrist pads similar to what MMA fighters would wear or the ones that MK1 had on Scorpion & Sub-Zero. I think this would give her a look that would differeniate herself from her counterpart Sub-Zero.

Second, although she would still command the powers of ice, I would make it to where she would have differeniating ice moves from Sub-Zero. There are numerous possiblities you can create with ice without having to be the same as Sub-Zero's. Matter of fact, I'll post my ideas for her moves in a separate thread to test the waters but it would seem that I've come up with at least 12 moves for her that aren't photocopies of Sub-Zero's move sets, al beit a few of them might be similar. And because her ties with her apprentice Sub-Zero, it would explain the resemblance in their move sets to a degree. This would also go for her X-Ray moves, fatalities, and fighting styles. I think it would be important that she have a similar fighting style to Sub-Zero, such as Ninjitsu techniques, Hapkido and other various fighting styles that would be indicative of ninjas. I think this along with a good storyline would give her the perfect balance of being similar but different to Sub-Zero.

Third, her storyline would be changed up to better explain her motivations, origins, and ties to exisiting characters. I would make it to where she was originally, a member of the Shirai Ryu ninja clan, with ties to Scorpion and other unnamed ninja warriors. And due to her lack of discipline or maturity she was restricted to be trained in the Shirai Ryu variations of Ninjitsu. So due to being frustrated and confined to minimal roles within the walls of the Shirai Ryu, she went rogue faked her death and searched elsewhere for a master to teach her how to fight and came across Sub-Zero, whom she had more natural chemistry with in terms of mentality and personality wise.
She would then begin novice level training with him and learn some of the Lin Kuei's sacred ice techniques which would more thoroughly explain the resemblance in their move sets. But since Sub-Zero and Frost are deemed somewhat rivals based on previous storylines, a twist in the narrative could be that she abruptly ended their training due to her impatient nature and stole a Lin Kuei artifact, Ei Ching manual, that contained some of the more sacred and more traditional martial arts of the Lin Kuei. To make the long story shorter, she teaches herself some of the moves and harnests her moves back on the grounds of the Shirai Ryu and incites the past war and conflict between the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu. This would build the rivialry between Sub-Zero and Frost, explain the past war between Shirai Ryu and the Lin Kuei and also explain the similarities in Sub-Zero's and Frost's skill set. I think this storyline seems plausible.

What do you think? Comments, criticisms?

Those ideas are pretty good. However, I just can't see her as being much more than a female Sub-Zero at this point.

Even if I did though, I'd have a hard time believing she deserves a roster spot over someone else. Which is mainly what this thread is about. I guess what I'm saying is that I feel a lot of the characters from MK4 and onward deserve a revamp. However, Frost is one that I would probably scrap all together. Don't get me wrong she wasn't horrible, she just would still come across as a copycat character.

I do agree though that there are ways to incorporate Ice in other ways. i wouldn't have her Freeze anyone though. That's subz signature move and she doesn't need it. First thing I would do is give her Ice throwing daggers and that would be her main move.
01/23/2012 04:43 AM (UTC)
Yeah, well I think characters within MK4 - MKA should deserve a chance, and in this case she would apply. I would think that she would have a unique enough move set and look to set herself apart from other characters. And I think this would make her gameplay unique enough to create her own buzz as a individual character. And I mean, although she would have some close similarities I would also remind you that, there are other existing characters already in the game that bare resemblences.

For example, Noob's slide move, Reptile's slime move = Sub-Zero's slide move. Mileena's teleport and Skarlet's teleport are very similar and are similar characters imo. Goro/Kintaro/Sheeva very similar skill sets.

I still think she could have potential to have a credible roster spot in the game if she her move set is revamped.
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01/28/2012 06:27 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Baraka407 Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
I also think that kharacters who get newly introduced should have ties to an already existing kharacter. That way they are already relevant and you don't have to make them a kharacter who is just there. Anyway that's my thoughts on Kira. I realize it's a little crazy, and that's mostly just fan thinking there. I've thought of storylines before and really that's all I can think of for Kira. Not that it's neccessarily good, it's just all I could think of for her.

Here's why I disagree with this:

Jarek was a Black Dragon member who was unnecessary because he was basically Kano, not just in moves, but in storyline as well. When you have a character that relates this much to another character, they become almost a copy.

Frost was lessened by the fact that she was in the Lin Kuei because even though she wasn't what Jarek was to Kano (ie just another evil thug in a gang of evil thugs), she wore Sub Zero's colors, she had Sub Zero's moves, and those two things alone made her very un-original.

Kira's background gave her a ton of potential, but tying her to the already aging Black Dragon storyline squashed that potential. She went from being this evil arms dealer to more or less being Kabal's thug in training.

Jax has been one of the most stagnant characters in terms of storyline because he's forever tied to the special forces and Sonya / Kano. The best thing they've ever done is give him cybernetic arms, which I personally hated. But he's still forever resucing Sonya or hunting Kano and it makes him weaker as a character for having such story repetition.

Kabal had an AWESOME background in MK3. He WAS tied to Kano's Black Dragon, but then left and was nearly killed by the extermination squads. So what killed all that potential? Having him want to reform the Black Dragon again in MK:D instead of having him be a loner. He was cool as hell until they saddled him with an old story idea that had run it's course already.

Fujin was brought in as another God and seemed to be somewhat of a foil to Raiden, but that never really materialized, as he was left out of both MK:DA and MK:D. Raiden is still remembered as the god in the game and Fujin is in his shadow at best.

I could keep going, but my point is that characters that tend to be introduced in to existing storylines or attached to specific characters never really seem to get anywhere or evolve beyond their initial concept.

Could they though? Could Jax get framed for a crime he didn't commit and be hunted down by Sonya, his former parter who has mixed emotions about going after him? Could this lead to a bigger conspiracy involving the U.S. Government, out of fear, siding with an invading force like Shang Tsung or Shao Khan or something else? (sorry, just going off the top of my head again)

Absolutely. But history hasn't really shown that to be the case with NRS. Once they establish a character, that character seems to simply remain in that storyline, with the small group of characters they interact with and honestly? It's why alot of those stories, like the Black Dragon, the Lin Kuei, the Special Forces etc have become rather stagnant over the years.

Just my opinion though.

I feel like that's looking at some of the bad examples though. Let's look at when they used to introduce characters into existing storylines.

Jax with Sonya in MK2. I know you see it as a negative, but one man's negative is another's positive. Jax may not even exist if it wasn't for Sonya. Period. I do view him as stagnant, however I'll get to that in a moment.

Sektor and Cyrax as a storyline for Sub-Zero.

Rain with Kitana and Edenia as a whole.

Li Mei with Shang Tsung. Kenshi with Shang Tsung for that matter.

Bo Rai Cho as a trainer for the best warriors.

Also I see nothing wrong with Fujin besides he was pretty much dropped until Armageddon. WTF?

There are good examples too, I feel you just overlooked them.

Jarek,Kira, and Frost I think are bad examples.

Let me say why.

Jarek is just generic in general. No real individuality to him whatsoever. He was pretty much just Kano for MK4. I said incorporate them into a story,not try to copy someone else's story completely.

Frost is just a bad concept. She uses Ice and is female. She dresses in blue, which I've already said we had Kitana already. She uses Ice like Sub-Zero. So why is she needed? She's just unoriginal and was pretty much bound to fail from the get go. She's just a copy, that's it.

Kira could have been a good character had they not copied both Kano's and Sonya's moves onto her. Then on top of that they incorporated her into an already dead black dragon storyline. Very few people have ever cared about the black dragon, and attaching a character to them will most likely make them fail.

Remember, I said they should incorporate new characters with existing characters. That doesn't mean that the new character's storyline forever has to follow that existing character though. Like Jax. Bringing him in with Sonya was a smart move. However, leaving him with her forever was a bad move, and that's why he's stagnant now. I still stand by the statement though that when they bring in a new character, that character should have some tie to an already existing character.

See, my issue with tying new characters to existing characters is that by only doing that, and saying that they can't be tied to other new characters in brand new plotlines, or just be trying to win, or they can't have their own internal struggle/issue/backstory to deal with in the place of a plotline with an existing character, you could potentially pigeonhole them in to predetermined categories.

In other words, a certain plotline and/or a certain group/race/faction. This has the danger of keeping old plotlines going for yet another game, and while there should be some connections between games, of course, I think that we can agree that there are some plotlines that have inevitably grown stale over the last two decades of games.

To me, that method of placing a character in with an existing character or group hasn't served this series well. It did at first (Jax in MK2 was a solid example by you).

But as the second game and third game passed by, the fourth and fith and sixth started showing what happens when you introduce another black dragon character, two lin kuei ninjas, three red dragon characters, another Lin Kuei ninja, two potential black dragon characters, an endless array of Khan henchmen etc.

You keep perpetuating the same old stories, the same old feuds, the same old plotlines and the same old factions. There's no growth. You've established the box and nothing can be done outside of it because those are the paramters.

I just think there's the potential for needlessly restricting what characters can be and where their stories can go.. Can a character be military without being someone that served with Sonya or an old war buddy of Jax? Do they have to be in the OIA?

I guess that's more of what I'm referring to. I don't see the need to pigeonhole a new character in to an existing storyline just because they're Edenian or Tarkatan etc. They don't HAVE to be tied to Kitana/Jade/Sindel or Baraka/Mileena.

I'd like to see new plotlines develop, so why tie them to other characters if they don't need to be? You said so yourself that new characters don't have to be forever tied to existing characters, right? Well, why can't new characters be tied to other new characters?

Sure, I wasn't a fan of Order/Resistance plotline with Hotaru/Dairou/Darrius, but that was mainly because I didn't like Seido and thought it, as well as those characters, were pretty bland. But best I can recall, they still worked just fine in their own storyline.

There are so many ways to introduce new characters, new plotlines etc and make them compelling. Saddling new characters with existing characters, stories, plotlines, factions etc only limits where they start and possibly where they go from game to game to game.

Just my 2 cents.
01/29/2012 03:56 AM (UTC)

Take Hotaru though. Like you said he was uninteresting being involved with Dairou or Darrius, and neither of them ever took off. However, the second he got thrown into a story line with existing characters, he is now one of the few from Deception that people think should be brought back. Remember when he tried to kill Sub-Zero, but Kenshi stopped him. See stuff like that just instantly makes him more popular.

I'm just saying that the success of a character, I believe, is directly affected by their connections to other characters. When you try to bring in new characters that no one knows anything about, and they don't know any of the old characters in the game it almost makes one wonder whether the character belongs in the game or not. I just really think that new characters should have at least one connection to a pre-existing character.
01/29/2012 01:08 PM (UTC)

That is exactly the way i see things to be honest. I too think that connecting a new/returning char to a character that people are more used to see in the roster could help this character gain some more interest. I can't tell for sure that it would work 100% each time though.

But that would probably be a good way to anchor some younger chars in the MK storyline for good.
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01/29/2012 11:14 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:

Take Hotaru though. Like you said he was uninteresting being involved with Dairou or Darrius, and neither of them ever took off. However, the second he got thrown into a story line with existing characters, he is now one of the few from Deception that people think should be brought back. Remember when he tried to kill Sub-Zero, but Kenshi stopped him. See stuff like that just instantly makes him more popular.

I'm just saying that the success of a character, I believe, is directly affected by their connections to other characters. When you try to bring in new characters that no one knows anything about, and they don't know any of the old characters in the game it almost makes one wonder whether the character belongs in the game or not. I just really think that new characters should have at least one connection to a pre-existing character.

I dunno, to me you're kind of making some leaps here. For one thing, we don't really know how many people like Hotaru. Sure, a good number of people in this one, three page thread seem to have him on their lists of returning characters, but that just means that there are some people (let's say 20, maybe?) wouldn't mind seeing him again.

I've been on this site for many years, read many threads, and I honestly don't recall a large number of people since the days of Deception and right before saying that they love Hotaru, regardless of whether he was paired with old or new characters.

Which bring me to my second point: You say that "the second he got thrown into a story line with existing characters, he is now one of the few from Deception that people think should be brought back."

You have absolutely nothing to back that statement up with other than your own assumptions, and to me that's a really large leap in logic. You're not only assuming that alot of people want Hotaru back, you're now assuming WHY they want him back?

I don't recall a large number of people on this or any MK fan site saying that they hated Hotaru until he was involved with Sub Zero / Kenshi and now they love him or even that this pairing was enough to push Hotaru from disliked to "wouldn't mind seeing him again."

For my part, I liked Hotaru's look when I first saw him, then thought that his origin was bland since I didn't like the order/resistance storyline. That's not to say that I'd never like a new storyline though.

To me, just pairing off a new character with someone old is lazy storytelling (why come up with something new and different and creative if you can just slap a Lin Kuei outfit or a hatred of this or that character on their bio and be done with it?) and as I tried to show you earlier, the results are rather mixed.

You said that I just picked the bad examples, but c'mon man, there were a LOT of examples to choose from, or at least enough take some of the validity away from the idea that pairing a new character with an old one is automatically a better way to go.

Sorry, I don't mean to sound angry or anything like that. I'm obviously not, and you do make some good points, I just respectfully disagree. I'd personally like to see some new plotlines, new factions and new ideas in the next game.

As much as I loved this MK game, I'm getting rather sick of a lot of the trilogy characters. I know that some have to come back, some should come back, but I honestly think that the longer MK keeps traveling old, well-traveled roads in terms of plotlines, factions etc, the more the overall story suffers for it.

If you disagree with that, obviously you're more than entitled to your opinion. No harm, no foul.

01/31/2012 08:22 AM (UTC)
I'll definitely agree with you on the fact that they can't milk the trilogy characters forever. That's why I've made a list before of people I think they should run with in the future and let others make an appearance here and there but as far as the story goes. Let them be done.

My list for people to continue on is:

Shang Tsung
Noob Saibot

and I guess that's pretty much it for a few definitive ones ya know. that's a good cast to group around and build off of. Sort of like my list of characters who should be in every game. Kenshi may seem questionable, but I believe he has so much potential to become the main hero of the game. If they'd just give him the chance.

I want new characters and I would like them to be able to survive on their own, however, I just feel that NRS track record isn't so great with doing that.
02/08/2012 12:18 AM (UTC)
Those have got to go:
- Darrius
- Kira
- Kobra
- Jarek
- Hsu Hao (Get a new anti-Jax)
- Frost
- Drahmin

The only ones that deserve to be redo-ed will be:
- Kai
- Reiko
- Shinnok
- Fujin
- Tanya
- Mavado
- Li Mei
- Bo'Rai Cho
- Nitara
- Ashrah
- Hotaru
- Dairou
- Shujinko (for MK11)
03/07/2012 08:28 PM (UTC)
I think all the characters could get redo yes even mokap and meat only one I can't see getting redone is hsu hoa cuz didn't Kano basically take his story
03/07/2012 10:42 PM (UTC)
Again I'll state that the characters that get redone or revamped I think should be ones that could be made viable and standout characters for the actual video game in terms of gameplay, unique move sets, techniques, fully developed combos, plausible yet realistic fatalities, x-ray moves, a traditional fighting style, costumes and finally a relatable backstory. I think the problem that I see with a lot of the posts here are that people don't really explain or expound on how these characters that deserve revamping would be viable characters to come in the future and yet appealing to the fans of MK, especially if they weren't deemed possible beforehand.

03/08/2012 06:35 AM (UTC)
Shinnok will have to give his moves a boost in the next game. Some people say he'd be like Darth Sideous.
03/09/2012 04:59 PM (UTC)
characters i'd like to see redone are

kai give him a style similar to eddy gordo in tekken. make have him be more of a counter hit type of fighter. like if the opponnet throws a kick he blocks it and grabs the fighter and does a frankeinsteiner. or say the fighter performs a punch he sidesteps it and performs an toss

fujin keep the wind based moves but have his style blend into his wind moves. he'd become more of a rushdown fighter. when he does a jumping knee it glides into the opponnet. every move he does make it flow.

shinnok keep updating his bone moves and focus less on his telaporting. give him more dark magic abilitys. maybe moves that revolve around fear and panic.

tanya i'd like to see her taken in a new way. give her control over bees,wasps,hornets,yellowjackets. it would make her fresh plus i'd think it match out her attire.

meat make him a projectile type of fighter. all his moves focus on not letting the fighter get close because he's bad close up. throwing body parts and such to repel against attacks.

nitara give her more flying based attacks and make her a rushdown/zoning character with her various blood/bit attacks.

drahmin have his club attachable to brighten up his moves selection. maybe give him control over various plages because he reminds me of the mummy.

fost keep her ice based powers but focus more on weapons. which would make her different than sub - zero. i think she has potential if done right.

le mei give her alot of various kicks and the ability to harness different elements into her kicks as a way of chi and focus. always though she could become the chun li of mk if done right.

kobra i wanted him to become more of a grappler that uses weapons like brass knucks,knifes, such. he'd make a great rival to stryker.

havik give him more moves that hurt himself to inflict bigger damage to the fighter. like taunts give him slight damage increase. make him very flexible and maybe stretchable in fatals.

ashrah give her more demon based moves and haver here transform during the fight. think that be a sight to see. human form have here more defensive.

hotaru i liked his look but naver cared for his moves. like if they gave him various flag attaks and the ability to fly.

sareena give her various dark magics and various weapon based moves. for her fatal i'd like to see quan other assassins help her destroy the opponnet.

chameleon more reptile based moves but have them different. do not want a copy cat character.

khameleon same thing as above but make the character faster.

hope you enjoyed. what do you think of my ideas for revamping the characters.
03/09/2012 05:15 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
characters i'd like to see redone are

kai give him a style similar to eddy gordo in tekken. make have him be more of a counter hit type of fighter. like if the opponnet throws a kick he blocks it and grabs the fighter and does a frankeinsteiner. or say the fighter performs a punch he sidesteps it and performs an toss

fujin keep the wind based moves but have his style blend into his wind moves. he'd become more of a rushdown fighter. when he does a jumping knee it glides into the opponnet. every move he does make it flow.

shinnok keep updating his bone moves and focus less on his telaporting. give him more dark magic abilitys. maybe moves that revolve around fear and panic.

tanya i'd like to see her taken in a new way. give her control over bees,wasps,hornets,yellowjackets. it would make her fresh plus i'd think it match out her attire.

meat make him a projectile type of fighter. all his moves focus on not letting the fighter get close because he's bad close up. throwing body parts and such to repel against attacks.

nitara give her more flying based attacks and make her a rushdown/zoning character with her various blood/bit attacks.

drahmin have his club attachable to brighten up his moves selection. maybe give him control over various plages because he reminds me of the mummy.

frost keep her ice based powers but focus more on weapons. which would make her different than sub - zero. i think she has potential if done right.

le mei give her alot of various kicks and the ability to harness different elements into her kicks as a way of chi and focus. always though she could become the chun li of mk if done right.

kobra i wanted him to become more of a grappler that uses weapons like brass knucks,knifes, such. he'd make a great rival to stryker.

havik give him more moves that hurt himself to inflict bigger damage to the fighter. like taunts give him slight damage increase. make him very flexible and maybe stretchable in fatals.

ashrah give her more demon based moves and haver here transform during the fight. think that be a sight to see. human form have here more defensive.

hotaru i liked his look but naver cared for his moves. like if they gave him various flag attaks and the ability to fly.

sareena give her various dark magics and various weapon based moves. for her fatal i'd like to see quan other assassins help her destroy the opponnet.

chameleon more reptile based moves but have them different. do not want a copy cat character.

khameleon same thing as above but make the character faster.

hope you enjoyed. what do you think of my ideas for revamping the characters.

Put Chameleon and Meat out of picture.

I like your ideas for Frost, Li Mei, Sareena, Tanya, Fujin & Kai. For Hotaru, I like his lava attacks.

For Ashrah, I'm thinking in her demon form, she use dark powers and in her purified self thanks to the kriss, she's use light powers. Kinda of almost different from Raiden's light and dark halves.

I'm not sure about Kobra though. Ya think they should bring him back? Cause I... don't feel him.

Does Tanya have to control yellow-colored insects? I remember there was a picture of her wielding a kusarigama.
03/09/2012 09:24 PM (UTC)
I for one like acidslayer ideas for characters to make them more unique maybe he should put some more for taven and dagon and Dario so they could be more unique instead of guys that all got fire moves
03/09/2012 09:47 PM (UTC)
I wanna see Dairou use earth powers.
03/09/2012 11:00 PM (UTC)
Dario with earth powers would be interesting butt tremor fans might be angry that he stole his moves lol
03/09/2012 11:04 PM (UTC)
i actually think all characters could return if they were redone but in a creative way. alot of mk characters use fire moves which make the new characters look bad. plus if there's copies of moves then it doesn't really make them unique it makes them ripoffs or clones.

anyways since you guys and girls like my ideas i can post some more. these are characters i never got into but if done different i'd play as them.

dariou i'd like him to use sound as his power. it would freshen the character up. his sound moves would be more juggle/zoning for this character. the sound itself could be similar to kitana's fan move or sindels scream. but not ripoffs as of any sorts.

darrius. i'd like him to use more mind type powers something along the lines of professor x in x-men. it would make him fresh. or even particle based moves. think along the lines of leo in charmed tv series.

enjoy. give feedback.smile
03/12/2012 12:37 AM (UTC)
Those are some pretty good ideas as far as using sound manipulation type of powers and mind control type of moves.
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