how i would envision mk10
posted03/10/2012 01:46 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/19/2011 10:46 PM (UTC)
Many people complain bout how mk4 suck and shinnok was a joke for a elder God and such and mk10 will basically give that story a second chance and I see many people wanting the story to be similar but I think it should be very different like the heroes in the pass game should not ne playable (besides sub zero cuz his fan boys would go crazy) and at most just be dlc characters for the original timeline shinnok kills the gods beside fujin this time raiden should have a vision and prevent shinnok from killing any of the gods and they will be new playable characters cuz I feel the battle should be epic like a God of war game and almost all the gods should do battle because this threat is to big to not do anything I mean in the first war they destroyed reptile entire race and a storyline reason as to my shinnok is so much harder and stronger this time is when he killed the gods he got cocky and didn't use his full power cuz why fear mortals when he killed gods so since he didn't kill the gods this time he's pissed and out for blood and hopefully they address mkda/mkd/mka so those story's never happen and the game after this will truly be new and original
03/08/2012 05:49 AM (UTC)
These are the characters that I would like in mk10 and why there in the game and story

Liu kang-after being knock unconscious by his former mentor and friend lord raiden he awakings in a tomb he rises and attacks his fellow monks after he tried to convince them of raiden foolishness after killing many of his former allies the fallen monk has a new goal in life to bring down the people he use to pray for and give his life for the gods and the elder gods.(his moves would be pretty much the same as his moves from past games)

Raiden-still haunted by visions of the future and all the lives ended in stopping shao Kahn attack raiden has very little time for rest as a vision shows of the impending attack of shinnok and his army he tirelessly travels to find new warriors along with old to fight this new threat(same moves as past games)

Sonya-after the battle against shaliek Kahn and the death of jax Sonya grew tired of fighting and the lost of loved ones so she left the special forces and everything else behind while on the road she saw a ghost that claimed to be her father while talking to this mysterious figure a thunder bolt hit near and raiden had appeared at first she wanted nothing to do with his request but as raiden pleaded she finally agrees to help in this new war but with her mind weak and vulnerable she wounders if she will survive this time

Johnny cage-being sent to the realm of deodorant by raiden to control his power he go to intense training and figures out he's a desendent of a cult who bread warriors to the gods not to long after raiden returns and recuirts him for a war and Johnny very eager to test his new skills.(he should get a new special or two to show he was training and a warrior bread for the gods)

Sub zero-he very confusedly woke in the neitherealm and beside him was a women she called herself sarrena she told him of how he wad killed and later brainwashed by quan Chi she also explained she helped him regained back his sanity because he reminded her of a warrior who almost saved her from this damed place he explained it was his older brother feeling he owed her for saving him and also his brother in the past he trys to escape the realm along with her much like his brother did years ago.

Scorpion-after the demise of both sub zeros scorpion still did not fell like he truly avenged his family and clan confused as to why he has this empty feeling he aimlessly woundered the neitherealm searching for why he still feels empty but one day a women a demon and former member of quan Chi brotherhood of shadows came to him and claim to know the truth to his problem with nothing left to lose or gain he went to meet her to seek this truth

Shujinko-a former monk and white loutus and even former Lin qui the adventurer himself continued on his quest till a thunderbolt stop him the thunder God claimed he was being deceived and needed to stop his quest not trusting the God he challenge him to battle with the winner being the truthful one after a great battle raiden is the Victor and he abandons his quest once and for all but his pass may come back to haunt him ''no one leaves the lin qui"(he should fight like the monk from killer instinct with the Roger spirit and his own moves)

Kai-a former member of the white loutus and a friend and student of mortal kombat champion Liu kang he was stop by the thunder God and ask to join him in the war against shinnok he agrees very quickly and ask of Liu kang raiden tells Kai of his death without saying it was raiden who took his life he gets payed a vist by quan Chi who explains it was raiden who took his former mentor an friends life Kai begins to doubt the thunder God and himself going into this final battle

Kenshi-the blind swordsman with a shadow like past is ask by raiden to join his troops kenshi agrees only because the neitherealms threat but will his team mates accept his past

Skarlet -a creation by shao Kahn she joins shinnoks troops buying her time before she eliminates quan Chi for betraying shao Kahn

Reiko-a current member of the brotherhood of shadow and one of Kaunas former top war generals after finding out of shao Kahn demise he starts to make a plan to take his thorn when the time is right he will betray the former elder God and claim his rightful thorn

Meat-a horrible creation by Shang tsung flesh pits he was tossed by the sorrcerar in the neitherealm for being a failure shinnok allowed him to stay due to hos amusing the former elder God but meat had other plans he wanted to know his true identity he now learning of the future invasion of earthrealm and outworld he might finnally find out his true identity(in my story he finds out he the lengendary samari music something that was killed during a past mk tournament

Mokap-raiden remembers while looking after earthrealm before the tenth tournament that Johnny cage was making a movie and the special forces jax and Sonya tried to stop his movie set from continuing and they did battle with Johnny and his directer who did very well against the special forces raiden finds Johnny directer and questions how he could handle himself against the special forces he answers the God saying he was a former martial arts teacher and master but gave it all away to do movies with his last student Johnny cage the thunder God pleadeds with him to join in the coming battle but mokap refuses till he learns Johnny will be there and decides to show his student how its done

Stuntman-raiden still looking for warriors is stump with little to no opinions but Johnny cage lets raiden know of a former rival of Johnnys raiden finds his rival and offers him a chance to fight he takes it without delay thinking he finally gets a chance to prove himself

Noon saibot-after being sucked away in the soulando noon actually teliports before he is killed by the millions and millions of souls there he soon goes to hiding sawing the advantage of everyone thinking he's dead soon he will rule the neitherealm(I would like his apprence to be like his original look in deception the secound costume havik has so he look more unique and people wont compare him to a Batman villian lol

Firegod-after being saved by raiden he joins raiden in the fight against shinnok forces(I'd like for him to have like cinders moves from killer instinct so he be fast and skilled also his personality should be very sarcastic like rain was I the first mortal kombat movie

Watergoddess-after being saved by raiden she joins in the fight against shinnok forces(I think the water God be better as a female and she should be sweet but get angry in a moments notice like bipolar cuz she as unpridictable ad the sea

Earthgod-same as prior two gods(the earth God should be very reaspectful and pokind and love nature and very smart also his moves should not only involve earth like ground or rock moves but also like vine And grass or w/e

Kachal-the God of chaos mentioned in mkd he will be working with shinnok forces also he should not have three heads or w/e and look sorta normal

Godoforder-joins Hortaro and raidens forces to bring order to the realms

Lucifer/lucy-the protector God of the neitherealm she was attack and beating to the brick of death by shinnok and quan Chi years ago she joins raiden group to reclaim what is rightfully hers

Other characters in game could be havik/sarenna/hataro/ashroth/molach and the other oni/melina/baraka/reptile ect. And if they will do a rumored character like skarlet last game then hornbukle will do hopefully with a better name so what do u guys think is it at least a decent idea to go out with a bang and bring out most of the gods and then start fresh or what.

03/08/2012 07:39 AM (UTC)
Please excuse some of my mistake I wrote all this on my phone and it messes up my words
03/08/2012 10:39 AM (UTC)
I too think the battle should be epic. But involving all the gods? Nah. Some ideas for new chars are alright there. But The guys from Outworld now seem to be an obvious choice to come help earthrealm and their own realm. There are already a lot of fire this and fire that chars in MK for one game imo.

-Bo Rai Cho
-Li Mei

I don't think those good guys were even given a cool spot yet. Some of the MKDA-MKA characters stories were really well rendered but shit needs to be figured out. They were important to these times. Even Reiko could send an army at some good guys even though Kahn is dead.

It will probably involve Fujin, Tanya, Kai and a couple chars from MKD too. And i really wish it still involves Kenshi as playable. But in the case of Outworld, Bo has always been a great trainer, and i don't even come to understand what seems to be so bad about Li Mei or Nitara in Outworld, that they should keep them from showing their strenght or preventing Li from being Outworld's strongest combattant/hero. Nitara's MKDA ending kind of made her a hero, just that the happy ending was kind of screaming "One game char."

As defenders of Outworld or other realms i don't see any problem with them. Think they're still really cool. So them, fighting alongside the good guys like Sonya and Johnny would be awesome imo. + the King (Kahn) seems dead or vanished. Guess it should be their time to shine.

As for the bad guys: Drahmin and Moloch are Netherealm Onis. Havik and Ashrah would be cool. In aiding Shinnok against Outworld Ashrah could in fact be promised her ascension from the Netherealm.

I even see the Order junkies like Hotaru come in the middle of it to try and control this war themselves.

In one word, i think those guys really deserve that this war turns epic. And i wouldn't get rid of them. The guys from Outworld still can show that they are the shit. Because i even really like Bobo. They must be given some credit somehow.
03/08/2012 10:19 PM (UTC)
I see your point I just think the other gods beside raiden and fujin should be playable and expanded on one day but I do agree on earthrealm and outworld working together in this battle
03/09/2012 02:11 AM (UTC)
I would see Raiden punished for his mistakes and his powers are stripped away from a god to a mortal. Unable to ask their help, he had to rely on Quan Chi. Then Shinnok made him join his side as Dark Raiden.

Liu Kang is out cold. Quan Chi and Shinnok try to control him like the rest but are unable to change his heart from good to evil. Knowing that inside his mind, he still blames Raiden for the things he did. Instead, they manipulate his mind with false lies that the Elder gods (minus Fujin) were evil. Liu woke up scarred and blinded by lies. However, he still cares about his friends and he'll do anything to get them back and destroy Shinnok... yet he doesn't know he's being used.

But with the help of Kai, Fujin and Ermac (Jerrod), they were able to reveal to him the real truth about what Raiden did to save Earthrealm.

Kai is offered by Fujin to fight against Shinnok. Yet he's still training, he's got what it takes to fight like his master, Liu Kang and become the next champion of mortal kombat. Kai learns from Raiden that his master died. But he doesn't know Liu was actually alive. Kai was forced to fight his master and tries to snap him out of his rage.
03/09/2012 04:30 AM (UTC)
Fujin or raiden for that matter are not elder gods and why would raiden be strip of his godlyhood he fuck up big time in the original timeline also anyone remember deadly alliance all the heroes died also and the elder gods never took his powers the elder gods don't really seem to care what happens only when there own lives are in danger
03/09/2012 04:52 AM (UTC)
I'm thinking similar to Immortal Kanji. The only thing is you are right too collegegeek.

That's why I feel that Raiden may sacrifice himself for the others in the netherrealm. Maybe he goes to the Elder gods and deems himself unworthy of protecting Earth. Fujin then steps in as the new guardian, and Raiden sacrfices himself for the others souls.

03/09/2012 11:05 AM (UTC)
I really doubt Raiden will ever sacrifice himself again. I mean for a time. It would probably redeem him, but i fear he would just sacrifice someone else. Another soul to the Netherealm instead of himself.
03/09/2012 09:03 PM (UTC)
Yeah I agree with the above user I don't think he would sacrifice himself plus I'm a fan of his and wouldn't want him to anyway lolz
03/10/2012 12:33 AM (UTC)
I'm a big fan of Raiden too. He's my second fav character. I wouldn't want him to just betray or sacrifice someone else like i said he could end up doing but if that's what it takes.

What i would love for Raiden in the next 1 or 2 games would be to have the god of thunder that ended up fighting 2 sorcerers despite the fact that the Elder gods were against that. And all he's been doing before. Even though he wasn't the hero, he was pretty helpful. So a god that would dare asking for help in return of his and Johnny and Sonya's help for instance and just kick the shit out of the bad guys. With the help of a bunch of younger good guys would be ideal for the next game(s).

I would really love if this war lead Raiden, Johnny, Liu and other good guys (Speaking of which: Bobo, Nitara, Li Mei, Sub and Sareena) against those elder gods somehow. Take that so called Armageddon, but make Raiden fight the elder to defend the realms populations. Of course stuff like the Netherealm? Should Shinnok ally with the elder gods?
03/10/2012 01:46 AM (UTC)
I doubt shinnok would ally with the elder gods considering they banished him and that's why he's a fallen elder God but stranger shit happened so he just might
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