How Does Everybody Feel About Kai?
posted05/11/2013 09:16 PM (UTC)by
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“Those were $500 sunglasses Asshole.”

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12/29/2012 09:42 PM (UTC)
Anybody feel like Kai could be in the spotlight as the new hero in MK9? Taking into consideration the amount of characters that were killed off in the MK8 story mode there really doesn't leave that many characters left in this particular time frame in the MK universe anyway. In fact I only count 7:

1. Raiden
2. Fujin
3. Kai
4. Bo' Rai Cho
5. Johnny Cage
6. Sonya Blade
7. Kenshi

Granted Shujinko is still running around somewhere in his quest to retrieve all the komidogu but I think he's better suited to stay put where he is for The Dragon King saga.

With Lui Kang and Kung Lao out of the picture I think this is the perfect opportunity for Kai to shine with character development and back history. The only thing that's really even known about him is that he's a former member of the White Lotus Society. I've always thought Kai's character design was awesome and I could get used to seeing him around in the next few installments.

Thoughts anyone?

"Those were $500 sunglasses Asshole."
01/14/2013 12:48 AM (UTC)
I'm not particularly a fan of Kai, but I do see very good potential in his characters. Personally, I'd like to see him return and develop into a significant character.
01/14/2013 02:45 AM (UTC)
I'd rather see a new face rather than his. I never cared for this character in the fourth game, and I kinda don't care for him now.
About Me

“Those were $500 sunglasses Asshole.”

01/14/2013 03:08 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I'm not particularly a fan of Kai, but I do see very good potential in his characters. Personally, I'd like to see him return and develop into a significant character.

Agreed. I think he has great potential to become a staple in future games. I never really cared for him myself until after MK8. I started playing MK4 again on an old PS1 and he kinda grew on me. I'm a big fan of his tiger stripes and he's actually got a pretty cool set of special moves too.

“Those were $500 sunglasses Asshole.”
01/14/2013 03:42 AM (UTC)
I really wish they can come up with some great ideas for Kai. Haven't played MK4 and MKA that much but this character in particular has a lot of potential. To end up as an occasional B or C char.

I could definitely see him do great things. If he ever comes back, i think it has to happen.
01/14/2013 10:10 AM (UTC)
I liked him in MK4, thought he looked great and I had fun playing as him. Didn't like him as much in MKA. I'd definitely like to see him back (looking more like he looked in MK4). His name is kinda cool too.
About Me

“Those were $500 sunglasses Asshole.”

01/14/2013 12:45 PM (UTC)
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:
I really wish they can come up with some great ideas for Kai. Haven't played MK4 and MKA that much but this character in particular has a lot of potential. To end up as an occasional B or C char.

Yeah with Lui Kang portraying the dominant hero role in MK4 and then Kung Lao making his appearence in MKG it's kinda like Kai got “lost in the crowd” isn't it? Almost like NRS just flat out couldn't think of anything else to do with him beyond his character design.

“Those were $500 sunglasses Asshole.”
01/15/2013 04:13 AM (UTC)
I see him as being more of a sidekick than a main hero. And as such he’s alright.
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01/18/2013 08:20 PM (UTC)
Assuming that Liu Kang and Kung Lao both remain dead (and who knows about that either way), I'd be more than fine with seeing NRS flesh this character out, give him some story depth, an updated look and a deep moveset.

He has the foundations for a great and original MK character and a great hero for the good guys. I just hope that they make him a little more complex than they made Liu Kang.
01/20/2013 02:49 AM (UTC)
I'd rather see Kai in the next game, than Taven and Daegon!
01/20/2013 03:37 AM (UTC)
Great special moves. Very unique look (in MK4 - fuck MKA's version).

He has potential if they actually took advantage of the character.
01/27/2013 07:30 AM (UTC)
I think the guy has potential. He's one of those designs that CAN have lots of potential if dealt with correctly. Honestly, I actually kinda feel that way about a lot of the PS2-era characters. Except Hsu Hao. No one likes Hsu Hao.

They just REALLY need to flesh him out, and give him a better design. His Armageddon design sucked hard. I'd go with an updated version of his MK4 look: white tiger stripe tattoos, maroon Shaolin outfit. But more akin to what Liu Kang and Kung Lao had in the MK1 portion of MK9's story mode.

I really, really think he can become a great character, they just need to learn HOW to make that happen.
01/27/2013 09:15 AM (UTC)
I feel he'd make a better "the next Nightwolf" than he would a replacement for Liu or Kung Lao, if that makes sense. Y'know, a mentor or advisor figure rather than a main hero himself. He's always had this hermit-like "wander the world searching for wisdom and enlightenment" thing going on, even in his MK4 ending.

I liked the way his Armageddon ending had him becoming a seer/oracle who could sort of see the One Being's dreams.
Eventually, that is. The retelling of his introduction should, of course, play him as a young student still searching for the answers and such like he was in MK4. Just, y'know, with some actual fleshing out this time.
01/27/2013 10:36 AM (UTC)
I think Kai has potential to develop into a good strong character if executed correctly by NRS which I can see happening as they did a great job on everyone in MK9, I'd like to see him in MK10 wink
04/10/2013 03:34 AM (UTC)
Kai has major potential for being front and center in the next title.

....A former member of the long forgotten White Lotus Society, the lone warrior Kai wonders the globe ever watching for new threats to Earthrealm. After a disasterous outcome during Shao Kahn's invasion several years ago, the wind god Fujin appears before Kai asking for his help. With a major war about to engulf three realms, Kai must race against time and across the planes of many realms to find new allies to take up arms against Shinnok and Quan Chi's Hellspawn Army.

Kai's encounter with Fujin: "why do you appear before me wind god? I am a mere watchman of this world. If you are in need of help, perhaps Raiden can help you.."

Kai to Cage and Sonya: "what you faced before is nothing compared to what Shinnok and Quan Chi have in store. They will be using your own allies against you...."

Kai to new Sub-Zero: "you call yourself Sub-Zero? How rediculous! Show me that you are worthy of that infamous title!.........after he defeats him: " If you want revenge for your sensei's death, then join MY team and you will have your revenge..."

Kai welcomes Kenshi and Ermac to the cause: "....I sense that both of you are telling the truth (Sonya still holds a grudge against Ermac for ripping off Jax's arms and Kenshi stops her from attacking his teacher), you both will be valuable allies..."

Kai to Raiden after a huge argument: " Have you forgotten that you are to blame for all of their deaths!?! How can you call yourself the God of Thunder who protects Earthrealm? You should step down before you kill us all!"

Kai to Quan Chi: " I do not fear you Quan Chi. You may have the souls of fallen Earthrealm warriors but you don't have mine or anyone else's! When this battle is over, you will be a mere scarecrow rotting in the fields of Hell!"

Kai to the soul of Liu Kang: " I will continue to wonder the world, watching from the shadows brother. If there is another threat, I will be here to face it in your place. Peace be with you....."
04/10/2013 10:04 PM (UTC)
I think Kai's pretty unique. A half African/half Nepalese Shaolin Monk in war paint. They never did much with him character-wise besides the whole "next Liu Kang" thing, which never happened. Who knows, he might get his chance to shine this time.
04/23/2013 02:16 PM (UTC)
those quotes of kai you made chadspade are awesome. that makes me want him be a hero / leader in the next game. i can see him as that or just as a nightwolf type of guy but having more of a leadership role.
04/23/2013 04:38 PM (UTC)
Kai is definitely a character worth exploring.

I'd love to see him return to lead the new group of heroes into battle against Shinnok's forces.
05/06/2013 12:41 AM (UTC)
I definitely should think that Kai deserves a fair chance in the Mortal Kombat (2011) sequel. He's one of the characters I really liked from the series because he fit so well.

I would also like to see confused Shinnok in the game going head-to-head against wow Raiden.
05/11/2013 09:16 PM (UTC)
I think they had a great start on Kai! especially after his ending in Mk4, but the fact that they never carried on with him made many people loose interest. If they would have stayed focused on him as a character his fan base would be a lot bigger. I think if they bring him back they need to amplify him as a warrior and a main character.

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