How do you think the next game will begin in story mode?
posted11/21/2011 07:52 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
How do you think the next game will start off as?

You think we might be able to play as the villains for a while and get the story advancing on their part for a few chapters?

Cage, Sonya and Raiden dealing with what happened between the last story, Liu Kang being zapped, and the fates of their friends?

Either new/recurring character will start off in their own adventure and stuff and maybe be a possible choice for the main character?

Or anything else?
10/11/2011 06:12 AM (UTC)
>Have an intro explaining what happened and introduce the new plot.>Start with Johnny Cage because he connects with the audience the most.
10/11/2011 11:13 AM (UTC)
Johnny and Sonya having a nice dinner by the candles in a fancy restaurant and then some $hit happens, like the skies open or something...

I'd love to play as the villains, especially if the dead ones in this game are gonna be villains in the next game.
Arthur Zonatto
10/11/2011 12:37 PM (UTC)
They should start with a flashback of MK9 (heroes dying, Sub-Zero going Cyber etc.)

Then it goes to The Elder Gods's pantheon, they're shown speaking to the other gods about the events that just unfolded.

As their voice speak / echo, Edenia is shown, where some sort of "funeral" honors the Fallen warriors. Shinnok, Quan Chi, Tanya, Rain and Reiko enter the realm, disguised as weirdos from an unknown realm(MK4 komic). Then they use an artifact (probably the amulet) to summon the warriors' souls to kill everyone present (I haven't thought of a reason tho).

Then they attack the Pantheon of the Elder Gods.

I actually love the idea of "recruiting heroes to aid in the final battle" this could be a HUGE story mode mechanic...I remember this being in a game, but I don't remember. And get rid of the chapter system, p-lease.
10/12/2011 03:47 AM (UTC)
Well at first I thought it should start off with Sonya, Johnny Cage, and Raiden.

However, for people to understand the threat of the netherrealm against the gods they should go straight to Quan Chi and Shinnok plotting in the netherrealm.

Then have Sareena take chapter 1 from there. Yes, I do feel she will be there as well.

I say have her listening in on Quan Chi and Shinnok, then she convinces Quan she will serve him in the invasion. He then sets some duties for her.

She then acts as if she is going to follow them through, but really she is trying to warn Earth of the impending threat. Leading her to Sub-Zero.

I know I'm thinking of Sub-Zero again, but here me out.

She goes through her chapter fighting off some of the other heroes, and then manages to get Sub-Zero under control. She takes him to Quan's purification chamber and he is turned human once again.

Being released of Quan's control Sareena warns Sub-Zero of what Quan Chi and Shinnok are planning pointing Sub-Zero in the direction of a portal to earth.

He asks her to come with him but she warns she cannot leave the netherrealm because she has to keep an eye on Quan Chi.

Quan finds out of Sareena's deception and has her enslaved. He then tells Scorpion it was this Sub-Zero who murdered his clan leading to Scorpion and Sub-Zero confronting each other.

Sub-Zero then faces and beats Scorpion, afterwards he tells Scorpion that they have both been pitted against each other by Quan Chi.

This then begins Scorpion's chapter.

Now Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Sonya, and Johnny Cage are all on Earth's side when the invasion begins.

That's just my first three chapters but I'm going to think of how to continue on from there.
10/12/2011 05:47 AM (UTC)
I think roo,that Sareena should play a crucial role,but she should contact Scorpion first,not Sub-Zero,because Quan Chi is a very smart bastard and will not believe her so much,especially if she already betrayed her master in MK Mythologies. Sub-Zero is mindless zombie controlled by Quan Chi,without free will,so it will be logical to persuade Scorpion,cuz he still has his own will,though serving Quan Chi.

She just will tell him the truth,which he doesn't believe at first,but progressing,he will encounter Raiden and ask him if it's actually true.From there he will ally with Raiden and hunt Quan Chi's ass,meanwhile,Scorpion can free Sub-Zero from Quan Chi(ironic twist,yeah,I know).

As how it should begin,I think they should start with showing Johnny,how he is back for movie shooting,but having these small problems more and more with self-control (MK 2011 ending),telling all these to Raiden.

They should also show Sonya in the conference room talking to split screen with different governments of the world(biggest countries,think of Russia,China,France etc. and of course United States) about creating this OIA asking for funding and best scientists for project across all the world,because after the invasion of Shao Kahn,all world leaders know that these alien worlds are serious threats that should be studied and explored.I really want OIA to be international agency against all threats that can concern Earth,not only American-based.

Sonya should be the head of OIA because obviously Jax is not around anymore.I want her to take full leader role and show her work ethic and determination to explore all possible threats. Show her emotional side too,like going to grave of Jax,maybe.I dunno.

I really want NRS to show that Johnny and Sonya are two warriors Raiden can rely on anytime.

Then show Raiden in White Lotus Society,watching Kai training and stuff.Show Fujin,I dunno,appearing before Raiden and warning him of Sektor becoming Lin Kuei Grandmaster etc. or something else. Fujin is A MUST!

And YES,I would LOVE to play as bad guys too.
10/12/2011 11:09 AM (UTC)
It'll either begin with Raiden with the fall out of MK9.

Or it'll begin with a Netherrealm based character as you try to stop Shinnok.

Or Scorpion. Because bitches love Scorpion.
10/12/2011 08:57 PM (UTC)
I think the opening should include a scene of Shinnok breaking free. Then just continue with Shinnok619's idea.

Raiden and Fujin start recruiting allies to defeat Shinnok and friends (Quan Chi, Scorpion, Noob Saibot, Rieko, Rain and Tanya)

The first they go to is Kenshi, which was a kombatant in MKII (Well at least in MK9 he was)

That's all I've got so far
10/12/2011 11:56 PM (UTC)
It will probably start with a brief recap of MK9 then show Raiden recruiting warriors for Shinnok's invasion
About Me
10/14/2011 09:16 AM (UTC)
A funeral for the fallen and a montage of building the realm.


The Netherrealm is shown preparing the armies, and Outworld is briefly shown.. [Civil War]
10/15/2011 03:13 AM (UTC)
As the next game would be what MK4 would be, I think the next game will begin with the War of the Heaven as Shinnok fought against the other elemental gods. The player will either be Shinnok fighting these other elemental gods in an endurance match. Or as Fujin, the sole elemental gods who survived the assault in the Heaven. A change of history would be maybe, it's not Fujin who survive the War, but another elemental god instead. Or maybe another than Fujin.
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May the MK ninja$ live!

10/15/2011 04:44 AM (UTC)
You should play as Shinnok!Hes a great villian and can really build up good story-line.
10/15/2011 04:00 PM (UTC)
Seasrmar Wrote:
A change of history would be maybe, it's not Fujin who survive the War, but another elemental god instead.

Nooooo! Don't kill Fujin! sad
Arthur Zonatto
10/17/2011 11:23 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
I think the opening should include a scene of Shinnok breaking free. Then just continue with Shinnok619's idea.

Raiden and Fujin start recruiting allies to defeat Shinnok and friends (Quan Chi, Scorpion, Noob Saibot, Rieko, Rain and Tanya)

The first they go to is Kenshi, which was a kombatant in MKII (Well at least in MK9 he was)

That's all I've got so far


But I still stand for my idea of the kombatants you want to face the Army of Darkness, this would give a lot of replay value and more freedom to have the game that we want, and depending on the choices, different endings happen.

And then this forum would go crazy (with a k) with discussions over which ending is real.

....shit, make it happen NRS. Now.
10/18/2011 02:25 AM (UTC)
I can't say how I think it'll start up, but I'll tell you how I think it should start up.

Right before Sindel kills everyone, only this time she doesn't.

Yes, I know some people weren't bothered by it, and some even liked it for various reasons. Sindel got a moment to shine and Nightwolf got one final moment of badassery, so goody goody.

BUT! I'm sure a lot of people, myself included, lost a favorite character or two. Is it really worth giving Sindel and Nightwolf (who also die anyways) at the expense of every other charater? What about Stryker, Smoke, and Kabal? Characters with so much newfound potential for the next game, destroyed. Characters like Jax who are iconic and shouldn't have their stories ruined. Yes, nobody ever dies forever in MK, but when they die and get resurrected, it usually cheapens their storylines. Well, enough about this, I've said too much already, it's been done to death.

A lot of people complained about retcons in MK9. Well, I'm hoping for one more retcon. Well, more of a rollback, really. It's sort of like a system restore I want; when a computer gets screwed up you restore it to the point before it got screwed up. For some people the whole story mode was screwed up, but I think it was acceptable up until that point.

So I think this game should get delete the last chapter or so and continue from there the right way. It can sum up Shao Kahn dying and maybe Liu Kang can still get zapped. Heck, maybe a character or two really can die in the Sindel fight, only in a bit more dramatic way. It shouldn't idle too much on that, and simply continue on to a retelling of MK4 with altered events, and for the goodness sake, no more Sindel Massacres!
About Me
10/18/2011 06:25 AM (UTC)
johnny1up Wrote:
events, and for the goodness sake, no more Sindel Massacres!

No more Sindel massacres, but a Shinnok one!

About Me
10/18/2011 08:46 PM (UTC)
I think it will start off with a view of the Netherrealm and then a discussion between Quan Chi and Shinnok there. Their plans have been completed, they're ready to invade, and they chuckle evilly as the story turns to Raiden as he tries to cope with all the death that occured among his team. He'll eventually speak to Fujin, and call among other heroes for reinforcement once the invasion begins.
10/23/2011 03:54 PM (UTC)
It should focus on characters that didn't have a chapter in MK9 first of all. Like having Raiden travel back to Outworld, trying to recruit Mileena and Baraka who are now empress and general respectively. I don't know but it just sounds way too cool having the bad guys working with Raiden against Shinnok. I can already imagine a scene where Mileena is walking around Raiden with that seductive MK9 kinda strut asking him what their benefits are from joining him before she sinks her teeth into his skin lol! Baraka then interrupts saying that they have the chance to kill the thunder god right now...but Mileena gives Raiden a chance to speak...etc....Dunno it just unfolds so easily in my mind....and it gives evil characters more time to show their personalities and develop their stories ;)
11/21/2011 07:52 PM (UTC)
I like the idea of having Raiden recruiting new warriors after the loss of many earthrealm heroes. Since he never made anything better than make things worse he would have no choice.

The Neitherealm war should still happen involving Shinnok and Quan Chi. Tanya and Reiko. Along with the good guys Fujin should also be warned and work alongside Raiden recruiting/fighting.

I really love Kenshi both as a character and as a hero type and NITARA should be recruited with the good side (Through well thought bargaining anything is possible.) but i might be dreaming.sad Have her evil would still be cool.

For the rest, Li Mei and the 2 onis. Havik and Ashrah should be part of the adventure and for the rest some well known classic characters.
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