03/24/2012 03:51 PM (UTC)
wasnt deadly aliance mostly about liu kang dying and shinok isnt part of deadly aliance

so what is he gonna walk around taking over earth real wile there out fighting shang tsung quan chi and onaga.

wait a seconed raiden joined the aliance to beat onaga o.O

The Deadly Alliance wasn't at all about Liu Kang's death. It was about how two of the deadliest sorcerers were trying to find the amulet to obtain the Dragon King's army. They only killed him because he and Kahn were the only ones capable of stopping the two of them in their search of the amulet.

And Raiden didn't join the Deadly Alliance when Onaga's presence came about. The two of them were fighting against Onaga while Raiden was charging up his power to basically try to kill Onaga instead doing the exact opposite.
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03/24/2012 04:29 PM (UTC)
I really don't know if it will probably be like the previous games. Ed Boon could surprise us with a lot more than we expected for the next game.furious
03/26/2012 06:23 PM (UTC)
you know i wouldnt mind 4 comin back but thats it i mean we could bring onaga back but theres no more DA or armegedon
03/26/2012 06:59 PM (UTC)
Or how about we just focus on what's happening next instead of the stories that happens after the next event?
03/26/2012 09:55 PM (UTC)
I have watched the story mode in Mortal Kombat, but it's been a while, so I might be a little rusty with who is alive and who is dead in the next Mortal Kombat.

I seem to remember thinking that really you only had Sonya, Johnny Cage and Raiden from the Forces of Light left, and that Shinnok and Quan Chi were popping up on the evil side. Well, hey, there's five characters for you right there.

Kai will probably become the new main hero for Earthrealm, although I think he will choke and be betrayed by Tanya, who was an Edenian diplomat that turned on her realm, wasn't she? Now, did Edenia actually get restored in Mortal Kombat? If not, Tanya could actually be a pretty interesting character, because in her mind Edenia might be goal -- which could mean an alliance either side, depending on who can help her out the most.

Sub-Zero being killed off does seem troubling to the whole "Sub-Zero is always there" option, but I guess they could rebuild him? Preferred, though, in my opinion, would be Frost making her appearance as a warrior-in-training. We know that she can be a bit over-ambitious, but without the Dragon Medallion to corrupt her, who knows? With some Bo' Rai Cho training, she could become quite a powerful protagonist in the story going forward.

As someone said, it'd make no sense for the Netherrealm forces to not empty out and help out Shinnok and Quan Chi. Drahmin, Moloch, Sareena and hell, arguably Ashrah, seem like perfect inclusions for this game. The original Reiko concept was that he fought for Shinnok as his general to assault The Heavens, right? Bring him back in that very same role, perhaps with a slightly tweaked look. And despite being dead (I believe he got killed, anyway), being a wraith, Noob Saibot could also make his return. Those same rules could be used for Scorpion, as well, who hopefully gets a decent story this time around. Without a Sub-Zero to be coerced into attacking, Scorpion will likely have a different target, and perhaps no way of knowing that Quan Chi is manipulating him.

With the realms even more compounded than what they were, it'd sort of make sense for Nitara to still be trying to retrieve the orb that can separate her realm from Outworld -- but to do that she needs a cyborg. Did any of them survive? If so, it'd make perfect sense for Nitara to appear to them and forge some sort of alliance. If it were Sektor, she'd probably agree to send Sektor to a place where he can work most efficiently on his Tekunin, for example.

Jarek is, in my opinion, the weakest non-secret/bonus Mortal Kombat character ever. A Kano rehash without any of that character's mild charms. Many say that Kano survived the recent game? Bringing him back would be preferred. It's very likely that Jarek would be used as a pawn by Kano, though, and perhaps get some sort of tweaked character, like Kabal did. I actually really like that idea of the Black Dragon getting the technology of the Lin Kuei -- because if Jarek becomes a cyborg then it gives Nitara a target to manipulate and suddenly Jarek is actually doing something in the story. You could then have Kano hiding in the shadows, and give the character a break as a playable character, and rather have him return in the third game in the chapter (when shit gets real hectic).

Would Hsu Hao and Mavado have a reason to reveal themselves yet? Probably not, really, but we might get Hsu Hao fighting alongside the Special Forces of Sonya, Jax and Kenshi, with an actual build to be betrayal. They might even give him a bit of a different name, and present him as an entirely new character -- just to give us that vibe of how gutting it was when he betrayed the Special Forces.

Apparently Ermac is still alive, too. He'll probably be aimless, since he has no one to serve, and thus Kenshi using his psychic link to free Ermac could be a way to get him back into the story. Bo' Rai Cho would logically be fighting with the good guys, and would probably be serving as a mentor to a lot of them. Perhaps they could all sort of study under Bo' Rai Cho, essentially giving them all a skill boost (and, again, potentially giving Hsu Hao more tools to become a relevant character in future games)? Li Mei could be there, but she was asked to compete in a tournament by the Deadly Alliance designed onto to serve them. Her character would need different reasons to come out, and finding it necessary to fight against Shinnok and Quan Chi could be it.

Does Skarlet return? Let's say that she does. Without Shao Kahn to serve, she's got essentially no one to fight for. She's lost like Reptile was in Deadly Alliance, and who did Reptile bump into? Nitara. That seems like a perfect rivarly for a new game, what with Nitara probably going borderline sadistic lesbian at the thought of Skarlet.

Blaze will probably be there, since he'll be protecting the Dragon King's egg when Nitara and Jarek try to take it. Blaze & Skarlet vs. Nitara & Jarek would certainly be an interesting team fight.

That's all I've really got at the moment. But I essentially see the story staying much the same, except with some characters delaying their debuts until Onaga rises in the next game, and becomes the villain for a third game in this series. Will he again take host over Reptile? I can't remember if Reptile is still alive. But was Onaga actually a dragon? Or was he originally just a dude obsessed with them and happened to latch onto Reptile? Imagine Onaga bonding with Nitara, creating some sort of aesexual vampire version of him in Deception. Or imagine if he used Blaze for a rebirth, and essentially became a fiery demi-god. Onaga is possibility a character that could be entirely rebuilt for another game.

03/26/2012 10:55 PM (UTC)
You bring up some pretty good ideas... The only thing I find a bit skeptical is Bo Rai' Cho training a fair amount that you've listed.

I get that he's a trainer, but to suddenly have several characters who were never trained by him be trained by him seems a bit... odd. I would definitely like to see some different characters come about during this story, alongside those who we're somewhat expecting to come back.

Though with Skarlet and Ermac, unless there's some magical force that allows them to just become something different rather than leader-less slaves of Kahn, would there really be a specific purpose for them to fulfill in the next game? I never really liked the route that they made Ermac go during Deception, and I would hate to see that repeat. I don't want him to come back and be good and somehow be this weird portal of souls to give back to the dead. That would be the dumbest way to restore the fallen, it really would.

Of course, opinions are opinions. This idea could totally sound awesome in someone else perspective, but to me, I find that to be totally readable and see is coming.

As for Onaga's fate right now, I'm not going to believe he'll be coming back for a long time right now. We're all still undecided if they're continuing the whole Shujinko story behind the scenes, despite that there were seen images during Raiden's visions and such. I really hope that the whole Onaga story gets delayed for a long time. Reasons being is if this whole current timeline is being changed, I don't want it to be so easy to bring about.

Remember, Cyrax's fate is unknown, we don't see what happens to him. He has to somewhat form an alliance with the OWA with Sonya, Kenshi and all the other Special Forces warriors and head out to Outworld to find Jax... who right now is dead. He and Nitara would have to team up for a bit to help Cyrax find an orb for Nitara for him to travel back to Earthrealm... Along there, Reptile would have to be following the two of them.

As of right now, none of those events can happen because Jax is dead. All that started because Jax disappeared.

So, the Onaga story really cannot happen. It just can't because of changed events.

Dinner time, the food smells delicious, I'm done typing for now.
03/27/2012 12:06 AM (UTC)

I doubt Kai will be next hero but introduced? He has good chances. I wish he shows up with some good stuff.

Many of your ideas are really good. I still love Tanya but she was an interrogation Mark imo. Still, as you said she would probably turn to the side that offers the most.

As for Nitara, which is my fav char yet. I dunno about that rivalry with Skarlet and that idea of the vamp going Lesbian for her. Sadistic on her? Hell yeah!! But if they are both introduced, damn the rivalry is too easy imo. But Skarlet seems to need a new hobby as she seems to be one of the countless that will focus on Quan Chi. Poor guy. Wouldn't like to be him and introduced.

Nitara and onaga mixted up? I would be curious to see that for sure but since Cyrax will probably end up late (Who knows what this fool might be doing?) Yeah, Onaga might end up as dust in the wind for the years to come. To the profit of a new threat, why not?

Same goes for Blaze. If he turns back into his DA look? Useless imo. + i have no doubt that Nitara will still defend her breed, just the thought of having to break that orb in order to do so? Wish this will be changed. As Outworld might end up being at war, i see her allying with the good guys to face the monsters from this realm and Shinnok since only Bobo and Li Mei seem to be up to the task in this realm yet.
I think all the other good guys are from Earthrealm.

So basically this is what i gathered up so far: Good side: -Raiden -Fujin -Johnny Cage -Sonya -Kai -Bo Rai Cho -Kenshi -Li Mei -Nitara -Shujinko (?) Evil -Shinnok -Quan Chi -Reiko -Tanya -Jarek (?) Why not, i almost always forget about him -Kano -Scorpion And a couple more of course. I think Hotaru's chances of showing up are good but the side he'll take? And btw, i'm too lazy to go back to search for this but is Baraka dead?
03/27/2012 12:41 AM (UTC)
As of right now, no, Baraka is not dead.
03/27/2012 11:24 AM (UTC)

I still dunno what they'll do with that Ashrah and Nitara rivalry but the lady in white seems to be from the Netherealm. She could end up being the good guy of the 2 and instead of having Reptile following Nitara and Cyrax, the vampire could end up facing Ashrah.

I would be sad to see Nitara die but if things are to move forward, Ashrah's chances to really ascend and be on the side of light and help Raiden face Shinnok are all in if she kills a bloodsucker.

I still keep in mind that she's a demon though and it would probably not make sense but if Sareena is to try and help Sub Zero and betray Quan Chi and the brotherhood, and Ermac still trying to join the good side to help them free the dead guys souls, Ashrah would be a great stick in their wheel imo.
03/27/2012 01:05 PM (UTC)
in trying to count every ones mesage in wich you just recaped it seems that frost might be the next sub but that wont still change are minds that he needs to be brought back in story as a non-cyborg and if events go right ermac will be good wich i like good ermac
03/27/2012 03:18 PM (UTC)
No matter how many times people constantly say that Frost is Sub-Zero's female clone, she's not going to be the next Sub-Zero.

Her story has her coming into his newly formed Lin Kuei as a student that won his tournament to be trained. Trained into what? A powerful warrior that can help him defeat the Deadly Alliance. If Sub-Zero is unable to do that in this timeline, how can Frost possibly come in?

Maybe as a rebel against the Automation Program as a surviving human who's escaping, Raiden picks up and trains her? Oh, but then that's going to piss off too many people if Sub-Zero is absent and she takes his place. Remember, us Sub-Zero fans can go haywire if that happens. /sarcasm.

Frost's story has been tampered too much because of this outcome. There's got to be a logical way for her to come back into this story that has her being involved with the Lin Kuei, because that's how she came into this story in the beginning.
03/29/2012 01:29 AM (UTC)
Hopefully they get inspiration from some of the ladder endings, or hopefully thery are clues.

Noob's ending: Havik is brought up and noob supposedly had a deal with Havik. He can be easy to brink into the next MK. The aftermath of Kahn's invasion leaves earth in a type of chaos, and havik would always be wherer there is chaos.

Raiden's Ending: It mentioned four heroes he split his into. in the video it was 2 guys 2 girl. Assume he does try to do this, he has Cage and Sonya add Kai and...a new girl character, or replace girl#2 with Kenshi and you have your four warriors.

Cage's ending: still going off of raiden's all the warriors could be sent to seido in hopes of training and forming an alliance to help restoration, earthrealm needs to regain order, incomes hotaro

Sonya's ending: Raiden is trying to keep things together, she gets mad sulks off and does some vigilante work, while the other three are left training shes kicking ass in outworld.

Kung Lao's Ending mentions Bo'rai'cho, another mentor to the four warriors? scratch that THE mentor.

Rain's ending: a reason for earth to be scared, Rain is launching an attack he can discover his secret some other way (Quan chi, Shinnok either or) and this could bring out Fujin, raiden needs as much help as he can, so he seeks Fujin, fujin finds kai and is training him because Fujin is like "Oh shit did i just miss the invasion? Kai lets make sure your prepared" and that brings in both Kai and Fujin.

Fujin: Raiden has begun to question his stability so he seeks an audience with Fujin. Raiden is about ready to retire for fear he will put earthrealm in danger, so he needs fujin's help to train the warriors he has ready. He will then retire, or split his soul, or elder gor status probably he will jsut quit and give his power to fujin.

Kai: Before Raiden keels over and wills his power to fujin the two gods must find the new warriors to help defend earthrrealm. Kai could either be a street thug looking for a way out,( a change in character but possible), or he could be a warrior of the white lotus seeking a good trainer to help him find inner peace. He stumbles across fujin amd raiden and trains, with Kung lao and Liu Kang dead he accepts their mission in hopes that by serving earthrealm he will find his inner peace or meaning in life

Havik: the chaos of the battle draws him out, he does not have to be too big too the story but could have some hand in the shadows.

Bo' Rai' Cho: Fujin and Raiden seek him out to help train earhrrealm warriors under fujin's rule, he was a great help with Kung Lao the Great and Liu Kang, they need him to teach the New Generation.

Hotaru: Johnny Cage is having power troubles they need more help and may need a future alliance, Hello Seido! glassesglasses
OR Ermac has turned nuetral maybe good and he wants balance
OR Havik's emergence and the destruction cause Seido to feel the need to spread Order amongst the realms,

Kenshi: With shang tsung dead his spirit sword will lead him to Quan Chi, so he helps Raiden and Fujin, he could be the reason the earthrrealm heroes learn of the threat, before it occurs.

Reiko: With Kahn dead and Shinnok on the rise Reiko reenlist in shinnoks army. No obsession Kahn but his distrust for Quan chi could lead him to discover secrets, He can easily be brought in.

Rain: With Kahn dead and Outworld with no leader he tries to get a hand on the throne and tension amongst the OUtworlders causes possible conflict between the tarkatan and the shokan Team Mileena vs. Team Rain

Skarlett: A secret weapon of shao kahn's she is released and needs a purpose, Ermac skipped out on MK4 maybe she wont return? if she does I say give her a side story she could be a tool against netherrealm

Lin Keui: who they choose to help could be essential

Tanya has no return replaced with skarlett with a new story, maybe quan chi magic. Jarek i see no need for him either at most he could be signal for someone else. Li Mei not needed, no deadly alliance no li mei. Nitara also replaced No sub-zero, less likely there will be frost. kira is also gone due to skarlett. No Hsu Hao or Mavado or Mokap. Daegon maybe but that brings in taven so idk

Blaze: No Armageddon means he is free and without a purpose, these are the means for a playable character (that is not giant freakazoid).

Meat:? what would they do i say chage his basis into a new character or trach him. YOU?

Tremor? that means bringing back Jarek tho so damn

Belokk? google him it could work

Kobra: could be turned into a good guy

Ashrah? a possibility probably could be scratched off and chucked up to bits and feed into skarletts character

Onaga? maybe for now lets trash him

Shujinko? he was on a quest before MK1 midway through it could be interrupted by then he would have went to lin kuei bo'rai'cho chaos and netherrealm. or just trash the idea, he could be revamped too.

any other ideas?

03/29/2012 04:11 AM (UTC)
Wasn't Belokk owned by a different company? Eurocon or something?

Anyways, I can't see them just changing who Kai is, even if it's an idea for a possible change. No character really has undergone some dramatic character change with the exception of Mileena, but I've always assumed that's how she's supposed to be like throughout the series.

I also don't quite understand your reasoning behind Hotaru getting involved through Cage... I just... don't see what's even happening. Hotaru isn't a character who loves to help and aid because there's no power behind that side. Hotaru wants law and order be respected throughout his realm, and the reason why he teamed up with Onaga is because when Onaga ruled, he brought peace throughout the domain. He wants that to help his war-like realm, so he teamed up with Onaga, who also teamed up with the Tarkatans, who were once the Seido's enemy.

The only possible way that these two could team up is if Shinnok and Quan Chi begin to invade his realm and he needs someone to help him out in restoring order and law to his realm. He's not looking to be power hungry nor will he just team up with anyone because they're good. If law and order is being ignored, he'll do what he can to restore it back. Not to mention, he doesn't spread order throughout the other realms. That was Onaga's deal, he just wanted to help because he enjoyed what Onaga did during his time as ruler of Outworld.

And why doesn't Tanya need to return? She could become a bigger threat to Edenia since it was her who managed to bring Shinnok into the realm along with Quan Chi. And now that there isn't anyone ruling the realm, Edenia is wide open with an attack, and since Tanya is nothing but a traitorous bitch, one realm can easily become dominated thanks to her leading Shinnok and Quan Chi into it.
03/29/2012 04:17 AM (UTC)
I could be wrong here, but didn't Ed Boon himself say that Shinnok would not be the main boss in the next game?

That right there says that the whole game won't revolve around MK4.

As for using endings for hints

I think that Scorpion will turn on Quan Chi, and that will come from the help of Sub-Zero. How that will all happen now don't ask me. If I had to take a guess though Sareena turns on Quan and somehow revives Sub-Zero. While he is under Quan's control he finds out that Quan is the one who pitted the two against one another and convinces Scorpion to come to the good side. Maybe I can't let go, but I still just don't think they can have an MK without Sub-Zero. It will be a game I won't play anyway.

Next, I'm also sticking with Raiden starts to slowly lose his mind throughout this game. It started in the last game and it will continue further in this game. Fujin will step in and prove to be a better fit as God of Earthrealm. Thus leaving Raiden to be forced to give up his spot.

Fujin will come in with his own version of Liu Kang in Kai. Sonya will join them along with Kenshi. I can also see these guys helping free Cyrax from Sektor and the Lin Kuei. In the process Sektor will turn to the Netherrealm. I could also see Sektor allying himself with Seido, which may seem like a strange alliance but he may team up with hotaru to make an army of Seidan Cyborgs.

Jade will be freed by the lady in her ending. The woman will awaken Jade and guide her to possibly reviving the others.

Ermac is now a good guy. I don't care what anyone says. He is free from Kahn because Kahn is dead and that leaves him with possibly finding Jared within and wanting to free both Kitana and Sindel from Quan Chi. This may also result in him reviving all of the others.

Noob is definitely going to end up in Chaosrealm. He along with Havik are going to cause trouble for the Netherrealm if Shinnok does plan on attacking the heavens.

Smoke's demon form will free him from Quan chi and since he lacks a body he may take on Sub-Zero's cyber body. Thus bringing about the new version of Cyber Smoke.

Sorry I realize all of these ideas are a little cluttered just had a lot of thoughts on all of this.

Overall though I can't see these guys doing a whole lot in the next story

Nightwolf, Sindel, Kitana, Jax, Kabal, Stryker, Kung Lao, Sheeva, Baraka,(possibly)Reptile, Kano, and Shang Tsung. These are the guys I feel have the least chance of returning in the next game.

That's not that they will NEVER return, just that they may take a break. Also take into account that's twelve people out from this games roster. So that leaves space for all of the good characters from MK4-MKA to return.

Bo Rai Cho, Sareena, Tanya, Li Mei, Ashrah, Kai, Reiko, Hotaru, Havik, Fujin, Mavado, and Nitara can all take their places. Plus throw in a couple of new characters for DLC.

03/29/2012 11:27 AM (UTC)
Wasn't Frost a bad guy trying to take Sub Zero's place since her arrival? @Caged95, i highly doubt she will be introduced if he's not. On her own at this time? She mainly has nothing she knows she wants to achieve.

Also don't see where fans fav should be replaced by Skarlet only as Scorpion will most likely be the one to turn on Quan Chi once again. Probably just with a different Outcome.

Tanya is kind of necessary, she'll most likely start as a servant and try and trap Kai this time, who knows?:P I don't see her attacking Mileena or Baraka but she'll try and boost her status somehow.

Reiko fits perfectly in Kahn's helmet and i bet Shinnok knows that already.

For the black dragon. I don't see Jarek with a big and important role, Kano lived though. They'll probably go on a Red dragons hunt and still might recruit Kobra. Without forgetting that Jax is dead and that hate for Kano towards Sonya. Kenshi might be of some help.

Even though i still doubt that the Nitara and Ashrah MKA plot will be forgotten (Too easy to reintroduce both of them.) But at this point one is from a dying breed in Outworld and i guess the other is a demon from the Netherealm, so must Sareena help Sub Zero? I think her escape is not at hand yet but with a bloodsucker which seems to have a walk to do in the Netherealm in order to break her Crystal ball?

Nitara must already be aware of the sword story. But that it has or will find a new wielder in the Netherealm? If she goes there with a good guy or a newly reprogrammed Cyrax i wish someone will tell her about Ashrah. If not, there will most likely be a war for the throne of Outworld and suspecting that manipulative chars might want their piece/peace of the cake? Well, a vamp might end up being a formidable foe. There is also the option of a new vamp, male counterpart but honestly i wish not.


That could be interesting to find out somewhere during the game that Shinnok is not to be the end boss but to the benefit of Quan Chi? I wish not. The only already known name i can think of would be Onaga.

The alliance of Sektor with Seido is a pretty good idea imo.
03/29/2012 12:59 PM (UTC)
Frost was never trying to take Sub-Zero's place. Just his amulet. And she wanted to kill him later on becuase she thought that where Sub-Zero placed her was her deathbed.
03/29/2012 02:23 PM (UTC)

Thanks. I think i just assumed she would claim Sub's place once she would have the amulet in hand. But yeah, might just be for personal interest. Should Frost return? I think at some point Sub Zero would be required if she's still gonna be trying to master her own powers and will sort of. I would rather have them both playable than having Frost only but i guess we easily forget her the moment we speak the name of Sareena to come the Sub's help.
03/29/2012 04:32 PM (UTC)
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:

Thanks. I think i just assumed she would claim Sub's place once she would have the amulet in hand. But yeah, might just be for personal interest. Should Frost return? I think at some point Sub Zero would be required if she's still gonna be trying to master her own powers and will sort of. I would rather have them both playable than having Frost only but i guess we easily forget her the moment we speak the name of Sareena to come the Sub's help.

I'm a HUGE Frost fan, although so many disapprove of her. It would be nice to see this character return, Vogel did state that she was a favorite amongst the developers and that she was intended for MK2, so it's not like she wasn't that much of a character to begin with.

It would be nice to see the teacher/student status with these two characters, I mean that's the only plausible way for it to happen, it wouldn't make sense to see Frost become something else. If Sareena and Frost are to be conflicted with each other in the same game, we could have it where Frost won't trust her with Sareena being a whole demon and was told she isn't to be trusted and such.

It would be also great to have them both be playable because they act so differently. I am going to get into this because it bothers me so much when people say Frost is nothing but a female clone of Sub-Zero... Although that it's not being stated in this thread specifically, I do want to make this a crucial note because when her name gets thrown into a conversation, someone is bound to say that she's a clone... No she is not.

Frost and Sub-Zero have different moves, even if Frost has the same moves as Sub-Zero, she does her differently than his.

Frost's slide has her using her entire body going underneath the opponent rather than tripping them at the ankles.

Frost's ground freeze has it to where it extends through the whole stage, not just as a puddle, despite that she has the puddle in Armageddon. And Sub-Zero's ground freeze never frozen anyone, hers did. Sure the puddle are the same, but it's not like Frost actually had this from the beginning, they just needed to give her two more moves since all the characters had more than four moves.

She had a better move in Armageddon with her teleport punch because it creates great combos.

But she plays differently than Sub-Zero. We have fighters who have the fire abilities and they use them in different ways. Frost and Sub-Zero plays differently. It would be nice to see her added in soon, I'd like to see her added in the next game, but only time will tell what actually happens with her or not.
03/29/2012 05:04 PM (UTC)

In the past I did not see Frost as neccessarily a clone of Sub-Zero. She played faster

I am starting to see her more as a clone though, and i think the reason is because people keep saying she can replace Sub-Zero in the next game.

Honestly, that's not going to gain her any fans at all. I could like Frost or I could really f**king hate her. Right now she's neutral to me. If they bring her in to replace Sub-Zero then I will admit I will instantly hate her. If she is brought in as her own Character with Sub-Zero in the game as well then I could be fine with it. She should not replace Sub-Zero though.

I think she should replace Cyber Subz to be honest. She could be a much faster Ice wielding character. Honestly though, she needs to have a completely original moveset. Nothing copied from Sub-Zero.

Ice throwing daggers.
Ice Spike (pops the opponent towards her from far away)
Ice Slide Kick (a mix between ice slide and jade's shadow kick)
Icy Boost (creates Ice around her hands to give her a damage boost)

I would go from there and maybe give her a couple more moves.
03/29/2012 08:17 PM (UTC)

I one-hundred percent agree with Scar-Subby that Frost can be introduced into the game as a separate character from Sub-Zero, but as a replacement I think that would be a drastic mistake for MK to make if they take the franchises most noted characters out of the game against fans wishes.

@ Everyone else

I think in terms of a storyline, established characters can have a backstory that kind of correlates with the original storylines of the earlier plots of MK.
So in terms of each characters' backstory and motivations in Mortal Kombat it be plausible to explain them in terms of each character breakdown. So...

In the earlier stages of his teachings to Liu Kang from the White Lotus Society, was out of shape and drunk in slumber. Although Liu Kang learned very much from Master Bo Rai Cho, the knowledge that he possessed, he couldn’t apply due to his out-shaped figure and lack of daily practice. So instead, Liu Kang was chosen over Master Bo Rai Cho to compete in Mortal Kombat. Later on, Bo Rai Cho witnessed the destruction of his brothers at the hands of Shang Tsung and decided to accompany Liu Kang on a latter tournament held under the rule of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. Unfortunately, Master Bo Rai Cho, was nothing short of an embarrassment in the tournament and was kicked out in his first bout at the hands of Drahmin. Feeling ashamed because of his title, but yet determined to leave a mark to be felt by both Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, Master Bo Rai Cho delved into a period of reflection and reinvention of himself. He spent several years retraining himself in the rigorous teachings of kung fu styles that he learned so many years ago. Bo Rai Cho enters Mortal Kombat now as a renewed spirit with a motive of redemption to the memory of his fallen Shaolin Brothers from the White Lotus Society

Born of half Chinese half African-American heritage, Kai was brought to the White Lotus Society as an orphan. It was there that found refuge and was taught the discipline of kung fu martial arts training. For years Kai studied under the direction of Liu Kang and Bo Rai Cho at an early age and developed his style of fighting from his treacherous and intense training. Years would past, and Kai would have completed his training with the White Lotus Society and mastered the spirit of the “Tiger”. Elder statesmen and monks of the temple, instructed Kai, that in order to learn the top techniques of the White Lotus Society he would have to possess the spirit of the “Dragon” and be mindful of the harm and extents of his powers can have on weaker people, in that he would have to find it for himself outside the temple. Years would past and a raid by Shang Tsung’s Outworld forces would destroy the White Lotus Temple shortly after Liu Kang was selected as the sole representative of the Temple to fight in Mortal Kombat. Liu Kang would leave the temple and fight for the Earthrealm in Mortal Kombat due to the destruction of their temple while Kai had left the Temple on a journey of enlightenment. Once Kai returned to the remnants of the temple, he was enraged with anger at what laid before him. Kai would ally with Liu Kang in their journey into Outworld to fight against Shang Tsung. After Liu Kang won the Mortal Kombat Tournament, Kai was infuriated that he chose not to kill Shang Tsung in the tournament. Taking matters into his own hands now, Kai followed the defeated Shang Tsung back to Shao Kahn’s kingdom against the wishes of Liu Kang. It was there that Kai would meet Shao Kahn face to face and be quickly overmatched. Kai loosing his fight with Shao Kahn was taken and enslaved for his misguided anger and was entranced under Shao Kahn’s mythical powers to do Kahn’s biddings as an assassin. It would be later revealed that Kai would be recruited by the renewed Shang Tsung as one of his elite assassins for the next Mortal Kombat tournament.

Frost, being ostracized most of her life for being an inexperienced fighter in the Shirai Ryu, was eager to develop into a renown fighter to prove everyone wrong and gain their respect. Shunned from any battle training from the Shirai Ryu, she faked her death and set off in the night from the walls of the Shirai Ryu for a journey of enlightenment. Several years past and after several sparring sessions with local masters, she set her sights westward and encountered Sub-Zero of the Lin Kuei in civilian clothes. In her encounter, Frost explained her will to find the ultimate fighter, and decided to spar with Sub-Zero to gage his combat skills. Apprehensive at first, Sub-Zero refused to fight, until he was forced to out of Frost’s sheer desire. As they engaged in combat, Sub-Zero saw potential in her skill but was still unimpressed. After their sparring session he left to this dismay of Frost. Frost being more impressed with his skill decided to follow him back to the sacred Lin Kuei Temple and snuck behind their walls with her novice spying skills she learned. Eventually, Frost got caught and was brought to the Abbot and elder officials of Lin Kuei and Sub-Zero. The Abbot and elder statesmen of the Lin Kuei had a strict policy of turning away outsiders from the Temple, with a penalty of execution. Sub-Zero reminiscent of their spar days earlier showed compassion and decided to take her up against the policies of the Lin Kuei. It was decided that only through her submissiveness to the culture of Lin Kuei and guidance of Sub-Zero’s teaching would her life be spared. Sub-Zero that day was held responsible for teaching Frost, Lin Kuei culture as his student. Being Sub-Zero's student in the Lin Kuei, Frost trained very hard under Sub-Zero but became quickly frustrated with her progress. Her relentlessness and impatient nature caused her to abruptly end her training with Lin Kuei after novice level teachings. So one night within the Lin Kuei Temple, Frost, knowing with expert precision when the upper chambers of the Lin Kuei Temple was unguarded stole the sacred Ei Ching manual and disappeared into the night not to return to the Lin Kuei in years despite several attempts by the Lin Kuei to track her down. When Sub-Zero learned of her alliance with Shirai Ryu, Sub-Zero ordered an all out war against the Shirai Ryu some time after causing the heated rivalry between the two clans. Frost reunites with her Sifu in Mortal Kombat as a more powerful and skilled fighter, with Sub-Zero's vengeance against her and a mission to free her ninja clan members Black Widow, Forage and Poison Ivy from Shang Tsung's control.

Frost in her power hunger quest to be become the best fighter, steals the Ei Ching Manual of the Lin Kuei and disappears from the backlash of the Lin Kuei and Sub-Zero. This action only fuels Sub-Zero distrust to take on new students. Frost then takes the manual to a remote area in the Shirai Ryu to learn and train herself the techniques of the Lin Kuei and ice control techniques unbeknownst to Scorpion, Black Widow, Forage and Poison Ivy. A few years past, and Frost's fighting skill level develops to be one of the best out of the Shirai Ryu to the surprise of everyone in her clan, including Scorpion. A special twists occurs though to where the Lin Kuei send a spy to map out the Shirai Ryu's village and spots Frost. The spy returns to Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei to report the discovery and as a result orders a surprise raid on the Shirai Ryu. During the raid, Scorpion gets killed and Black Widow, Poison Ivy and Forage and a few others from the clan escape including Frost, and the Ei Ching Manual from the Lin Kuel ninja clan gets destroyed and burned to ashes in the war to never be recovered. During the raid, Shang Tsung took on the image of Sub-Zero and turned out to be Scorpion's murderer so witnesses and Scorpions specter place the blame of his murder on Sub-Zero when in fact it was Shang Tsung who commits the murder. Years later there is another raid this time from Shang Tsung's band of warriors on the remnants of the Shirai Ryu, to where he takes Black Widow, Poison Ivy and Forage hostage for recruitment of his legion of elite assassins to protect him called the Divine Nine. He enslaves Black Widow, Poison Ivy and Forage under his sorcery and Frost is the only one left behind. So she as the one of the few representatives of her clan left with a guilty conscious decides to enter the tournament to free her sisters of the clan and take revenge for the raid.

This can also create a feud between Sub-Zero and Frost due to the fact that he feels he stole the prized possessions of the Lin Kuei and some of their most sacred fighting techniques and ice abilities. So Frost encounters a love/hate relationship between her and Sub-Zero though she still regards Sub-Zero as her master for teaching her how to fight but a hatred for the massacre of her clan. She also has a fuel raged hatred for Shang Tsung for the capture of her sisters Black Widow, Poison Ivy and Forage and feels she's there only hope to survive and be released from his control.

Once Raiden learned of the threat of Earthrealm and Outworld merging into one, he went to the elder gods to seek help. Once in their presence, Raiden immediately explained the situation. To his surprise, he was sent Genesis, a trusted guardian of light, from Luminous the god of light. He also received aide from Fu Jin himself, the god of wind. Known for his calm and introspective nature, Fu Jin weighed the pros and cons of the situation and decided to help. Due to the rules and regulations of the Mortal Kombat tournament, Fu Jin then took upon the image of a mortal being and descend down with Raiden and Genesis to combat the merging realms. Aware of the magnitude of the described situation from Raiden, Fu Jin was taking a big risk of his godhood to compete in this tournament. Loosing the battle of the merging realms meant being stripped down to a mere mortal. Fu Jin allies with Raiden in Mortal Kombat with his godhood on the line and the threat of Earthrealm being destroyed by Outworld.

RYU (OF STREET FIGHTER) If selected as a guest/bonus character:
Noted for his reputation of being a consecutive Street Fighter Champion Title Holder, Ryu attracted attention from random underground street scufflers. Being used to the confrontations, Ryu would often walk away from the encounters in respects to avoid bringing more unwanted attention to himself and loosing face as Titled Champion. Only in the extreme circumstances where he'd be forced to defend himself would he lash out in pinned up anger and fury against contenders, which he has proven to do a few times. One untypical day while minding his own business, he was called out by a unknown fighter parallel to his to skill set from across the streets in defaming his character and the honor of the Street Fighter Tournament to a point of being provoked to defend himself and the title of Tournament Champion. With this random act of violence, Ryu engaged in a one on one fight with the fighter. Loosing his focus and cool, Ryu valiantly fought by eventually was overcomed by the unknown warrior in the surprise encounter. This would cause the fighter to become more patronizing and eventually dismiss the relevance of the Street Fighter Tournament all together. Broken and bruised, Ryu, would pick himself back up after the thrashing and seeking meaning behind the experience with reconditioned training from his Sensei. He would also use the encounter to investigate the unknown warrior's whereabouts after a few days. The few days investigation would lead him into a mass of swirling clouds in the sky and a whole new realm in which a famed tournament where Earthrealm and Outworld's finest warriors would be competing in a event called Mortal Kombat. A sudden flash back of disrespect this unknown warrior would profess towards the Street Fighter Tournament would fill Ryu with rage. Finally, with a mind set on tracking down this unknown fighter, Ryu, walked aggressively through the spiraling clouds and enters Mortal Kombat to restore honor to his loss of reputation and honor of the Street Fighter Tournament.

SHINNOK (as boss of next MK):
After it was communicated that Shao Kahn lost control of the tournament to the hands of Raiden, and the realignment of power and realms where to shift under his authority, Shinnok seized what to him was a golden opportunity. He would travel from the NetherRealm into Earthrealm with his Black Magic sorcery and form an alliance with the Outworld Emperor, with him and Shang Tsung serving as subservient underbosses to his strategy and plans to regain control of the Order of the Realms amulet and consequenetly power over the existing realms in question. The defeated Shao Kahn desperate for power, agreed to the terms and handed over his dominion in Outworld to Shinnok in hopes to gain access to Earthrealm again. Now with the powers to be resurging again for access Earthrealm, Shinnok now takes the lead in NetherRealm and Outworld's ambition to rule Earthrealm in the tournament Mortal Kombat.

Alibi, unlike many others, came into the Shirai Ryu at a later age. She was looked upon as a late bloomer by many in the clan. So by the time she had gotten to the age of fighting, her skills weren’t as keen and honed as the others. To make up for weakness in physical ability, she had a mastery of spoken language. She could speak seven different languages (including English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Italian, Russian, and Swahili). She also possessed a well-keened skill of persuasion, and possessed a born psychic ability to read and control people’s minds and because of this skill she was given the initial code name of “Alias“. Although in other circles, these skills might have been looked upon as great, the Shirai Ryu saw her skills as inferior. She often would stay behind on missions and be restricted from learning any advanced fighting techniques. But eventually she would gain the trust and respect of the heralded Scorpion and became his student. Being older than his usual students, Scorpion had to demonstrate patience with her, a virtue he wasn’t use to exhibiting as a Sensei.

The initial phases of their training were routine until the Lin Kuei decided to abruptly end their training by waging a war. Being at novice level of fighting she fought well in the war but witnessed the death of her Sensei. Tormented she fled to a nearby town until the war receded. Months later she would be visited by Scorpion’s specter in random visions and dreams in her sleep. These visions drove Alibi to fight in the Mortal Kombat 4 tournament where ironically enough, part of her identity would be compromised. Tanya, as it was later revealed, had her focus affected with the leak in personal information. The leak in information would cause her mind to wander about other things instead of focusing on her opponent, causing an early round defeat in the tournament. She would also reunite with her former Sensei, Scorpion in the tournament. Scorpion saw that she competed well in the tournament and respected her efforts but scolded her to her face. Feeling that her skill was average at best, he demanded that she train harder, and mediocrity was not acceptable as a member of the Shirai Ryu. So with the events unfolding, and Shirai Ryu now extinct, she went into an isolated location to train with the resurrected Scorpion to instruct her on occasion. This time in her life represented a period of purification from her former self. She was given the new code name “Alibi” by Scorpion himself and honed her psychic abilities into a useful fighting weapon against foes. Alibi enters Mortal Kombat for redemption and for her resurrected Sensei.

ALLURE (new character proposal):

Ever since the earlier part of her life, Allure, garnered attention and affection from everyone she surrounded herself with, especially men. She was known as the most popular girl in school and hung out with only the most popular people within her inner circle. Eventually because of her adored beauty and intelligence she would move out to California where she’d chase a modeling/acting career in the field of cinema. To keep herself in shape, she would exercise and partake in kickboxing, Tai Chi and yoga to meet the demands of a Hollywood image. Her initial time in California produced little to no gigs, having to work small odd and part time jobs. Her luck would change and she would eventually be introduced to some powerful media giants within the region and build successful relationships with her connects, elevating her career to more lucrative gigs and positions. And because she naturally had “the look” and intelligence, she fit right in to the culture of Hollywood. She would meet various celebrities and powerful moguls in the industry with her charming persona making her an eventual celebrity. One day, after being hounded by paparazzi, she would be approached by a high level mogul to play a lead role in an upcoming movie. They would arrange a meeting for her to read a copy of her script and attend an audition for the part in a state of the art studio with the producer and casting agents for the movie. Allure would show up to the audition early eager to land her first lead role until she would be engulfed into a magical portal into Outworld. Allure enters Mortal Kombat by deception and must fight her way out of the realm Outworld to save herself.

ARTICA (new character proposal):
Artica came into the Lin Kuei as an abandoned child along the same time that Sub-Zero came into to the ranks of the Lin Kuei. Together throughout the years they grew as renown assassins within the temple and studied under the same teachers. They progressed through their training around the same speed and built a bond of friendship and professionalism amongst each other. This was until Frost infiltrated the Lin Kuei. Frost’s presence was polarizing and divisive. Being perceived as an outsider, Artica did not accept Frost and as a result her trust and perception of Sub-Zero changed for the worst. Sub-Zero’s compassion and mercy for Frost’s life, caused her to look at him as soft and weak. Through Frost’s training, Sub-Zero’s dissention grew into a full blown enemy in the eyes of Artica, whom now took the stance of Sub-Zero’s counterpart. Through premonition, Artica foreshadowed a war between the Lin Kuei and rival clan the Shirai Ryu to ranking members because of Frost’s presence but her outbursts fell on deaf ears. Her later premonition proved to be right. As a result of Frost’s disappearance with the Ei Ching manual the actions incited a conflict between the Lin Kuei and the Shirai Ryu. Artica was sent out by the Lin Kuei to map out the Shirai Ryu’s grounds as a spy and came back to report where the Lin Kuei artifact was being held. Once discovered, a war between the two clans ensued resulting in the massacre of the Shirai Ryu and the destruction of the Ei Ching manual. In response Artica was given the mission of assassinating Sub-Zero for his act of treason. The loss of sacred artifacts of Lin Kuei’s history, culture, and secrets caused them to integrate an automation process with se lect warriors within its ranks that showed unfavorable conflicts with the ideals and philosophies upon which Lin Kuei was founded upon. So Artica, having the same Black Arts training of manipulating ice as Sub-Zero, now enters Mortal Kombat as a hired assassin against Sub-Zero for his act of treason against the Lin Kuei shortly after his banishing from the temple.

RED VIRTUE (new character proposal):
Long time standing member of the Lin Kuei, Red Virtue, was inducted into the temple as an outsider with a mysterious but dark past. Physically attractive and beautiful, Red Virtue always had garnered unwanted attention from various men that would eventually motivate her inception into the Lin Kuei. And being of a foreign background, Red Virtue had to pay a series of long and intense dues to be inducted. It was because of these experiences within her faint past and completion of intense Lin Kuei ceremonies that she was to be considered. The combination of paid dues and her dark and painful past caused Red Virtue to developed a strict, intolerant and emotionless persona towards others within the temple. She would become an instructor for Kunoichi Ninjas within the Lin Kuei. Her leadership style is militarized, strict and intense exhibiting no remorse or tolerance for emotions, mercy and weakness. With her decorated tenure within the Lin Kuei she commands a mid-level authority over female assassins. When word of an outsider infusing a war between the Lin Kuei and the Shirai Ryu came to her attention, she sent long-time advanced associate “Artica” to investigate. Receiving the inside information from her, and learning of Sub-Zero being the root cause made her and other high ranked Lin Kuei officials to take a decisive action to eliminate him. Now as Artica enters Mortal Kombat so does Red Virtue to uphold the honor and reputation of the Lin Kuei.

OBSIDIAN BLUE (new character proposal):
Little is known about Obsidian Blue’s origins. When questioned about her background, the information that has turned up has proven to be extremely vague for she doesn’t have ties to any martial arts schools, clans or teachers. She has been observed to be a very discreet yet powerful warrior with mysterious motives to all. With mixed reports of her past, to some she has demonstrated herself to be a heroine to niche communities, providing support and justice to aide in the pitfalls of selected areas. And to others she has demonstrated herself to be a menacing villain inciting riots and chaos from her short hinged presence in other areas of the world. In receiving word of a world renown tournament consisting of the best fighters on Earth and beyond to participate, Obsidian Blue enters Mortal Kombat as a wildcard and mystery to all that have heard of her legend.

OBLIQUE (new character proposal):
A model citizen from the planet of Utopia, Oblique was heralded as a celebrity in her native providence until one untypical day, her planet was invaded by Shao Kahn and his army of Outworld warriors. The attack came to much a surprise to her native people in that their counter attacks were sporadic and unorganized, and within a few weeks her entire planet was conquered by Shao Kahn superior soldiers and weaponry. Because of her beauty, Shao Kahn decided to take her back to Outworld where she was repeatedly tortured and abused by Shao Kahn and other highly ranked members of Shao Kahn’s circle. After years of torment, her biological makeup gradually began to break down into a liquid molecular structure giving her the ability to transform into liquid masses at will. This allowed her to escape her cell in the lower chambers of Kahn’s dungeon into a desolate area in Outworld where she would meet a mysterious monk escapee from Kahn’s prisons. Old and decrepit the monk saw Oblique’s condition and decided to nurse her back to health through martial arts training, exercise and field work. The physical activity allowed her to gain her strength back and taught her to control her liquid techniques and transformations. Years later, the monk dies leaving Oblique in isolation and nothing but the memory of what Shao Kahn did to her home of Utopia. Oblique enters Mortal Kombat with no alliances to anyone and a heart filled with vengeance against Shao Kahn and anyone that gets in her way.

To be continued with other new character backstories.....

03/29/2012 10:40 PM (UTC)
While it's a nice gesture that you're posting new character ideas, let's just focus on the MK4 characters for right now.

Kind of side tracked, I'm really just talking about the MK4 characters, no one else as of right now. Let's get back into talking about that.
04/03/2012 02:50 AM (UTC)
Your right, for hotaru I have no Idea how they can bring him in but I was going off of cages ending. Maybe it's biased but I think cage needs his due. He ws killed and then brought back an in Armageddon he began to mature in change. I think he could be a good protagonist and with his background it could work. As for Kai I think he is a must have. Easily can replace Liu kang and kung Lao for a game or two and his story can be easy. Ignore my character changes I like what someone mentioned about him and fujin coming as the raiden kang package. So like his original backstory he is finding his purpose and therefore is training with fujin. After the events of the new MK raiden is having doubts in himself. He realizes he screwed over eartrealm twice (does in armaggeddon) and near annihilation at the end if this one. He begins to doubt himself so he seeks Fujin and tells him that when the time comes, fujin will have to replace him. Now to Tanya

I was going off the fact that rain would be a big problem but it could e possible that since Kai is replacing the shaolin monks he could be the one tanya tricks. I guess I could see the Nitara story which could cause blaze to fight her. Hyrax could go rouge and run into her.

I like the idea of the netherrealm warriors appearing, since ashrah has the change of heart, she can escape netherrealm to help shinnok and then see fujin and raiden and pledge herself to them.

Noob has to come back and chaos can have a hand in it. Havik and can be drawn to the rage and anger bi Han has and he brings noob Saibot back, knowing chaos would come from it. This could also start some weird apprenticeship (thinking sith) where the cleric of chaos takes noob on as his enforcer of chaos, he will teach noob the ways of chaos making noob a volitale and deadly foe to any who face him. His first test to stir up trouble on the hell and earth war.

Demon smoke can easily lead to cyer smoke

Fo some reason I see the netherrealm army being a bit chaotic and on the verge of implosion. Noob saibot working chaos as well as a power hungry reiko, he can invade outspend and find Kahns throne room he try's on the helmet, and then turns on shinnok disillusioned thinking that he is all

Meat could actually come back. I was thinking about it and he still could be a discarded Shang tsung project and could serve as a meat suit or sacrifice. Kinda like how Shang tsung had his soul steal. He could be a vessel for souls.

Maybe rain and Tanya could have an alliance

I like the idea of frost developing into her own bad ass character. With no Dragon medallion she could teach herself to fight. With the Lin keui on verge of becoming the tekunin she reserves automation and runs off. She gets lost and finds the cryomancer tomb. It is there that she learns of her ancestors and their spirits begin to teach her their ways. She uses her new powers to kill anything that gets in her way. In a bit of irony the Lin keui kick her out for being human yet she is almost as souless as them and vengeful making heroes dangerous.

04/05/2012 01:03 PM (UTC)
hey my step dad is friends with this guy on face book and hes making subzeros normal design for mk10 so subzeros been KONFIRMED
04/05/2012 01:22 PM (UTC)
Yeah well my cousin's stepsister works for Nintendo and can confirm that MK10 is Wii U exclusive.
04/05/2012 03:46 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Yeah well my cousin's stepsister works for Nintendo and can confirm that MK10 is Wii U exclusive.

Oh you.lol.

I don't think it's a far stretch to say a Sub-Zero will probably be in the game anyway (crosses fingers). It's just a matter of who it will be.

Fanboy in me (Please let it be Kuai Liang, Please let it be Kuai Liang!.)
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