How about we have no Konquest this time?
posted03/09/2007 01:52 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/13/2006 09:35 PM (UTC)
I know that Konquest is very fun to play, but still. We have so many people seeing that Konquest should now start acting like WoW or have every single character in the game have their own Konquest story and not like the very first konquest version, i'm talking about Armageddon's version. Why should they waste their time in making something that once you beat it, there is nothing left for you to do? Instead they should go back just making it regular Mortal Kombat like they did in the Genesis versions. What can I say, i love classic games. But Konquest can get real old real fast in a heartbeat. If they must make something like this, make another Adventure game starring someone out of the blue. I just don't like seeing that have the creator's talents are being put into something that can be easily beaten and have to start over again once you beat it (Like Armageddon) or just contiune punching random people once you turn into an old raping freak (Like Deception) In conclusion, I really just don't want to see something like this in the next game because I frankly give up on it.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

03/01/2007 01:04 AM (UTC)
I don't want Konquest in any more MK games. They need to stop wasting their time with these extra bullshit modes and get the core gameplay in top shape.
03/01/2007 01:45 AM (UTC)
i like mkd konquest better then mka
probly becuzz it was real fun exploring the mk world
and meeting all my favorit characters
mka konquest was like a crapy down graded mksm
i say keep konquest. but make it like mksm

03/01/2007 01:55 AM (UTC)
i agree, they shouldn't have a Konquest mode, or barely any extra modes, 2 at most, in Mk8.They take up too much space and they need the gameplay and story to kick ass in MK8.
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03/01/2007 03:34 AM (UTC)
What I hate is having to beat the Konquest to unlock everything. It really sucked having to find all the artifacts in MKA and to learn that I had to travel the realms and beat Konquest to unlock Raiden and Liu Kang in MKD. I should be able to play at my leisure and not race through it to get my favorite costumes and characters.
03/01/2007 03:50 AM (UTC)
crackhead-ermac Wrote:
i like mkd konquest better then mka
probly becuzz it was real fun exploring the mk world
and meeting all my favorit characters
mka konquest was like a crapy down graded mksm
i say keep konquest. but make it like mksm

I agree. Mortal Kombat Deception's was by far the most fun thing I have played in that time area (besides Halo 2)
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03/01/2007 04:02 AM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
I don't want Konquest in any more MK games. They need to stop wasting their time with these extra bullshit modes and get the core gameplay in top shape.

While I agree about gameplay, I do believe MK Konquest should return. Each of them had their own pros and cons. Personally, I like Konquest, and hope it returns.

Deadly Alliance was awesome. I'm one of the biggest geeks for the storyline; this was perfect for me. I got to get some more in-depth explanations on the characters, and learned about the fighting styles (though some are probably wrong and inaccurately, it's still something fun to read). I wasn't a fan of the combo system, where you had to press the next button after the attack finished, unlike Deception though. Still, I'd give this a 9/10. It'd be perfect if they put in more information, like how the character learned this, or explain why he or she does that, and more stages.

Deception's Konquest was amazing, and my absolute favorite. Exploring the realms of Mortal Kombat was great, and there were so many little quests to do, there was always something to complete. Granted, some people may be annoyed by these trivial quests, it gives me something to do when I'm not in a fighting mood. Training with characters also gave some background information between practice sessions, which was awesome. Honestly, 10/10. The realms could have been a bit bigger, and make the worthless items useful, but other than that, I have no complaints.

Armageddon had the newest version, but I'm not too fond it. Instead of following in each characters footsteps (MKDA), or learning from each character (MKD), we had to stick to one character, who wasn't too enjoyable, to play as. The storyline was a little jipped, as well as how they portrayed some characters, but what can you do? The gameplay, outside of fights, was pretty fun though. It reminded me of Shaolin Monks. I'm going to rate this one as 6/10 though. Gameplay was good, but not too much focus on the story, and you're not as free to explore.

In conclusion, Mortal Kombat does need to fix gameplay, but they don't have to remove or water down Konquest. In fact, I'd be pretty disgruntled if they didn't include it. A mix of the engrossing storyline and character introductions from MKDA, the freedom to go wherever and do whatever you wanted from MKD, and the free gameplay outside of fights of MKA, and I'd be one happy fan.
03/02/2007 12:57 AM (UTC)
but now they can't do anything else with it.

Making a new character and make him/her the hero of the game: Happened

Going through at lest nine lvls+ with every character to learn new moves: Happened

Going though puperty: Happened

What's next? Surely of course there won't be a girl having her own konquest thing. And where will they take us on the adventure this time? I'm pretty sure there is nothing they can do.
03/07/2007 06:19 PM (UTC)
I love Konquest and would hate to see it go. I think they botched it with Armageddon. Konquest should serve to do two things:
1. Enhance and deepen the storyline. Explain things a little more clearly and allow you the opportunity to learn about and immerse yourself in the MK world.
2. Practice with the characters with various trials and victory conditions.
MKD did an AWESOME job with this. MKA, not so much. MKA explained some story aspects, but the practice just was NOT there, and neither was the exploration aspect. Another reason I liked Konquest was that it offered a bit of a "break" from fighting. MKDA and MKD did that, while MKA just offered...more fighting. Not only that, but a different type of fighting. Ugh.
I think MKA made a good attempt at a solution that could help please both the storyline/exploration junkies (myself and others) and the hardcore fighting gamer.
The solution is...
Have two different ways to unlock each item.

MKA did that, but not in a very thought-out way. The way I see it is they should apply another selection at the Menu screen, right beneath, or above, Konquest. That selection would be for the fighting fans, and would include various fight modes and matches with different difficulties and levels. Say you wanted Scorpion's second costume. For the fighting fan he or she would select the "extended fight mode" (or whatever it should be called) and battle it out with various match conditions. This would be somewhat similar to Soul Calibur 2's "adventure" mode, where you moved on a grid and fought random battles with random conditions.
For the Konquest fan, just log into Konquest, and let the search begin as normal.
If an item is hard to obtain in Konquest, it should be equally hard in the fighting mode to obtain.
That's my idea for pleasing both sides. I for one would hate to see Konquest disappear, especially if they were planning another one like MKD. Wide open spaces to explore with interaction with people > linear beat em up "adventure".

03/08/2007 01:13 AM (UTC)
but its totally a huge waste of space! I mean, if there wasn't a konquest in DA guess how many fatalities each character would have, and they could have probably made another two three rows of new characters or bring back the dead. Konquest is a huge waste of space, and yet knowing some of you people my opinions are hurtful and offensive. But I'm clearly making a point that Konquest should leave. if anything, make an adventure game staring the people you want, or have a two disk game where one is just Mortal Kombat and the other Konquest, or something. But putting the whole basic thing on the same disk with Mortal Kombat included is just wasting so much room that they won't be able to add anything else. Statement ended.
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03/08/2007 04:33 AM (UTC)
I really doubt Konquest would take up so much space that they could have added more fatalities. Deadly Alliance was just a comeback. I'm no master of technology, and I don't claim to be, but if file sizes are anything to go by, Deception Konquest claimed more disk space than Deadly Alliance.

DA was moving around with your monk after every mission, a few text commands, some training arenas, and that's it. It doesn't sound like very much to me, but enlighten me if you can. Compared to Deception, which has something like six new worlds, countless NPCs running around, and loads of other things, Deadly Alliance's Konquest is nothing. Deception also has two Fatalities and Kara-Kiris, slightly smoother graphics, and death traps, if you want a few more.

Gameplay should be more imporotant, yes, but the story is what made Mortal Kombat what it is today. Looking at it from a gameplay perspective, seeing as how they're supposed to use a new fighting system, you're sure as hell going to wish you had Konquest to drill the moves into your head and memorize them.

Edit: And no, your opinion does not bother me in the slightest. You're stating your opinion, I'm stating mine. We'll go out for a couple drinks later or something, yeah?
03/08/2007 06:09 AM (UTC)
Konquest = crap.They better concentrate in the core gameplay and dont waste time in Konquest (adventure games should solve this) and those crap mini games like motor kombat or chess kombat that where in MKD.
03/08/2007 06:25 AM (UTC)
For storytelling purposes, I think it's important to have a feature that let's you deeply explore the MK Universe and all its current events in a more interesting and interactive way than just reading the bios.

I think Konquest should stay but it should be more like MKD's konquest where you freely explore the realms, interact with all the characters, and learn about what's happening in the game close-up and personal. Reading the bios and stuff is a cheesy way to tell a story.

The battles in future Konquests shouldn't be fought in classical MK style, though. You know how in MKD and MKA when there'd be a major fight you'd have to revert to the arcade-style kombat setting? Well, that shouldn't happen anymore. The battles should be held within Konquest's free-roaming environment to make it more unique and special. If we already have classic-style fighting in Arcade mode, why should we encounter this mode over and over in Konquest?

That was lame and annoying to me.
03/09/2007 12:39 AM (UTC)
Ailettes Wrote:
I really doubt Konquest would take up so much space that they could have added more fatalities. Deadly Alliance was just a comeback. I'm no master of technology, and I don't claim to be, but if file sizes are anything to go by, Deception Konquest claimed more disk space than Deadly Alliance.

DA was moving around with your monk after every mission, a few text commands, some training arenas, and that's it. It doesn't sound like very much to me, but enlighten me if you can. Compared to Deception, which has something like six new worlds, countless NPCs running around, and loads of other things, Deadly Alliance's Konquest is nothing. Deception also has two Fatalities and Kara-Kiris, slightly smoother graphics, and death traps, if you want a few more.

Gameplay should be more imporotant, yes, but the story is what made Mortal Kombat what it is today. Looking at it from a gameplay perspective, seeing as how they're supposed to use a new fighting system, you're sure as hell going to wish you had Konquest to drill the moves into your head and memorize them.

Edit: And no, your opinion does not bother me in the slightest. You're stating your opinion, I'm stating mine. We'll go out for a couple drinks later or something, yeah?

ha ha, only if i get charge for underage drinking! nope, can't only 16 and will be silver for the rest of my life. won't ever touch that crap! woo!
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03/09/2007 01:52 AM (UTC)
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
Ailettes Wrote:
I really doubt Konquest would take up so much space that they could have added more fatalities. Deadly Alliance was just a comeback. I'm no master of technology, and I don't claim to be, but if file sizes are anything to go by, Deception Konquest claimed more disk space than Deadly Alliance.

DA was moving around with your monk after every mission, a few text commands, some training arenas, and that's it. It doesn't sound like very much to me, but enlighten me if you can. Compared to Deception, which has something like six new worlds, countless NPCs running around, and loads of other things, Deadly Alliance's Konquest is nothing. Deception also has two Fatalities and Kara-Kiris, slightly smoother graphics, and death traps, if you want a few more.

Gameplay should be more imporotant, yes, but the story is what made Mortal Kombat what it is today. Looking at it from a gameplay perspective, seeing as how they're supposed to use a new fighting system, you're sure as hell going to wish you had Konquest to drill the moves into your head and memorize them.

Edit: And no, your opinion does not bother me in the slightest. You're stating your opinion, I'm stating mine. We'll go out for a couple drinks later or something, yeah?

ha ha, only if i get charge for underage drinking! nope, can't only 16 and will be silver for the rest of my life. won't ever touch that crap! woo!

You kind of missed the point of my post, but ok.
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