Hidden Fighters - Returning and New
posted02/26/2010 04:08 PM (UTC)by
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08/01/2004 05:22 PM (UTC)
So who do you wanna return as hidden again?Also what kind of new fighter you wanna see.

Tell how you want to unlock them to fight them and to play as them.

Playable / unplayable ?

You know who I pick - it's always Noob Saibot.
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02/11/2010 06:29 PM (UTC)
First and foremost... No more unlocking characters throught he krypt. That was an awful idea that took 99% of the fun and mystery out of finding hidden characters. Granted, I wasn't a fan of kombat kodes either.

I mean, if you actually BROKE those codes yourself without help, congrats. But I get the feeling that 99% of the people looked up that info online or in a strategy guide.

So yeah, scrap those ideas completely.

I'd want the characters to be released in this way:

7 Characters selectable from the start (a small nod to MK1 fans)
7 Story released characters:

By that, I mean when you play as those original 7 and you beat their story modes, you unlock the next 7. Not all at once, of course, but one character opens up another etc.

6 Characters unlocked by accomplishing tasks that are hinted at:

In other words, the game will give you hints on how to unlock a character, without naming the character of course. Sort of like a "look to la luna" type of thing.

Examples of accomplishments:

Get 100 consecutive wins in Survival mode
Get a double flawless plus fatality in 3 matches in arcade mode (doesn't have to be consecutive)
Beat Story Mode with a character out continuing once
Break Diamond in Test your Might

You know, stuff that you'd try to do anyways. Not "only use low kick for the entire match" or "hold HP for 30 seconds." Nothing arbitrary.

3 Characters Time released
In other words, by playing a certain number of matches in any mode, these characters are unlocked.
50 Matches
100 Matches
500 Matches

1 Super Unlockable Character
Once you have unlocked every character in the game and beaten all of their story modes, this character is unlocked.

You know, something like that...

As for who I'd want to be hidden, I'd like to start the game with a revamped character roster, so maybe one of the first seven will be a previous character, the rest will be new. I'd have Fujin as that one previously played character.

The next 7 would be a mix of both new and old characters. I'd like to see: Mavado, Kenshi, Sareena and Sonya in this group.

The next 6 hidden characters would have 2 old characters returning:

Shang Tsung and Scorpion

The three time released characters would be:

Shao Kahn
Sub Zero

The super unlockable character would be the original Kung Lao (as in the one that was defeated by Goro 500 years ago)

Something along those lines.
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02/11/2010 09:40 PM (UTC)
I totally agree with you Baraka407.
Those ideas sound challenging and fun to do.

Krypt really was suckass for unlocking characters.
I wouldn't mind it returning but for things like arena music, behind the scenes videos and pictures and concept art.

I'd want Noob Saibot (not Noob >:|), Reptile and Jade as Super hard unlockables as a kind of nod to previous MKs where they were secrets.
02/12/2010 09:52 PM (UTC)
mkdfan Wrote:
I totally agree with you Baraka407.
Those ideas sound challenging and fun to do.

Krypt really was suckass for unlocking characters.
I wouldn't mind it returning but for things like arena music, behind the scenes videos and pictures and concept art.

I'd want Noob Saibot (not Noob >:|), Reptile and Jade as Super hard unlockables as a kind of nod to previous MKs where they were secrets.

Returning Secret Characters:

1) JADE SHOULD DEFINITELY RETURN AS A SUPER HARD UNLOCKABLE AND SHOULD BE HIDDEN! Why, because she's a better version of Kitana (Kitana's also my fave) and she has the potential to make R-rated fatalities that involve her shoving her staff into a guy's butthole through the mouth.

2) Mileena should be a secret unlockable character if she has a fatality that involves her eating up the opponent from the groin to the head.

3) Shang Tsung should be a hidden or unplayable boss character and should morph into not only other characters but also into strange beasts that are big and/or swift. He should be a final boss again infact.

4) Noob Saibot should be another hidden unlockable character with his ice powers and dark powers combined.

5) Kenshi should be an unlockable character because he has telekinetic and sword abilities.

6) Johnny Cage should be an unlockable character if he has his nut punch back especially as a fatality like in MKSM.

7) Motaro should be a sub-boss who should have his 4 legs back. He should either be hidden or unplayable too.

8) Khameleon should have reptilian like moves such as acid spit and acid puke and should be an unlockable character.

9) Raiden should be unlockable.

10) Sindel can also be an unlockable character if she will return with her hair and floating attacks and maybe even if she becomes evil again from some kind of spell. She can also become a sub-boss.

11) Smoke as an unlockable. He should have both human and cyborg forms.

12) Shao Khan should be unlockable but with less power.

New Secret Characters:

1) A female boss with supernatural moves and powers. Somehow like a goddess. (Hidden Character)

2) A sadistic female character who relies mostly on weapons and gadgets. She should also use her blades to impale into guys' intimate parts. She should use a d!l#0-shaped bomb with spikes all over it to shove into a victim's rectum and have him explode into pieces. Just think about Catwoman from DC and Belladonna from the banned game, Thrill Kill. (Hidden Character)

3) A male vampire that is unlockable.

4) A new Tarkatan that is unlockable (male or female).

Characters who should be selectable:

1) Scorpion (Iconic)

2) Sub-Zero (Iconic)

3) Reptile (Iconic)

4) Sonya (Iconic)

5) Kitana (Iconic)

6) Tanya (A good fighter but nothing really is special about her that would make her a secret.)

7) Jax (Iconic)

8) Baraka (Iconic Tarkatan and a villain who is selectable.)

9) Nitara (The first vampire in MK.)

10) Li Mei (I like her A LOT, especially with her Shish Kabob fatality in MKA but I think other than that, she is just another fighter who should already be selectable.)

11) Taven (It's about time he is able to be played by others who won't need to unlock him.)

12) Kano (A villainous minion who I think should be selectable.)

13) Quan Chi (A villain who should be selectable.)

14) Ermac (Only has telekinetic powers without sword abilities.)

15) Rain (Nothing special about him that will make him a secret. Another villainous minion.)

16) Sareena (She has a potential to really be in the next game but I don't think she'd be a secret character.)

17) A new female cyborg.

18) A new female oni.

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02/13/2010 02:30 PM (UTC)
I would like to fight with secret kombatant after like beating the ladder on max without loosing a match.Just before the bosses.If you you beat him flawless then its unlocked to play as.
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

02/13/2010 04:39 PM (UTC)
I want mk9 unlokables to hav a mixture of ways u can unlock acharacter for char value reasons.
unlokin after u beat the ladder on certain difficulties
unlokin by gamepla fights like perfects
unlokin like mk sholin monks-MEANING
Durin gamepla if your projectile hit certain areas hard to reach normally
unlokin by beatin with certain chars
unlokin by certain long difficult combos hard 2 pull off
JAATAKA- introduced storyline- helpin quanchi
KIA- same as jaataka
treamor- new moves/ costume& storyline
watergod- newlook/moves/storyline
remember new chars can also finally be chars we always wanted to see have a real story & always wanted to see in a regular mk game, it can work as new chars, all they would need is a story and new moves& looks
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

02/14/2010 01:01 AM (UTC)
respond lol,
02/14/2010 02:38 AM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
I want mk9 unlokables to hav a mixture of ways u can unlock a character for char value reasons.
unlokin after u beat the ladder on certain difficulties
unlokin by gamepla fights like perfects
unlokin like mk sholin monks-MEANING
Durin gamepla if your projectile hit certain areas hard to reach normally
unlokin by beatin with certain chars
unlokin by certain long difficult combos hard 2 pull off
JAATAKA- introduced storyline- helpin quanchi
KIA- same as jaataka
tremor- new moves/ costume& storyline
watergod- newlook/moves/storyline
remember new chars can also finally be chars we always wanted to see have a real story & always wanted to see in a regular mk game, it can work as new chars, all they would need is a story and new moves& looks

Bringing back Kia and Jataaka would make sense only if Quan Chi and/or Sareena are in the game. It's cool btw. I'd also like Tasia from MK Special Forces; Jerrod (as an evil undead person who has been ressurrected by some dark magic); Hydro; and characters from the MK Conquest show such as the Great Kung Lao, Vorpax, Kiri, and Taja; to all make their first game debut as unlockable characters. Aside from that what do you think of my ideas?
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02/14/2010 10:04 AM (UTC)
I want one truly hidden character. No more unlockables, no more krypt purchases, and no more dim character pictures on the select screen. If a character has already been announced prior to a games release, why should I have to unlock it? The answer:

Busy work.

Having me work to play as other characters does not count as extra game content, and preventing me from playing as my preferred characters doesn't make the game better. Just let me pick my favorite characters from the get go.

As for the hidden character, it shouldn't be anyone from a previous Mortal Kombat such as Noob or Smoke. Those are established characters now and they deserve a slot in the main roster. A hidden character ought to be new, novel, and yet distinguishable from all the other characters (as they were in MKII and MK3).

02/14/2010 11:25 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I want one truly hidden character. No more unlockables, no more krypt purchases, and no more dim character pictures on the select screen. If a character has already been announced prior to a games release, why should I have to unlock it? The answer:

Busy work.

Having me work to play as other characters does not count as extra game content, and preventing me from playing as my preferred characters doesn't make the game better. Just let me pick my favorite characters from the get go.

As for the hidden character, it shouldn't be anyone from a previous Mortal Kombat such as Noob or Smoke. Those are established characters now and they deserve a slot in the main roster. A hidden character ought to be new, novel, and yet distinguishable from all the other characters (as they were in MKII and MK3).

I see your point. Also, a hidden/secret character should have features that may be not suitable for a lot of kids. For instance, Anna Williams in Tekken 5 had to be unlocked I bet it's because of her slutty personality and her moves are not really suitable for a lot children. That's also why I'd want Jade and Mileena to be secret because they can pull off moves that have sexual themes in it if the creators think about them well enough.
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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

02/15/2010 12:00 AM (UTC)
I'm kind of with Temp on this, if they announce the characters, they shouldn't be unlockable. They should be there from the start. However, if they did not announce them, I wouldn't mind doing the work. And I'm all for one or two extremely, well hidden, secret characters as well. That's always a good challenge.
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02/15/2010 12:06 PM (UTC)
Yeah Temp, your right there should be new secret fighters.

Well, but if it's a reboot it's possible that Noob doesn't exists so he'll be new ;P
02/25/2010 04:31 AM (UTC)
I think it kind of holds the story back if you need to unlock characters. If there are characters to find, I think they should be ones who are purposely hiding. Some characters I would consider as hidden characters:

Liu Kang
Shang Tsung
Shao Kahn

Liu Kang could be coaching from the sidelines, and only decide to get his hands dirty when he really needs to. He could be unlocked by doing something with an evil character, to create the suggestion that "Earthrealm is in trouble."

Shang Tsung could be hiding in the shadows merely because he is regaining strength or wants to survive. The same could be said for Shao Kahn. Havik is just that kind of unpredictable character, always a little out of focus.

I would only have one new hidden character, and they would need a reason to be hidden. They would probably go on to have a big part in future games and such.
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02/25/2010 04:58 AM (UTC)
Actually Temp, I feel the opposite. I see your point and I think it's a good point, but I feel that new characters should be established from the beginning of the game and selectable from the beginning. Older, more classic, characters should be the ones you unlock.

That isn't to say that ALL new characters should be selectable from the beginning and ALL classic characters need to be unlocked, but the classics that have only a minor role in the overall story to the game should be the ones to be unlocked.

Same thing goes for new characters. Depending on the relevance to the story, determines on how easy, or hard, it is to unlock characters.
02/25/2010 05:16 AM (UTC)
Personally, I feel like I'd work a hell of a lot harder to unlock a character I cared about than one I didn't know at all. If I knew a super-hard Dark Raiden was a secret boss and you could only learn more about his story by fighting him, you can bet your ass I'd jump through 5000 hoops to have a chance to go at him, and I'd do it with a smile. Omega Cyborg 37-XK3?...Not so much.
02/25/2010 05:32 AM (UTC)
I bought DA only to find out that the charcters that most of my friends love were locked. Fuck the entire, outdated practice that is locking characters.
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02/25/2010 03:59 PM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
Actually Temp, I feel the opposite. I see your point and I think it's a good point, but I feel that new characters should be established from the beginning of the game and selectable from the beginning. Older, more classic, characters should be the ones you unlock.

That isn't to say that ALL new characters should be selectable from the beginning and ALL classic characters need to be unlocked, but the classics that have only a minor role in the overall story to the game should be the ones to be unlocked.

Same thing goes for new characters. Depending on the relevance to the story, determines on how easy, or hard, it is to unlock characters.

I think if you combine this method with Reptile1112's idea of not announcing the identities of the unlockable characters, this method could work. That way, if I know a favorite character is unlockable, I'm only waiting two days or so as opposed to six months to play as him/her. I still would rather have them as default, but at least I wouldn't feel like I'm doing busy work.
02/26/2010 03:40 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I want one truly hidden character. No more unlockables, no more krypt purchases, and no more dim character pictures on the select screen. If a character has already been announced prior to a games release, why should I have to unlock it? The answer:

Busy work.

Having me work to play as other characters does not count as extra game content, and preventing me from playing as my preferred characters doesn't make the game better. Just let me pick my favorite characters from the get go.

As for the hidden character, it shouldn't be anyone from a previous Mortal Kombat such as Noob or Smoke. Those are established characters now and they deserve a slot in the main roster. A hidden character ought to be new, novel, and yet distinguishable from all the other characters (as they were in MKII and MK3).

I also feel the complete opposite about your view Temp.

I actually love the "busy-work" of having to unlock characters, special pictures, movies, etc. Its part of the fun, its part of the replay value. This is one of the few things that disappointed me about MkvsDC...there was absolutely nothing to unlock after the endings. All those little special things we got in the krypts, vault, and MKSM were awesome and fun. I love the extra-game content and for some reason its just a lot of fun to work your way into unlocking characters (even if we know who they are) and extra things.

That's just me though. I hate having every character available from the start. I hated the way it was done for MKA because after the two previous games, I expected to have some fun with the select screen.
02/26/2010 04:08 PM (UTC)
Who should be a hidden character? Someone that's new to the game that's actually worth being a hidden character.

How do I get to this secret character? Meh, I don't know, probably like how we got to Jade by doing nothing but LK attacks, or getting to Noob by playing 50 games and winning them all. Something that's a challenge and fun.

And it's certainly interesting to see how many people hated the Krypt as much as I did, I personally did not see the fun in that whatsoever and I believed that unlocking characters by buying out the tomb was an awful idea.
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