heres my idea of what the next MK adventure should be: MORTAL KOMBAT: KOLD FURIES!
posted08/17/2005 10:52 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/15/2003 04:46 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat: Kold Furies

The Story

As the title indicates, you play as Sub-Zero (hence the word “kold”). The events of this story take place immediately after MK2, leading up to MK3. But first, backtrack a little to the events of MK1:

Introduction of the clan of assassins, the Lin Kuei, and the introduction of one of its most reliable warriors, an assassin with the mastery of cold, Sub-Zero. Events show that Sub Zero is ‘hired’ (by an unknown force) to enter the tournament to hunt and kill Shang Tsung. Scenes then show Sub Zero being killed by the specter ninja, Scorpion.

With that, the Lin Kuei prepares for a second attempt at eliminating Shang Tsung at the 2nd Mortal Kombat tournament, and this time they send the original Sub Zero’s brother (the main character in the game, i.e. the character you play). Again unsuccessful (but with the Outworld threat subdued for the time being), Sub Zero retums to the Lin Kuei dojo, to prepare for his next assignments.

It is here that you start the game proper, in the Lin Kuei dojo. Here you will train with your fellow Lin Kuei comrades (introduction of new characters?), such as the ninjas formerly known as Sektor and Cyrax, and also your best ally, the illusive Smoke. You learn the character’s basic moves like Konquest), and then given simple basic missions to accomplish within the area (steal something, assassinate someone, assist a comrade perform a mission, clan rivalry, stuff like that). Of course, as a teaser, your movements will be watched from a distance by a certain spectral ninja.

As you continue your training, the story goes that the Lin Kuei is becoming more and more corrupt, and unstable. It climaxes at the point where, to create the perfect assassin, the Lin Kuei are starting to turn their ninjas into machines. Smoke and Sub Zero, the best of allies, revolt against this idea, and decide to leave the Lin Kuei. However, in the course of escaping, Smoke is captured, and you are left alone. Of course, all this will be in the form of missions or levels, fleshed out of course by kick @#$ video-clips!

To escape your native land, you board a dilapidated boat, headed for America (after all, the events of MK3 did take place in New York city – just look at the backgrounds)! You could have a mission or two on this dilapidated boat, perhaps have a run in with a thug like Kano, or Mavado or Hsu Hao, who themselves are on the run! Perhaps on this boat you could have a run in with one of your 1st cyborg assasins!

The Kombatants

When you finally reach the shores, that’s where the game really picks up. Here, you could buy property / hideout (like GTA) with koins you’ve earned, and keep your belongings there. You begin to lead a double life, one by day, and one by night. By day, you are just another guy (which could give fans a chance to get to know the more human side of this powerful ninja), but by night you are Sub Zero, who decides to become a self-proclaimed vigilante (like Batman)! Of course, you will at all times be pursued by forces of both sides of the law, good and evil). Here are a number of characters you could run into:

Jax, Sonya;
Seeing as the crux of the game will be set in America (against MK3 backgrounds), Sub Zero could have a run in with the Special Forces, who will initially mistake him for a villain!

There could be a level where Sub Zero enters a building to take out some thugs who have taken some people hostage, and have planted bombs everywhere. Here, while beating up thugs, he has to defuse the bombs as well, and then have a run in with Stryker, a member of the local bomb squad, who mistakes Sub Zero as a member of the thugs!

“What are you doing in an alley like this on a kold, lonely night?”

Kano, Kabal, Kira, the Black Dragon gang from MK: Special Forces;
You could have Sub Zero infiltrating these gang warehouses and face these guys in Mortal Kombat!

Mavado, Hsu Hao, the Red Dragon Gang;
Where there’s a black dragon, there’s bound to be a red dragon. You could get caught in the middle of a gang war!

Johnny Cage;
Here’s an idea – Sub Zero breaks into a building to steal something invaluable, which just so happens to be the very building that is having an awards ceremony to its favourite movie star, Johnny Cage!

Shang Tsung;
The idea is not to have him play a very big role in the game. In fact, in this game he is on a mission of his own, and you interact with him a couple of times in the game, usually impersonating someone. You may bump into him as someone else, only to discover later.

The God of Thunder will make his appearance known throughout the game, primarily as a guide.

My idea is to have him in the game as a, I mean spectator, meaning he will NEVER fight Sub Zero in the game, but he does fight WITH Sub Zero. The idea is to have Scorpion act somewhat as a ‘watcher’ towards Sub Zero’s every move. However, in situations where Sub Zero is outnumbered, Scorpion will descend from where ever he is, and assist Sub Zero in eliminating his foes. Immediately after doing this, Scorpion will just vanish, without a trace, not a word to be uttered (the idea for this comes from Scorpion’s MK2 ending story, where he swore to protect Sub Zero to atone for murdering his brother).

Cyrax & Sektor;
Throughout the game, attempts will be made by these 2 cybernetic ninjas to eliminate Sub Zero. The proposed idea is to have these 2 guys as the sub bosses of the game. They will appear here and there, but only at the end will you really fight them.

You knew this was coming. The proposed idea is to have him as the ultimate boss. Smoke, previously an ally of Sub Zero, now sees him as a primary target, and his main goal is to eliminate Sub Zero. Sure, fans might want to see Sub Zero fight someone big at the end, like Kahn or Goro or something, but think about it – this is the cyborg smoke, who has the ability to move at lightning speed, turn invisible, and in a 3D environment, would make a great boss battle! Here are some ideas of what his moves could be like:

- invisibility
- teleport punch (like Scorpion)
- teleport uppercut (like Sektor)
- Bomb drop, near and far (like Cyrax / Smoke MK3 fatality)
- Spear
- Air block
- Deadly gas (like MKD, which disables an opponent temporarily)
- Flight (will be able to float around)
- Unlimited counter (here’s an idea – seeing that Sub Zero and him go a long way, Smoke would be programmed to anticipate all of Sub Zero’s moves, hence the ability to COUNTER Sub Zero’s moves infinitely)

Seeing as this game would be set on Earth, there won’t be many Outworld kombatants, though they could pop up here and there (an idea is to have Sub Zero stumble upon an ancient portal somewhere beneath the city, allowing him to travel between realms).

The Kombat Zones

With the game being primarily set in New York, we could see some familiar MK3 backgrounds:

The Subway;
In 3D, you’d be able to fight on the tracks or off the tracks, with trains whishing past you all the time (potential deathtrap)!

The Bridge;
Now you’d have the ability to knock your opponent off it!

The Bell Tower (yes!);
Loved this arena in MK3! Can just imagine sending your opponent crashing through the multiple floors, while the camera rotates 360 degrees showing the different angles of anguish (matrix style)! Wow!

The Graveyard;
The idea is to have this arena look more like the MKD krypt, with perhaps characters running around and disappearing behind tombstones. Who knows? Maybe there’d be a secret where you could fight an undead warrior? (this is based on a rumour that you could fight Johnny Cage’s soul in MK3 at the Graveyard arena, as there was a ‘Cage’ headstone).

Cyrax’s Complex;
A sub boss arena, designated to Cyrax. Held at an abandoned, multi leveled building. There will be bombs scattered throughout the building (like mines), and you’d have to watch your step when fighting this sub boss (plus there will be a massive time bomb at the base of the building – Cyrax has prepared for a hara-kiri, just in case)!

Sektor’s Sanctuary
A sub boss arena, designated to Sektor. The arena will have 100 homing missiles, each of which fires every few seconds at you. You’d have to defeat Sektor quickly (plus he can fire homing missiles himself)!

The Konclusion

The game will of course end with the infamous Outworld invasion. Play MK3 to find out what happens next!!!
08/17/2005 10:52 AM (UTC)
wrong forum,and there has already been a game like that(except for the extra characters)
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