03/21/2015 03:41 PM (UTC)
DLC pack 2 guest : Magic Mike XXL ( cross promotion w/ movie )

Mortal Kombat has had shirtless males alot but not overtly sexual , maybe one day we'll get something but right now the world of guys is to uptight about sexuality . If we were to get something the same level as Jade and mileena in MK9 he'd need to be gay which i dont think a hetero game like MK is prepared to do.
03/21/2015 03:46 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
There is no double standard. They don't sexualize the men like they do the women. When Johnny Cage whips out a Bo staff and begins a stripper routine then we can talk. Or when Scorpion rubs his body up and down moaning.

And its not as if the women of MK are going around looking chaste as angels. Kitana is showing a lot of skin and Mileena is in pants but her top barely counts as one. She also has plenty of cleavage showing.

Sonya is wearing a shirt now. Literally you're complaining about a woman wearing a shirt.

And the MK women never had curves, they always been straight up and down. Especially on the last game when they were also 6'2. We have a variety of character models now that show body diversity among the characters and people are complaining about a non existent double standard.

DoubleBB Wrote:
This would only be a point if Johnny Cage's outfit had him in a thong with his arse cheeks hanging out. The men may be huge but on the whole, are dressed appropriately. Mileen'ss last few outfits however...

The gross oversexualisation of the female characters is something that really only started in the mid-late 3D era and despite what may would claim now, aren't true to the spirit of the original series.

I agree with you two. MileenaFanMKX, made some good points , that I agree with. I am not a firm believer in most racial feminist beliefs, though I do support female rights.The portrayal of of the female characters in MK9 was disgrace-full.
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03/21/2015 03:58 PM (UTC)
JackieEstacado Wrote:

If Mortal Kombat was a game about credibility, depth of the characters and important plot, then you would be right.

It bears repeating that while by no means does MK have the best game story ever written, it is commonly acclaimed to have one of, if not the, best overall plots of any fighter out there. Sub-Zero alone went through more development in five games than the entire cast of SF. Characters in this game evolve and change - that doesn't go for everyone, but the evidence is there.

To look at MK as a game which should focus on fanservice does it a massive, massive disservice.
03/21/2015 04:10 PM (UTC)
Violence is fan service.
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03/21/2015 04:13 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
There is no double standard. They don't sexualize the men like they do the women. When Johnny Cage whips out a Bo staff and begins a stripper routine then we can talk. Or when Scorpion rubs his body up and down moaning.

And its not as if the women of MK are going around looking chaste as angels. Kitana is showing a lot of skin and Mileena is in pants but her top barely counts as one. She also has plenty of cleavage showing.

Sonya is wearing a shirt now. Literally you're complaining about a woman wearing a shirt.

And the MK women never had curves, they always been straight up and down. Especially on the last game when they were also 6'2. We have a variety of character models now that show body diversity among the characters and people are complaining about a non existent double standard.

03/21/2015 04:18 PM (UTC)
JackieEstacado Wrote:
I've always loved Moral Kombat franchise, especially for his over-the-top gore and humor and for its political incorrectness.
For these reasons, I was really disappointed by the policy about the female characters' bodies that Netherrealms has embraced.
In fact they have told that they want to portray the female figures in a more realistic way, sticking to a reduction of the breasts size and of the overall curves.
Now, since when did they bother with these sensibility issues in a saga that is all about maiming, torturing, humiliating and annihilating your opponent (and MKX will surely be the most violent, gory and extreme Mortal Kombat, I mean, look at Takeda's fatality...)?

But there is an aspect of all this topic that irks me even more than expensive DLCs of characters that should already be in the game that once could be unlocked with skills and hard work, which is the double standard. I'll explain what I mean right away: why the breasts and the curves of the female characters have been reduced, while almost every male character is built up like Ronnie Coleman? And I'm not speaking only about Tor, Kotal Khan and Kano, but also about characters that for their role, skills and fighting style don't need big muscles, like Kung Jin (Robin Hood and Legolas aren't bodybuilders) and Quan Chi (wizards are smart but skinny).
I can understand that for the sake of realism one character can be less gifted, but not all the kast. They could do something like Tekken 6, where there is a wide spectrum of breasts sizes, from Leo (she's flat) to Christie (busty).
At this point, always for the sake of realism, they should downgrade males physiques.
If developers care about the fact that female players can have inferiority complexes by comparing themselves to the busty lady fighters, they should do the same with the male players.

I think that the industry is giving too much credit to the feminist hypocrite rants.
Let me know what you think.

Very well said, though I have to admit the female outfits in MK9 were kind of an embarrassment especially for a character like Sonya so I like the adjustments in that regard. But downgrading body shape/curves I thought was a bit overboard and I think your idea of a spectrum of sizes/shapes would have been a lot better than the nearly identical body shape all the females in MKX seem to have.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
03/21/2015 04:29 PM (UTC)
JackieEstacado Wrote:
Violence is fan service.

And has been a focal point of the series since day one. The women of MK, while always slightly alluring, were not always overtly eye candy. Up to MK4, I'd argue most had normal proportions and weren't overtly sexualized; that didn't start until we started seeing Sonya's thong, then that tight shirt in MKDC, etc.

This isn't catering to feminists or any such silliness, it's a return to normalcy by not making explicit attempts to have the ladies look like harem girls.
03/21/2015 04:47 PM (UTC)
DAEGON1 Wrote:
People complained about the women, so they changed it. VERY few people complained about the men, so it stayed.

03/22/2015 06:04 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
JackieEstacado Wrote:
Violence is fan service.

And has been a focal point of the series since day one. The women of MK, while always slightly alluring, were not always overtly eye candy. Up to MK4, I'd argue most had normal proportions and weren't overtly sexualized; that didn't start until we started seeing Sonya's thong, then that tight shirt in MKDC, etc.

This isn't catering to feminists or any such silliness, it's a return to normalcy by not making explicit attempts to have the ladies look like harem girls.

Well, I don't think that the breasts alone would be too alluring.
Once again: not speaking about outfits, but about body types.
A busty woman isn't automatically a hooker.
03/22/2015 06:06 PM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:
I don't care about the "reasoning" behind it but IMO the MK ladies have never looked better than they do in MKX.
Variety in body types and some women being covered up more shouldn't be done to push some equality agenda, it should be done for the sake of variety in design.

Nobody cares about Sheeva wearing nothing, but Sonya looks better covered up.

All this shit is just taken up by people who don't have real problems or couldn't make it in other industries so they think they can have some power by bitching about things not being progressive enough in video games.
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03/22/2015 07:24 PM (UTC)
JackieEstacado Wrote:
Violence is fan service.

... then I don't think this is the series for you.
03/22/2015 07:55 PM (UTC)
The women of MK, while always slightly alluring, were not always overtly eye candy. Up to MK4, I'd argue most had normal proportions and weren't overtly sexualized; that didn't start until we started seeing Sonya's thong, then that tight shirt in MKDC, etc.

That's because they used real models back then and apparently couldn't find a Pam Anderson to pose for them. Once it was in their hands, they went overboard with it thinking they would cater to pervy nerds and for a long time I actually think they did. But from the recent complaints they went back to more realistic body frames for women.

As for the men, you're either a fully clothed ninja or a shirtless, muscle bulging Earthrealmer because in both cases it's badass. Yes, it's totally a double standard. Welcome to America.
03/22/2015 08:40 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
JackieEstacado Wrote:
Violence is fan service.

... then I don't think this is the series for you.

Why? Did I say I don't like the violence of Mortal Kombat somewhere in this forum? No. Au contraire, as I've stated in the opening post, I love it.
But this doesn't change the fact that violence is a feature that attracts audience easily.
03/22/2015 08:43 PM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
The women of MK, while always slightly alluring, were not always overtly eye candy. Up to MK4, I'd argue most had normal proportions and weren't overtly sexualized; that didn't start until we started seeing Sonya's thong, then that tight shirt in MKDC, etc.

That's because they used real models back then and apparently couldn't find a Pam Anderson to pose for them. Once it was in their hands, they went overboard with it thinking they would cater to pervy nerds and for a long time I actually think they did. But from the recent complaints they went back to more realistic body frames for women.

As for the men, you're either a fully clothed ninja or a shirtless, muscle bulging Earthrealmer because in both cases it's badass. Yes, it's totally a double standard. Welcome to America.

Welcome to the western civilization, I suppose...
03/22/2015 08:44 PM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
well there's Ermac. He's a twig this time around,
03/22/2015 11:28 PM (UTC)
If NRS wanted to change women on their own then fine.

But we all know they have done it to pander to the shrill militant minority feminist brigade and that is a terrible thing to do. You should never give in to agenda-driven minority interest groups. Especially one so bigoted and idiotic as Internet feminists.
03/22/2015 11:43 PM (UTC)
I am not one to riot for "appropriately" dressed women in video games but after rewatching the part of the last stream that was all about Mileena, then playing her in MK9 the other day, I realized how silly she looked in MK9 lol

I'm not saying the women need to be covered from head to toe, I don't care about that but Mileena and Kitana certainly look better in MKX than they did in MK9 to me.
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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03/22/2015 11:58 PM (UTC)
JackieEstacado Wrote:
m0s3pH Wrote:
JackieEstacado Wrote:
Violence is fan service.

... then I don't think this is the series for you.

Why? Did I say I don't like the violence of Mortal Kombat somewhere in this forum? No. Au contraire, as I've stated in the opening post, I love it.
But this doesn't change the fact that violence is a feature that attracts audience easily.

I think you're confusing fan service with the main draw. Fan service was the last game effectively being MKT2 with the roster. Fan service was having the female characters dress like they're in DOA. Point being, it's the developers throwing fans a bone for being loyal.

Saying that violence in MK is fan service is like saying that the meat on a burger is fan service.
03/23/2015 06:18 AM (UTC)
I do miss the female body types from MK9, the athletic build suited them since they were warriors.

I do prefer MK9 ermac to twiggy MKX ermac grin

03/23/2015 06:33 AM (UTC)
Aquarius_D Wrote:
I do miss the female body types from MK9, the athletic build suited them since they were warriors.

I do prefer MK9 ermac to twiggy MKX ermac grin

Me too, on both accounts.
03/23/2015 09:12 AM (UTC)
BobHarding Wrote:
If NRS wanted to change women on their own then fine.

But we all know they have done it to pander to the shrill militant minority feminist brigade and that is a terrible thing to do. You should never give in to agenda-driven minority interest groups. Especially one so bigoted and idiotic as Internet feminists.

That's a good point. The fact is that this is not an isolated case in the industry.
Someone before has posted something about the triviality of the issue in the videogame panorama, without understanding that it is only a consequence of the feminist cultural paradigms that keeps affecting society in many fields and aspects.
03/23/2015 09:23 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
JackieEstacado Wrote:
m0s3pH Wrote:
JackieEstacado Wrote:
Violence is fan service.

... then I don't think this is the series for you.

Why? Did I say I don't like the violence of Mortal Kombat somewhere in this forum? No. Au contraire, as I've stated in the opening post, I love it.
But this doesn't change the fact that violence is a feature that attracts audience easily.

I think you're confusing fan service with the main draw. Fan service was the last game effectively being MKT2 with the roster. Fan service was having the female characters dress like they're in DOA. Point being, it's the developers throwing fans a bone for being loyal.

Saying that violence in MK is fan service is like saying that the meat on a burger is fan service.

They could keep fatalities stylized, funny and full of humor as they did in the previous games, as that has always been the core of the saga. Instead they have turned MKX into a serious, dark and gritty slaughter (which I adore).
The nature of gore in this chapter has changed a lot and to me this is a way to attract as many players as possible.
And, once again, DOA has nothing to do with this, as I have already told I am not speaking about outfits, nor about giving all the ladies a D cup breasts size.
03/23/2015 10:33 AM (UTC)
Anyone who thinks the men are anywhere near as sexualized as ANY of the females in MK9 is either oblivious or stupid.

When the male body damage is mainly ripped clothing to show off all their ass and pecs, or when all they wear is a thong with their ass hanging out, or when they all have a win pose that is meant to be sexy and attractive, THEN we can talk about double standards and how feminists are ruining things.

Things are nowhere near equal, and whilst there may be problems with the male characters, it's not because they're all buff and strong (anyone even see Ermac?), but rather because they tend to be slightly generic and fit a mold that means that many characters who have characteristics that aren't typical are criticized. ("I want men to not all be super big and buff and strong! But ew Ermac looks fucking effeminate and gay!!!")

Most of the men in MKX are fully clothed, big and buff in ways that most people attracted to men do NOT find attractive, or just plain oatmeal when it comes to being sexualized. The women, on the other hand, are all still pretty sexy and people throw up huge fusses over the smallest of things. (Like the people complaining that Kitana's hands weren't dainty and feminine enough...)

There is absolutely no double standard and there is a reason people complained about the women in MK9. Yes, the huge boobs that were always unnaturally perky and crazy proportions threw people off, but it was mainly the clothing. And even WITH the scaling back of women to look slightly more realistic and less cartoony/garish, the women are still not what most women look like. But that's not important. The reason that the women in MKX are praised is because feminists and other people (including me) who complained aren't looking for "the average woman" to be represented in MK, but rather that the presentation of women is A) relatively practical and B) not boring. A military woman without a bra in heels is not a military woman, and it would NOT fly if Scorpion did that just to get some girls fantasies going.

If we're going to say that we should hyper-sexualize the women because people want that, then let ONE male character be hyper-sexualized. Except 90% of the people complaining would HATE if that happened, let alone if the sexualization was equal.

Because it's gross when it's done to men, but acceptable when done to women.
03/23/2015 01:17 PM (UTC)
And let's not act like the Mortal Kombat women are all flat chested nuns. They've dialled back the completely unrealistic and DOA-esque body physics and dressed them in some wonderfully intricate, practical costumes - certainly the best the franchise has produced in years.

And as has been said before, if NRS treated any of the male characters like they treated Mileenaor Jade in the last game, there would have been absolute uproar. Rain with only bandages hiding his junk swinging on a role? Shaking his ass like the little bottom he is? I can imagine the riots now.
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