Hate the double standards
posted03/23/2015 05:09 PM (UTC)by
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03/21/2015 11:01 AM (UTC)
I've always loved Mortal Kombat franchise, especially for his over-the-top gore and humor and for its political incorrectness.
For these reasons, I was really disappointed by the policy about the female characters' bodies that Netherrealms has embraced.
In fact they have told that they want to portray the female figures in a more realistic way, sticking to a reduction of the breasts size and of the overall curves.
Now, since when did they bother with these sensibility issues in a saga that is all about maiming, torturing, humiliating and annihilating your opponent (and MKX will surely be the most violent, gory and extreme Mortal Kombat, I mean, look at Takeda's fatality...)?

But there is an aspect of all this topic that irks me even more than expensive DLCs of characters that should already be in the game that once could be unlocked with skills and hard work, which is the double standard. I'll explain what I mean right away: why the breasts and the curves of the female characters have been reduced, while almost every male character is built up like Ronnie Coleman? And I'm not speaking only about Tor, Kotal Khan and Kano, but also about characters that for their role, skills and fighting style don't need big muscles, like Kung Jin (Robin Hood and Legolas aren't bodybuilders) and Quan Chi (wizards are smart but skinny).
I can understand that for the sake of realism one character can be less gifted, but not all the kast. They could do something like Tekken 6, where there is a wide spectrum of breasts sizes, from Leo (she's flat) to Christie (busty).
At this point, always for the sake of realism, they should downgrade males physiques.
If developers care about the fact that female players can have inferiority complexes by comparing themselves to the busty lady fighters, they should do the same with the male players.

I think that the industry is giving too much credit to the feminist hypocrite rants.
Let me know what you think.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/21/2015 11:16 AM (UTC)
I agree with a lot of this and as far as MK male body types go, well there's Ermac. He's a twig this time around, Shinnok doesn't at all appear to be muscular and I can totally see Quan Chi pumping some iron in the Netherrealm. His first weapon of choice ever was a freakin MACE. Takes a lot of strength to lift those things let alone be swinging it on somebody.
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03/21/2015 11:19 AM (UTC)
I don't care about the "reasoning" behind it but IMO the MK ladies have never looked better than they do in MKX.
03/21/2015 11:25 AM (UTC)
It has nothing to do with political issues or feminism. It's all about making Sonya look like a military leader. It's about making Kitana look like an assassin with some royal elements. And so on and so on...

All MK females used to be overly sexualised and looked like sluts in role-playing. In MKX, things FINALLY changed for the better.

So... respectfully, STFU with your non-sense!
03/21/2015 11:43 AM (UTC)
This would only be a point if Johnny Cage's outfit had him in a thong with his arse cheeks hanging out. The men may be huge but on the whole, are dressed appropriately. Mileen'ss last few outfits however... The gross oversexualisation of the female characters is something that really only started in the mid-late 3D era and despite what may would claim now, aren't true to the spirit of the original series.
03/21/2015 11:59 AM (UTC)
I think the devs should be able to give the ladies all the curves they want and all the men the muscles as big as they want. It's a fighting game with powers and gods. Realism is literally the last thing I'm worried about when it comes to mk.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

03/21/2015 12:02 PM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:
I don't care about the "reasoning" behind it but IMO the MK ladies have never looked better than they do in MKX.

Quoted for Truth.
03/21/2015 12:14 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
raidenthefridge Wrote:
I don't care about the "reasoning" behind it but IMO the MK ladies have never looked better than they do in MKX.

Quoted for Truth.

03/21/2015 12:14 PM (UTC)
Hahaha! Respectfully... If you tell someone STFU, then you are not respecting him. You could just stick to STFU, I'm not offended, as I'm thick-skinned.

By the way, I didn't make up the reasons of the image changing, it is all written in the interviews, it's about realism and realism is also having characters with bigger breasts and other with smaller ones, not to uniform them to a standard.
A couple of characters with big breasts and round butts would be really welcome to me. I like Mileena's new incarnation, but I preferred big breasted Sonya, as she looked a military and badass also in the previous installment...
03/21/2015 12:17 PM (UTC)
Dude, I understand a good and defined muscular tone for Quan, but that is too much. I think that Ermac and Quan Chi should exchange their body types, as the former is a vessel for thousands of warriors' souls, while the latter is a sorcerer.
03/21/2015 12:21 PM (UTC)
I wasn't speaking about outfits (we can agree about that), but about body features. Larger breasts aren't sexualization per se. It's just a phenotype.
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-sig by MINION

03/21/2015 12:24 PM (UTC)
There is no double standard. They don't sexualize the men like they do the women. When Johnny Cage whips out a Bo staff and begins a stripper routine then we can talk. Or when Scorpion rubs his body up and down moaning.

And its not as if the women of MK are going around looking chaste as angels. Kitana is showing a lot of skin and Mileena is in pants but her top barely counts as one. She also has plenty of cleavage showing.

Sonya is wearing a shirt now. Literally you're complaining about a woman wearing a shirt.

And the MK women never had curves, they always been straight up and down. Especially on the last game when they were also 6'2. We have a variety of character models now that show body diversity among the characters and people are complaining about a non existent double standard.
03/21/2015 12:29 PM (UTC)
Really, your very first post on this board is about tits and a non-existent issue and you expect people to take you seriously? lol

If you're not happy with what Cassie has to offer, then... go play with the cows in Dead or Alive.
03/21/2015 12:35 PM (UTC)
Oh christ. No I can't do this. This is a fighting game. Topics like this have no place. Maybe if Sheeva were in the game but built like a Barbie doll again you would have something but...just fucking no.

The women have socially accepted athletic builds for women.

The men have socially accepted athletic builds for men minus one character (Ermac)
03/21/2015 12:35 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
There is no double standard. They don't sexualize the men like they do the women. When Johnny Cage whips out a Bo staff and begins a stripper routine then we can talk. Or when Scorpion rubs his body up and down moaning.

And its not as if the women of MK are going around looking chaste as angels. Kitana is showing a lot of skin and Mileena is in pants but her top barely counts as one. She also has plenty of cleavage showing.

Sonya is wearing a shirt now. Literally you're complaining about a woman wearing a shirt.

And the MK women never had curves, they always been straight up and down. Especially on the last game when they were also 6'2. We have a variety of character models now that show body diversity among the characters and people are complaining about a non existent double standard.

Great response.

Plus, it's not even like sexuality in and of itself is bad. But to have all the women in MK9 rub their bodies and moan sexually in Test Your Might or after winning a match every time was ridiculous. There was no diversity, women were sexual and men were given the opportunity to be something besides that. MKX does much better in this regard: Mileena is still sexual and makes innuendos, but Sonya, a military general, actually dresses as if she's in the military.

People would freak out if Johnny did the stripper thing that Jade had in MK9, or if Takeda had an alt that was just a thong and a loincloth. Not to mention if the battle damage in MKX was blood and exposed muscle for women, but somehow managed to only damage outifts for many of the men and leave their buttcheeks and pecs visible.

There is no double standard. MK9 was just ridiculous and people complained. Rightfully so.
03/21/2015 12:46 PM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
There is no double standard. They don't sexualize the men like they do the women. When Johnny Cage whips out a Bo staff and begins a stripper routine then we can talk. Or when Scorpion rubs his body up and down moaning.

And its not as if the women of MK are going around looking chaste as angels. Kitana is showing a lot of skin and Mileena is in pants but her top barely counts as one. She also has plenty of cleavage showing.

Sonya is wearing a shirt now. Literally you're complaining about a woman wearing a shirt.

And the MK women never had curves, they always been straight up and down. Especially on the last game when they were also 6'2. We have a variety of character models now that show body diversity among the characters and people are complaining about a non existent double standard.

Great response.

Plus, it's not even like sexuality in and of itself is bad. But to have all the women in MK9 rub their bodies and moan sexually in Test Your Might or after winning a match every time was ridiculous. There was no diversity, women were sexual and men were given the opportunity to be something besides that. MKX does much better in this regard: Mileena is still sexual and makes innuendos, but Sonya, a military general, actually dresses as if she's in the military.

People would freak out if Johnny did the stripper thing that Jade had in MK9, or if Takeda had an alt that was just a thong and a loincloth. Not to mention if the battle damage in MKX was blood and exposed muscle for women, but somehow managed to only damage outifts for many of the men and leave their buttcheeks and pecs visible.

There is no double standard. MK9 was just ridiculous and people complained. Rightfully so.

Oh christ you just reminded me of Sheevas embarrassing win pose >.<

Yeah NRS, it totally makes sense for a Shokan woman to do that.
03/21/2015 01:01 PM (UTC)
People complained about the women, so they changed it. VERY few people complained about the men, so it stayed.
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03/21/2015 01:44 PM (UTC)
The difference between how females and males were presented in MK9, is that with male characters it always fit into character and narrative, and always had diversity.

Johnny Cage is an obnoxious douche who loves to show off - so one of his outfits is shirtless, as many professional fighters are. He doesn't spend his intros, outtros, fatalities and inter-round segments thrusting his crotch or rubbing his nipples.

But then you have Kitana - a powerful, intelligent princess-assassin, who in story mode is tough, serious and ready for action...... but winks in her outtro like she's a flirtatious pixie?

The same with Jade - the whole game she is shown as a serious, hard-nosed mentor/best friend, but her win pose is her on a stripper pole and then posing seductively?

Sonya is a bad-ass no-nonsense military chick but wears high-heeled combat boots?

You can make all the arguments you want that 'in Outworld that's just how women dress', but you can't argue iwth the fact that there was a consistent pattern in how females were presented in MK9.... and regardless of whether or not it's a problematic depiction of women in gaming... it's BORING.

In MKX we have scantily clad women, bee-women, military women, we even have Mileena in PANTSSSSSSSSSSS. That's variety, that's game design based off of story and character, and they are SO much better for it.

There is no double standard. The girls are just finally being treated like the guys.
03/21/2015 01:50 PM (UTC)
Yeah a lot of the males in MKX are ripped as fuck, or at least have massive arms lol
03/21/2015 02:07 PM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
The difference between how females and males were presented in MK9, is that with male characters it always fit into character and narrative, and always had diversity.

Johnny Cage is an obnoxious douche who loves to show off - so one of his outfits is shirtless, as many professional fighters are. He doesn't spend his intros, outtros, fatalities and inter-round segments thrusting his crotch or rubbing his nipples.

But then you have Kitana - a powerful, intelligent princess-assassin, who in story mode is tough, serious and ready for action...... but winks in her outtro like she's a flirtatious pixie?

The same with Jade - the whole game she is shown as a serious, hard-nosed mentor/best friend, but her win pose is her on a stripper pole and then posing seductively?

Sonya is a bad-ass no-nonsense military chick but wears high-heeled combat boots?

You can make all the arguments you want that 'in Outworld that's just how women dress', but you can't argue iwth the fact that there was a consistent pattern in how females were presented in MK9.... and regardless of whether or not it's a problematic depiction of women in gaming... it's BORING.

In MKX we have scantily clad women, bee-women, military women, we even have Mileena in PANTSSSSSSSSSSS. That's variety, that's game design based off of story and character, and they are SO much better for it.

There is no double standard. The girls are just finally being treated like the guys.

Exactly. It's boring. I for one don't mind sexuality, and if you wanna include Mileena's Flesh Pits Alt or have her be the sexual character in the game, that's fine. But all of the women being sexual? It's just stupid. They're not some weird waifus or something, and honestly it makes NRS seem a little pervy to be honest.

There's a reason that "in Outworld that's just how people dress, look at Shao Kahn!" was a common argument despite Rain being in a full uniform. Guess he just has more money to spend on actual clothing than Kitana.

Can you imagine the shitstorm if ANY of the guys were sexualised? Johnny should get a Calvin Klein underwear ad alt. I'd love to see the reactions.
03/21/2015 02:09 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
There is no double standard. They don't sexualize the men like they do the women. When Johnny Cage whips out a Bo staff and begins a stripper routine then we can talk. Or when Scorpion rubs his body up and down moaning.

And its not as if the women of MK are going around looking chaste as angels. Kitana is showing a lot of skin and Mileena is in pants but her top barely counts as one. She also has plenty of cleavage showing.

Sonya is wearing a shirt now. Literally you're complaining about a woman wearing a shirt.

And the MK women never had curves, they always been straight up and down. Especially on the last game when they were also 6'2. We have a variety of character models now that show body diversity among the characters and people are complaining about a non existent double standard.

Great response.

Plus, it's not even like sexuality in and of itself is bad. But to have all the women in MK9 rub their bodies and moan sexually in Test Your Might or after winning a match every time was ridiculous. There was no diversity, women were sexual and men were given the opportunity to be something besides that. MKX does much better in this regard: Mileena is still sexual and makes innuendos, but Sonya, a military general, actually dresses as if she's in the military.

People would freak out if Johnny did the stripper thing that Jade had in MK9, or if Takeda had an alt that was just a thong and a loincloth. Not to mention if the battle damage in MKX was blood and exposed muscle for women, but somehow managed to only damage outifts for many of the men and leave their buttcheeks and pecs visible.

There is no double standard. MK9 was just ridiculous and people complained. Rightfully so.

Oh christ you just reminded me of Sheevas embarrassing win pose >.<

Yeah NRS, it totally makes sense for a Shokan woman to do that.

It was so stupid. Even Sheeva was hypersexualised. NRS was kinda gross back then.

I'm sure that was one reason Sheeva wasn't very popular despite how hyped people are for Goro.
Royal Assassin
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"You Totally Slept With Him Didn't Ya"

03/21/2015 02:34 PM (UTC)
don't forget sex sells and since alot of guys are turned on by cartoon/computer created characters that are made up of course they would make them all look like hookers. NRS is majority of men and thought that would work.

but the fact that people are bitching about it, really move on you want half naked girls in your game seriously go play something else, i'm freaking happy that the females look like females and not drag queens (no offense to them, but they even be 10x prettier than the MK9 girls) i did not need to see the girls half breast and ass hanging out after a damage and the guys just has some revealed flesh

MKX as improved in their designs yeah the guys are for the most part are still buff but oh well they've improved a lot and yeah you wouldn't be complaining about if the guys were in thongs you probably bash it for a bit and then laugh cause you see Scorpion's ass or Baraka's balls dangling about during the fighting.

i don't get these threads but yet again i don't know why i choose to post a comment
03/21/2015 02:49 PM (UTC)
You guys are missing my point.
I have never spoken about poses, winks, attitudes or outfits.
My post was all about breasts and curves, the female body features.
If Mortal Kombat was a game about credibility, depth of the characters and important plot, then you would be right.
But this is a hyper funny arcade, with awesome mechanics and, the most important thing, gory beyond any justification. The violence in this game isn't justifiable by any means, it's present for its own sake and for fun.
So sick-level gore is ok and sexualization is not? That makes a looooot of sense! lol

And by the way, bigger breasts are automatically sexualizing? I don't think so...
I stand my opinion that an archer shouldn't be built up like Kung Jin, nor should be a wizard like Quan Chi.

This said, about Dead or Alive series, I like only the second chapter, because it introduced innovative features for the time in which it was released (multi level stages, speed and great graphics). I would never play a game only for boobs and asses.

I just don't like the fact that only the female character design has been redimensioned.
That's it.

03/21/2015 03:07 PM (UTC)
JackieEstacado Wrote:

At this point, always for the sake of realism, they should downgrade males physiques.
If developers care about the fact that female players can have inferiority complexes by comparing themselves to the busty lady fighters, they should do the same with the male players.

I think that the industry is giving too much credit to the feminist hypocrite rants.
Let me know what you think.


Men are to their muscles as women are to their boobs?

You don't see anything inherently bizarre with your line of thinking? That this is an analogy you alone feel is necessary to uphold?

You claim you're after variety and difference, but you really just want your boobs to be directly proportional to your muscles.
03/21/2015 03:22 PM (UTC)
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