Has the Black Dragon worn out its welcome?
posted02/22/2015 01:41 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
These ideas I've read of making Jacqui a BD member in my Jacqui thread and others about her, have left me tired of the BD. I would love for that faction to just fuck off already.

It's most prominent member, Kano, has transcended the BD. Kabal transcended it the minute he was revealed to be a former member, and his MKD story was regressive, despite his past in the BD having never been delved into. Kira (the third most interesting member imo) doesn't at all need it. Kobra sucks whether he's a BD member or not.

The only way the BD might be interesting if they focused more on the likes of Jarek and Tasia, members who don't have much an identity outside the BD. They could be loyalists who hate both Kano and Kabal. But then again, that's nothing that can't be done with the Red Dragon, instead.

The Red Dragon is fresher and more promising, imo, especially with Daegon as it's leader.

I so hope that Cassie and Jacqui have nothing to do with that tired faction. I don't want them to be chasing Kano's by-then old hairy ass, or an offspring of his.
No more so than The Special Forces
02/21/2015 05:34 PM (UTC)
The Black Dragon lives on!
02/21/2015 05:41 PM (UTC)

MK needs Factions. Don't get rid of any of them.
02/21/2015 05:54 PM (UTC)
I just wish they would actually DO something. Through out the games, all they really managed to accomplish was a jail break, selling a few weapons, and more recently, a kid napping. They're always just this side group that's committing crimes for no other reason than to give Special Forces a reason to be relevant. We keep hearing that they're this big bad crime syndicate, but I don't really see results. Hopefully Kano and crew emerge as a legitimate threat in MKX.
02/21/2015 06:21 PM (UTC)
Both the Black Dragon and the Special Forces need to just up and disappear. They're way beyond their shelf life, just like the characters who represent them.
NRS ought to focus on improving the Order/Chaos conflict rather than continuing to flog these dead horses.
02/21/2015 06:36 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Both the Black Dragon and the Special Forces need to just up and disappear. They're way beyond their shelf life, just like the characters who represent them.
NRS ought to focus on improving the Order/Chaos conflict rather than continuing to flog these dead horses.

I agree with most of this. I like both groups but they do almost the same shit in every game. I'd say just leave both groups out. Give the order/chaos a run for a while.
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02/21/2015 07:08 PM (UTC)
+1 Order/Chaos. Gimme mah Darrius and Hotaru.
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02/21/2015 07:10 PM (UTC)
The Black Dragon wore out its welcome four games ago in my book. They need something fresh in MKX for me to still consider them relevant.
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02/21/2015 07:24 PM (UTC)
The Red Dragon >>>>>>>>>>>The Black Dragon


I mean, we're comparing a highly secret faction that's been pulling the strings in Earthrealm for centuries if not millenia, whose pawns are infiltrated in every special forces agencies of the military developed countries in Earthrealm versus a faction of crooks lead by crocodile dundee the gay bears' chest haired idol.

Plus, the Red Dragon has a real dragon! How cool is that? Maybe I say this because I'm a fan of him, but just imagine what moves Daegon could have if he were in the game, summoning Caro in the midst of the fighting! wink
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02/21/2015 08:10 PM (UTC)
You can't blame the factions themselves. NRS needs to get stronger writers on their team. Who's to say spending time working the Order/Chaos angle won't lead to the same eventual sameness and predictability? Because it's "supernatural", it's automatically fated to work better? No. It's all in the writing.

Black Dragon and even Special Forces have been made to exist in an interlocked battle without any proper development or excitement. It's bad people doing bad things and good people going after them. That's a set-up, a prologue, not a twenty-year narrative. They need gray areas, surprises, betrayals, negotiations, morally ambiguous decisions and actions. If they don't want to kill Kano, they don't have to; I can buy a longtime war between two leaders, but there needs to be one. War develops, crazy things are done on both sides in an attempt to end and destroy; it's never two people fighting over and over again, or simply hating each other endlessly.

Don't go "Black Dragon sucks, NRS should retire it!" Rather express your discontent with the stagnant WRITING, the root of all this topic's evil. It and SF are OUR good and evil, the most relatable exploration of our morals and how far we as humans will and won't go for those morals. They are continuously missed opportunities in the lore.

LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
You can't blame the factions themselves. NRS needs to get stronger writers on their team. Who's to say spending time working the Order/Chaos angle won't lead to the same eventual sameness and predictability? Because it's "supernatural", it's automatically fated to work better? No. It's all in the writing.

Black Dragon and even Special Forces have been made to exist in an interlocked battle without any proper development or excitement. It's bad people doing bad things and good people going after them. That's a set-up, a prologue, not a twenty-year narrative. They need gray areas, surprises, betrayals, negotiations, morally ambiguous decisions and actions. If they don't want to kill Kano, they don't have to; I can buy a longtime war between two leaders, but there needs to be one. War develops, crazy things are done on both sides in an attempt to end and destroy; it's never two people fighting over and over again, or simply hating each other endlessly.

Don't go "Black Dragon sucks, NRS should retire it!" Rather express your discontent with the stagnant WRITING, the root of all this topic's evil. It and SF are OUR good and evil, the most relatable exploration of our morals and how far we as humans will and won't go for those morals. They are continuously missed opportunities in the lore.

Well said.....

To be honest I wouldn't mind a fued within those factions....
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Props to MINION
02/21/2015 08:49 PM (UTC)
Tremor will revive their badassery
02/21/2015 09:13 PM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Tremor will revive their badassery

id rather have jarek
02/21/2015 09:25 PM (UTC)
They haven't worn out their welcome any more than the Lin Kuei or Scorpion, imo.
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02/21/2015 09:27 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Tremor will revive their badassery

id rather have jarek

Same. Of those Special Forces characters, I prefer Tasia. Meh.
02/21/2015 09:51 PM (UTC)
Question for OP, you're the guy who posted a thread about wanting a stage based off the Shining with Moloch in a tuxedo? Right?
02/21/2015 10:07 PM (UTC)
phishstix17 Wrote:
They haven't worn out their welcome any more than the Lin Kuei or Scorpion, imo.

That goes without saying.
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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02/21/2015 10:15 PM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
You can't blame the factions themselves. NRS needs to get stronger writers on their team. Who's to say spending time working the Order/Chaos angle won't lead to the same eventual sameness and predictability? Because it's "supernatural", it's automatically fated to work better? No. It's all in the writing.

Black Dragon and even Special Forces have been made to exist in an interlocked battle without any proper development or excitement. It's bad people doing bad things and good people going after them. That's a set-up, a prologue, not a twenty-year narrative. They need gray areas, surprises, betrayals, negotiations, morally ambiguous decisions and actions. If they don't want to kill Kano, they don't have to; I can buy a longtime war between two leaders, but there needs to be one. War develops, crazy things are done on both sides in an attempt to end and destroy; it's never two people fighting over and over again, or simply hating each other endlessly.

Don't go "Black Dragon sucks, NRS should retire it!" Rather express your discontent with the stagnant WRITING, the root of all this topic's evil. It and SF are OUR good and evil, the most relatable exploration of our morals and how far we as humans will and won't go for those morals. They are continuously missed opportunities in the lore.

Fancy seeing you here, it's been a while.

I agree with your post, I just personally didn't feel like writing an essay in this thread. The writers are to blame for the fact that certain characters and groups are quite lacking in the story and development department.

I think we could come up with some interesting ways to make certain problem areas of the writing better, but then again, we're not the ones making the game. Hopefully we don't see more of the same in MKX's story mode.
02/21/2015 10:20 PM (UTC)
I feel like this game is going to show the death of the red dragon if anything .
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Props to MINION
02/21/2015 10:32 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
redman Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Tremor will revive their badassery

id rather have jarek

Same. Of those Special Forces characters, I prefer Tasia. Meh.

Tasia would be awesome too.
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02/22/2015 02:51 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:I think we could come up with some interesting ways to make certain problem areas of the writing better, but then again, we're not the ones making the game. Hopefully we don't see more of the same in MKX's story mode.

Hey! smile Well, I'd work for minimum wage if they wanted haha.

I keep my hopes low when it comes to MK's story getting really good (although it is admittedly leagues better than most fighting games); however, the comics have done a pretty solid job so far. Kano is far, far away from Sonya, in another storyline, while she's caught up being a bitch to Kotal Khan (and apparently
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
shooting him in the coming comic WT...F...)
I hope it stays that way in the game, and the only connection the two of them have is in their intros.

Another good sign is the embedding of the Dragon clans in the grander scheme of the story; Mileena/Reiko joining with the Red Dragon, and Kotal apparently counteracting by using the Black Dragon(?).
02/22/2015 02:53 AM (UTC)
Who would win in a fight? Black Dragon or ISIS? And who would you root for in real life?
02/22/2015 02:54 AM (UTC)
How about we leave the shitty real world where it belongs, in the real world
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02/22/2015 03:29 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
No more so than The Special Forces

Took the words out of my mouth.
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