Has Netherrealm backpeddled?
posted02/22/2015 01:52 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/15/2009 06:55 AM (UTC)
After the multiple deaths in MK2011 and the reveal trailer for MKX (featuring Sub-Zero, Scorpion with all new characters), I was really expecting the team to stick to their word when they said that this game was going to focus on the future generations of MK heroes.

But let us assume all the supposed leaks and rumors are true:

Johnny Cage
Liu Kang
Kung Lao

These characters will (or are rumored) to return alongside their descendants.

If Takeda is in the game, why Kenshi?
If Cassie's in the game, why Sonya and Johnny?
If Jacqui is in the game, why Jax? (who killed have stayed dead)
If Kung Jin (Kung Lao's cousin) is in the game, why Kung Lao and Liu Kang? (who both could have stayed dead)
02/21/2015 04:17 AM (UTC)
Because capitalism
02/21/2015 04:21 AM (UTC)
I have a feeling after the MKX launch at E3, they cut 3/4 new characters and 2/3 3D-era characters and replaced them with trilogy instead.

Imagine, Jax has replaced the spot they had for Fujin / Kano has replaced the spot they had for Havik etc

Some extremely poor decision have been made. I'm not surprised they're terrified to reveal more of the roster!! It's all locked in now.
02/21/2015 04:22 AM (UTC)
Because Mortal Kombat has always been a franchise of gimmicks.

- MK1 to MK3 went nuts with fatalities because it was a gimmick.
- MK4 used 3D to advance itself but also as a gimmick.
- MKDA to Armageddon utilized 3 fighting styles as a gimmick
- MK9 brought in X-Rays as a gimmick
- MKX is bringing in 3 variations per fighter plus the ability to perform fatalities on characters family members as a......can you guess the word I'm gonna use?
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02/21/2015 04:28 AM (UTC)
From the get go at E3, they've been saying we'd see the new generation interact with their relatives/older cast and to not count them out.
02/21/2015 04:34 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:plus the ability to perform fatalities on characters family members as a......can you guess the word I'm gonna use?

Except we already had multiple family members to dismember.

Honestly I would've liked if they would've put almost everyone from MK9 and then added some extra character, I don't mind returning characters, even the ones that aren't my favorites.

The story of this game is a transition period for generations so you make them collide with each other, most new characters would get ZERO charisma in the MK universe if they didn't have the opportunity to test their skills against the veterans that came before them.

Plus, considering the game covers a span of 25 years of story, starting right after MK9, you need someone that isn't in sperm form to fight during the first stages of the story.
02/21/2015 04:38 AM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:plus the ability to perform fatalities on characters family members as a......can you guess the word I'm gonna use?

Except we already had multiple family members to dismember.

Honestly I would've liked if they would've put almost everyone from MK9 and then added some extra character, I don't mind returning characters, even the ones that aren't my favorites.

The story of this game is a transition period for generations so you make them collide with each other, most new characters would get ZERO charisma in the MK universe if they didn't have the opportunity to test their skills against the veterans that came before them.

Plus, considering the game covers a span of 25 years of story, starting right after MK9, you need someone that isn't in sperm form to fight during the first stages of the story.

The difference being that was how they were marketing it around E3, thus the gimmick.
02/21/2015 04:46 AM (UTC)
I've mentioned this countless times.

This game is the passing of the torch, so both the old and new generations will be present and will interact with each other. If it's just the new generation, then the torch is being extinguished and replaced, not passed on.

This was never going to be Street Fighter III, because NRS isn't stupid. They're gonna make the transition from old to new gen a gradual process. By having the vets mix with the newbies, fans will have an easier time of accepting the new characters as part of the lore and the MK world. OTOH, if you made the roster Scorpion + Sub-Zero + a bunch of newbies, you'd alienate a huge portion of the audience, who would think 'who are all these characters?' You gotta do it right.

I'm confident that MK11 will take the foothold the new generation is making in MKX, and greatly expand on it. NRS will be more confident to move forward if the newbies in MKX are successful. Basically, they are testing the waters with MKX.

Ideally, in MK11, we'll see the new gen front and center now that they've been established, especially because their human parents will have retired due to age.
02/21/2015 04:48 AM (UTC)
It's kind of shocking that the only new character/characters we've yet to see are Kung Jin or whatever his name is and Ron Tan Cho or whatever his name is, if he's even going to be series or not. I expected more new characters rather than D'vorah, Ferrah/Torr, Kotal Kahn, Cassie Cage, Takeda, Erron Black, and Jacqui. There's also the Archer who could be one of the two guys we haven't seen yet.
02/21/2015 04:48 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
From the get go at E3, they've been saying we'd see the new generation interact with their relatives/older cast and to not count them out.

Exactly, since E3 (June of last year) and what they said was/is fact. Sonya, Johnny, Jax, Kenshi, and Liu can (and probably will) all be in alongside Cassie, Jacqui, Takeda, and Kung Jin as a (as Netherrealm said on countless occasions) "Kind of passing of the torch, plural, so, passing of torches".

And as for new Earthrealm characters, it was hinted at there being 4 anyway; in Raiden's ending there are 4 new Earthrealm fighters shown.

4 new Earthrealm fighters:
Kung Jin

Coincidence? Maybe. But it's a funny one if it is, because in Raiden's ending 2 are male & 2 are female, just like the new Earthrealmers are, and Boon also at one point said "Keep the endings in mind"- sure most endings aren't canon but what if some of MK9's were a nod at what to expect in MKX, you know like Shinnok returning.
02/21/2015 04:52 AM (UTC)
To peddle is to sell something.
02/21/2015 05:01 AM (UTC)
No, NRS isn't going back on their word. They never said most of the roster would be new - only that we'd get many new characters, and we are.

They probably should have been more clear that we were getting so many MK9 returnees, though, since it seems a lot of people did not expect that.
02/21/2015 05:12 AM (UTC)
The problem here is assumptions on your part. Not backpedaling.

You can focus on the next generation without giving them more than 1/3 of the roster. The focus doesn't live or die by the roster, it's the story etc.
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ain't nobody got time fo sigs

02/21/2015 05:15 AM (UTC)
Because it has been said that no one will be replaced with no one
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Props to MINION
02/21/2015 07:21 PM (UTC)
who cares its a video game, most fighting games have all the same characters every single game.

i don't see why people think that should be different for mk. They already have the cast chosen and made, no point in complaining about whos in it, they already made their choices.

but we can speculate on who we think will be in, but stop complaining like your going to be able to change their minds.
02/21/2015 07:26 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
The problem here is assumptions on your part. Not backpedaling.

Thank you!

All you fanboys who though this game would be half a reboot of the 3D era and half new characters have only yourselves to blame.
02/21/2015 08:45 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
The problem here is assumptions on your part. Not backpedaling.

You can focus on the next generation without giving them more than 1/3 of the roster. The focus doesn't live or die by the roster, it's the story etc.
Took the words right out of my mouth...
02/21/2015 10:31 PM (UTC)
Nobody's going to buy a game with only scorpion and sub-zero and everybody new except die hards , the new mk proved that bringing in fan favorites bring in sales thats why street fighter and tekken is the way it is , yea they could've gave more new characters attention but I think they saw the negative backlash and the possibility of more backlash when the game was shown and everybody's question is where is our fan favorite reptile , wheres out fan favorite kitana . Even though we hate it ...it's needed .
02/21/2015 10:51 PM (UTC)
Am i the only one who is glad that

Liu Kang
Kung Lao

Are returning ? Cause i am very happy about that.
I mean i am excited to play Cassie. But on every game Sonya is my main character.
And from the looks of the trailers Cassie more has Johnny his fighting style.

Sorry but everyone is bitching about that.
But what about scorpion ? I don't like him and his story also has been told 1000000 times about his revenge blablabla.

Not to mention sub-zero he died many times. He was a cyborg other one was noob. Now we have a normal sub-zero again. Another little brother ? Don't think so indeed. I hear no one bitching about that -,-
02/21/2015 10:56 PM (UTC)
Lol. It's not a bad decision if you don't agree with it. NRS knows what they're doing. Some of you prove to be idiots post after post.
02/21/2015 11:29 PM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
The problem here is assumptions on your part. Not backpedaling.

Thank you!

All you fanboys who though this game would be half a reboot of the 3D era and half new characters have only yourselves to blame.

You can blame nrs too. Mk9 should have had a different ending. Dont make the end of the game point too past events that happened in the franchise. Them showing shinnok made everyone think holy shit fujin, tanya, reiko, kai and all the 3d era people are about to return finally. Also all the deaths and the way everything was setup made it seem that way. Its not like the fans brought the assumptions out of thin air they had a reason to assume.
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02/22/2015 01:49 AM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
who cares its a video game, most fighting games have all the same characters every single game.

i don't see why people think that should be different for mk. They already have the cast chosen and made, no point in complaining about whos in it, they already made their choices.

Why? because "most fighting games" having static rosters doesn't mean MK has to do it too, honestly, it's one of the reasons that separates MK from the lot, MK has always had a dynamic roster intimately related to the story, It's what has come to be expected, I don't understand if you haven't noticed it yet, care or want it to be like other fighting games.
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Props to MINION
02/22/2015 01:52 AM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
who cares its a video game, most fighting games have all the same characters every single game.

i don't see why people think that should be different for mk. They already have the cast chosen and made, no point in complaining about whos in it, they already made their choices.

Why? because "most fighting games" having static rosters doesn't mean MK has to do it too, honestly, it's one of the reasons that separates MK from the lot, MK has always had a dynamic roster intimately related to the story, It's what has come to be expected, I don't understand if you haven't noticed it yet, care or want it to be like other fighting games.

and everyone in MKX will be because of the story so it'll all work out and make sense in the end and be fine.glasses
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