Has MKSM changed your outlook on future Adventure-style MKs?
posted09/22/2005 01:28 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/30/2004 08:59 AM (UTC)
...It has mine, in a fairly negative way.

Let me say first: being in the UK, I haven't played MKSM. I haven't even played the demo of MKSM. I *am* really looking forwards to playing this, as a longtime MK fan. Even before it was out, the impressions I was getting is that not only was it better than I expected/feared, it was actually good in it's own right. This started a lot of people including me thinking, "What's the next adventure game going to be? Mk3? A Scorpion game?"

So, now it's out, what do you think now? Has playing made you go "Bring it on!" or "Keep it the Hell away?"

My twopennyworth:

Although the game seems really good to play, what's really fucked me off beyond belief is the abject lack of regard for the MKs own storyline. The game, especially its ending (utter wank) majorly contradicts the established story.

At first, I was dead keyed up for a MKSM styled game based on MK4 / MKGold; there is so much story- far too much for a normal MK fighter- that it would have been perfect for the adventure format. But now, with MKSM being firmly in "Parallel universe" terrority, I really think "What's the point?" As a one-off storyline variation, MKSM is OK, *if* you look at it that way. But I'd FAR rather have a game that tells me more about the story I know than completely changing it...
09/22/2005 01:28 AM (UTC)
As of this moment, I have no real solid outlook on MK adventure games. To make such a jump from MK:SF to MK:SM is rather tremendous, and from one game being nothing less than bullshit to the next being able to even be mentioned in the same sentence as other respectable games of the same genre is very admirable indeed.

I'd have to see their next before I make any true judgements.
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