Hands-on from EB Expo 2014, New Intro Dialogue!
posted10/06/2014 06:32 AM (UTC)by
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06/06/2004 05:07 AM (UTC)
First off, let me apologise in advance because I have not posted in a forum for yeeeaaaars, so forgive me if I do something wrong. BUT, I went hands-on with MKX for a site I write for.

Here is the article: http://www.capsulecomputers.com.au/2014/10/mortal-kombat-x-hands-on-preview/

The reason why this is particularly interesting is because I listened as best I could in the noisy environment, and tried to remember as best I could some new intro dialogue! In that article, at the very bottom, I typed what I could remember. It's mostly paraphrasing, but just semantics in terms of the words used if anything is inaccurate. The intent and meaning behind the dialogue is all the same still. Some VERY intriguing things said.
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10/05/2014 11:13 AM (UTC)
So Sub Zero is is more likely Bi-Han with Quan Chi saying " I have your brother's soul". Very good. Would love to find out what Scorpion and Quan Chi have to say to each other. Love the fact Scorpion has one more finisher then the rest of the cast. It is just so gratifying.
10/05/2014 11:14 AM (UTC)
Interesting read and welcome back. Highlights from the article that I didn't know of:

Kotal Kahn - Ferra/Torr: “Join me!”/”You want enslave our people”/”I wish to restore you!”.

So Ferra/Torr belong to another extinct race. I wonder what it is...

Quan Chi - Sub-Zero: “I have your brother’s soul!”. Lastly, Sub-Zero answering a query about him supposedly being frozen in a block of ice: “Unlucky for you I decided to thaw out!”.

Wait what? So this Sub Zero was supposedly frozen somehow? And his brother is dead? Does that mean it is Bi-Han and he is talking about Kuai Liang's death in MK9 or is it Kuai Liang and he is talking about Noob's soul?? So many questions!!

Are you sure about those dialogues?
10/05/2014 11:55 AM (UTC)
Apparently it's confirmed the "sea of sub-zeros" was just misleading crap. This is one of the brothers, now it could either be a cleansed Bi-Han and Quan Chi is talking about Kuai Liang being under his control with the rest of deceased heroes, or it is Kuai Liang and Quan Chi is talking about Noob. I hope for the later.

And I didn't understand the second part. It is part of the same dialogue? It makes litle sense and the only thing I could imagine is if this was Sub-Zero from the original timeline and Sareena's ending came true (they froze Quan Chi in that ending) or something like that.

At least it is one of the brothers, hopefully we get confirmation for Kuai Liang soon :P
10/05/2014 12:04 PM (UTC)
Both this and the protector dialogue point a bit towards Bi-Han than Kuai Liang. I really hope that is the case, I've been waiting for so long for that!
10/05/2014 02:26 PM (UTC)
I have no doubt in my mind, that this Subzero is definitely Bi-Han. Quan Chi is talking about Kuai Liang's soul, since he (Cyber Subzero) was "restored" by Earthrealm warriors in MK9 and then killed by Sindel in the big battle at the end.

Why else would Scorpion and Subzero constantly keep going at it back and forth with their dialogues as if they were long time enemies? Subzero in MKX is as gritty and mean as he was in MK9's story. He had a short spotlight, but he had very coldhearted dialogues. Also, Scorpion killed Bi-Han in MK9, therefore him asking how does it feel to be a dead man.

In MK9:
Sonya vs Subzero: "Now you will feel deaths cold embrace".

Scorpion vs Subzero: Scorp-"I will not kill Subzero"
Subzero- "Will not, or Can not?"

10/05/2014 02:34 PM (UTC)
zerosebaz Wrote:
Both this and the protector dialogue point a bit towards Bi-Han than Kuai Liang. I really hope that is the case, I've been waiting for so long for that!

Yeah, I'm fearing that, the "fear their powers" line could also point towards cleansed Bi-Han sent by the elder gods, though it could also meant Kuai Liang along other heroes is a revenant under Quan Chi control at some point of the story.
10/05/2014 02:53 PM (UTC)
Thank you for your attention to small details. This is some good info! I especially enjoy the mirror match dialogue. Was Kano vs Kano the only mirror match you saw? Hoping the dialogue is unique for each character because they could easily slap on those lines for everyone.
10/05/2014 03:01 PM (UTC)
I hope the Subby is Kuai and TrollChi is talking about Bi Han. I want Newb to be playable.
10/05/2014 03:12 PM (UTC)
I've said it before and I'll say it again. This "Sub-Zero" is indeed Bi-Han.
10/05/2014 03:20 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
I hope the Subby is Kuai and TrollChi is talking about Bi Han. I want Newb to be playable.

Considering that both Scorpion and Quan use portals in their fighting styles, it's quite unlikely. Also, Ferra and Torr covers "two fighters as one" gimmick.
10/05/2014 03:22 PM (UTC)
Thanks all, I know I haven't posted in so long.

Those two Subby lines were from different fights, I just couldnt remember which one the latter was from. Whoever it was basically said "I thought you were still frozen" or something. The booth had many tvs and no headphones, plus the volume was down and I didnt want to mess with their tvs for obvious reasons.

I believe Subby got separated from the dark entity that was Noob after the soulnado and this is him, revitalised.

Sorry I did not play any other mirror matches. Only other line I heard is not that enthralling: Quan Chi to Cassie "little miss Cage.." in a snarky tone. Couldn't make out what she said...could've sworn she said "Quan Chi I presume" in there, as in she didn't know him. Which would make sense given the gap in time between them...maybe Quan does not survive long enough to actually meet her in the story mode.
10/05/2014 03:42 PM (UTC)
I love little pieces of information like this. It always keeps me thinking of the possibilities. If Bi-Han comes back as Subby, I'll be so happy. Thanks again for this Info this is a great start to my Sunday morning.
10/05/2014 04:11 PM (UTC)
Even if it was Bi-Han (or speculatively become Champion of the Elder Gods), how can he suddenly be developed from being an asshole?

The reason Bi-Han became Noob Saibot was that he failed to clear away the evil from his soul which included his selfish motives for serving the Lin Kuei (who are selfish assholes in Raiden's POV, one thing I can agree with Raiden on) and killing Scorpion. Even though he never killed Scorpion's clan, he did get the map and allow Quan Chi, in return for hiring Sub-Zero as part of the clan's bargain, use their members to annihilate Scorpion's clan and family. So in a way Bi-Han WAS responsible indirectly for Scorpion's people being killed. He was given so many chances by Raiden to clear away the evil, but he ignored him and got killed by Scorpion.

I think some fans don't understand that Bi-Han wasn't forced to be a wraith. He actually ENJOYED being the undead and powerful asshole rather than serving the Lin Kuei. He even said to Kuai Liang in MK9 that serving the Netherrealm "served his purpose." Now how do you get a wraith so fucking evil, then toss him into a soulnado, and suddenly make him Champion of the Elder Gods? There has to be a character development. Maybe Bi-Han was given a second chance by the Gods to redeem himself (even though we know he doesn't deserve it) by serving them by clearing away his evil. Maybe we could save the realms or help Scorpion? But then again Bi-Han being the selfish asshole he is might use this power for his own gain and screw everybody up with it. Clearly the Elder Gods being the lazy couch potatoes couldn't do anything to stop him. I can picture Raiden being very hostile to Bi-Han for getting this status and his motivations for joining the "good side."

If they happen to give Bi-Han the title, WHAT HAPPENS TO SCORPION? In MK Deception storyline, there was a legitimate reason for the spectre to be Champion: not revenge, but to be reunited with his family and clan in the afterlife because being an angry undead zombie on Earth forever sucks right? I don't see Bi-Han having that same motivation for redeeming himself. However there is one element that can assist in his character transformation: Sareena. He spares her in Mythologies so in turn she can help him free Kuai Liang and overcome his evil because SHE'S A DEMON. She knows how to install and eliminate evil within a person's soul.

Though I might begrudge this possibility, I do find the scenario interesting and I hope the new game clears it all up.

10/05/2014 04:17 PM (UTC)
No problem, that makes both of us! I knew you guys would appreciate it. I will hopefully be making the trip to Melbourne for PAX Australia in about 4 weeks and will definitely look to get my hands on some more MKX. I will listen intently for more dialogue.

Also, thanks for checking out the article! I'm not kidding when I say that Kotal Kahn is a beast when you take advantage of his blood sacrifice and ray of light moves (probably not their actual names lol). And Cassie is so damn accessible...Quan Chi will take some practice, as will Kano and Ferra/Torr (purely because of the slower movement). Everyone else falls somewhere in the middle.

I'm extremely intrigued to find out more about Ferra's race as it seems she's not simply another Outworlder. Where do you guys think she and possibly Torr could originate?
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

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10/05/2014 04:19 PM (UTC)
Thanks for the info TS

I personally don't understand why the most debated thing on these forums is which Sub Zero is in the game. He plays the same either way. Maybe his is sub Zero's big brother back for revenge.
10/05/2014 04:37 PM (UTC)
krajax Wrote:
I think some fans don't understand that Bi-Han wasn't forced to be a wraith. He actually ENJOYED being the undead and powerful asshole rather than serving the Lin Kuei.

NRS could always explained that Quan has tampered with Bi-Han's personality.

Or, Elder Gods made him their Champion, because there was no one else at the time. There are not picky. Scorpion is not the most obvious choice either, if you think about it. So, yes, "he is on the mission from Elder Gods" and, also, an asshole. It's not the first time it happens and just don't see what so strange or unusual about it. Elder Gods supposedly don't think have human morality, so, whatever Bi-Han has done when he was human and demon, is irrelevant to them.

And Bi-Han himself can just go with the flow. He was demon - he enjoyed that. He has become Champion of Elders? He'll enjoy that too. As long as he is still alive - anything goes. It's not like he had any choice in the matters, afterall.
BADASS6669 Wrote:
Thanks for the info TS

I personally don't understand why the most debated thing on these forums is which Sub Zero is in the game. He plays the same either way. Maybe his is sub Zero's big brother back for revenge.
Some people have strong attachement to the one Sub-Zero over the other. I don't understand it either.
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10/05/2014 04:38 PM (UTC)
I am actually pretty interested in seeing Bi Han.

Wonder if they are tying up the whoe Love triangle between the two ninjas and the bald-headed dickhole.

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Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur

10/05/2014 04:55 PM (UTC)
Was it ever said that there were only 2 cryomancer brothers? I still think people maybe jumping to conclusions. The thaw out is what had me thinking maybe he had previously encased himself in ice to withdraw himself from the possible Lin Kuei. I could be reading into it too much but I wonder if it could have been misheard. Maybe plural instead of singular considering Quan Chi has both souls of the fighters. Just my theory and I could be reading way too much into it
10/05/2014 04:58 PM (UTC)
No it was definitely singular. And with all respect, I agree, you are really reading into it too much! :P
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You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur

10/05/2014 05:04 PM (UTC)
Well with all due respect unless it was subtitled and from what I read there were problems hearing the intros at a point there is no possible way to tell the context in which it was said.
10/05/2014 05:22 PM (UTC)
I noted that it's paraphrased just because of potential differences that are entirely miniscule and don't change the context/meaning of what was said. However, that being said, if I didn't make out the dialogue and wasn't confident enough in the accuracy of the statement, I wouldn't have put it in the article. I heard many others but haven't mentioned them because they weren't clear. Also, most of the ones in the article I heard during a special preview event the night before the expo where there was only about 30 of us journalists and less noise. Trust me, I wouldn't type it if it had the potential to be completely off-base.
10/05/2014 06:22 PM (UTC)
I guess it makes sense.

That's how Scorpion became champion in the original timeline. He was thrown into a Soulnado and the Elder Gods made him their champion, in MK9, Noob was thrown into a Soulnado, so maybe they made him champ this time around, but for whatever reason gave him his human/sub-zero form and not the Noob Saibot form.
10/05/2014 07:06 PM (UTC)
The Sub-Zero thing could really go either way. Based on these dialogues it does seem like Bi-Han has returned, however that line about "your brother's soul" could also refer to Lin Kuei members being brothers. For example, Cyrax and Sektor were Lin Kuei brothers.

Its murky, and just too soon to tell. One thing I will say is this Sub does NOT seem to be Kuai Liang.
10/05/2014 07:36 PM (UTC)
Completely out of left field, but perhaps the frozen comment can mean that at some point during the 25 year period, Sub Zero was betrayed and frozen. Perhaps alluding to Frost making a return, much to the chagrin of many people, I am sure, lol.
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