Gross Double Standard
posted02/09/2015 10:29 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/06/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
So despite Cassie's updated model, which has a greatly improved face, or Sonya's face in the faction headers, which is absolutely BEAUTIFUL for a 40 year old woman, and even for a normal woman at that, the women's faces have been consistently hailed as being ugly by 'fans'. Even Kitana's face in MKX, which is at least a thousand times better than the one she had in MK9.

Which leads me to ask one simple question.

Can anyone name ONE male character that had an attractive face in MK9 or MKX so far? Masked characters don't count, and since D'Vorah isn't being complained about, I guess neither do demons/people like that.

So ONE character?

Liu Kang wasn't attractive, Kung Lao was HIDEOUS (I mean it was on Kitana levels of bad) in MK9 and still isn't great in MKX, Raiden isn't cute, Nightwolf, Jax, and Shang were all unattractive. And then there's the biggest offense; Johnny Cage.

Johnny Cage is an ACTOR, he's famous. Therefore it only makes logical sense that he would be a prettyboy and be pretty attractive. But instead he got a weird face, and a gross body that had that stupid tattoo over it, making him unattractive. I mean, just look at this picture.

So where's the outrage over the MALE characters? Why are there even complaints about the attractive women, when no-one ever comments on how NRS has never made an attractive male?

Or am I just confused, and is being a supermodel somehow an important requirement for women fighting for their lives and not men?

I'm so done with all the complaints, Kitana in MK9 was understandable, but there is no face right now in MKX that warrants them.
02/07/2015 08:31 AM (UTC)
I thought Johnny had a sexy face in MK9...
02/07/2015 08:34 AM (UTC)
All the males are sexy and and I'm straight. Especially Kotal and his Mexican nose.

Don't know what you're talking about.
02/07/2015 08:38 AM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
All the males are sexy and and I'm straight. Especially Kotal and his Mexican nose.

Don't know what you're talking about.

Well the fact that you're a straight male might explain it.
02/07/2015 08:43 AM (UTC)
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
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02/07/2015 08:44 AM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
All the males are sexy and and I'm straight. Especially Kotal and his Mexican nose.

Don't know what you're talking about.

Well the fact that you're a straight male might explain it.

Oh look, I've spotted the feminist.

You're really getting way too worked up over something that's a matter of opinion.
02/07/2015 08:54 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
All the males are sexy and and I'm straight. Especially Kotal and his Mexican nose.

Don't know what you're talking about.

Well the fact that you're a straight male might explain it.

Oh look, I've spotted the feminist.

You're really getting way too worked up over something that's a matter of opinion.

The point is just that he can't see it because he's straight. So he's not attracted to males and therefore doesn't know as well as straight women/gay men what is attractive in men.

I'm just annoyed with the constant annoying complaints about the female faces when Kitana's face is not nearly as important a detail as her gameplay.
02/07/2015 08:57 AM (UTC)

Get out of here with that political crap.

02/07/2015 09:01 AM (UTC)
I'm straight and I want to have sex with all of the MK9 guys... wait.

In all seriousness, everyone in MK9 looked pretty good in my opinion. Some were better than others, but I wouldn't say anybody looked disfigured or unnatural. I believe this complaining about the female models are either fans nitpicking to show their love for the series, or people who furiously masterbated to the digitized models and don't find the newer ones "satisfying."
02/07/2015 09:09 AM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Can anyone name ONE male character that had an attractive face in MK9 or MKX so far?

Kano. There you go.
02/07/2015 09:59 AM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
m0s3pH Wrote:
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
All the males are sexy and and I'm straight. Especially Kotal and his Mexican nose.

Don't know what you're talking about.

Well the fact that you're a straight male might explain it.

Oh look, I've spotted the feminist.

You're really getting way too worked up over something that's a matter of opinion.

The point is just that he can't see it because he's straight. So he's not attracted to males and therefore doesn't know as well as straight women/gay men what is attractive in men.

Im as straight as a straight thing, and I know that Thor is dreamy.

Argument invalid.
02/07/2015 10:05 AM (UTC)
I actually think the masks on the females make them sexier. I like a bit of mystery in my women so I didn't really have a problem with their faces per say. The only issues I ever have are the giant hands from the 3D era or the incredibly unrealistic long necks.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

02/07/2015 10:46 AM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
m0s3pH Wrote:
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
All the males are sexy and and I'm straight. Especially Kotal and his Mexican nose.

Don't know what you're talking about.

Well the fact that you're a straight male might explain it.

Oh look, I've spotted the feminist.

You're really getting way too worked up over something that's a matter of opinion.

The point is just that he can't see it because he's straight. So he's not attracted to males and therefore doesn't know as well as straight women/gay men what is attractive in men.

I'm just annoyed with the constant annoying complaints about the female faces when Kitana's face is not nearly as important a detail as her gameplay.

Total sexist bullshit. May as well say no straight woman can ever say another woman is good looking. I'm straight as a die and I can easily say the likes of Chris Hemsworth, Gerard Butler, Richard Armitrage and Hiddlestone are just damned good looking men. My sexuality has nothing to with it and it's borderline offensive for you to presume that. Fuck off back to Jezebel and reddit with that shit please. On that note, I think Kung Lao is pretty handsome here, he reminds me of Yoshihiro Akiyama and Kano was quite well received on that front by a lot of people

On topic, I think Kitana and Cassie look quite pretty, Sonya not quite my cup of tea but certainly a step up from Barbie Tits in MK9
02/07/2015 10:48 AM (UTC)
Sonya's face beautiful?

Are you sure you ain't gay? Because that looks like an ugly war-veteran male.

Nothing pretty, or beautiful in there.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/07/2015 10:51 AM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
Sonya's face beautiful?

Are you sure you ain't gay? Because that looks like an ugly war-veteran male.

Nothing pretty, or beautiful in there.

I'm gay and I assure you gay doesn't equal blind. She and her daughter needs bags over their heads.

Kitana looks good though.
02/07/2015 10:53 AM (UTC)
I know, because i'm gay and I like older men, but I wouldn't date Sonya-looking-like-ugly-war-veteran-man as well

But the topic starter is maybe a hetero male, and he talks about Sonya being beautiful, while all I can see is a ugly male face...
02/07/2015 10:57 AM (UTC)
speaking as a gay male. i thought Liu kang had a decent face in MK9 (at least compared to MKvsDC). no one else was particularly handsome or anything. but as for as looks goes, i don't pay attention to the males or females in MK for their faces but more so their costume design and gameplay.

my guess is that some want eyecandy in a game to fawn over.

MK isn't too much of a DoA fanservice game and some guys need to realize that.
02/07/2015 11:05 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

Get out of here with that political crap.

Pretty much. This issue is 100% opinion and not an attack on the female gender. Some people like them, some people don't. I'll agree with OP in that it SEEMS like a slight majority aren't feeling the female faces of MK, but thats kinda an annoyance with the development team, not women as a gender. This site is fucking retarded when it comes to topics like this tho so whatever. I expect dipshits to make it a bizarre political argument where they now feel the need to insult the male faces of a bunch of FICTIONAL CHARACTERS.

10 bucks OP is a troll going for private and deeply sad lolz.
02/07/2015 12:30 PM (UTC)
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

02/07/2015 01:30 PM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
I'm straight and I want to have sex with all of the MK9 guys... wait.

02/07/2015 01:32 PM (UTC)
Just opinions. I liked the women in mk9.
02/07/2015 01:49 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

Get out of here with that political crap.

Yes, wdm6789, get out of here with your political crap. Something tells me you meant to add correctness after "political" but forgot to add it.

On the topic, and as a straight guy I must say that, yes, a lot of straight guys seem to give male ugliness a pass, which is no doubt why straight porn is filled with those repulsive blobs screwing pretty women, and why we get so many videoclips of scantily-clad gals dancing to the pleasure of fully clothed assholes.

That's why I'm in favor of male sexualization. Female sex appeal is spoiled by the inequality. Characters of both genders should get "serious" outfits, and sexed up alts.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/07/2015 01:56 PM (UTC)
DarkKard4 Wrote:
speaking as a gay male. i thought Liu kang had a decent face in MK9 (at least compared to MKvsDC). no one else was particularly handsome or anything. but as for as looks goes, i don't pay attention to the males or females in MK for their faces but more so their costume design and gameplay.

my guess is that some want eyecandy in a game to fawn over.

MK isn't too much of a DoA fanservice game and some guys need to realize that.

Disagreed. I thought Liu looked great in MKVSDCU. He looked like a monkey with a disability in MK9.
02/07/2015 02:12 PM (UTC)
She is not a 40 year old woman -_-.

Unless she was 15 in MK9 do the math.

25+15 = 40.

My guess is she is around 50 or maybe 45 if in MK9 she was 20.

That's why I am very and I mean very skeptical about the picture of "Sonya" In the factions.

Let's just assume that she was around 25-28 years old when she went to Shang's island.

MK1-MK3 must have been what. at least 9 months. I mean for all those events to happen it must have taken 9 months or at least 6.

So she grew a bit more, now we jump 25 years into the future.

28+25 = 53.

again I am just ASSUMING that was her age, So for a 53 year old woman to look like a teen that must be one hell of a cream she is using.

I'll say what I said before, Ed boon loves trolling. I wouldn't be surprised if he did it on purpose just to confuse the hell out of people.

Sonya is not Confirmed yet what so ever.

That MIGHT be her, I'm not rolling out all possibilities of that being Sonya but to me it looks a lot like Cassie in an alt costume.

And Yes Yes I have been told over 9000 times that Offsprings look a lot like their parents like I did't already know that, a 3 year old child will find that obvious but some people like to point out the obvious apparently.

But here is the thing, Daughter and Mother look Similar, Emphasis on Similar they don't look like the damn exact thing.

The two pictures are identical it's beyond me how people see two different characters...
02/07/2015 03:01 PM (UTC)
I'm just going to pop in here and say I have always thought you were all weird when it came to this. I never thought any faces in MK were ugly.

I never saw anything wrong with any of Sonyas 7th gen faces like all of you seemed to. Or Kitanas face, Or Cassie, or hey even Liu Kang which a lot of you seemed to take huge issue with.

Yall are weird...
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