Grappler character?
posted06/17/2014 08:42 PM (UTC)by
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01/23/2014 08:08 PM (UTC)
Do you think it's about time they put a playable grapper character? The closest they have to a grapper is Jax, but he's not really that much of a grappler to be honest + he's dead, although i'd like to see him back and become full grappler.

What do you think? I'm sick of every character having a projectile move, teleport, etc., we need more variety, Injustice had a more diverse cast when it comes to gameplay, than any MK game.
05/31/2014 06:07 AM (UTC)
As grapplers, I thought Bane and Grundy turned out great in Injustice.

I think Tremor could fill this roll nicely in MK10.
05/31/2014 06:13 AM (UTC)
Sheeva was kind of a grappler.
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05/31/2014 07:43 AM (UTC)
Actually Sheeva was a groper.

I was trying to figure out who could fill that roll from MK4 to MKD and I just can't think of one. Perhaps a new character or something. Maybe Goro if he survived, I really can't remember who survived in the last game because half of them were killed in one scene.

As a side note, I hope they flesh out Bo Rai Cho to his full potential. I picture him similar to Lei from Tekken, master of all sorts of styles since really he is the teacher of champions.
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05/31/2014 03:19 PM (UTC)
I would absolutely love Sheeva to return In mkx
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05/31/2014 04:29 PM (UTC)
I guess it depends. I love grappler characters, but how many holds are we talking? One? Three? Eight? More?

I liked Sonya a lot in MK9 partially because she could stance change in to that takedown. I like that kind of variety and I think it'd be cool to see characters that have multiple stances (NOT like MKDA, I mean built organically in to move sets) and/or multiple throws.

But MK's never done the huge variety thing. The characters tend to be homogeneous, even when they did the MKDA stance thing, it was all uniform and every character fought similarly with the same combo mechanic).

I almost feel like going full on with the idea for one character means you should do it with all characters. In other words, have grapplers (plural) in the game. But also have zoners and pure rushdowns and stance changers and power up characters and mixes of these and different versions of these (maybe Kano does joint locks and takedowns while Jax uses power holds and chokes and a new character does the obligatory Lucha style moves, for example).

I guess what I'm saying is that I'd like to see more variety and depth within that variety if they were to go that route. Otherwise, having one pure grappler mixed in with a cast of 25 standard projectile/teleport characters would seem a bit off.
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05/31/2014 08:06 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I guess what I'm saying is that I'd like to see more variety and depth within that variety if they were to go that route. Otherwise, having one pure grappler mixed in with a cast of 25 standard projectile/teleport characters would seem a bit off.

Yeah but MK9's gameplay campaign was all about making each and every character feel unique and individual. It was a step in the right direction, but it was Injustice that really stepped up their case. So I see them sticking with that trend, and it'll be a good test to see how they handle their MK4+ characters that had an unoriginal set of moves. And of course new characters, however many there'll be, is something I look forward to now.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

06/01/2014 01:27 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:

I guess what I'm saying is that I'd like to see more variety and depth within that variety if they were to go that route. Otherwise, having one pure grappler mixed in with a cast of 25 standard projectile/teleport characters would seem a bit off.

Eh, Grundy was a beast(when in the right hands) on injustice. Bane is actually pretty high up in the rankings currently if I recall correctly, and they are the only two pure grapplers(Grundy more so) in a land of Zoners. Given the proper tools to get in, it could work for MK. Drahmin would make a pretty sweet grappler.
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06/01/2014 07:49 AM (UTC)
If the question is: "Do you want a Grappler(s) in Mk 10?" then that's a quick and easy yes from me.

The question then would be: "Who would fit that playstyle?"

- Sheeva
- Jax

..Was about as close as it came in MK9. Any sort of "Brute" type character in MK10 is a logical pick.
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06/01/2014 09:24 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Baraka407 Wrote:

I guess what I'm saying is that I'd like to see more variety and depth within that variety if they were to go that route. Otherwise, having one pure grappler mixed in with a cast of 25 standard projectile/teleport characters would seem a bit off.

Eh, Grundy was a beast(when in the right hands) on injustice. Bane is actually pretty high up in the rankings currently if I recall correctly, and they are the only two pure grapplers(Grundy more so) in a land of Zoners. Given the proper tools to get in, it could work for MK. Drahmin would make a pretty sweet grappler.

I disagree, I see him more as a heavy hitter since he's got a club for an arm.
But speaking of zoners, Mavado could be a pretty good anti-zoner.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

06/01/2014 04:02 PM (UTC)
fijikungfu Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
Baraka407 Wrote:

I guess what I'm saying is that I'd like to see more variety and depth within that variety if they were to go that route. Otherwise, having one pure grappler mixed in with a cast of 25 standard projectile/teleport characters would seem a bit off.

Eh, Grundy was a beast(when in the right hands) on injustice. Bane is actually pretty high up in the rankings currently if I recall correctly, and they are the only two pure grapplers(Grundy more so) in a land of Zoners. Given the proper tools to get in, it could work for MK. Drahmin would make a pretty sweet grappler.

I disagree, I see him more as a heavy hitter since he's got a club for an arm.
But speaking of zoners, Mavado could be a pretty good anti-zoner.

Very true, but its 2014, and Sub Zero is an f'n robot, who knows if drahmin would even still have the club.

Wow, I flat out forgot about Mavado. He would be such a beast on a 2D plain.
06/01/2014 08:17 PM (UTC)
I'd love to have a grappler similar to a Grundy/Bane type in this game.
06/01/2014 08:53 PM (UTC)
@directhit Jax did not die in storymode in MK9, he was a survivor.

As for Sheeva, I was a fan of hers since MK3. I also remember people on here and on other forums always hating on her and saying she sucks. So when did the liking start? In MK9?

Moving on to the topic, I would say Jax and Sheeva would make great grapple characters.
Another character that would make a good grappler is Hsu Hao. Ya ya, no one likes him but so what.
Reiko would be another good one.
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06/01/2014 10:37 PM (UTC)
Jax did die, Sindel throat stabbed him with her heel and he's later seen in the "zombie blitz" sequence in the Netherrealm.
Here's an old thread that discusses the deaths and if you scroll down half-way, johnny1up describes each death.
06/01/2014 10:48 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
@directhit Jax did not die in storymode in MK9, he was a survivor.

As for Sheeva, I was a fan of hers since MK3. I also remember people on here and on other forums always hating on her and saying she sucks. So when did the liking start? In MK9?

Moving on to the topic, I would say Jax and Sheeva would make great grapple characters.
Another character that would make a good grappler is Hsu Hao. Ya ya, no one likes him but so what.
Reiko would be another good one.

No he didn't, Raiden, Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade (and maybe Liu, who knows) were the only survivors of the forces of light in MK9.

I agree, Jax and Sheeva would make great grapplers, but unfortunately i doubt we'll see either of them in MKX.
06/01/2014 11:22 PM (UTC)
I think having Drahmin or Moloch as grappler's would be killer.

Or even an all new character, I'd be down with that.
06/17/2014 06:50 PM (UTC)
I didn't want to start a thread about Sektor yet so I thought I would just mention this here.

Sektor's throw in MK9 was perfect. It felt like he really slammed the opponent hard into the ground with force, both in his forward throw and backwards.
And that's where it got boring. I'd say keep his forward throw as it is, but for his backthrow? Bring back his throw with his GRAPPLING arm from his chest to throw the opponent behind him!

And as for the subject, I don't really like grappler characters. Punches are more fun in a fighting game than hugging.
06/17/2014 07:07 PM (UTC)
With the triple styles, we can have way more grapplers than before as I'm sure out of 75 styles with around 2 new moves each, you will have to introduce some grappling.

Right now Kotal's sun god and Torr's lackey are grapplers. More will probably come.
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06/17/2014 07:24 PM (UTC)
YES! Grapplers should be included and from the looks of it they will be. Kotal Kahn seems to be one and Ferra-Torr seems to be a semi-grappler. I want the characters to have varied playstyles. Don't just give every character special moves and a few dial combos, distinguish them further.
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06/17/2014 08:17 PM (UTC)
What's a grappler?
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06/17/2014 08:36 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
What's a grappler?

For serious? If you're familiar with the "Holy trinity" of RPG character classes Tank / Support / DPS (aka Warrior, Cleric, Thief) then you have a frame of reference for character archetypes. Fighting games traditionally have a "holy trinity" of classic archetypes too (Rushdown, Zoner, Grappler) though as the genre has evolved, so too has the design of archetypes.

So to answer your question: A Grappler is a character that has an offensive moveset designed around high spike damage command throw pressure. Zangief from Street Fighter is sort of your poster child Grappler.

Here's a reference vid:
06/17/2014 08:42 PM (UTC)
Hsu Hao
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