posted07/29/2014 02:44 PM (UTC)by
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06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
If he does return, should he be evil again, and not only that, but a lackey as well?

Kung Lao's MKG ending opened so many doors for Goro's evolution as a character, and what did they do? Kill him off before his character could go anywhere, for the sake of some cheap dramatic impact, then use him to put over Noob Saibot, who quite frankly ended up not needing it when he was revealed to be Bi-Han, who already proved a great warrior in MKM. Then he was brought back as Shao Kahn's lackey, and pretty much remained that since then.

Goro, like Sheeva, would make such a refreshing hero/anti-hero.

Gameplay-wise, he should copy the other Shokan as little as possible, meaning, no teleport stomp, but the one where he leaps towards the opponent instead, his spinning fists attack, that glowing projectile, and of course, the grab-and-pound. But one move I personally want back, is his kick from MKT. I thought it was funny, the very stiff way Goro raised his leg, the complete lack of martial art prowess, and how it didn't even send the opponents across the arena, but just knocked them back a bit.
07/27/2014 04:11 PM (UTC)
No interest in him (nor Kintaro). They had their time, so he/they can stay away.
Bring Sheeva back along with both of their moves as well as her own. If not, dispose of all three. Bring in a new Shokan maybe? If not, forget the whole Shokan thing.
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07/27/2014 04:23 PM (UTC)
Frankly quite sick of these sub boss characters that break the rules of the game. They are cheap and it is not fun fighting them and most of the time you can not play as them either. I can see the reason why they put them in the game when the games were still in the arcade era but now there is no point. They are just relics. Get rid off all of them.
07/27/2014 05:11 PM (UTC)
I would like to never see Goro again, I really like Sheeva and Kintaro 100 times more than the bland goro, who looks mostly just like any other shokan.

I hope we don't see a shokan as sub-boss this time around.
07/27/2014 08:48 PM (UTC)
Goro, i always liked him and his look in MK9 was great. But he is suppose to be this Vicious Savage Character but we never really see it. We never really see it with any character of his caliber. We only hear about it. How Strong aand vicious, ruthless they are but next thing you know they're being beat by everyone on the roster...No cool!

Goro i wouldnt mind seeing in the game, Sheeva & Kintaro not so much.

But I wouold also like to see Goro be on the side of Good or be an Anti-Hero. We've seen while he is a Strong brute of a character, he and his race seem to have a code of honor. And besides the good guys could use as many ppl as they can get considering they lost alot of there defenders to Sindel!

i doubt he'll be in the game but if he some how does make the roster or a cameo, this is how i would like to see him portrayed!
07/27/2014 09:10 PM (UTC)
Chill out with the new threads brah.
07/27/2014 09:21 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Chill out with the new threads brah.

I think 5 is the limit, and I see 8. :-/
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/27/2014 09:28 PM (UTC)
Goro is my favorite of the Shokans. He's always been an interesting character to me story-wise. I liked that he had a sense of honor and wasn't just a killing machine like Kintaro.

I liked Goro best during the Edenian alliance against Kahn's onslaught. That was a dynamic turn I was glad to see happen.

But it's time to introduce some fresh new sub-bosses. Maybe D'Vorah's race has a queen? (Or is she supposed to be the queen? o.O)

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07/28/2014 01:36 AM (UTC)
Goro : Your skulls will be crushed by my hands ha ha ha.grin
07/28/2014 01:45 AM (UTC)
I like Goro and I would like for him to become a main playable character on the roster instead of a subboss. He's done the subboss thing for so long that it begins to feel like the MK team/NRS are just making up excuses for him to be the subboss.

Goro is an interesting character and actually very deep, but we rarely see it because he's always presented as a henchman for someone else. I loved him and Kitana making peace in MK Gold and the two of them fighting side by side against Shao Kahn in MKDA. And I utterly hated that he returned to Shao Kahn's side in MKD.

He's the Prince of the Shokan, for fuck's sake! He's a strong leader who believes in honour and strength! Not just some lackey that can be trown at the enemy whenever his master feels like it. I hope Goro becomes more than that.

As for Sheeva and Kintaro... I don't give two shits about Kintaro. He was nothing but a weak replacement for Goro, and though brutal in MK2, he's just another henchman void of personality other than "RAWR ME CRUSH YOU!"... Sheeva had the potential to be something more, but like many other characters, she got left behind and turned into another lackey.
07/28/2014 04:18 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Goro is my favorite of the Shokans. He's always been an interesting character to me story-wise. I liked that he had a sense of honor and wasn't just a killing machine like Kintaro.

I liked Goro best during the Edenian alliance against Kahn's onslaught. That was a dynamic turn I was glad to see happen.

But it's time to introduce some fresh new sub-bosses. Maybe D'Vorah's race has a queen? (Or is she supposed to be the queen? o.O)

Pretty much agree with everything you said. Except I wouldn't mind Goro coming back as a playable character. I feel like he has EPIC potential as a heavy hitting, grappling character. Kinda like Grundy in injustice, tons of armor and some big damage grappling combo's and throws.

Also I'm surprised to see so many not like Goro, I understand not wanting him to be the sub boss since he just was, but c'mon he's such a classic character with a interesting story twist ahead of him. I kinda doubt he'll make the cut in MKX but I hope at least his mention in story mode does him some justice. It'd be lame if he's just killed in the background and given no lines like Motaro, although I guess that'd be lame for any character getting killed off. But thats a topic for another time i guess
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07/28/2014 05:53 AM (UTC)
If there has to be a Shokan in MK9, make it Goro or Kintaro. We don't need another shokan who has lukewarm reception and never appears again.

Goro has a lot of potential as a dynamic character with interesting interactions with other characters. Unfortunately, the best thing that ever happened to him has been trashed since the GC version of MKD. We need to let this character breathe instead of making him feel like hollow obstacle in the story.

xysion Wrote:
Frankly quite sick of these sub boss characters that break the rules of the game. They are cheap and it is not fun fighting themthe arcade era but now there is no point. They are just relics. Get rid off all of them.

This would be a very easy fix. Lower his damage and give him traditional mobility and chain combos, and you're basically done.
07/28/2014 07:41 AM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Goro is my favorite of the Shokans. He's always been an interesting character to me story-wise. I liked that he had a sense of honor and wasn't just a killing machine like Kintaro.

I liked Goro best during the Edenian alliance against Kahn's onslaught. That was a dynamic turn I was glad to see happen.

But it's time to introduce some fresh new sub-bosses. Maybe D'Vorah's race has a queen? (Or is she supposed to be the queen? o.O)

Pretty much agree with everything you said. Except I wouldn't mind Goro coming back as a playable character. I feel like he has EPIC potential as a heavy hitting, grappling character. Kinda like Grundy in injustice, tons of armor and some big damage grappling combo's and throws.

Also I'm surprised to see so many not like Goro, I understand not wanting him to be the sub boss since he just was, but c'mon he's such a classic character with a interesting story twist ahead of him. I kinda doubt he'll make the cut in MKX but I hope at least his mention in story mode does him some justice. It'd be lame if he's just killed in the background and given no lines like Motaro, although I guess that'd be lame for any character getting killed off. But thats a topic for another time i guess

I don't like Goro because of his Bland design. If I see other shokan on pictures they look 100% like Goro.

At least Sheeva and Kintaro have their own unique design.

Goro is suppose to be the prince of shokan, well he looks like any other.

And Jaded, like Kintaro can do anything about the fact that Boon & Co can't give him a better story, i'm sure I could give him 10.000 better storylines, but they choose not to.

They of course could give Goro a better design too, but that is more difficult than giving a character a new story-twist. And design wins it from the storyline for me, as I can choose to create a new storyline for them anyway. No way in hell i'm going to let my favorite game-characters of all time suffer the boring storyline of MK9/2011.
07/28/2014 07:44 AM (UTC)
Kintaro has always just been a lesser version of Goro to me. Funny, because I love tigers, my absolute favourite animal... but Kintaro just looks absolutely ridiculous to me. He doesn't look like the ferocious monster people try to make him be like... at least not to me.
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07/28/2014 07:47 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
He doesn't look like the ferocious monster people try to make him be like... at least not to me.

Kintaro looks like an adorable kitty cat.

And I love him.
07/28/2014 07:51 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
He doesn't look like the ferocious monster people try to make him be like... at least not to me.

Kintaro looks like an adorable kitty cat.

And I love him.

But that's the thing... He shouldn't look like an adorable kitty cat. XD
07/28/2014 07:56 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Kintaro has always just been a lesser version of Goro to me. Funny, because I love tigers, my absolute favourite animal... but Kintaro just looks absolutely ridiculous to me. He doesn't look like the ferocious monster people try to make him be like... at least not to me.

I'll still attached to his MK2 appearance, his MK9 appearance was a joke, like many others. (i'm looking at you Jade and Kitana)
07/28/2014 08:18 AM (UTC)
Sheeva was only one Goro playable. Whereas in the current generation (particularly MKX grand characters are playable), there is no reason to bring her back.
07/28/2014 10:47 AM (UTC)
What's wrong with kittens?


Anyways, I don't find Goro intimidating anymore. When I first saw him in the original, I thought he was freaking scary. Of course, I was only a toddler when I saw him for the first time. But that left an impression that stayed for quite some time. Then comes Mortal Kombat 4 when he comes back, and I just found him dreadfully annoying. Come to 2011, again, annoying. And when I mean annoying, I'm not talking about how "he's difficult to kill," because he's nowhere near difficult, I mean that there's nothing about him I like anymore.

When he first came into action, the scariness and the hardness certainly came. (And remember, the age played a huge thing, so of course he's not that hard to beat now, but back then, uh, yeah) But that's the problem, he's not that, and I'm tired of seeing him be nothing but a sub-boss that is going absolutely nowhere but getting defeated. I liked how he got a chance to be a playable character In Deception, but I never played that version, because I didn't own that specific system. And basing how he's like in Armageddon is laughable, everyone sucked.

I don't want him to return, and if he does, remain as a non-playable character and only make appearances in cutscenes. I don't want to fight against him. I'm tired of doing it.

With Kintaro, (since for some reason we're also discussing him and Sheeva in here, might as well drop my two cents) having to only make two games where you can fight against him (and I don't want to talk about the games that you can play as him) he's slightly better than Goro. I will admit, his facial appearance got me laughing so hard, I actually allowed him to beat me with a double flawless. I laughed way too hard to not give a care that I was playing at the moment. He's adorable, and despite that I have an obsession with tigers, I did not find his tigerness to be cute. I found it to be absolutely adorable. I should NOT find bosses to be adorable that I need to kill. Nuh uh. If Kintaro ever returns, make him look terrifying. I did find his specials great, I had no problem with them. But the fact that you have to fight both him and Goro based on finding a pattern is just... tiresome.

I HATE that we have to find a pattern to get them. Oh, Kintaro is jumping into the air, *jumps to the right/left* oh Kintaro is pissed that I dodged his move *performs a long ass combo* Oh look, I won, because he's so predictable.

I am tired of that. Absolutely tired of that.

Now, with Sheeva. I still to this day don't get why she's a very disliked character. I remember back in 2011, I had this long, painful, and annoying argument with another user about how he thought she sucked, and the reasons he gave were just downright stupid. He based his opinions mainly on appearance, thought that it would drive away people from playing her. Never mentioned a single thing about her story or gameplay, just her appearance. Please, if basing a character solely on appearance is all you're going to do while ignoring more important things about that character, then my god... don't talk to me.

I never had a problem with her. In fact, besides Sub-Zero and Sindel, she was my third most played character in Mortal Kombat 3. Something about her connected with me. Was it because she was the first playable Shokan without using cheats? Was it because she looked frightening and intimidating? Yeah, those reasons were why I chose as her. But then comes the fourth game, she's not in it. Deadly Alliance, not in it. Deception, not in it... I had to wait til' Armageddon, a game that sucked so hard, I cringe every time I have to remember how everyone played as. I had to wait for a game that sucked so badly to play as her. And of course, that would never leave a good impression on anyone.

So finally, she get's her second chance to be a great character. And what do I see? I see that she's hardly played, hardly liked, and a punching bag. Really? A character I found to be great back when she debuted is now frowned upon amongst many fans? And whenever someone speaks up about how they're actually a fan of hers, some actually make fun of them. Really? I get made fun of because I like this character and would definitely welcome her back into a roster?

It's hard to find a want to have these characters return after the way the community treats them. It's also hard to find a want to have them return based on how they're created. I don't know, maybe the developers lost their touch with them, I don't know, and I certainly don't want to make excuses for them. But I don't have a want to see Kintaro or Goro for a bit. I do want Sheeva in, but I fear that she'll be the same thing as she was in the last game, do I dare want a favorite character of mine be treated like shit? Absolutely not.

So, no, I don't want any of these characters coming back, despite that I do want Sheeva to come back.
07/28/2014 10:56 AM (UTC)
I really wish Sheeva would come back with a vengeance, awesome side-story, awesome new design (WITH FREAKING CLOTHES/ARMOR on this time and not some freaking bath-suit...)

I'm sure she would be liked much more with some proper armor on.

Her fatalities are mostly high on peoples MK2011-best-fatalities lists, so on that part she's great.

Maybe if they give Goro some better armor, i'll start to like him. And maybe without Shao Kahn, Goro will be more interesting.

My ultimate favorite shokan however is Kintaro, and I wish kintaro would be like what the centaurs are to shokan. A nemesis of both Sheeva and Goro, never liked the entire centaur-thing, or i'm just not a sucker for centaurs as they suck in mythology as well. Give me Girtablilu, Urmahlullu or Jorogumo over them anyday, much cooler centaur-variants.
07/28/2014 11:07 AM (UTC)
Tiger-taur Kintaro confirmed!!!

07/28/2014 11:13 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Tiger-taur Kintaro confirmed!!!

Thatis not really what I meant.

More like that Centaurs never were and that the tiger-shokans were their nemesis instead.

Kintaro strikes me much more as evil than Sheeva and Goro do anyway.
07/28/2014 11:16 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Tiger-taur Kintaro confirmed!!!

Thatis not really what I meant.

I know, it was just a weak attempt at a joke. ;)
07/28/2014 11:39 AM (UTC)
Lol, I thought so, but if you didn't, I would have been embarresed by other people thinking I actually would like a kintaro tiger-centaur versions lol
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07/29/2014 04:00 AM (UTC)
Once upon a time, Goro was the main fuckin' man. Awesome portrayal in the first MK flick, regal and fierce demeanor in MK4. Puts the past with Kung Lao behind him, allies with Kitana. The guy even got a good showing in the terrible Malibu comics (minus the silly giant gun bit). The guy was practically a series mascot in the early days.

He's been crapped on in virtually every game since Deception had him make a stupid, stupid heel turn, and now he's relegated to the same grunt bin as Baraka.

I personally think it's time he became part of the main roster from the get-go. Nix the sub-boss status and make him a full-fledged member of the main cast. Give him some showtime; I miss the Shokan price.
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