gore factor in future mk games
posted02/12/2009 12:19 PM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
what if the mk team brought back the facial damage but modified it along with arms, legs, torso. it was a nice feature and i'd like to see it brought back but tweaked up. i'll put it into catagory's and how much blood shood look on models. this happens and effects during gameplay. note that there is no healing systom so don't worry. here's how i see it.

moves that affect face are kick, punches, chops, various special moves that damage the face.

bloody face1- a bloody nose that drips on your clothes and the arena throughout the coarse of the match if cet kicked,punched, or chopped in the nose.
bloody face2- have several deep wounds near the mouth that ooze out blood if the opponet connects a special move on your face that leaks onto shirt and pants.
bloody face3- have recieved sever stitches to the eye and ear area because of fatal or ko blows to the side of the face and above the nose region.
bloody face ultimate- opponet can barely see or walk because lack of blood pouring out of ever cut and wound reopened or not. affects vision which would make things blurry a tad.

moves that affect arm are kicks, chops, punches, throws and various special moves that target the arm.


bloody arm1- small cuts that bleed down to the end of your fingers that drip onto the ground.
bloody arm2- medium gashes on elbows bleed apon long shirts. few bruses up and down the arm
bloody arm 3- lost several ounces of blood from entire arm which effects speed movement while punching, slaping, choping.
bloody arm ultimate- arm is covered in blood and is hard to lift various sorts of weapons.

moves that affect legs are various sweeps,low kicks,low punches and various special moves that target the leg.


bloody leg1- several tears and cuts on knees and theighs which bleed from the waist down.
bloody leg 2- achy and not as fast paced legs. which would modify your kicks and sweeps.
bloody leg3- having trouble walking on leg and hobbles a bit.
ultimate bloody leg- a bone splinters through your leg causing mighty pain and lots of blood. which causes splinters of bone to fall to the ground.

move that affect torso are mid kicks and medium punches, various special moves that attack the torso.

bloody torso1- several tears and cuts appear above the naval.
bloody torso2- shirt has holes showing bones from the ribcage.
bloody torso3- holding your bleeding stomache and grasping for air.
ultimate bloody toso- not as quick and lots of scars and blood.

i think it be great to see body damage that effects gameplay but is not like wwe games. it was nice in mkda but it was just face damage. what you think of the idea. please comment and critizise it. i'll check later.
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01/07/2009 08:14 PM (UTC)
Nah....I don't think I'm feeling this one. I think it's too much time and work invested in something that would have such a small affect on the game. Doesn't glean much great the way of strategy either. So it's function,and therefor, purpose is questionable at best.
01/14/2009 06:59 PM (UTC)
i see what your saying although mkd and mka lacked facial damage and clothing damage but was in mkda. it would take some time but it would improve the graphics of the models by xten. i fell some games took better quality than others because the mk team always adding new features or subtracting other features.
01/19/2009 07:09 PM (UTC)
I agree that characters should show signs of damage, it would add a little more 'shock' to the game.However, I don't think it should have that big an effect on the gameplay, for it make it unnecesarily frustrating and complicated =/ but it may work, who knows hehe.
I've noticed that every MK game since MK: Deadly Alliance has had less and less blood/gore...so hopefully this new MK game can work on this, because
seriously, i think i speak for every MK fan when I say that one of the things that appealed to us the most was the high levels of violence...so i think this should be explored further!wink
Bruises, cuts/scrapes, torn clothes, missing armor pieces or attire works. I dont think it should have effect on gameplay or move properties though.
02/07/2009 04:37 PM (UTC)
i hope the blood in future mk games aren't very spashy because blood doesn't really spash out of someone.

also i think it be cool to have blood smere on clothes and the arena. blood should only spray out if a limb is choped off similar to jason movies. blood dripping for small cuts or scrapes could benefit to the model of the characters.

no green, black, or yellow blood should appear in mk9. just leave it blood red.
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02/08/2009 11:54 AM (UTC)
I miss Bio Freaks. If you ripped off the limbs for example off of Minatek, he could only fight with the rocket launcher pod on his back...

I am tired of weaponry and martial arts not showing appropriate damage.
02/09/2009 11:00 AM (UTC)
i think this is a good idea, though i wouldn't want it to affect game play, like if the character is holding his gut and limping i don't want the limping to slow the character down just have everything at its original speed but its showing that the character is in pain and suffering, also i don't want it to affect the characters ability to give damage, meaning because they are damaged i don't want their attacks to get weaker.

though i do agree it is a concept that is wasted since midway always has a short deadline with MK games but id be for it if they had plenty of time to add it in.

now for blood, midway needs to improve on the blood affects its next gen and the blood shouldn't look like little bubbles connected to look like big chunks of blood drops. also same goes for when its dripping down the body those blood drops were huge.
02/10/2009 09:22 AM (UTC)
what we need is gears blood i mean there using unral 3
02/10/2009 10:32 PM (UTC)
i was pretty happy with the damage effects in mk vs dc and don't see the need for to much improvement. the only thing i would think of adding is blood running from the open wounds, like how the blood ran down the characters in the last generation games.
02/11/2009 01:50 AM (UTC)
I liked the damage shown in MKvsDC, wouldn't mind if they kept it like that. Severed limbs would be cool but to make it happen, should require a very difficult task. It may or may not work. I would like to see a nose bleed here and there, but leave the exaggerated-ness to the fatalities in the end. Happy ending.
02/12/2009 12:19 PM (UTC)
This to me is a big issue for Mortal Kombat because its what practically made the game what it is. I agree the blood effects need to be tuned and tinkered with because it needs to be whats the words I am looking for...More Next Gen looking? I think that explains it lol.
We just need more detailed and grotesque looking fatalities to the point were its so shocking that you might want to turn your head! A good example would be Sub Zero's classic head rip. All that is needed is a awesome zoomed in camera angle,the dark lighting of a fatality being performed as always,than a detailed showing of his head being ripped off slowly as the skin stretches and rips with meat and blood falling and screaming with gargling on his own blood kinda deal. Something like you would see in the goriest of horror movies.

To touch on the topic off from this topic of wear and tear on the fighter...I think it can be addressed some. For instance...if you were fighting as Raiden and you hit him a certain way his hat should fly off. Also,this leads me to bring up how I think some of the grab moves (or throws) should be removed...like lets say Scorpions arm breaker grab. Give him an actual throw because if the opponents arm is not going to stay broken what is the point of making such a move? I mean yeah it will bring down the health bar but it makes no sense...that stuff should be done as finishers or fatalities.

As for severed limbs and such....I remember Biofreaks and it was cool but its not Mortal Kombat....save the severing and all for the fatalities. tongue
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