Good MK girls gone bad should be more seductive.
posted01/01/2010 06:21 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/08/2009 07:29 PM (UTC)
What I mean by this if there is going to be a good girl from the MK games (let's say Kitana, Sonya, Jade, or Li Mei) that will turn bad and end up like Dark Raiden for some reason, I think they should have a slutty personality like Mileena, Kira, and Anna Williams from Tekken. They should have the personality like the woman from the movie "Basic Instincts". It's just my idea. And I brought this up because when Boon said MK9 will be "Darker" and "Grittier" he might mean that the good characters might get too angry for a special reason and turn completely evil. I'm just making a guess. You can add into it if you want. smile
12/31/2009 02:24 AM (UTC)
Ignoring the stupid "slutty" acting idea... If one of the good female characters should change alignment, no.

With the female characters that we have already, there is no purpose for them to suddenly turn evil.

What purpose would Kitana, Sonya or Ashrah have if they went evil? (Just naming a few here) Seriously, what purpose would they possibly have for turning evil? There would be nothing for them to do. What, Sindel's daughter suddenly turns evil, as if a clonned daughter isn't enough to deal with?

No, the good should not change, they did with Raiden and for some reason I felt that they didn't do a good job with it. Let's just stay with what alignment they're at now. Not to mention, no one knows who will be in the next game, all these characters may or may not return for the next one so... Just saying

And when he meant by "darker," I have a good hunch that it might have meant it's going to have more of a serious tone, more Gothic-looking style than making every single character turn bad.
12/31/2009 03:44 AM (UTC)
I would say if a one of the Mortal Kombat good girls, becomes becomes evil or bad would give them a better sex appeal for being bad cause that what most people find attractive are the bad tendency that people do, and not being slutty really.

I don't know about you, but love when people go dark or bad even if its a short line being more in a morally gray line. I recently set up a forum called Mortal Kombat: Salvation that deals with a lot of the characters in the morally gray line.

As for Raiden went evil, before he was good just like theirs a threat against Earthrealm we go and fight it and protect Earthrealm like Shao Kahn tried several times. But with the new evil Raiden if Shao Kahn Raiden would kill Shao Kahn not letting him escape and regain his power.
12/31/2009 11:54 AM (UTC)
i don't know about this idea...the only way i could maybe see a good girl like Sonya go bad is if she is being manipulated magically or controlled by a device even though technically she would still be good. other than that i would rather see a bad girl turn good. maybe even instead of being about turning neutral? Being neutral can benefit the situations in story sometimes. the seductivity of the girls personality should not matter on her alignment though because the most innocent looking female could be very seductive too. not a bad idea i guess but its not anything spectacular unless it is someone completely unexpected.
12/31/2009 06:21 PM (UTC)
Good thinking people. And I think, it can be a certain cause that can turn good characters into neutral allignment rather than good. But what I really want is for the good people to stay good like what Icebaby said. It'd still be interesting to have a good female character to have such personality. wink
12/31/2009 06:25 PM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Good thinking people. And I think, it can be a certain cause that can turn good characters into neutral allignment rather than evil. But what I really want is for the good people to stay good like what Icebaby said. It's just that MK9 might be about turning characters into the gray state. It'd still be interesting to have a good female character to lose their "innocense". wink

Historical Favorite
01/01/2010 05:20 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
What purpose would Kitana, Sonya or Ashrah have if they went evil? (Just naming a few here) Seriously, what purpose would they possibly have for turning evil? There would be nothing for them to do. What, Sindel's daughter suddenly turns evil, as if a clonned daughter isn't enough to deal with?

Actually Kitana turning on Earth could be quite the yarn. It presents drama, as now instead of an out of nowhere threat (Onaga, Blaze) the heroes have to contend with one of their own. Someone who knows them and knows what makes them tick. There's an element of mystery as you're forced to wonder what led to the betrayal (outside influence? the stress of leading a nation? a legit mental unhinging?). Best of all, Kitana's one of the series older characters so any story involving her fall from grace would almost by default involve several of the classic fighters. The MK 1 & 2 casts who are almost universally beloved.

Sonya, similarly, is ripe for this kind of turn as well. She even has a built-in reason. She's the one charged with keeping the planet safe from all of these alternate realms and sorcerers and deities. It's not a huge jump in logic that someone carrying that kind of weight on their shoulders would develop a "kill 'em all" attitude.

Honestly, I don't remember enough about Ashrah to throw out any ideas. Maybe she could get super angry because her over-sized hat was stolen.
01/01/2010 06:21 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
What purpose would Kitana, Sonya or Ashrah have if they went evil? (Just naming a few here) Seriously, what purpose would they possibly have for turning evil? There would be nothing for them to do. What, Sindel's daughter suddenly turns evil, as if a clonned daughter isn't enough to deal with?

Actually Kitana turning on Earth could be quite the yarn. It presents drama, as now instead of an out of nowhere threat (Onaga, Blaze) the heroes have to contend with one of their own. Someone who knows them and knows what makes them tick. There's an element of mystery as you're forced to wonder what led to the betrayal (outside influence? the stress of leading a nation? a legit mental unhinging?). Best of all, Kitana's one of the series older characters so any story involving her fall from grace would almost by default involve several of the classic fighters. The MK 1 & 2 casts who are almost universally beloved.

Sonya, similarly, is ripe for this kind of turn as well. She even has a built-in reason. She's the one charged with keeping the planet safe from all of these alternate realms and sorcerers and deities. It's not a huge jump in logic that someone carrying that kind of weight on their shoulders would develop a "kill 'em all" attitude.

Honestly, I don't remember enough about Ashrah to throw out any ideas. Maybe she could get super angry because her over-sized hat was stolen.

confused Interesting. Lol at Ahsrah's reason btw. glasses
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