Good Idea for next gen MK?
posted01/06/2007 04:02 PM (UTC)by
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10/12/2006 10:35 AM (UTC)
I was watching G4 the other night and came across a show talking about Cine-motion in a game that i cant remember at the moment....but it just crossed my mind that the MK Team should definatley consider using the idea for fatalities and get rid of the new fatality system...Imagine a Cine-motion Fatality! It would be really cool to see

for those who dont know what cine-motion is...its basically a cut scene,movie,or fmv that can be triggered or interacted with...(a good example with this is Resident Evil 4)...i would rather it be triggered so that you can just watch the fatality but if cine-motion did have a part in the game and it was interactable...i would still enjoy it much more than the MKA fatality system.

Whats your peeps thoughts on this?
12/31/2006 10:38 PM (UTC)
I kinda would love what you discribed as the cinamatic scene!

Definetly a plus...
01/03/2007 04:53 AM (UTC)
That would be quite awsome.
01/03/2007 08:08 AM (UTC)
the idea would even be awesome for konquest aswell...maybe cine-motion boss fights or special cine-motion finishers...the possibilities arent endless but it would add a different aspect to the game.

About Me

01/04/2007 11:23 AM (UTC)
No thanks, what point that would serve? Loosing any interactivity inside the fatality? I rather have the current system expanded than cutscenes.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

01/05/2007 01:42 AM (UTC)
Well, to be honest I'd take anything over the garbage fatalities that were in Armageddon. Proper implementation of this could work pretty well I suppose.
01/05/2007 10:31 AM (UTC)
I would like a hybrid of cine-motion and custom fatality moves:

Meaning that everyone should have unique custom moves but can switch around them by pressing different buttons to get different cutscenes.

For example 1 way would be if Frost deep freezes her opponent then maybe she could do a kick to shatter the torso or do an uppercut to completely shatter her opponent.

Or she could throw ice daggers at her opponent(similar to Reiko's fatality in MK4) then freeze them and follow the above style onward or just pull out another dagger and chop their heads off, or just impale the dagger in their heads. All this should be done with the cinematic flair of MKDA and MKD... Custom but Unique to each character.
01/06/2007 04:02 PM (UTC)
i like that idea aqua....its almost like combining both classic fatality system,the new armageddon system and cine-motion but another idea to expand onto the mix of our ideas is to have coded fatalities or to be able to choose your own button combinations for your fatalities for created characters atleast....lets say you create a character and your playing with freinds and someone wants to be your character....i dunno about anyone else but i always hate when someone beats me with my own character and than also finishes me...on that note i hope MK8 fatalities for created characters can be chosen and more special moves to select from and make some new ones that none of the old and new characters have so that our created ones can be a bit unique aswell.

also i was just posting on another thread about concepts for 2d an 3d veiws...i dont think it would be mk like to do in some ways but maybe a angle change here and there when certain moves are done would be cool...almost like cine-motion....kinda almost like in wrestling games when the veiw changes when a power move is done or when a top rope move is performed....except a lil different...a few examples: scorpions spear has a bullet cam veiw when used,kabals move where he runs and leaves the person spinning...have it so you can see through kabals eyes runnin towards them,or even other moves like the well known uppercuts...when someone uppercuts a player flying in the air the veiw could switch to a different angle maybe looking up at the player in the air or a sky veiw of the result of the move.

Sorry if i stepped a bit off the topic of the thread....the topics have similarities.
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