Good fatality ideas
posted08/22/2011 01:52 PM (UTC)by
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08/11/2011 03:05 PM (UTC)
1 Kitana she lifts the victim into the air. Except they go higher. They begin to scream & then Kitana performs her fan throw which stabs and impales the opponents back then she lifts them even higher with her one fan and uses it to float her up towards to airborne enemy kisses them on the cheek in the air and then the remains fall to the ground after they explode to pieces I call this fatality blue hawk.
2 Jax shoots the victim with a rifle in there legs causing them to fall to the ground. While they are on their legs Jax knees there face breaking it then he rips there arms off and claps the victims head with the hands as the blood gushes on Jax I call this finisher blood soldier.
3 Kintaro shoots a fireball causing the loser to burn. He then uses his teleport jump on the opponent stomping and crushing there ribcage. The opposer is now screaming while burning. Kintaro grabs a rib from the broken ribcage sticking out of the opponents chest. Then Kintaro stabs there throat with it. The victim begins gasping for air. Kintaro blows the victim up to pieces with another fireball & catches the burned skull I call this fatality tiger murder.
4 Kung Lao he takes off his hat and begins slashing the enemy's chest about 4 times. The victim is now on there knees trying to stop the bleeding Kung Lao then cuts there legs off while there on there knees and the victim attempts to crawl away bleeding and legless.
Kung Lao then throws his hat on the ground and it spins like his razor edge fatality then grabs the foe by there back and slowly puts his or her face to the hat cutting there face off. Kung Lao then finishes the victim off by cutting there neck and pushes the victim down while gutsy are gasping for air and then they die I call this fatality hat kombo.
5 Nitara she bites the victims feet and spits some flesh out leaving there feet boneless and they begin to scream in horror then Nitara takes out her Kama weapon and slashes the victims back which knocks them down.
Nitara then jumps on there back and begins chewing on there neck.
The foe tries to shove her off but they are to weak to throw her offend it then goes to a shoulder view behind Nitara she then looks to the camera with the foes neck in her mouth she spits it out and them eats the victim while it says Nitara wins I call this fatality bloody lunch.
6 Moloch takes out his iron ball and whacks the victims head.
It shows an x-ray of there skull breaking.
Then Moloch keeps smacking the victims face two times then grabs one of there legs rips it off and beats them to the ground with it.
Then smashes their head with his steel ball and throws there body offscreen & does his victory pose from mka I call this fatality your face on the floor.
7 Shang Tsung he forms a tornado with his sorcery powers and throws it at the victim. The victim is now stuck in the tornado and flying around the sky. He slams the victim to the ground and they are free from the tornado but is on the ground trying to think what just went on and while there on the ground Shang Tsung makes a bigger tornado and crashes it on the victim and it drills through them cutting in two.
The upper half of the victim attempts to crawl away but dies.
I call this fatality tornado from hell
I think this fatality would be better for Fujin but just bear with me.
08/11/2011 03:44 PM (UTC)
First off welcome to MKO!!! read the FAQ you know all that good stuff.

Unfortunately this isn't the right place for this thread. I'm not sure what is....
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

08/11/2011 04:07 PM (UTC)
maximus12 Wrote:
First off welcome to MKO!!! read the FAQ you know all that good stuff.

Unfortunately this isn't the right place for this thread. I'm not sure what is....

I'm pretty sure this would either be for Mortal Kombat Series General, or Future MK Games
08/12/2011 05:25 PM (UTC)
Most of my ideas in this post are for guest characters

Alien: slide it's tail between the opponent's legs. The screen turns dark, and you hear disturbing sounds. To further make it creepy, the annoucer doesn't say anything, you just see the words "Alien wins. Fatality" appear on the screen. This fatality is based on Lambert's death scene from the first movie.

Predator: Throws it's disk at the opponent's torso, slicing it off, but before it can fall off, the Predator runs at the opponent, uppercuts the torso in the air, aims it's plasmacaster, and when the opponent's back is in it's sights, fires. The plasma bolt blows a huge hole in the victim's chest area, and before the torso lands, the Predator pulls out it's combistick, stabs it's victim in the head and rip it off. The Predator raises it's arm, displaying it's trophy, and roars.

For my greatest fan!: Signs an autograph, gives it to the opponent, the opponent takes a look at it, and BOOM! But the explosion, rather than blowing up the victim's body's upper half, showers him/her in acid! The whole torso is eaten away.

James Bond: The classic Bond intro turned into a fatality! If his opponent is a non-human such as Reptile or Noob Saibot, the blood on the screen will be a different color.
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Sig Cred: UNdiscovered

08/13/2011 12:56 AM (UTC)
Scorpion - Drag Me To Hell
Scorpion creates a trail off flames out of the ground which startle the opponent who attempts to run away. Scorpion throws his spear into their back and drags them through the flames.
Kung Lao - Deadly Rabbit
Kung Lao takes off his hat and places it on the opponents head, blood begins to run down their face and the hat falls off revealing the rabbit chewing into the opponents skull.
Liu Kang - MK V DC???
Liu drops an arcade machine next to the opponent and they see it's an MK V DC machine, they repeated bang their heads against it until they die.
08/13/2011 09:43 AM (UTC)
1.Kitana- Mesmerizing
Kitana makes the victim float with fans and teleports under them.She then holds out one of her fans as they fall into it being cut in half.

2.Mileena- Under and Over
Rolls under from behind and throws sais at hands pinning them to the ground, hops ontop of body and bites off head.
About Me

If Skarlett was spellt with a 'k' instead of a 'c' then why wasn't Scorpion spellt with a 'k'?!!!

08/16/2011 12:35 PM (UTC)
Scorpion pulls out his spear and slashes the opponent at the mid section he then puts his fist into the opponent and then pulls out some of their intstines and then strangles the opponent with the intestines and then pulls tighter and tighter until there head pops off.
08/22/2011 01:52 PM (UTC)
1: sCORPION spears the guy in the leg Rips it off ten goes for the other leg, then to his arms then when the body is on the ground begginhg for mercy scorpion takes off his human skin and burns him to a crisp reply if you like it.grin
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