Giving Ashrahs storyline to either Jataaka or Kia
posted09/15/2014 10:49 AM (UTC)by
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06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Some are saying that NRS is erasing Hsu Hao (well, trying to) from existence by giving his chest implant to Kano, as well as a few wrestling moves, and I remember someone saying that they even gave him Hsu Hao's infiltration story in the last game when Kano was revealed to have manipulated the special forces.

But before that, they gave Cyber-Smoke's humanized cyborg story to Cyrax in MK Gold, and in MK9 they gave it to Sub-Zero.

So, do you think they should do the same with either Jataaka or Kia by giving either one of them Ashrah's purification storyline? As much as I like Ashrah, I personally wouldn't mind if her storyline went to Jataaka, as a way of giving her individual purpose in the story. Of course I'd rather they both keep Ashrah and give Jataaka a story of her own. But still, I think this is one case where story-swapping could work, imo.
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09/13/2014 12:04 AM (UTC)
Sorry but that isn't likely to happen. If they include one of Quan Chi's assassin from MKM:SZ, we all know it'll be Sareena.

As for the idea itself, I don't think it'd work well. I mean, we already know that Sareena has been both evil and good, but we haven't got that much of a background story of Jataaka/Kia, from what we can tell they were always evil and loyal to Quan Chi, meaning they would never seek to attain purification or something like that. Ashrah (a character that I personally dislike) having a redemption shot with her storyline in this game would be a better idea.
09/13/2014 12:12 AM (UTC)
Giving Ashrah's story to Jataaka, surely wouldn't be a good idea because, Jataaka is an amazon.

However, I would love to see an Amazon character in MKX. No one better than Jataaka!
09/13/2014 12:13 AM (UTC)
No. What would be the point of having them take Ashrah's storyline? It would make more sense to just bring Ashrah back, and that is more likely to happen anyways. Out of the 3, the only of Quan Chi's assassins that has a chance of being in is Sareena anyways, so I don't think we should be worrying about it too much.
09/13/2014 12:29 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Giving Ashrah's story to Jataaka, surely wouldn't be a good idea because, Jataaka is an amazon.

However, I would love to see an Amazon character in MKX. No one better than Jataaka!

How in the world is Jataaka an amazon when she's clearly an assassin and has been one ever since Mythologies?

Where did you even base this off of?

To the main topic, as much as I love to see these two characters to actually become playable, I would love to see Ashrah more when she was apart of the Brotherhood of the Shadow. Just because I'd like to see how we started with her being a demonic assassin to where she was in Deception.
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09/13/2014 12:42 AM (UTC)
Not a chance in my opinion. I do not see the point of giving Kia or Jataaka the story of Ashrah. Why not just bring Ashrah back? What would NRS gain by giving Jataaka the story of Ashrah and definately fans of Ashrah will be enraged. Ashrah is not on the level of Hsu Hao non entity or hated. If the purification story happens then Ashrah will take it.
09/13/2014 01:07 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Giving Ashrah's story to Jataaka, surely wouldn't be a good idea because, Jataaka is an amazon.

However, I would love to see an Amazon character in MKX. No one better than Jataaka!

How in the world is Jataaka an amazon when she's clearly an assassin and has been one ever since Mythologies?

Where did you even base this off of?

To the main topic, as much as I love to see these two characters to actually become playable, I would love to see Ashrah more when she was apart of the Brotherhood of the Shadow. Just because I'd like to see how we started with her being a demonic assassin to where she was in Deception.

Pretty much because she looks like one. Also she was referred to being an Amazon in many boards on here.
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09/13/2014 01:16 AM (UTC)
God no. They're mere side-characters to Sareena, let them remain that way.
09/13/2014 01:23 AM (UTC)
fijikungfu Wrote:
God no. They're mere side-characters to Sareena, let them remain that way.

Of course I would rather want Sareena.
09/13/2014 01:48 AM (UTC)
I'd also like to point out that I'm a bit confused and disturbed by certain members of this community's tendency to use the word "Amazon" to mean "brown girl"...
09/13/2014 01:57 AM (UTC)
I'd rather keep Ashrah and not have Kia or Jataaka in the game. ^^
09/13/2014 02:00 AM (UTC)
Fuck those 2.

Keep Ashrah and keep those two as side characters. We don't need all of them to be playable. We'd be lucky enough to get Sareena.
09/13/2014 08:48 AM (UTC)
Sorry if I come out harsh on this, but that idea is just stupid. Nobody liked the idea of giving a storyline to another character (Cyber Sub I'm looking at you) and this specific example is random. Those 2 characters have nothing to do with each other besides originating from Netherrealm and I don't think they ever interacted.
Why give such an original story to a character that we know nothing about, and could be given any storyline they can think of? Keep that storyline for Ashrah and improve her, rather than give it to some random chick and scrap her like Hsu Hao. Ashrah actually has fans and there is a bunch of people who want her back. Myself included.
09/13/2014 02:00 PM (UTC)
Why is there this insistence by most fans to keep Jataaka and Kia as side characters? To me, it reeks of simplistic thinking, like because they started out as side characters with no backstories, they should remain side characters with no backstories.

When Noob was introduced, and before he was revealed to be Bi-Han, there certainly was little reason to think he was anything more than some drone. His UMK3/MKT ending was almost completely about Shinnok.

I'm sure that ninja garb was why he was so beloved, and seen as a mysterious character, rather than some forgettable side character with no backstory. It's for that same reason Tremor is so wanted, even though he's even less important to the MK mythos than Jataaka currently is.
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09/13/2014 02:12 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Why is there this insistence by most fans to keep Jataaka and Kia as side characters? To me, it reeks of simplistic thinking, like because they started out as side characters with no backstories, they should remain side characters with no backstories.

When Noob was introduced, and before he was revealed to be Bi-Han, there certainly was little reason to think he was anything more than some drone. His UMK3/MKT ending was almost completely about Shinnok.

I'm sure that ninja garb was why he was so beloved, and seen as a mysterious character, rather than some forgettable side character with no backstory. It's for that same reason Tremor is so wanted, even though he's even less important to the MK mythos than Jataaka currently is.

I do not think there is a insistence by most fans to keep Jataaka and Kia side characters in this thread but more to do with the fact that neither of them should take Ashrah's story.

If Jataaka and Kia want to become more than side characters then they should get their own story instead of some other character's.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/13/2014 02:20 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Why is there this insistence by most fans to keep Jataaka and Kia as side characters? To me, it reeks of simplistic thinking, like because they started out as side characters with no backstories, they should remain side characters with no backstories.

When Noob was introduced, and before he was revealed to be Bi-Han, there certainly was little reason to think he was anything more than some drone. His UMK3/MKT ending was almost completely about Shinnok.

I'm sure that ninja garb was why he was so beloved, and seen as a mysterious character, rather than some forgettable side character with no backstory. It's for that same reason Tremor is so wanted, even though he's even less important to the MK mythos than Jataaka currently is.

People didn't care for the idea, so you lash out at the ninjas...wink

There is no reason to think they couldn't be fleshed out without having to leach onto someone else's story. Ashrah isn't quite as universally hated(thus disposable) as Hsu Hao turned out to be.
09/13/2014 02:23 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
Why is there this insistence by most fans to keep Jataaka and Kia as side characters? To me, it reeks of simplistic thinking, like because they started out as side characters with no backstories, they should remain side characters with no backstories.

When Noob was introduced, and before he was revealed to be Bi-Han, there certainly was little reason to think he was anything more than some drone. His UMK3/MKT ending was almost completely about Shinnok.

I'm sure that ninja garb was why he was so beloved, and seen as a mysterious character, rather than some forgettable side character with no backstory. It's for that same reason Tremor is so wanted, even though he's even less important to the MK mythos than Jataaka currently is.

I do not think there is a insistence by most fans to keep Jataaka and Kia side characters in this thread but more to do with the fact that neither of them should take Ashrah's story.

If Jataaka and Kia want to become more than side characters then they should get their own story instead of some other character's.

This I can agree with. All I was saying is that this is one case where I wouldn't mind story-swapping, that's all. I feel that they missed an opportunity to give Jataaka an individual storyline in MKD by making it Ashrah's. Still, Ashrah's been introduced, and I like her, so if they can keep her around and give Jataaka her own story, then great.
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09/13/2014 02:40 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I'd also like to point out that I'm a bit confused and disturbed by certain members of this community's tendency to use the word "Amazon" to mean "brown girl"...
I can't say I'm even surprised. I'm so desensitized to the casual racism on this board.

Ashrah probably should've been either Kia or Jataaka in the first place. They didn't need to create a new character that had the background of three underused characters in the first place.
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09/13/2014 04:13 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I'd also like to point out that I'm a bit confused and disturbed by certain members of this community's tendency to use the word "Amazon" to mean "brown girl"...


I think when most people use the word Amazon in a general sense, what they actually mean is strong woman.

What Idiot would think that Amazon means brown girl, when Amazons are a greek mytho?
09/13/2014 05:10 PM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:
I think when most people use the word Amazon in a general sense, what they actually mean is strong woman.

What Idiot would think that Amazon means brown girl, when Amazons are a greek mytho?

On this board, you never hear the term used unless the girl is brown. This is an actual trend I have noticed.

People call Jade an "amazon" but I have NEVER seen anyone call Sonya that word and she's generally stronger than any other girl in the franchise save Sheeva. Nobody's ever called Kitana that either and she has exactly the same build as Jade.

Jataaka is not especially muscular either. She's actually quite thin.

The thing about it that worries me is that it might be subconsciously racist. I mean it's one thing to not know what a word means and use it wrong. It's another if the word refers to a primitive, tribal people, and the characters you're describing aren't tribal looking at all, but your brain might be going "Well Africa is a primitive place and these characters look like Africans" and you don't even realize you're doing it.

oracle Wrote:
Ashrah probably should've been either Kia or Jataaka in the first place. They didn't need to create a new character that had the background of three underused characters in the first place.

I'd LIKE to think that the reason they made a new character instead of using someone from Mythologies was because she's introduced into the plot of Konquest when Shujinko is still young, decades before Mythologies would have happened. But that might be giving Vogel's planning ahead/continuity awareness skills too much credit considering how fucked up the rest of Konquest's timeline is.

I also feel Ashrah would be a way better character if we'd been introduced to her when she was still evil and saw her get the Kriss for the first time and develop INTO the whole rise-out-of-Hell-and-become-angelic thing.
09/13/2014 06:51 PM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I'd also like to point out that I'm a bit confused and disturbed by certain members of this community's tendency to use the word "Amazon" to mean "brown girl"...


I think when most people use the word Amazon in a general sense, what they actually mean is strong woman.

What Idiot would think that Amazon means brown girl, when Amazons are a greek mytho?

This. I think people are looking way too much into this. To me the only females that have an amazon-ish look in their appearances are Jade, Sheeva (in her 2nd MK9 costume) and the demon trio (Sareena, Kia, Jataaka). And that has nothing to do with race. It's mostly the face paint and the costume that does it for me. Plus the developers have obviously given those characters' costumes a "tribal" flair.

Jade in MKD:

It might be just me, but the hair, the accessories, the jewels give her this "queen of a certain tribe" feel.

Sareena, Kia, Jataaka in MKM:

Again it's the costume and the face paint/tattoos.

Sheeva in MK9:

Obvious amazon-influenced costume is obvious.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/13/2014 06:55 PM (UTC)
When I think amazon, I think **big**, powerful, woman. Most of MK's female roster does not resemble that at all. Warriors...yes. Strippers...yes.
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09/13/2014 10:29 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Why is there this insistence by most fans to keep Jataaka and Kia as side characters?

I honestly don't understand why people lobby for characters that were never intended to be playable in the first place.
09/13/2014 10:56 PM (UTC)
fijikungfu Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
Why is there this insistence by most fans to keep Jataaka and Kia as side characters?

I honestly don't understand why people lobby for characters that were never intended to be playable in the first place.

Because, as unbelievable as I'm sure it will sound to you, unplayable characters can have interesting designs, or moves, or stories, or personalities. People lobbying for unplayable characters to become playable characters led to Ermac, a glitch, becoming an actual character, as well as the addition of Blaze, a background character who became the final boss of a MK game, and Skarlet, a rumored character who became canon.

Maybe I'm like completely insane here (sarcasm), but I'm pretty sure Ermac is popular, and if people weren't lobbying to have him as a playable character, we'd never have had what turned out to be one of the series' most interesting characters.

So there you go, that's why some people lobby for unplayable side characters, and background ones, and even fucking glitches, to become playable ones.

Some people sometimes, heh.

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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

09/15/2014 07:18 AM (UTC)
Yeah giving Ashrah's storyline to someone even less popular, that'd definitely give em a boost in popularity. Some people sometimes, right.

Taking parts of Hsu Hao and applying it to Kano isn't really something bold, they're removing the few things they like from the character that Boon cut ties with, and gave them to an already established character. So if Ashrah's not that popular in the first place, what makes it such a good idea to take her story and apply it to Kia or Jataaka, who are basically unknowns? It just seems counter-productive to me, especially if MKX is all about heading toward a new direction.

Then you bring up Ermac, but forget to mention he didn't have a huge impact till Deception, with his new design and story. And Skarlet doesn't really work 'cause fans seem to be split 50/50 on her. Plus let's not forget how a lot of people felt about switching Sub-Zero with Smoke. And Blaze? Really? How many people you see jump up and down for his inclusion?

But moving past that, if they were characters that had their own individual roles and designs, then it'd be a different story, but they don't and that's what makes them side-characters. There's a difference between a side-character and a rumored one. But you're too busy being a smartass to figure that out.
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