Give me some feedback on this possible innovation
posted09/26/2005 11:50 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/09/2005 02:35 AM (UTC)
Mod...i know this is more appropriate for the future games board...but i wanted to hear what the online fighters thought of this...please dont close or move right away.

Here is a gameplay innovation I was thinking of for this game...tell me what u guys think

get rid of breakers and give counters. Make the counters move there would be a counter for kicks (hi, lo, mid)...punches (hi, mid,lo) and certain specials should have counters. the key thing is that the timing for the counter has to be perfect and each character should have alot of hi lo mix if you guess he will go low and you counter hi...u will get u have to think if u want to counter vs. makes for 50/50 mixups on offense and defense.....especially if some counter moves lead to pop ups or juggles...think of the possiblities...u could be getting a guy in a combo...and then he countes which leads into a combo...which is could actually look like a fight from a kung-fu flick

How about this for a do a combo...waitin for it to be u could counter the counter with a more powerful combo.

Some counters are one hit counters others may lead to combos

juggles cant be countered (excpet by a few characters who have that say scorp or Lui Kang)

Also a disarm technique should be built in so people dont abuse would be similar to the counter system. In which if a certain move is guessed right u could disarm the characters would be real cool if u could then use that characters weapon....but that probably would be hard to pull off....instead if it is knocked on the floor and the character is unable to use it for the round

To properly balance this out....counter combos should be less powerful on average than regular combos...this way both fighters arent waiting to counter....furthermore....or the inverse could be possible....u could have it so that when a combo is blocked and countered the next combo gets a damage if each combo keeps getting countered and blocked the one that finally lands will have some serious force....

tell me what u guys think
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"Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God. Could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you. If I could reach from pole to pole, Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul, The mind's the standard of the man."
-Isaac Watts
09/26/2005 11:50 PM (UTC)
Maverick3176 Wrote:
get rid of breakers and give counters. Make the counters move there would be a counter for kicks (hi, lo, mid)...punches (hi, mid,lo) and certain specials should have counters. the key thing is that the timing for the counter has to be perfect and each character should have alot of hi lo mix if you guess he will go low and you counter hi...u will get u have to think if u want to counter vs. makes for 50/50 mixups on offense and defense.....especially if some counter moves lead to pop ups or juggles...think of the possiblities...u could be getting a guy in a combo...and then he countes which leads into a combo...which is could actually look like a fight from a kung-fu flick

How about this for a do a combo...waitin for it to be u could counter the counter with a more powerful combo.

Some counters are one hit counters others may lead to combos

This is an interesting idea for counters. The idea of two opponents doing a series of counters and having that interaction resemble a kung fu flick is close to what Reptile_Z had in mind. I think these two ideas are where MK needs to go to add more originality to the gameplay.

High and mid counterers in one manner instead of two, since high and mid attacks generally hit in the same place, is okay I think. But a low counter would be a great addition.

Having a counter to a counter that leads to a more powerful combo might be a bit too much. I can invision people getting frustrated with the countering system being too technical and hard to grasp, then wanting it never to return. Plus, aggressive attacks may be a premium if one person knows that the other will try to counter everything. But that's just my thinking about that. Maybe it could work. confused

As for one hit and combo counters, I think short (3-4 hit) to mid length (5 hit) combos might play well. Some one hit counters could even brush an opponent backwards and off balance. But of course, a proper recovery time so someone couldn't whore that advantage would be needed. After seeing what glitches can do to gameplay in MKD, I think MK& can do w/o them.

Maverick3176 Wrote:
Also a disarm technique should be built in so people dont abuse would be similar to the counter system. In which if a certain move is guessed right u could disarm the characters would be real cool if u could then use that characters weapon....but that probably would be hard to pull off....instead if it is knocked on the floor and the character is unable to use it for the round

Great Cookie Monster, YES! A disarm counter would be great to utilize during a match. I think what would be better than not having the opponent being able to use it for the rest of the round would be having a character be able to kick his opponents weapon away if he got near it. In case Sub and Kenshi were in a corner and Kanshi's katana were to be lying at his feet, when Kenshi goesn down to pick it up, Sub could kick it 15 ft away or even off a tiered level on to the next one.

Maverick3176 Wrote:
To properly balance this out....counter combos should be less powerful on average than regular combos...this way both fighters arent waiting to counter...

Ah. I prefer this better to the other alternative you gave. I think it evens things out more.

Interesting concept.

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