Give Johnny Cage a chance.
posted07/25/2012 08:17 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/06/2012 10:24 PM (UTC)
Liu Kang's dead and even if (most likely when) he is brought back to life, he will likely seek vengeance on Raiden. Also, Liu Kang has grown stale and has never really evolved past the whole "MK Champion" thing.

Johnny Cage on the other hand had arguably the best writing in MK9 and he was one of the few good guys who actually survived. It annoys me how he was made to look like the main protagonist at first but then took a back seat to the boring Bruce Lee clone and the God of Blunder. I think that MK10 should give Johnny Cage a chance to actually shine here, he is one of the few survivors and is much better than Liu Kang or Raiden as a protagonist.

Does anyone else agree?
07/14/2012 03:23 PM (UTC)
07/14/2012 04:18 PM (UTC)
Cut the spam, blacksaibot. That's all a one-word reply is. As for Johnny, I think he definitely has potential. He's noticeably grown and matured a bit over the course of the story, though he should always have the occasional cocky/snarky remark handy, he's great for humor. Much like Linden Ashby's portrayal of him in the movie.

I could see him and Sonya (who also survived) gathering some of the newer heroes like Kenshi, Kai, Li Mei, and Bo 'Rai Cho to fight Quan Chi and their enslaved friends to free them. Perhaps alongside some unlikely allies in Ermac and Mileena, who each have potential inner conflicts that can be explored to bring them beyond their original roles. Ermac with his many souls battling for dominance and thus, he himself struggling to find his identity, and Mileena with her dual nature and the inner battle that could fought as she tries to determine who and what she is, and what she could yet be apart from Tsung and Kahn's will. Rescuing Kitana could, then, become an act of redemption for her, if she were to choose to rise above her Tarkatan blood and become more than what she was made for. Then again, she might not. Her story could go either way, and that's why it would be so interesting to explore and develop.
07/14/2012 04:57 PM (UTC)
NightSpectre Wrote:
Johnny Cage on the other hand had arguably the best writing in MK9

Argueably indeed, because I really don't think so. Yeah, he was funny, he made some fun and cheesy punchlines along the Story Mode... but that's about it. He's a good comic relief, but that's all he is, imo.

The best writing in the game? Hell no! But still good writing, because he added something funny to the storyline which was only complimentary. But definately not the best.
07/14/2012 06:03 PM (UTC)
NightSpectre Wrote:
Liu Kang's dead and even if (most likely when) he is brought back to life, he will likely seek vengeance on Raiden. Also, Liu Kang has grown stale and has never really evolved past the whole "MK Champion" thing.

Johnny Cage on the other hand had arguably the best writing in MK9 and he was one of the few good guys who actually survived. It annoys me how he was made to look like the main protagonist at first but then took a back seat to the boring Bruce Lee clone and the God of Blunder. I think that MK10 should give Johnny Cage a chance to actually shine here, he is one of the few survivors and is much better than Liu Kang or Raiden as a protagonist.

Does anyone else agree?

Well I do believe Johnny has tons of potential, I just don't think he should become the main protagonist of MK, as much as I like Johnny.
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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

07/14/2012 06:24 PM (UTC)
Well I've said it before and I'll say it again. I believe that if Mortal Kombat was in any other type of medium, other than a video game Johnny Cage would have, and should have been the main character.

The reason I say this is because of all the original characters in Mortal Kombat Johnny Cage is the only one who actually has an arc. Which is something that a protagonist needs and Liu Kang and Raiden lack.

Liu and Raiden are the same character at the start of the tournament and at the end of the tournament. They both set to save the world and succeeded, and that's it.

But Johnny Cage starts off as a self-centered jackass out to advance his own career, but once he realizes the magnitude of his situation he decides to become the hero that he had been playing on screen for years. He gives up his selfishness and actually uses his powers and skills to help others rather than his own stardom.

If Mortal Kombat was originally a movie rather than a game it would have been far more entertaining to see Johnny Cage in the main role rather than Liu. Even in the actually movie they made changes to Liu's character just so he could have an arc. He doesn't start off as the goodie two shoes hero out to save the world rather he has to evolve into that role. In the game however he doesn't make an evolution he starts the same and ends the same.

The reason why Liu became the main character is because unfortunately, and I know a lot of people won't like to hear this but, story lines in video games take a backseat to gameplay. A game with a crappy story but good gameplay can go down as a classic, but a game with a good story and bad gameplay is just regarded as bad.

So when the time came to pick a main character the producers decided just to have the stereotypical hero take the role and not worry about character development as much.
07/15/2012 02:59 AM (UTC)
I still disagree that Liu Kang is really dead, but I won't get into why I think so right now.

But I do agree that it's time for someone else to take up the mantle. I think Liu Kang would be cooler if he takes on a new role in the future so people won't think he's hogging the spotlight. Besides, it might show the doubters his true badassery if they have him do something really cool besides defeating the big boss.

That being said though, Johnny Cage doesn't seem like the right character to be the new chosen one; at least not yet. The thing about Liu Kang was that he's dedicated. He spent years training and he entered the tournament because he knew that he was the last hope for Earthrealm. Johnny Cage is pretty much the exact opposite; He's superficial, he used his fighting skills to become famous, and he entered the tournament for, as Liu Kang put it, "personal glory."

Now does seem to be gradually improving; He stuck by Raiden the entire time in MK9, but he was still his cocky, sarcastic, egotistical self, and if you ask me, he still has a lot of development to go through to become the next Liu Kang. He's got to give up the fame and train for real like he did in his ending. He's heading in the right direction, but I don't think he'll be main hero status for quite a while.
07/15/2012 04:19 AM (UTC)
Nope. I like Johnny, he's good for comedy, but that's about it.

Does anyone watch WWE? Here's what I'll compare it too if anyone does. Johnny Cage is like Santino Marella. He's funny as hell, and makes for a decent character, but when Santino gets a belt and is expected to be taken seriously people still just laugh.

Johnny is good for some comedy, but that's about it for him. I would suggest Kenshi before anyone else. I always thought he was supposed to be seen as the new main protagonist in DA anyway. Nobody else seems to have caught that connection though.

I mean Shang accomplisehd in killing Liu kang. Something he had been trying to do for the entire series. Then a new guy steps in who was blinded by the same man who killed Liu kang and was out for his blood. Yet, he wasn't seen as the new main protagonist? Does anyone else agree that Kenshi could take up this role pretty easily?

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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

07/15/2012 05:48 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Does anyone else agree that Kenshi could take up this role pretty easily?

Not Really.

Kenshi was always more of a lone wolf type warrior, and I feel like the protagonist of the game should really be a leader type.

In Deadly Alliance and Deception Kenshi seemed more interested in his own goals rather then helping the good guys save the day. Even in Armeggedon where he said he wanted to lead the good guys he admitted that he had no interest in taking part in the battle to save the universe.

While Johnny Cage seemed to step up in Armaggedon. He gathered the forces of light and really took over as the leader. This seems to place him as third in line as leader of the heroes. And with Liu Kang dead-ish, and Raiden's approval rating at an all time low it seems like Cage is the most natural man to step up as the main hero.
07/15/2012 11:35 PM (UTC)
I'll have to read up some more on that then I guess. I can't even remember him saying that. I still could see him as a potential leader then though.

If not Kenshi, then Sonya should be the leader. She's lead the special forces, and she can lead the heroes. I definitely could see her taking the leader role and running with it.

After her is my boy Sub-Zero. He's lead the Lin Kuei and has shown to be loyal to Raiden and the other warriors countless times.

I like Johnny, but he doesn't seem like a leader.
07/16/2012 01:07 AM (UTC)
The thing is, if Johnny's character development arc ever finishes, he'll become boring. It's being the one who doesn't take things so seriously and jokes around that makes him entertaining.

But Johnny as he is now isn't really leader material. He's "best friend of the leader" material, a great support character...but the guy who manages a team can't be the one who fits the "funny guy" archetype.

Basically, it's like making Spider-Man the leader of the Avengers when Captain America is around. Or if Sokka had been the main character of Avatar: The Last Airbender.

That said, Liu can't be the hero anymore after what happened in MK9. I'm afraid we may be stuck with Raiden as the leader despite how badly he fucked everything up. I's either him or they have a "new" guy like Kai take on the role, which no fan is going to get behind because Kai's never been very popular...or they take someone who's normally a total loner like Kenshi or Sub-Zero and have them grow into it. (Particularly difficult for Sub since he's going to be under Quan's control...but then, maybe the big arc of MK10 will be about Scorpion and Sub-Zero rebelling against Quan Chi?)
07/16/2012 07:58 AM (UTC)
I dunno, I think it's possible for Johnny Cage to finish his development without becoming boring. Just because he'd give up the superficial life doesn't mean he has to stop with the sarcastic remarks and occasional immaturity. I'd think of something kind of like Nathan Drake from Uncharted.

But I just think it would be weird; the guy who started off as the out-of-place Hollywood actor who was the comic relief in a serious tournament of ninjas and Shaolin Monks becoming the all-powerful warrior and beating up gods and powerful sorcerers? Even if he does change it still seems a little ridiculous.
About Me
"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

07/16/2012 07:38 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

But Johnny as he is now isn't really leader material. He's "best friend of the leader" material, a great support character...but the guy who manages a team can't be the one who fits the "funny guy" archetype.
But that's why I think it would be interesting for him to take over the role. He doesn't see himself as the hero type either. In fact he only sees himself as the funny guy. But if he is put into a position where is forced to step up and be the hero. He would have to come into the role unwillingly, he doesn't think of himself as the Earth's protector but he has an epiphany and realizes that he just might be the Earth's best hope for survival.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

Basically, it's like making Spider-Man the leader of the Avengers when Captain America is around. Or if Sokka had been the main character of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
But this is a situation in which Captain America isn't around anymore. Running with the Avengers metaphor If Liu Kang is Cap than it's clear that he couldn't be the leader after what happened in MK 9 whether dead or burned he just can't take over as hero for the next game. And then leadership might fall to Iron Man, Raiden, but if he was directly responsible for the death of Cap and a ton of other avengers then he might not be in the best shape for leadership. He'd either be drunk, or desperate for redemption.
And if those two were out of the way and the good guys were left in chaos I could see Spidey/Johnny rallying the troops and making a last stand against the evil threat.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

I'm afraid we may be stuck with Raiden as the leader despite how badly he fucked everything up. I's either him or they have a "new" guy like Kai take on the role, which no fan is going to get behind because Kai's never been very popular...or they take someone who's normally a total loner like Kenshi or Sub-Zero and have them grow into it.

I might be in the minority but I actually feel like the fact that Raiden fucked everything up. I actually though that was the entire point of the story mode. He tried to prevent all of his friends from dying and he ended up causing all of their deaths. It's poetic in a sense and shows that even gods can't cheat fate. Plus it actually adds some drama to his character which has been pretty dry.

And I just have a feeling that Cage might be given a chance as hero fro three reasons.

1. Raiden's quote about Cage being hero, he just doesn't realize it yet. That seems very much like foreshadowing to me.

2. Cage actually survived story mode. This seems like he is being set up to take on the hero role.

3. Cage's arcade ending, if somewhat canon would show that he has the potential to actually take on any threat that Earthrealm might face.

Now the theory I have for MK 10 is that Raiden is obviously guilt ridden for killing all of his friends, so once he sees the potential that Cage has inside him he convinces himself that Cage must be Earth's new champion.

Johnny of course doesn't think that he is and has a hard time controlling his new powers. He'll insist that Raiden find someone else to take over so he can just be his smart ass self.

Then something will happen in which Raiden, not wanting to let anymore mortals die, will sacrifice himself to save the heroes, and this will prompt Johnny to finally accept who he is and save the day.

I'd been fine with something like this happening even if it meant Johnny had to die at the end. I just feel like Cage deserves a chance to shine and it might very well come in the next game.

for MK 10 I could see Raiden clearly guilt ridden Edit: wow I don't even know how I screwed up that quote.
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07/17/2012 10:43 AM (UTC)
I would like to see him develop his powers further in Seido, that would be an interesting arc i.m.o. Would also be a good way of introducing Hotaru, and the realm of Order. And with it the Realm of CHaos with HAvik and hopefully HAviks alliance with Noob Saibot.. . . one can hope :D
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07/17/2012 07:37 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
The thing is, if Johnny's character development arc ever finishes, he'll become boring. It's being the one who doesn't take things so seriously and jokes around that makes him entertaining.

But Johnny as he is now isn't really leader material. He's "best friend of the leader" material, a great support character...but the guy who manages a team can't be the one who fits the "funny guy" archetype.

Basically, it's like making Spider-Man the leader of the Avengers when Captain America is around. Or if Sokka had been the main character of Avatar: The Last Airbender.

That said, Liu can't be the hero anymore after what happened in MK9. I'm afraid we may be stuck with Raiden as the leader despite how badly he fucked everything up. I's either him or they have a "new" guy like Kai take on the role, which no fan is going to get behind because Kai's never been very popular...or they take someone who's normally a total loner like Kenshi or Sub-Zero and have them grow into it. (Particularly difficult for Sub since he's going to be under Quan's control...but then, maybe the big arc of MK10 will be about Scorpion and Sub-Zero rebelling against Quan Chi?)

I kinda tend to agree. It's not like MK's a movie where once Cage decides that this is "for real" and that the bad guys play for keeps, he'll just become serious and save the day.

Because once he becomes that guy, what happens then? Does he just go back to being the butt of the joke or the goof or whatever? I'd rather take no character progression than progression followed by regression.

Besides, I just can't imagine Raiden telling all of the serious warriors that have dedicated their lives to saving Earth and/or becoming a skilled warrior that the wisecrackin Hollywood guy is the chosen one. It could work, in theory, but I'd worry that everyone else would look like uptight bores in comparison.

Personally, if we're talking about who should be the chosen one next, I want it to be Shang Tsung. Granted, that would require some serious back bending to have him return from being a part of Sindel or whatever, but his ending, with Bo Rai Cho training him, really intrigued me. So something along those lines would be pretty cool.
07/17/2012 08:35 PM (UTC)
WhiteEyes Wrote:
Cut the spam, blacksaibot. That's all a one-word reply is. As for Johnny, I think he definitely has potential. He's noticeably grown and matured a bit over the course of the story, though he should always have the occasional cocky/snarky remark handy, he's great for humor. Much like Linden Ashby's portrayal of him in the movie.

I could see him and Sonya (who also survived) gathering some of the newer heroes like Kenshi, Kai, Li Mei, and Bo 'Rai Cho to fight Quan Chi and their enslaved friends to free them. Perhaps alongside some unlikely allies in Ermac and Mileena, who each have potential inner conflicts that can be explored to bring them beyond their original roles. Ermac with his many souls battling for dominance and thus, he himself struggling to find his identity, and Mileena with her dual nature and the inner battle that cfought as she tries to determine who and what she is, and what she could yet be apart from Tsung and Kahn's will. Rescuing Kitana could, then, become an act of redemption for her, if she were to choose to rise above her Tarkatan blood and become more than what she was made for. Then again, she might not. Her story could go either way, and that's why it would be so interesting to explore and develop.

Am I required to write paragraphs as to why I don't want to give Johnny Cage a chance?


"Does anyone else agree?" was a simple question which got a simple answer. Don't like it? Ignore my fucking posts and move on with your life.

If some one agrees with another person's posts and all they do is quote them without bothering to write their own response, I certainly don't see anyone bitching about that. But if I have to go quote some one that wrote "no" before me to make it all okay, that's what I'll do for you.

No, Johnny Cage does not deserve a chance. He's a joke character for humor.

07/17/2012 10:57 PM (UTC)
Could have fooled me about him being a joke character. I thought he was well-played in this game. He played smoothly, and I thought that he was great during Story Mode.

Whether or not if he has the ability to become a main character, that's up to the fans to decide come to next game... It's an obvious assumption to have since he and Sonya are the two surviving characters.

I'll give him a chance to be a main character. I just hope that they don't screw things up with this.
07/18/2012 07:24 PM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
WhiteEyes Wrote:
Cut the spam, blacksaibot. That's all a one-word reply is. As for Johnny, I think he definitely has potential. He's noticeably grown and matured a bit over the course of the story, though he should always have the occasional cocky/snarky remark handy, he's great for humor. Much like Linden Ashby's portrayal of him in the movie.

I could see him and Sonya (who also survived) gathering some of the newer heroes like Kenshi, Kai, Li Mei, and Bo 'Rai Cho to fight Quan Chi and their enslaved friends to free them. Perhaps alongside some unlikely allies in Ermac and Mileena, who each have potential inner conflicts that can be explored to bring them beyond their original roles. Ermac with his many souls battling for dominance and thus, he himself struggling to find his identity, and Mileena with her dual nature and the inner battle that cfought as she tries to determine who and what she is, and what she could yet be apart from Tsung and Kahn's will. Rescuing Kitana could, then, become an act of redemption for her, if she were to choose to rise above her Tarkatan blood and become more than what she was made for. Then again, she might not. Her story could go either way, and that's why it would be so interesting to explore and develop.

Am I required to write paragraphs as to why I don't want to give Johnny Cage a chance?


"Does anyone else agree?" was a simple question which got a simple answer. Don't like it? Ignore my fucking posts and move on with your life.

If some one agrees with another person's posts and all they do is quote them without bothering to write their own response, I certainly don't see anyone bitching about that. But if I have to go quote some one that wrote "no" before me to make it all okay, that's what I'll do for you.

No, Johnny Cage does not deserve a chance. He's a joke character for humor.


This is far away from being a point. This is just your very personal opinion, maybe shared by other fans, but still an opinion.
Johnny Cage should be the main hero for once considering that he is so cool, and that's not an opinion, it's a matter of fact!
07/19/2012 02:52 AM (UTC)
Johnny cage is under rated as fuck

He deserves a chance, he is kind of a comical character, not to be taken really serious but it would be funny to see him in the position that no one sees him in
07/19/2012 10:44 PM (UTC)
I say sure why not?

Sure Johnny might be comical but I think he could pull it off.
07/21/2012 02:18 AM (UTC)
McHotcakes Wrote:
But this is a situation in which Captain America isn't around anymore. Running with the Avengers metaphor If Liu Kang is Cap than it's clear that he couldn't be the leader after what happened in MK 9 whether dead or burned he just can't take over as hero for the next game. And then leadership might fall to Iron Man, Raiden, but if he was directly responsible for the death of Cap and a ton of other avengers then he might not be in the best shape for leadership. He'd either be drunk, or desperate for redemption.
And if those two were out of the way and the good guys were left in chaos I could see Spidey/Johnny rallying the troops and making a last stand against the evil threat.

In the absence of both Cap and Iron Man, there are at least a dozen other dudes in line to lead the Avengers before it ever comes to Spidey. Even The Wasp and Luke Cage have led Avengers teams more than he has.

And Earthrealm has defenders who are ahead in line before it would fall to Johnny. Even with the potential power boost from his ending.

Sonya for example already has a personality fit for leadership without any need to mature as a character and become boring and stale afterward like Cage would. Kenshi has the greatest fighting prowess of any of the Earth heroes who aren't currently dead. He could actually maybe beat Shang Tsung or Shao Kahn in a fight, which Johnny and Sonya can't do more to Kahn than be swatted away like flies at present.

But I'll tell you this: I don't think it matters who the still-living dudes are led by because I bet the winner of the final battle in MK10 is gonna be one of the guys who's currently a zombie under Quan's control, and it's going to happen after some of the game is spent exploring how they're broken out of that control and returned to life.

The best way to be the main hero in a story and fight the end boss is to have the biggest bone to pick with the end boss, to have a personal score to settle. Johnny never has any rivals or personal scores. Meanwhile, nobody has bigger scores to settle with Quan Chi than Scorpion and Sub-Zero, and nobody is a bigger rival to Shinnok than Raiden. (Unless they really do work hard next game to make a guy like Kai not suck, and develop him as Raiden's next protegé like Liu was, because "student beats the master's rival" stories work just as good if not better than "dude beats his own rival" stories do.)

So one of those three is gonna get the big victory at the end of MK10, unless the story swerves away from being about Netherealm attacking halfway through and introduces a surprise endboss like Onaga or someone new.

About Me
"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

07/21/2012 04:01 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
McHotcakes Wrote:
But this is a situation in which Captain America isn't around anymore. Running with the Avengers metaphor If Liu Kang is Cap than it's clear that he couldn't be the leader after what happened in MK 9 whether dead or burned he just can't take over as hero for the next game. And then leadership might fall to Iron Man, Raiden, but if he was directly responsible for the death of Cap and a ton of other avengers then he might not be in the best shape for leadership. He'd either be drunk, or desperate for redemption.
And if those two were out of the way and the good guys were left in chaos I could see Spidey/Johnny rallying the troops and making a last stand against the evil threat.

In the absence of both Cap and Iron Man, there are at least a dozen other dudes in line to lead the Avengers before it ever comes to Spidey. Even The Wasp and Luke Cage have led Avengers teams more than he has.

And Earthrealm has defenders who are ahead in line before it would fall to Johnny. Even with the potential power boost from his ending.

Sonya for example already has a personality fit for leadership without any need to mature as a character and become boring and stale afterward like Cage would. Kenshi has the greatest fighting prowess of any of the Earth heroes who aren't currently dead. He could actually maybe beat Shang Tsung or Shao Kahn in a fight, which Johnny and Sonya can't do more to Kahn than be swatted away like flies at present.

But I'll tell you this: I don't think it matters who the still-living dudes are led by because I bet the winner of the final battle in MK10 is gonna be one of the guys who's currently a zombie under Quan's control, and it's going to happen after some of the game is spent exploring how they're broken out of that control and returned to life.

The best way to be the main hero in a story and fight the end boss is to have the biggest bone to pick with the end boss, to have a personal score to settle. Johnny never has any rivals or personal scores. Meanwhile, nobody has bigger scores to settle with Quan Chi than Scorpion and Sub-Zero, and nobody is a bigger rival to Shinnok than Raiden. (Unless they really do work hard next game to make a guy like Kai not suck, and develop him as Raiden's next protegé like Liu was, because "student beats the master's rival" stories work just as good if not better than "dude beats his own rival" stories do.)

So one of those three is gonna get the big victory at the end of MK10, unless the story swerves away from being about Netherealm attacking halfway through and introduces a surprise endboss like Onaga or someone new.

Now that you mention it I could very easily see the game ending with Scorpion and Sub-Zero teaming up to take out Shinok and Quan Chi. Subz could be the protagonist in the next game. I could see Sareena breaking him free from Quan Chi's mind control and him finding a way to turn human once more...


I still feel like Johnny Cage has the potential to become the Earthrealm leader, and I feel like NRS thinks so too. It's just a hunch I have.

First MK 9 they established that Johnny Cage is not by any means as much as a dick as some fans thought he was. Egotistical yes but not a dick. This shows that they want him to be likable, and let's face it he was pretty much the best part of the game.

Second, Raiden's line about Johnny being a hero. I just get a super foreshadowy sense when I hear it.

Third, Johnny, and Sonya, actually survive the invasion. It seems bizarre that these two would make it while everyone else died, but it suggests that something big is going to happen with these two.

And Fourth is Johnny's ending. Johnny's endings in the series have pretty much always been jokes. So to see a legitimate ending in which he shows an incredible amount of power seems strange to me. I feel like NRS is trying to subtly tell us to keep an eye on Johnny, because he is gonna do something important in the next game.

07/22/2012 09:39 PM (UTC)
AS long as it makes sense, I do not see any problem with Johnny being the new hero.
Sadly, most of people think that THEIR OWN idea is the objective reality, which is not true.
Many times you say that Cage should not be the hero, as many I will tell you he has to be.
07/23/2012 05:27 AM (UTC)
My vote: Yes.

After playing the story mode a few times, it seems that they are trying to make Johnny the new 'hero' of the game series, with Raiden still playing the adviser and Sonya covering Johnny's back.

I'm actually kinda happy how they 'thinned the herd' to make it easier on future story writing as well and enabling them to concentrate on the next group of characters (ie Fujin, Kai, Reiko, Jarek, Tanya, etc) without having to deal with deciding who to bring in from the previous game.

Johnny and Sonya works since they each seem to cover a side to the MK game series which we all like (or hate). Johnny the corny humor but able to think and kick butt with the best of them. Sonya the serious, 'get out of my way or die' soldier that we can laugh at on occasion when things don't go her way.
07/23/2012 07:25 PM (UTC)
I honestly don't think Johnny could do it. My thoughts- Raiden recruits a sort-of old Shujinko to try to use his learned fighting styles and another set of characters still able to be part of the story during MK4. Bo Rai Cho, Shujinko, Kai, all of them. Shujinko could do his morph thing and scare the crap our of Quan Chi as a cryomancer, chaos cleric, demon slayer, Seidan guard, Tarkatan warrior, or blind swordsman. I'd love to see the look on Shinnok's face when he sees a fake Ashrah, Baraka, or Sub-Zero charging him when they're all under his control.
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