Gameplay idea for Stryker and the cyborgs: limited ammo
posted08/14/2011 04:37 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
I don't mind them having unlimited ammo, but I think it could bring a nice challenge to their gameplay if Stryker and the cyborgs could run out of ammo. You could see how much ammo you have left under the characters' energy bars when playing on the easier difficulty settings, but on the harder ones you'd never know when you're going to run out of ammunition.

Stryker could carry a few extra magazines for his gun(s), while the cyborgs could be given a special move that sees supplies being teleported near them. Said supplies could be destroyed by the opposition. The cyborgs must crouch to grab them, and they are vulnerable to attack while they reload (same for Stryker).

In Stryker's case, he had two guns in MK9, the second one he'd only use during the enhanced attack. If he had two guns again, and the enhanced attacks made a return, then upon running out of ammo for his first gun, he could use the other, at the loss of the enhanced gun move. if he already used the other gun, then he'd already have less ammo for it.

Once these characters' ammo runs out, they lose the ability to use any special moves, X-Rays and fatalities involving them. In the case of x-rays, either the characters could be given alternate ones, or none at all. As for fatalities, it'd only be a problem if they don't already have any independent of weaponry, which shouldn't require loss of ammunition to be used anyway.

Lack of ammo could even affect victory poses, if weapons are involved.
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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

07/18/2011 08:41 PM (UTC)
Well that's not really fair to Stryker and the cyborgs. I'd be mad if Stryker could only use his special moves a certain number of times and then be stuck without them for the rest of the match, especially when other characters can use as many projectiles as they want without fear of running out. Unless of course you limit everybody's' chi as well. But that would muck up the gameplay for me.

Bottom line I don't think we should over complicated things. I say keep the unlimited ammo the way it is.
07/18/2011 09:34 PM (UTC)
Stryker could always been given a riot shield to protect himself from projectiles. It could be used either as a special move or his blocking stance. His tazer attack from MKA could make a return as a long range attack that can be used indefinitely.

The riot shield could come with a special move that sees Stryker running at the opponent, using the shield to protect himself from attacks and to hurt the opponent by ramming him/her with it.
07/18/2011 10:14 PM (UTC)
Interesting thought, but this is one area I don’t want to see too realistic.

With Stryker and the cyborgs, I like to think of them as well prepared. Stryker should be loaded with back up ammo to his back up ammo, he’s a known heroic “Die Hard” cop in New York as shown in MK9.

Plus, if it’s done to them few, it makes sense to be done with all. And that opens up whole new problems with ones like Kung Lao’s magical hat. I’m sure a storyline idea could be made, I have one in mind. But this concept I think would increase the difficulty too much, especially in an online match.
07/18/2011 10:50 PM (UTC)
Kung Lao's hat is magical, as can be seen when it reappears on his head after being thrown/used.

Besides, in Stryker's case, there's the riot shield I just posted which would protect him from projectiles and could be used to ram the opponent, and the tazer. In the cyborgs', they'd have the special move I mentioned which sees them entering a code on their wrist computers, followed by supplies being teleported in the area. They'd never really run out of ammo, unlike Stryker, they just couldn't spam their projectiles indefinitely.
07/19/2011 12:33 AM (UTC)
This idea would only make sense if it was that way for everyone. Kitana can only throw her fans once. Sindel's throat starts to hurt after 3 screams. Scorpion can only throw his spear until he misses. And so on.
07/19/2011 04:13 AM (UTC)
TheNinjasRock071394 Wrote:
This idea would only make sense if it was that way for everyone. Kitana can only throw her fans once. Sindel's throat starts to hurt after 3 screams. Scorpion can only throw his spear until he misses. And so on.

No, it wouldn't need to be that way for everyone. Scorpion's spear, Sindel's scream, those are magic attacks. Perhaps there could be a meter that doesn't allow for infinite use of magical abilities, like MKM: Sub-Zero's freeze meter, but it is not needed imo.

As for Kitana, it kind of already happened in MK:DA, but the gameplay was different. Kitana's fans could teleport back to her a la Kung Lao's hat. It'd only be necessary if Kitana's fans weren't just used for special moves but combos and finishers as well.

It could be applied to Kano's knives and eye laser. He can run out of knives, but his right eye only needs to recharge after a while (the same could be done with Sektor's flamethrower). In case he largely uses knives for his combos, he'd always have one or two left, which he'd only use for melee and fatalities.

If this idea saw the light of day, it should only be used on characters with non-magical projectiles, who can still fight without them. Kitana uses her fans both as projectiles and melee (not to mention most of her fatalities), which is why unless she's either given more non-fan attacks or the option not to use her fans (like Baraka's blades in MKVDCU) or both, this idea could cripple her. Stryker has his nighstick and his tazer (and with my riot shield idea he'd be even better off), Kano has his eye laser, cannonball moves, air throws and his hilarious shaky grab, and the cyborgs are also quite versatile, and they'd be able to bring supplies to themselves. This idea definitely doesn't need to be applied to everyone.
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Thanks to xB$INx for the Kick-Ass Sig.

08/11/2011 12:54 PM (UTC)
Wait, the thing about the Cyborgs, Doesn't their chest implants have like a little energy source, granting them unlimited Whatever-They-Have? I know this has been stated, i just cant remember where...
08/13/2011 04:31 AM (UTC)
Imo, I think that will overcomplicate things. The actual fights don't have to be all that realistic, especially considering that the fighters can defy gravity and survive bleeding a gallon of blood per punch, being stabbed, and being X-rayed. It seems like limited ammo will just be an unnecessary burden.
08/13/2011 01:32 PM (UTC)
johnny1up Wrote:
Imo, I think that will overcomplicate things. The actual fights don't have to be all that realistic, especially considering that the fighters can defy gravity and survive bleeding a gallon of blood per punch, being stabbed, and being X-rayed. It seems like limited ammo will just be an unnecessary burden.

You think I'm trying to be realistic here? No, it is about increasing the challenge for Stryker and the cyborgs, as you said. It's the whole point of my idea!
08/13/2011 07:48 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
johnny1up Wrote:
Imo, I think that will overcomplicate things. The actual fights don't have to be all that realistic, especially considering that the fighters can defy gravity and survive bleeding a gallon of blood per punch, being stabbed, and being X-rayed. It seems like limited ammo will just be an unnecessary burden.

You think I'm trying to be realistic here? No, it is about increasing the challenge for Stryker and the cyborgs, as you said. It's the whole point of my idea!

That would be totally unfair for those kinds of characters.

If Stryker and the Cyborgs have limited ammunition for their weapons, then where would the fun be in that?

People always say that it's a fighting game, not everything needs to make sense, it's been being thrown around here a lot when people are trying to be a bit more realistic and technical in pointing out certain aspects such as Sub-Zero freezing in mid-air, certain fatalities are too unrealistic to even be performed in real life.

The thought about giving certain characters limited ammo to where their specials suddenly start being useless is one aspect I hope never gets thrown out as an idea.

Because then every character should have limited use of their moves then. Such as Sub-Zero having limited use for ice, as in there needs to be cooldowns because there is a meter that's charging after every time he sends an ice bolt at his opponent. Or Skarlet throwing too much of her blood, even though there is somewhat of a limit there, her health.

No, it's a nice idea, but it's one I really don't feel like seeing at all in this game, because then it needs to apply to every character not just a few that uses guns. And giving them other abilities wouldn't help the situation out either.
08/13/2011 08:10 PM (UTC)
Where would be the fun in that? The challenge is what's supposed to be fun!

It would make fights as Stryker and the cyborgs tense if they could run out of ammo. Just Imagine Stryker trying to shoot his opponent, and the dreaded "click" is heard instead.

There are two ways this concept could be handled

1) While the amount of ammo wouldn't be displayed on the screen in the harder difficulties, you'd still have a specific amount. Players could try to count how many times they've used Stryker's guns/grenades and the cyborgs' missiles/bombs etc before running out of ammunition. Learn to use the weapons sparingly.

2) How much ammo you have is random.

The second one would make for very entertaining gameplay to me, but both could be incorporated as selectable options. The first one would have to be unlocked after beating the game on the hardest difficulty setting as Stryker and the cyborgs.
08/14/2011 04:37 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Where would be the fun in that? The challenge is what's supposed to be fun!

It would make fights as Stryker and the cyborgs tense if they could run out of ammo. Just Imagine Stryker trying to shoot his opponent, and the dreaded "click" is heard instead.

There are two ways this concept could be handled

1) While the amount of ammo wouldn't be displayed on the screen in the harder difficulties, you'd still have a specific amount. Players could try to count how many times they've used Stryker's guns/grenades and the cyborgs' missiles/bombs etc before running out of ammunition. Learn to use the weapons sparingly.

2) How much ammo you have is random.

The second one would make for very entertaining gameplay to me, but both could be incorporated as selectable options. The first one would have to be unlocked after beating the game on the hardest difficulty setting as Stryker and the cyborgs.

That is still unfair and is slowly starting to sound not even fun to have.

Why shouldn't they know how much ammo they can use in a gun? That's not fair if I shoot my opponents three times during the match and the fourth, "Aw shit I ran out?" *Next round, it reloads* Fire only twice and the third I ran out, you'd get a response, "What the fuck? Last round I fired three shots, now I can only fire two?"

Not everyone completely puts their mind into this game and start thinking like crazy on a real strategy on how to defeat their opponents by only using their specials sparingly. Not majority, but basically all of the time I just fight opponents after opponents that has no strategy, it's basically "how fast can I drain your life by repeating three moves and that's it?"

Those who actually do build a strategy, I've never seen.

MK isn't a guessing game during matches, it's just a senseless beat'em down until whoever gained the most victories. Not too many would sit there and remember how many times they've fired their guns/missiles throughout the match when they have a Scorpion user on their ass not changing moves or whatever.

It would requite putting a lot of logic into this game, but after being told on numerous occasions that there's really no logic behind this game, you're trying to include logic in a logic-less game. This would require way too much thinking, and not saying that thinking is a bad thing, but in a game like this, there's no point.
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