Game of Thrones Influence
posted01/19/2015 01:03 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/05/2004 12:35 AM (UTC)
To those of you who watch Game of Thrones, is anyone else picking up on any similarities between the show and where MK seems to be heading? Spoilers for those of you who haven't watched it.

I know it's a little early to presume how MKX will play out, but from what we know so far both deal with the wars that occur in a power vacuum by people who claim to be the rightful heirs to the crown in a magical/fantasy setting.

Both deal with family lineages spanning over long periods of time in a world with a rich mythological background, even so far as both including the rebirth of dragon figures as a central theme.

Even the new online faction stuff is reminiscent of the Houses of Westeros. I'm sure each faction will probably have an appropriate symbol that represents them and maybe even a slogan to go along with them.

Anyway, I've just been thinking that and wanted to share. Personally I think that would be a really cool approach. MK being what it is will surely make it their own.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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01/18/2015 04:45 AM (UTC)
game of thrones is more stratergy. Mortal kombat is more stupid warriors

How many groups are actually fighting for the thrown anyways? kotal, the schokan, and reiko and Mileena? This civil war seems overhyped at the moment.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

01/18/2015 04:53 AM (UTC)
I love Game of Thrones as you can see in my sig lol.

Anyway I think your theory is a great one. Is this GOT approach deliberate? Who knows, but now that you say that, I can see what you mean. The Lin Kuei in MK9 for example seemed to have a saying of some sort. I forget what it was...

Ah, it goes "We are the Lin Kuei, more stealthful than the night, more deadly than the dawn!" That's so freakin awesome when you think about it HA!

So yeah I can definitely see that man. Plus Sub-Zero wears the official symbol on his garment, so maybe we'll see more of that in MKX. Nice anology!
01/18/2015 11:15 AM (UTC)
I would love a more Song of Ice and Fire approach to Mortal Kombat. It's my favorite book series and show.
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When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

01/18/2015 11:52 AM (UTC)
It may have some similarities but I think it's a bit far fetched to really compare them. I'm a big fan of both worlds and I do see what you're aiming at.

I think that indeed GoT is more about strategic values. MK is more about slashing into one another.
01/18/2015 12:20 PM (UTC)

Scene: Cyrax walks into the marriage of Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade
Cyrax walks up to Johnny Cage and whispers
"Outworld sends their regards..."
and stabs him in the gut.
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

01/18/2015 03:43 PM (UTC)
"R u the Bitch who had Kenshi's bastard?" - Red Dragon Thug.

^ That line sounds GoT to me. While such a miniscule thing, GoT definitely made the word "Bastard" Kool to say again.

I watched Justice League Throne of Atlantis last night. "Bastard" was used on Arthur a few times as well. LoL
01/18/2015 04:20 PM (UTC)
Never watched the show so I don't really know but a while back Wale released a song that sampled the Game Of Thrones theme (I think) and IIRC it sounded similar to the music in the latest trailer, the one that revealed Kitana. Could just be my imagination though.
01/18/2015 09:34 PM (UTC)
You guys bring up really good points.


Yes! The Lin Kuei is the one I specfically had in mind. Or maybe the White Lotus one would be "For the Shaolin", etc. I'd be very surprised if there wasn't some sort of rallying in mind behind these separate groups to get people hyped.


I agree that MK is generally not so involved in political machinations, but we have yet to see what MKX has in store. I have a strong feeling we're going to be seeing a much more intelligent approach to the story and characters motivations.


GoT is absolutely the first thing I thought of when I read that too! The guy sounded British in my mind because of the prevalence of that sort of thing in ASOIAF. Takeda himself is a very Jon Snow figure. Bastard child of a woman who died when he was very young, taken in by a father who didn't really know what to do with him, sent to a place far away to train in the cold with people he isn't particularly close with.


That's a good point. There is a leitmotif that is very reminiscent of the GoT theme, not to mention the percussion. They both have a very similar (forgive the term) "epic" vibe. The music is one of my favorite parts of that trailer.

01/18/2015 09:37 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't be surprised if there would be some GoT influences in this game. The impact has shown itself recently in anime, manga, books, TV shows, etc.
01/19/2015 03:09 AM (UTC)
mentalbreakdown Wrote:
I wouldn't be surprised if there would be some GoT influences in this game. The impact has shown itself recently in anime, manga, books, TV shows, etc.

Anime and manga??? really?? i didn't think it was popular in japan.
01/19/2015 04:26 AM (UTC)
Actually, you see some writers who said in interviews they drew inspiration from some of the elements of GoT. The show is a niche in Japan, but my point never was it was popular in Japan. I should've clarified. I meant that some people (like those writers) added some GoT influence in their own story.
01/19/2015 04:38 AM (UTC)
I made a thread about this myself and yes, I hope this is the case. The five online factions may sort of hint at it. In short, bad guys don't have to team up and the good guys don't have to as they may have a different ideas of what is "good" and what's "evil".

The Black Dragon are villains but they are mostly concerned with money not honor/ legacy. The Brotherhood of Shadow want to rule but they don't care about things like luxury, and hedonism. Their more your classic "Evil", where as the Black Dragon are just stereotypical scumbag thugs.

The White lotus are you classic "Good guys" they don't care about fame or money. They also aren't the type to "shoot first ask questions later" they only resort to violence when absolutely necessary. I think the Special Forces should stop being treated like G.I. Joe. Stop making them the pure good guys, show their a military, I don't want to derail this and make this a political conversation but you know where I'm going with this. Bottom line is the values of this these two factions should differ drastically. I'm not saying have them go toe to toe but if they have any alliance it should be an uneasy one.

The idea of The U.S. super agents teaming up with monks/ ninjas with mystical powers just screams Saturday morning cartoon and doesn't seem to fit well with MKX. Black Dragon/' Outworld works a lot better though IMO. With them being Asian gangs/ clans with a background in mysticism. It's not like their the mafia or some street gang.

As you can tell I'm all for this GOT direction... No stupid sayings or motto's for each faction though, that would just be painful lo
01/19/2015 01:03 PM (UTC)
ohh maybe a GOT guest character??

Brienne of Tarth
The Hound
The Mountain
Strong Belwos
Khal Drogo...

Screw that, NRS could just make a GOT Beat em up?? :p
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