Future MK Characters
posted04/28/2012 12:18 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/25/2012 08:26 AM (UTC)
Ok so I want this to be a speculation on characters and a chance for people to post new character ideas.1. So first off of the armaggeddon roster who's in and who is out? And explain why. 2.Also rumor characters which will/should make an appearance in future MK games? 3. Any of your character ideas you have.

1.I want to see Blaze return as well as Reiko but blaze should be changed now and Reiko more vicious I picture him as ruthless, he can take fatalities to a new level of gruesome. I also want to see Shujinko recreated I liked the idea of his stOry but maybe he won't have to be so important. I say no more mokap (sorry Carlos pesina) and no more chameleon. I understand his fan base but if anything just don't include him in the story cause I guess playing as him could be cool. I also see no role for Jarek he can be killed off permanently, just jeep Kano. He'll make Jarek a Black Dragon Martyr, he can be playable one more time and if he flops keep him dead. Oh I almost forgot, bring back Drahmin he'd be perfect for Netherrealm war.

2. Tremor. He could easily have thought to have been dead and he won't have look like the other ninjas. He can have an almost thuggish look but he could be trying to get back with Jarek to revive the black Dragon Jarek dies leaving him and Kano to recruit. So Kano makes him the recruiter. And I feel he can be a huge success and yes i also acknowledge it can be a flop but I say take the risk.

3. Sorry no new character ideas at the moment
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