Future Krypt systems
posted08/14/2008 03:24 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/02/2008 05:04 PM (UTC)
I never really realized until now how important the Krypt is to MK games.
First seen in MKDA the Krypt became the main place to unlock characters,arenas,alternate costumes,concept art,etc.


MKDA Krypt - Here the Krypt made its first appearance. The MKDA Krypt had the appearance almost perfect and looks just how a Krypt should. It was also the largest of the 3 with 600 + koffins. Here is where Ruby,Sapphire,Jade,Platinum,and Onyx koins first were put to use as well. Overall it was quite similar to the MKD Krypt exept larger and had more of a price range. Also featured here were koffins that would give you hints to what other koffins were and rip offs that made you lose koins as well as koin rewards that increased your kurrency amount.

MKD Krypt - The next Krypt in the series was seen in MK Deception and used most of the Krypt features from MKDA. This krypt however was much smaller,looked completly different,and used the new Krypt Key system. Krypt keys were found in MKD's konquest as golden chests usually much more hidden than the koin chests. Once you opened the chest you would recieve a Krypt Key which would unlock koffins that contained things like arenas,characters,and alt costumes.The MKD Krypt used the same koin system as MKDA did.

MKA Krypt - To me this was the least impressive of the three. The krypt key and multiple koin type system was gone and what replaced it was cheap koffins that were limited to Concept art,arenas,alt costumes,and music.
Also the MKA Krypt had a feature that told you exactly what you would recieve inside the selected koffin that to me killed the fun of picking one at random and not knowing what you were going to get. The MKA Krypt was smaller than the MKD Krypt as well and most of the koffins were of no or hardly any importance gameplaywise.


The Krypt to me is just as important as any other part of the game. I definetly want to see future Krypts in the Mortal Kombat games to come.

Some things I want to see in future Krypts would be...

The different koin type system. It felt more interesting to have different types of koins and made it feel more real. Also in MKA krypt where you only had koins and you ran too low then that was it. In MKDA - MKD when you ran low on one type you could just look for koffins that requested a different type of koin.

The Krypt Key system. It makes konquest have a much more important role in the game. While you progress through the konquest you could unlock things for regular gameplay as well. MKA had chests that did this,but it just wasn't the same as in MKD. it makes it more challenging too unlock the more important things in the Krypt as well.

The size of MKDA krypt. The huge Krypt gave so many other options like hints or extra koins.

Varied prices. I liked in MKDA some koffins were 6000 koins or over,while others were 2,3,or even one koin.

Clothes and Items for existing characters that you could buy and change the kombatants appearance

Characters.In MKA the four unlockable characters were unlocked through finding relics. I liked it better when you unllocked them in the krypt because it really made it an important feature.

Extra modes of gameplay and hidden features like minigames,KAK and other things (hopefully Kreate an Arena)

Koffin setup resembiling the ones in MKD or MKDA

Backround more resembiling the one in MKDA since for me this looked the modt like a real crypt.

All I can think of for now.

Well that about sums it up dosent it.
What would you like to see in future Krypts?

Intriguing Idea, Skorpy.

I'd prefer the feel of MKD and DA (ie the bonus stuff, but related (a vid of MKA fates is a must. So is a synopsis.)

But what I liked how you can tell what was in an MKA cell (not coffin).

06/01/2008 01:39 AM (UTC)
Yeah MKD and DA were the best. I liked just picking a koffin at random though. Not knowing what you were gonna get.
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WoW player Name:grubgrub realm:dragonmaw HORDE

06/06/2008 09:43 PM (UTC)
the koffin EB was kinda obvious
06/07/2008 05:19 AM (UTC)
Unless they stop having pictures of themselves added to the kryp, making us waste some of the earn "koins" that we win after each fight or collected during Konquest mode, I don't want it added. But if they don't, then a huge make-over should cover it.

I would state my idea on how to change the Krypt, but it's getting late and I have to go to the bathroom.
06/11/2008 08:36 AM (UTC)
phenom-forever Wrote:
the koffin EB was kinda obvious

If they ever add an EB'sE koffin I'll be scared.
06/15/2008 09:26 AM (UTC)
i like all your ideas on the krypt but i dont like the key system...nor do i like konquest. other than that if create a character ever returns they should involve unlockable moves,clothes,and other stuff like hair styles or even auras. also there should be some hidden coffins containing cheats or modes to play....something worth unlocking all of the coffins for.
06/15/2008 06:13 PM (UTC)
If they are to make a krypt i think it would be cool instead of coffins to use dead corpses hanging and every time you purchase a corpse...SPLAT!!! the stomache of the corpse rips open revealing the item
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

07/20/2008 03:19 AM (UTC)
i hated the krypt
07/20/2008 04:52 AM (UTC)
annilation Wrote:
i hated the krypt

Don't bump threads, especially with nothing constructive to say. If you hated the Krypt, explain why. There's an answer for everything.
About Me

"I will not hide my tastes or aversions...If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

08/14/2008 01:38 AM (UTC)
deception's krypt was primo, except it had less koffins than da's. armageddon's was kinda weak. i do hope they use it again in the future. it was a nifty feature. your idea is pretty tasty too.
08/14/2008 03:24 AM (UTC)
Yeah, MKA's krypt was pretty much pointless if you collected all the relics. I just hope it goes back to the MKDA version of the krypt.
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