Future kreate a kharacter thread(sorry if this has already been said)
posted03/26/2007 02:30 AM (UTC)by
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well guess what, i cant get off the stupid mortal rank

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05/26/2006 02:40 AM (UTC)
what will the future kak be like cause the last kak was kinda kewl but future ones should be like tony hawk u could like put a picture n there and it make a character imagine that take a picture of like hulk and u would be playing as hulk that would be da bomb

02/01/2007 08:41 PM (UTC)
Maybe they could have four arms for gloves so a person could make his own shokan
02/03/2007 09:50 AM (UTC)
there are many things that the current kak system could use to make it better...here is my list of opinions:

1: as it was said above...the ability to create shokans

2: more detailed face/head features....meaning like in wrestling games

3: the ability to choose blood color

4: if original fatalities come back than kaks should be able to choose fatalities no other character has...in other words besides classic fatalities there should be new ones never seen before that are just for kaks

5: more voice sets to choose from....monsterous voices,robotic voices,ghostly voices,ect.

6: in mka the special moves were set to certain button taps....like for instance all the fireball type moves are all on one tier....they should make it so that there is only one big list of special moves and one big list of button taps so that you can use whatever move with whatever button tap....for an example you would be able to do a teleport using down,back,and whatever button instead of down,up,an whatever button

7: you should be able to change the style of clothing,like wwe games they let you choose if you want the shirt opened or buttoned up...hooded shirts with a hood up or down...pants tight,baggy or with bell bottoms

8: more hair styles for both genders...is it me or did alot of the male hair styles look almost the same? maybe even have a choice to choose a bangs style along with the hair...also being able to set your hair to whatever length you want

9: everyone says this and i will aswell....more weapons pleese

10: you should be able to use everyones new,old,and alt costumes on kaks...for an example reptiles banded ninja mask/hood,shinnoks hat,ect..

11: make it so that costume parts can be worn by both genders...an example....vampire face on female,regular ninja outfits usable by females,some of the hair styles for females for males,ect....only certain obvious things should be kept to gender like bras,skirts,bikinis,thongs,ect...

12: the addition of being able to add special effects like smoke rising off a kaks body,chameleon skin,cold condensation like the cryomancer arms,flaming body parts or full body(ghost rider skull or dbz type flame aura),flowing electricity like raiden,ect...

13: they should add face paint designs...like wrestling or rock star styled painted faces or masks

14: one thing i really liked about kak was the anime styled hair....why not add more anime themed hair,face types,costumes,and even appedages like dog or cat ears(like inuyasha)

03/20/2007 02:02 AM (UTC)
I like all of these ideas.

One thing I was hoping to see before Armageddon came out was a masked guard mask. Hoods would be nice, too. I'd like to be able to make characters similar to older background characters like masked guards and shadow priests.
About Me

Firm Turtle

03/25/2007 11:29 PM (UTC)
Yeah you pretty much said everything i wanteed. It would be nice though if you could pick skin types. Like scales, elemental, fur. Putting more stress on it but, Every costume element of the characters! In the wwe games did you have to buy the stuff? Cause i think you shouldnt have to wait to make a character because you dont have enough money.

I would make an ice elemental with scorpions mka main mask.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

03/26/2007 02:30 AM (UTC)
1. Break up the parts into their own 'species'; for instance, have a set of parts for Ninja, Cyborg, Oni, Shokan, etc. You choose your character's gender, their species, and go from there. There'd, of course, be generic parts available for everyone, and you might be able to unlock the ability to mix and match certain species-specific parts with one another (for freakish hybrids), but for the most part, they're kept separate and distinct to their own species, so you know exactly what you're making.

2. More weapons, definitely, and more variety with the weapons and their moves; again, similar weapons have similar moves, but each weapon has their own specific moves you can use. Same with the hand-to-hand fighting styles. Gives you some more focus with your fighting styles, while still keeping the variety.

3. EVERY special move from past games, with some new and/or generic ones, to truly diversify your character.

4. The ability to choose the name and color of your moves and combos, along with your blood color. Hell, let you change the color of your weapon, as well.

5. Longer names and bio/ending, including place of origin, alignment, etc.

6. Agreed with the specialized Fatalities, and - if they ever return - Hara-Kiris.

7. If possible for the next-gen consoles, give your characters YOUR voice, or modifying your character's voice to say what YOU want him/her to say.

8. Finally, make the KAK able to have multiple costumes, at least as many as the next-gen games allow the normal characters to have. Maybe, after you've chosen a 'base' KAK body structure, after you give it its primary costume, the 'base' structure is locked for all other costumes you give it.
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