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The reverse side of beauty is dyed by filth, flith lies in the beauty...

07/16/2006 07:44 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
I think I'd be the first to totally disagree, with this idea. For a collection of some of the reasons here.

I might be just the opposite of you when I say that I really never play with the women characters. I might play with Milleena every now and again and as a joke maybe Sindel.

I don't even care about the "boobs" in a game. The problem is as you stated, is that they're usually---Usually the weaker characters in a fighting game. Don't get me wrong now, there are exceptions, but over all is all I'm sayin'.

I enjoy more the female fighter to be exploited in the movies. Zhang Ziyi (Crouching Tiger), Uma Therman(Kill Bill), ect. Think of all the women fighter movies in the last 5 yrs or so. When ever they put the women in a movie they look and perform excellently("boobs" are not the center of attention). In the games, not so much.

Maybe the game creaters will take heed the attraction to these films and make the game characters like the movie characters more(that's what they do with the males anyway). Great back story, awsome fighting style, yet still femanine, graceful, and fierce.
That's what I'm looking for in just one video game female player(Soul Cal's "Taki" even though she has the boobs, she fights great and it's not the boobs that makes me fight with her). Only a minimal amount of them have these traits.

Not the boobs.

So, an all female fighter?? No thanks. Just create new ones or remake the ones we have more potent.

Besides that, I'm not sure males in general are ready for a lead fighter that is a women, In a video game. Mostly males play video games, but I reckon we will see some sort of "Electra" spin off ---movie based video game in the future.

Just my thoughts.

i disagree with u there about the guys not ready for a female main character,what about tomb raider,lara croft has a nice figure she has the "boobs" as u say,and a load of males play tomb raider,and so do i.also final fantasy 13 has a female main character i am soo looking forward to it and a load of other males are too,also that character is hot as well.it doesn't matter what sex the characters or if they have a nice nice nice NICE figure as lond as the gameplay is good,and the game itself is good.personaly i have no problem with an all female fighting game,in fact i'm looking forward to it,but if thats what u think about it then thats what u think about it,nothing i can do about it.
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