Future Fatality Ideas For MK10
posted05/20/2013 12:33 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/20/2013 12:33 AM (UTC)
scorpion opens your mouth then does the spear trick which goes inside the foes mouth he lets the spear out shown with all your organs. then he takes off his mask, & breaths fire all over them then he places them back inside killing you internally burning you alive I call this fatality internal toasty.

(Reptile) For this 1 he 1st jumps in the air really high then you see him come down & clench the foes head until it splats I call this fatality squeezing head pop.

i AM THE EMPEROR! SHAO KAHN grabs out his war hammer then he splashes/knocks the foes head off after a while he picks up the head & squishes it to pieces.

Kano Back-Stabbed He gets his knife out & stabs the foe in the middle of the back repeatedly until only the hilt is showing. Then he uses his eye laser to combine the knife & there flesh then he keeps trying to pull it out until he gets it along with their spine.

Meat Ground Meat He 1st reaches inside his head then rips out his skull. after that he does something similar to Quan Chis fatality he bashes the foes head in with his skull probably repeatedly.

[This next one is based off Transformers 3] "Eye see a grenade"

Stryker shoves an unpinned grenade into the foes eye, they scream in terror as they fall on there knees then the grenade explodes blowing there head off.

"Free the Sword" Sareena draws her sword. She stabs it up, from the chin to the top of the head. She kicks the bottom of the sword, causing it to rip of the head as it flies up. It turns, and lands inside of the enemy's body. Sareena lifts the body into the air, and rips it apart, and the sword falls to the ground.


Sindel rips off the opponent's jaw. She then proceds to jam it into the enemy's forehead and pop thier head wide open. She finally rips there brain out. Next, she kicks the mangled body down.


Kenshi telekinetically lifts his opponent into the air in a T-pose. He then telekinetically pulls out his sword and flings it at his opponent, cutting off their legs. Coming back, it cuts off their arm, then it goes back and cuts off their other arm, and finally makes it's last return to Kenshi's hand, decapitating the opponent in the process


Cyrax rips the opponent's head off and then he rips out their brain. Cyrax then places a bomb in the exact same spot were the brain was, puts the head back, and the upper body blows up.

"Give me a break"

Sheeva lifts the foe up into the air, she then uses her bottom arms to punch the foe's back a bunch of times. Then a snapping noise can be heard of the foe's back breaking. Sheeva then punches a few more times. And one punch splits the victim into two

"A way to kill haters"

Johnny cage grabs the victim and rips there chest open. [Male] Or justs shoves his head through the breasts. [Female] And sticks his head through the Victim's back and screams "JOHNNY CAGE!", the victim begins screaming, Johnny then lifts his head up and it decaps the victim

"Fan punishment"

Kitana throws her fans at the victim's knees, Kitana then uses her Edenia magic to control her fans, she makes them go through the victim's legs. Cutting the legs off, the victim attempts to crawl away with blood gushing out of where there legs used to be, Kitana then makes one fan hit the victim's back, pinning them there. She then makes the other one decap them, Kitana gets her fans back and does her victory pose

"Czech Brutality" Smoke headlock his foe and knees them in the gut, then push them so they can face him, then Smoke proceeds to do some punches, then he channels his smoke energy & perform the Hundred Rapid Punch. After that he uppercuts them and when they try to crawl away, blood spill out from there eyes & mouth due to the high pressure & they die from a combination of blood loss & suffocation & immolation due to the smoke. Smoke then do his mka Mi Tzu win pose.

"I didn't do that" Quan Chi mind-controls his foe then creates 2 portals & the controlled foe jumps into the bottom portal then they just kept falling like Noob Saibot's babality as the falling speed increases he closes the bottom 1 making them explode upon impact with the ground. 1 of his loyal Skeletons asks him Master who just did that? He replies I didn't do that. They did.

"You are what you eat." Havik rips off the foes hands and shoves them into there mouth, they puke there hands out then he rips there brain out and shoves it in there face and it destroys the brain, then they fall dead.

"Corkscrew" Jax snaps and twists his ofoes neck 3 times (similar to Hotaru's) and finally pulls and rips his opponent's head and spinal cord out of his opponent's body.

"Mind control"

Quan chi mind controls the foe and he takes out his sword. then he Throws it to them and makes them decapitate themselves although he should make them impale themselves in the stomach or chest 1st.

"My goopy death"

Reptile spits a puddle of acid on the ground and knocks the victim on the ground. and drags the victim to the acid and drags them through it, Melting there flesh off exposing there skeleton/bones.

"Thats cold..."

Cyber Sub zero freezes the victim. Throws them up in the air and fires an ice bomb, a ice explosion happens and small pieces of ice that used to be the victim fall on the ground

Serious Surgery: Kenshi does his his MK:D 1st fatality(lifts him/her and rips them horizontally in half), then turns their upper body around, and smashes their head into their waist , and then drops their body on the ground.

Dissolving Touch: While he's yanking at your neck your head begins to seemingly melt, as with the rest of your body until your whole body is dust and everything fell off
This fatality is Smoke's & is based on Pirahnasoldier's fatality video idea on youtube.com

Reference Fatality: Noob rips there Spine out like in his MK1 fatality, bashes their body up in the air then the shadow clone "Teleport Slams" the headless spineless foe non-stop then while in air summons ghost balls & rips them to pieces like MKT then holds the Head & Spine like in MK1

"Shang in the grass" Shang Tsung turns into that fiery cobra/python like in the opening for Deception which either wraps & coils around them & slowly bursts into flames slowly burning them alive or melts them with fire breath or a fireball.

"Send them flying"

Sektor fires a missle that launches the victim into the air. Sektor then fires another missle which blows the victim in half

"You blow me away"

Fujin forms a small tornado and throws it at the victim. Fujin begins spinning the tornado at a high speed until there torso flys off from the extreme speed off the screen

"Net to meet you"

Cyrax fires five bombs at the victim and traps the victim and the bombs with his net. The victim attempts to punch through the net but get blown up by the five bombs

"Kicking up death"

Li mei kicks the victim a bunch of times on there torso. She kicks a pressure point and it blows the victim's torso up. Then she splits the legs in half with a kick

Reptilian Meltdown - as Chameleon freezes the opponent, he then takes off his mask and vomits out acid which melts the opponent off skin off.

Cyber Surgery

Cyrax grabs them by the neck and slams them down on the ground. Then while holding them, gets out his buzzsaw hand and slowly decends the saw blade in to their stomach, the intestines get tangled onto the blade. Then Cyrax takes out a bomb and plants it into hte open wound. Then teleports away and the opponent blows up with horrifying screams right before.

Human Eater: Shang Tsung fires a skull up into the air and the skull comes down and eats the opponent starting from the top, Shang Tsung then grabs the bloody skull and holds it up in a victory pose I know this sound better for Quan Chi but bear with me Shang's version should burn them to ashes.

Rip and Smash: Sonya puts her hands on each of the opponent's feet and does a leg grab to the opponent's torso and starts to pull, she then rips the opponent's torso off their waist, flips them over and smashes their head on the ground.

Kitana: "I'll show you respect" Kitana takes her fans stabs them one into the opponents neck and opens it then stabs the other one into the back of the opponents head and opens it finally as the opponent is begging for mercy she lifts her leg up and curb stomps the opponent crushing their skull

Johnny Cage: "I'm awesome" Johnny Cage Nut Punches the opponent so hard his hand goes throught their pelvis then he nut punches again producing a force ball in the slit that explodes spilling out their large and small intestines finally he looks at the opponent and says "Hail to the King baby" and punches the opponent through the head causing them to split in half

Vertical Decap: Kenshi uses his telekinesis and rips his opponent's head off, lifts it up high into the air, and quickly brings it down ripping the rest of the opponent's body vertically in half.

Reptile: "The local cuisine" Reptile spits a stream of acid at the opponents face burning away the skin then he takes a force ball and launches it at the opponent slowly dissolving their torso finally he jumps on the oppenent and starts gnawing away at their neck causing the head to fall off and disolve completely

Noob Saibot "Darkness is your friend" Noob Saibot produces a shadow clone that punches the opponent through the chest then the clone gouges out the opponents eyes finally the clone grabs the opponent creates a portal and german suplexes the opponent causing their body to snap in half

Cyrax: "Human Juicer" Cyrax takes his buzzsaw and slices the opponents chest open then he takes out a bomb and puts it in the slit and lets it explode leaving a gaping hole in their torso finally he shoots a net and enters something in his arm module and the opponent is squeezed until they explode leaving a large pool of blood and intestines

Cyber Sub-Zero "Hell just froze over" Cyber Sub-Zero takes his Kori Blade and stabs the opponent in the chest and leaves it there later it breaks and sends ice shards everywhere in the oppoents body then he pulls out one of the shards and stabs the opponent through their nose their throat and then finally into their brain

Stryker: "It's just my job" Stryker takes out both pistols and shoots the opponent in the mouth with one and in the stomach with the other producing a large gaping hole then as they're spitting blood he takes out his taser and turns it on and rams it up the hole in the stomach electrocuting the opponent finally he takes out his baton and hits the opponent over their head so hard their skull vertically splits in half

Kabal: "Black Dragon dentistry" Kabal takes out his hookswords then stabs the opponent's eyes and rips off both ends of the skull then he puts his hookswords in the opponents mouth and rips of their lower jaw and tongue finally he kicks them to the ground, places his foot on their back puts his hooksword in the opponents upper jaw and pulls the head and spine out from their body

"Dinner time" Moloch slams the victim to the ground. The victim attempts to get up but then Moloch jams the victim's hand into his mouth. It goes to a black screen and then it shows half of the victim on the ground as Moloch spits up blood and bones

"Serve me in the Netherealm!" Quan chi mind controls the victim as they walk to him, then he grabs the victim and throws them into the netherealm. Then it goes to the netherealm and the victim meets there death by landing into a small lava pool melting

Kabal "Hooksword face"

Kabal takes out his Hooksword and stabs the victim's chest. The victim stumbles around and bleeds out. Kabal then rips the victim's heart out and takes his other hooksword out and shoves the heart on his hooksword, Kabal then shoves the hooksword into the victim's face and slowly moves it down, slicing the victim's head half

ce cold Heart: Sub-zero sticks his hand in the oppenents chest. takes it out and spikes inpale them slowly from the inside then shoot out and stick into ground and in the air

"Yummy!": Mileena stares at the opponent as she grins. She then comes close and removes her mask. She bites the arms off, and hits the opponent with them. She throws him/her to the floor and finally stabs them with her sais. She turns around to leave, but laughs manically, comes back and bites the back (with the opponent still ying down in the floor), ripping of the spine. To finish the fatality, she looks at the camera with the opponent's spine still in her tarkatan teeth-filled mouth, smiling crazily.

Netherrrealm Veangeance: Scorpion cutts off the opponents head with a sword. While the head is flying in the air he cuts the foe vertically in half. He then launches his sword to to catch the head effectively skewering it.

Freeze To Meet You: Sub-Zero freezes the upper body of the opponent. He then throws his Kori-Blade at the the opponent and the upper body EXPLODES!!!/SHATTERS!!!

You're Under Arrest, Punk! -- aka you have the right to remain dead or silent forever Kurtis Stryker plants a grenade in the opponents leg, then when it blows off he takes out his nightstick, stabs it in their eye, electrocutes them, then shoots their chest, reaches in, and rips out their heart.

I'd just like to see a simple 'One punch and you explode horrifically' Fatality. Not spectacular but hey.

That or you get your spine pulled out and then beaten to death with it. Sub-Zero.

BBQ ribs: Skorpion stabs his hands through the opponents torso, he then grabs the bottom of the foes rib cage and pulls, revealing all of the organs, he removes his mask and breathes fire all over their ribs and shuts it on their organs making them burn alive. I spelled his name that way because it's a name of a cool ass gun or uzi.

Shadow Explosion: as Noob-Saibot he grabs you by the neck and puts his shadows on you..you then change into one of his shadow clones and explode...pretty lame but that seems like itd b pretty damn kool

Skeleton Squeeze: Shinnok summon fiends his opponent that squeezing the bones and organs and makes the opponent gush blood out their mouth. Then, he teleports behind the opponent and throws a judgment fist that break his/her back in half, leaving the torso walking around before falling down.

Brain Surgery (Kitana) - Kitana kicks the opponent in the gut and they drop to their knees. Kitana steps back, and then fires both of her Steel Fans, one into the chest which causes the opponent to keel over, and then one deep into the top of the opponent's head. The opponent quickly jerks back, screaming in agony on their back as Kitana casually walks over. She removes the fan in the chest, drenched in blood, and then closes and removes the other fan, extracting the opponent's brain. She holds the fan up and opens it, spreading the brain along the edge of the fan.

Shokan Split: Kintaro 4-Armed grabs the opponent. As they scream, Kintaro jumps up and slams the opponent on his back, cutting him/her in half horizontally.

Kabal single legged hook sword decapitation He slices one of the opponents legs with his hĂ–kswords causing them to go into a crawling possition. Then he puts his hooksword around their neck and pushes them with kis foot causing them to be decapitated.

Skarlett snap & knives She jumps on the enemy snapping the neck then she jumps off then she throws her throwing knives which makes the opponent fall down.

Robo Smoke Smokey Heart:He uses his spear to remove the skin covering the heart. Then, he teleports in front of his opponent and grabs the heart, burning it until it dissolves.

Shokan Rip: Sheeva grab the opponent with two arms. Then, she grabs his/her head, rips it off and throws it on the floor. Then, she goes for the arms, also throwing them on the floor. Finally, she sets the opponent down, grabs his/her shoulders and rips off his/her skin.

Pelvic Explosion: Stryker takes one of the knifes sheathed in his back (I know, they're gone in MK9) and runs it between the groin, and anus of his opponent, as his opponent screams in agony, Stryker takes a grenade, pulls the pin, and jams it up the slit. He then kicks his opponent away right before his/her pelvis explodes.

Blood Eagle: Stryker takes one of the knives sheathed in his back and runs it down the opponent's spine, he then digs his hands trough the slit and prys open the ribcage. He then pulls the opponent's lungs out and leaves them sagging on his/her back. Due to pressure from his/her lungs, the opponent is unable to breathe and suffocates. (Based off of a method of execution used by Norse vikings)

Self-Canabalism: Jarek takes his kick-axe and guts his opponent, as his opponent sinks to the ground, he yanks out just about every major organ in his/her body and stuffs it in his opponents mouth. After he's done with the abdominal area, he yanks out his opponent's windpipe and stuffs it down his/her now exposseed throat. As he crams the bloody, squishy, gruesome mess down the opponent's mouth, it all falls out of the big hole in his/her neck where the trachea used to be.

Scrorpion will take off his mask, then he will walk over to the opponent, grab the opponent's throat, head-butt the opponent with his skull until the opponent is on his knees, the he will get out his spear, wrap the rope around the opponent's neck, strangle the opponent, after a few-seconds, impale the opponent's head with the tip of the spear, and then finish off by breathe fire on him. I call it bash choke impale & burn to death.

BIKER BRAIN-BASH Kira gives her opponent a forceful kick so they are facing the other way. She then takes out her Dragon Teeth, leaps on top of her opponent's back, then drives the daggers into the side of their head. She then kicks them so hard that the head breaks off, with the teeth still attached to the side.

Why the name? Because the teeth would look like handle bars for a motorbike.

Suffocation: Mileena removes her mask and bites the opponent's neck. When she yanks her teeth out, she spits out the opponenents trachea. Next stabs her sais into her opponent's chest and pulls them out, along with the his/her lungs. She then does her victory pose as her victim sinks to the ground gasping for air.

Soul Rip

Shang Tsung Grabs the person's neck, then violently pulls it with his other hand. As you see him pulling the victim, you will see a green soul coming out from the victim. Then Shang Tsung pulls so hard that the soul completly comes off of the victims body.

triple arcade drop/crush Liu Kang
kicks the dazed opponent, he/she hits the ground, he summons 3 Mortal Kombat arcade games! MK1 arcade hits the opponent's feet, MK2 arcade hits his/her waist, and MK3 arcade hits his/her head. Blood EVERYWHERE!

Very Painful Voodoo Death: Ashrah turns her dazed opponent to face her. She then pulls out her voodoo doll and impale it's crotch with a long and thick needle, as her opponent screams in excrutiating pain and blood comes pouring out of his/her crotch she impales the dolls mouth and out of nowhere a giant pike comes out of her opponent's mouth. She then don's her victory pose.

Fart Slam: First Bo Rai Cho will jump on top of the enemy and slams him/her with his ass. Then, he will fart soo hard, the opponent would die from it suffocation

Neck Breaker - Quan Chi turns his opponent around, then grabs hold of their head and begins to pull on it. The victim's neck is stretched due to this. Quan Chi then plunges his hand into the stretched neck, and rips out their spinal chord. Now the opponent finds themself with a stretched neck and no way of holding up their head, and they fall over forwards. Quan Chi then stabs the spine straight through their chest and pulls it out, heart attached.

The Chain Saw: Here's one thats violent and awesome!! Any character with a sword can do it. A character takes out a sword and then spins it so its moving at like 100 mph. Then, they bring the sword up to slice off their opponent's left arm. Then, they bring it over their head and, and then down to slice off the right arm. Then, they swing it to the right to cut their opponent in half, then take it up a bit and swing it to the left to decapitate their opponent.

Stop Hitting Yourself! - Reptile turns himself invisible and, whilst in this state, grabs his opponent's arms and tears them off. He then beats & eventually smashes their head with their arms, whilst still being invisible.

I don't have a title for this, and this could apply to anyone with a sword. First, the character stabs the opponent in the stomach, all the way until only the hilt of the sword is visible from the front side. Then, the character kicks down onto the sword, as the sword slices the opponent's upper body completely in half.

Flip-Impale: Jade does a frontflip and impales her opponent with her legs, she then backflips, with her legs still jammed in thier body. Her legs go up, and the upper-half of her opponent goes flying in the air. She pulls out her Bojitsu and impales the half. Her opponent's head remains at the tip, the rest however, go sliding down. She then shakes it off, and dons her victory pose.

Here's something a little different....because it's a tag team Fatality.

Freeze Shot - Scorpion fires his spear at his opponent's chest. Sub-Zero then freezes the opponent over completely, and Scorpion pulls so hard that the ice block shatters completely.

Spine Stab: Sub-Zero performs his Spine Rip fatality, but then he kicks off the head with his knee, he then impales his opponent with thier own spine straight throgh the ribs. He then kicks the spine, sending it further in through the body.

SOUL STEAL STAB - Shang Tsung draws a sword and impales his opponent with it. He then grabs their neck and chokes them, consuming every last piece of their soul, turning the victim's body grey and crusty. He then REMOVES the sword from the "shell", causing the crumbling body to break apart.

Mileena bathroom meal she does a perverted action to trick the opponent to come with her into a portable toilet. when the door close, we can here the opponent scream in fear and munching noises while blood leaks out, then mileena gets out of the outhouse like nothing happened.

Somehow the outhouse magically appears in the stage.

Kiss of Death: Placing her left hand atop her lips, a small smacking noise could be heard, before she blows a simple kiss at her victim. A small fire ball could be seen, swirling around a bit before striking at her victim's feet. Once hitting their feet, it dissapears, but fire starts to flow up the body, causing the victim's clothes to ignite. The victim runs in small circles in terror, screaming at the top of their lungs. Once they are fully engulfed in flames, they bust, organs, which are torched, as well as other body parts are scattered around the arena. Sonya simply does her klassic win pose from MK3.

Hammer Time: Shao Kahn swings his hammer into his foe's head, knocking off the body and it disappears off-stage. The body then falls onto its knees and then the torso falls forward.

A combination of Scorpion's Head Pull from DA and his Toasty Fatality. First removes the mask and blasts them with hellfire. As they're flailing and screaming in agony, Scorpion fires his Spear at the victim's head and snaps it off. With the head still attached to the Spear, Scorpion swings the weapon around and smashes the head into the body, causing it to explode into a spray of fiery gibs.

For Smoke, he could take on a gaseous form and somehow turn into sulfur, cloaking the victim and rapidly decomposing them into a shriveled up husk.
Let me know what I should call these 2 fatalities above.

Spine Drill: Baraka would impale the victim's spine with his blade, he would then hold them(one-handed) above his head and spin the victim on his blade so they fall down the blade, he then impales the other blade right next to the first one and proceeds to rip the body in half.

Boomerang Jaw: Jax holds the opponent's head with his forearms, he then twists the head into impossible positions with loud bone cracks being heard, not finished, he shoves his metal hands into the opponent's jaw, and pulls until the jaw snaps, he pulls out the lower jaw, turns around and throws the jaw away from him, like a boomerang, the jaw hurls back at him in the air, Jax ducks and the jaw hits the opponent in the back of the skull, decapitating him/her.

Bo Rai Cho knocks his opponent over, then jumps, butt first on their head. He then farts and a huge gas cloud covers the opponent. When it clears, all that is left is a skeleton with a crushed skull gas flay.

Missile Invasion: Sektor launches a lot of Missles at the enemy, one it hits the victim, it will explode into a bloody explosion.

Whoops! MK 2011 did that already

Li Mei Izuna Drop: Kick enemy in the air, teleports, punch enemy rapidly, spin kicks the enemy even higher, then drop them in a spiral motion. The enemy's head will explode when drop on the ground.

Throw that head: Based off of a YouTube video, Cyrax rips off his own head, throws it at his opponent, destroying him/her, he then catches it in midair and reataches it to his own body.

Stomach Smash: Johnny Cage kicks his opponent in the stomach who then vomits blood, guts and gore. The upper half of his opponent then falls down as a big flab of skin as he/she staggers. Johnny walks up to his now half-boneless opponent, pins him/her down, and rips off the upper half, Johnny then blows on the skin like a balloon and the skin inflates, Johnny then hits the ground with the skin-balloon and it pops, causing blood to go splashing everywhere.

Posession: Smoke disappears into thin air, the opponent then throws up food, organs, and bones, he/she tears off the skin and flesh of his/her head revealing Smoke's, Smoke (inside his opponent's body) then procceeds to rip off the skin and flesh of the rest of the body until only he remains.

I thought of one for Stryker. He would grab a shotgun and shoot his opponents face off. Kurtis's Boom Stick

Sheeva's was the skin and flesh, mine is just the flesh

Raiden. He would use his teleport ability to teleport inside the victim exploding him in the process. A secondary thought would be instead of exploding the victim he cooks them from the inside out and all the flesh just falls to the ground. Exploding Teleport & Teleport fry.

that fatality would work well against Meat

Flesh Rip: Meat rips all the victim's flesh, leaving this skin and bones in a fleshless mess

Ultimate Mind Trick: Ermac, using his telekinetic powers, would literally morph the enemy inside-out, leaving just a huge chunk of muscle on the ground.

Face Chew decapitation Simaller to Reptiles MK4 fatality, he jumps and holds on the victim and eats their face. But this time, he throws out his tongue and eats the head.

Head Rip: Mileena throws both of her two sais on the victims feet. Preventing them from running away. She comes foward and holds the head and rips it off. She then eats the eyes and mouth.

Bloody Spear Slice: Scorpion would take out his Spear and slice the head and torso of his victim. Then he would do a kick ass pose!

Multi-Spear: Scorpion would launch 5 spears into the enemy and then he pulls the spear along with the victim's legs, arms, and head

Like pinhead from hell raiser.
Body Twister: Jax First he twist the victim's arms, then his/her torso, then his/her neck

I came up with a few. One idea I had involved the fighter punching/kicking their victim's head right off, and it flew into the air. They waited for a while, and then stepped back, whilst the victim's head hits them, destroying them.

Also, perhaps one where the fighter kicks the victim in the stomach, they collapse onto the ground, and then get kicked in the head, which forces the skeleton THROUGH the body, thus destroying the lower section.

I don't think smush is a word, no, and that fatality reminds me of a prank I read once in Captain Underpants. Anyway, I've thought of a fatality only Reptile could use, Reptile would spit acid on his opponent's torso, revealing their ribs, then he would rip out one of the opponent's ribs and jam the sharp end into the opponent's head.

this is a fatality that i thought of in 1 min. A fighter kicks the victim on the ground, and then he/she jumps onto the victim's head, and as a result the head gets smushed and blood will be all over the place (I dont know if smush is even a real word).

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