Future Bo Rai Cho Ideas
posted10/08/2011 01:48 AM (UTC)by
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07/25/2011 01:27 PM (UTC)


Since it seems pretty likely that Bo Rai Cho will be making an appearance in MK 10, I thought I would put down some of my thoughts on a future design for him. I won't be talking about anything-story related, but mostly character design and gameplay. Letsa go!

Design: The single biggest change I would like to see in Bo Rai Cho has to do with his weight. Even though he's been fat ever since he was introduced, I really think I'd prefer to see him slim down to normal size. I don't personally like slow characters, and a fat man is no doubt going to be much too slow.
He could keep his current costume as his primary, albeit slimmed down to a normal body size.
For his alternate costume, he could wear a typical blue and white Mandarin outfit, but very dirty, like something a beggar would wear. His hair in this costume could also be grey and disheveled.
For both costumes, he could have a double gourd, a traditional Chinese vessel for wine, hanging from a sash around his waist.
During his walk-in, Bo could lay lazily on the ground, look at the opponent, and then stand up in a wobbly fashion. during each victory pose, Bo could take a quick sip of wine.

Gameplay: I would like to see Bo Rai Cho use the fictional eight drunken gods style. each of these gods could be represented by a kombo in his arsenal.
Liu: Bo Rai Cho could rapidly poke the opponent with his fingers in the chest and throat. Combo: 1,1,2
Li: A leaping roundhouse with his right leg, followed by a sweep with his right leg also. Combo: f+4, b+4.
Fat Han: A strike to the stomach with one hand, then a hit to the head with the other, then a hit to both areas with both hands at the same time. Combo: b+1,2, 1+2.
Lan: Similar to Kung Lao's chained fist, but all to the stomach area. Combo: 2,1,2,1,2.
Chang: A kick with the front leg and then the back. Simple. Combo: 3,4.
Tso: a hit to the face, then a hit to the chest, then a hit to the throat. Combo: 1,2,2+3.
Artful Han: a hit to the stomach, and then a pair of strikes with the wrists. Combo: b+1,2,2.
Ho: A slap to the face and then a strike with the hips. Combo: b+2,3+4.

For his special moves, Bo Rai Cho should drop the vomting and farting, and instead use wine based attacks.
Wine Sip: Bo takes a drunk of wine to boost his damage. The Enhanced version could give him invincibility armor for three hits.
Wine Spit: Bo spits a mouthful of wine into the eyes of his opponent, blinding them momentarily. The enhanced version could blind them longer.
Wine Splash: Bo splashes a puddle of wine in front of him, causing the opponent to stumble. The enhanced version goes further.
Drunken Tumble: Bo rolls across the ground and trips the opponent, similar to Mileena's roll. The Enhanced version does more hits.
Stick Flip: Bo uses his walking stick to flip over the opponent. The Enhanced version hits them upon landing.
X-Ray: Bo stuns the opponent, the grabs their Adam's Apple and crushes it with a powerful squeeze. The opponet then falls down choking, with their back up. Bo Rai Cho then stumbles and falls on their back with his elbow, crushing some of their ribs, before rolling away.

That's all I've got. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks for reading!
09/16/2011 07:28 AM (UTC)
I don't think this is a good idea. Bo Rai Cho makes him distinguished from other characters who are more in shape. Also to show how despite being a fat drunk guy, he's great martial arts master.
09/16/2011 10:44 AM (UTC)
I agree that he needs to stay fat, that's one of the things that defines him as a character and separates him from others.

The wine moves are a great idea though.
09/19/2011 09:29 PM (UTC)
Speaking of Bo Rai Cho I got some good ideas for him.
X-Ray move he sweeps/smacks the opponent with his wooden staff/stick at the ankles knocking them face first to the ground and then sumo stomps on the back of there head breaking the whole skull then he belly flops on there back breaking it and damaging there spine.
1st fatality he takes a long drink from his flask and then pukes the flammable alcoholic contents on the opponents head which gets all over there hair or scalp if there bald and face then he takes a torch and lights it with a lighter and places it on the opponents puke drenched head setting there entire head on fire and slowly burns and melts the skin and flesh off exposing there bloody skull and then they either die instantly or he knocks it off with one whack from his staff decapitating it.
2nd fatality he pulls his pants down exposing his genitals and butt and pulls the victim to there knees and shoves his or her head up his ass causing them to let out muffled screams and he flexes his butt muscles slowly crushing there head and skull in the process.
3rd fatality this would be dlc and it would be the first fatality he used in deadly alliance.
09/19/2011 09:47 PM (UTC)
Speaking of Bo Rai Cho I got some good ideas for him.
X-Ray move he sweeps/smacks the opponent with his wooden staff/stick at the ankles knocking them face first to the ground and then sumo stomps on the back of there head breaking the whole skull then he belly flops on there back breaking it and damaging there spine.
1st fatality he takes a long drink from his flask and then pukes the flammable alcoholic contents on the opponents head which gets all over there hair or scalp if there bald and face then he takes a torch and lights it with a lighter and places it on the opponents puke drenched head setting there entire head on fire and slowly burns and melts the skin and flesh off exposing there bloody skull and then they either die instantly or he knocks it off with one whack from his staff decapitating it.
2nd fatality he pulls his pants down exposing his genitals and butt and pulls the victim to there knees and shoves his or her head up his ass causing them to let out muffled screams and he flexes his butt muscles slowly crushing there head and skull in the process.
3rd fatality this would be dlc and it would be the first fatality he used in deadly alliance.
09/20/2011 12:07 AM (UTC)

dude... wtf? confused
09/20/2011 12:36 AM (UTC)
Bo'Rai Cho was fat AND fast in MKDA-MKA, so that rather counters your arguement about his weight. He should definatley stay a big, jolly kung-fu master of the drunken boxing martial arts.

The only thing I would take away from him is his random farting.
09/20/2011 12:57 AM (UTC)
09/20/2011 03:22 AM (UTC)
Superben Wrote:
>2nd fatality he pulls his pants down exposing his genitals and butt and pulls the victim to there knees and shoves his or her head up his ass causing them to let out muffled screams and he flexes his butt muscles slowly crushing there head and skull in the process

Yeah, how about you keep private parts and exposed male genitalia out of a game that has a good reputation, shall we? Not to mention, what you describe wouldn't even have a chance to be in a M rated game unless it is to be rated Adult, which game stores do not even sell.
09/20/2011 09:02 PM (UTC)
Superben Wrote:

2nd fatality he pulls his pants down exposing his genitals and butt and pulls the victim to there knees and shoves his or her head up his ass causing them to let out muffled screams and he flexes his butt muscles slowly crushing there head and skull in the process.

I don't think Bo Rai Cho would do that.
10/08/2011 01:48 AM (UTC)
BO RAI CHO (revision finished)

Earthrealm; White Lotus Society
Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Drunken Fist & Wu Shu
Alliances with Liu Kang, Kung Lao & Kai; Good

Bo Rai Cho can be a fit and in shape Shaolin master with a bald head. He can wear a traditional Shaolin robe in yellow with a red over cloth with white wrists guards and a beaded necklace like Goku from Dragonball Z. His alternate costume can consist of a red robe with a black over cloth with a beaded necklace like Goku from Dragonball Z. In both costumes Bo Rai Cho can wear socks and monk like shoes Shaolin fighters would wear in a temple. The costume can have some intricate designs that lace the robe and over cloth. It can look similar to Miroku’s robe from Inuyasha. He can look similar to picture below just without staff and a small beaded necklace that hangs down to collar bone.

Bo Rai Cho in the earlier stages of his teachings to Liu Kang from the White Lotus Society, was out of shape and drunk in slumber. Although Liu Kang learned very much from Master Bo Rai Cho, the knowledge that he possessed, he couldn’t apply due to his out-shaped figure and lack of daily practice. So instead, Liu Kang was chosen over Master Bo Rai Cho to compete in Mortal Kombat. Later on, Bo Rai Cho witnessed the destruction of his brothers at the hands of Shang Tsung and decided to accompany Liu Kang on a latter tournament held under the rule of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. Unfortunately, Master Bo Rai Cho, was nothing short of an embarrassment in the tournament and was kicked out in his first bout at the hands of Drahmin. Feeling ashamed because of his title, but yet determined to leave a mark to be felt by both Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, Master Bo Rai Cho delved into a period of reflection and reinvention of himself. He spent several years retraining himself in the rigorous teachings of kung fu styles that he learned so many years ago. Bo Rai Cho enters Mortal Kombat now as a renewed spirit with a motive of redemption to the memory of his fallen Shaolin Brothers from the White Lotus Society.

Bo, like many of the other monks in the White Lotus Society, were trained rigorously in Kung Fu martial arts. With his advanced age came slumber and indulgence, virtues that were looked down upon with the Temple. After tragic events of the degradation of the temple and failure in a previous Mortal Kombat tournament, Bo Rai Cho, reinvigorated, dedicates to reconditioning himself in the various Kung Fu styles he mastered so long ago. Spending several years in training, Bo Rai Cho appears as a fit in-shape master proficient in Wing Chun, Wu Shu, Drunken Fists and Kung Fu.

Wonder Palm - Jumps into a lunge towards his opponent executing a series of full body twist parallel to the ground with both hands extended with open palms to strike his opponent and blow them off their feet. He then transitions into a ground roll and jumps into stance. Reference is the fight scene from “Iron Monkey” and the initial fight scene between Rogue Emperor and Donnie Yen as “Wong Fei Hong”.
Spinning Buddha Hand - Jumps into a sitting Buddha posture that spins around like a planet that spins on it’s axis. He then spins around perpendicular to the ground in a sitting posture across the screen and strikes his opponent with his two open palms that blows his opponent off their feet. He then transitions into his fighting stance.
Shaolin Flips - Executes a series of quick back handsprings in one place much like an advanced Shaolin Fighter would do in a demonstration. This uppercuts his opponent in the chin with each extended flips he executes sending opponent stumbling backwards from the impact.
Extended Sleeve - Motions with a fling of his forward arm cocked back to back side shoulder and throws his forward arm forward towards opponent with open palm, and the sleeve from his forward arm extends in similar motion as Scorpion’s harpoon to strike opponent like an open palm strike to the nose. The impact sends opponent stumbling backwards from the hit to the face.
Breath Control Armour - Bo Rai Cho inhales a deep breath of air, and motions with both hands in a closed fists faced upwards under armpits then exhales the breath of air while he motions with arms and fists and pushes downward with open palms towards both sides of his waists. It is at this point that Bo Rai Cho gains the strength of steel armored skin making him invulnerable to physical hits. With each physical hit you hear a metal clanging sound to signify his steel armored skin. This is a temporary state of invincibility displayed with an incasing of silver skin around his body momentarily. Reference of this would be “Shaolin vs. Llama” in the fight scene between advanced Shaolin Master and Rebellious Student turned Master.
Breath of Red Fire (directional) - Due to Master Bo Rai Cho’s love of strong liquor, he is able to breath an inferno flame of fire like the fight scene between Jackie Chan and the fighter in the business suit in “Drunken Master 1 or 2”. The move sets opponent on fire, causing them to grimace in pain.
Thousand Palms Strike - Bo Rai Cho cocks back both arms back to backside of waist as if to throw a fireball and then throw both hands forward with open palms towards opponent and then a series of ten to twenty replica arms form out of thin air to strike his opponent with a series of open palm strikes to the upper torso and head sending opponent stumbling backwards from the multiple hits.
Upward Extended Sleeve - Motions with a fling of his forward arm cocked back to back side shoulder and throws his forward arm diagonally upwards towards airborne opponent with open palm, and the sleeve from his forward arm extends in similar motion as Scorpion’s harpoon to strike opponent while in mid-air like an open palm strike to the nose. The sleeve retracts back to Bo Rai Cho‘s costume. The impact causes opponent to fall from the air from the hit to the face.
Ariel Extended Sleeve - Motions with a fling of his forward arm cocked back to back side shoulder and throws his forward arm towards opponent with open palm while in mid-air, and the sleeve from his forward arm extends in similar motion as Scorpion’s harpoon to strike opponent while in mid-air like an open palm strike to the nose. The sleeve retracts back to Bo Rai Cho’s costume. The impact causes opponent to fall from the air from the hit to the face.
Downward Extended Sleeve - Motions with a fling of his forward arm cocked back to back side shoulder and throws his forward arm diagonally downward towards opponent with open palm while in mid-air, and then sleeve from his forward arm extends in similar motion as Scorpion’s harpoon to strike opponent while on the ground like an open palm strike to the nose. The sleeve retracts back to Bo Rai Cho’s costume. The impact causes opponent to stumble backwards from the hit to the face.
Blue Fireball (directional) - Due to Master Bo Rai Cho’s love of strong liquor, he is able to breath an inferno flame of fire like the fight scene between Jackie Chan and the fighter in the business suit in “Drunken Master 1 or 2”. The move sets opponent on fire, causing them to grimace in pain.
Beaded Necklace Choke - Bo Rai Cho flings part of his beaded necklace towards his opponent around, that wraps around his neck. He then pulls them over to him within close range of him while his opponent struggles and scrambles to get free. He then proceeds to choke them and is also free also to execute a series of free hits or combos.

Pai Mei’s Death Touch - Bo Rai Cho executes a series of elaborate punches with closed fists and open palm strikes to opponents chest at key pressure points in their upper torso. The one impact hit with an open palm strike causes dramatic trauma to the four chambers of the heart. The result from the impact slows down the blood flow throughout the circulatory system momentarily, making opponent stumble backwards from the series of hits and their skin turns a light blue color to indicate the lack of oxygen in blood flowing throughout body. They then take a few steps, and the heart explodes from the inside of their chest to the outside with blood splattering to the outside of the opponent chest.

Bo Rai Cho motions with swaying his arms sequentially in opposite directions and then takes a traditional Drunken Fists fighting stance with arms protruding towards the camera with wrists being bend back towards his chest as if to be holding invisible cups in both hands.

Bo Rai Cho executes a front summersault towards opponent, and transitions into a standing praying posture uttering the phrase, “Buddha’s name be praised”. He then motions into his fighting stance.

Bo Rai Cho stands in position and adjust his the cuff and sleeves of his robe then motions back into his fighting stance.

Punching Barrage - Bo Rai Cho performs a series of elaborate punches to the upper extremities in key pressure point locations of the body such as under the arm and in the neck region. The slow motion capture can showcase the internal damage done with such blows. These punches sends his opponent stumbling backwards gasping for air and grimacing in pain. The prescribed actions can look like the final fight scene in the movie “Ip Man/Yip Man” with Donnie Yen and the Japanese fighter on center stage outside when he lands a series of knockout blows to his upper extremities.

After winning the tournament, Master Bo Rai Cho, resuscitates Kai from Shang Tsung’s grasp and gains a second wind on life. He then reunites with Liu Kang and Kung Lao and together they all work throughout the upcoming months to rebuild the destroyed White Lotus Temple. Coined as the savior of Earthrealm, Master Bo Rai Cho attracts a flock of eager, young kids and adults alike to the White Lotus temple. It is there that a select few are chosen to be inducted within the temples inner walls. Throughout the years Kung Lao, Liu Kang and Kai teach a new generations of fighters to represent the ideals and beliefs of the temple in harmony of outside society. With the temple now thriving with young pupils in development, Master Bo Rai Cho eventually is elected as head Abbot of the temple. With his destiny fulfilled and his reputation restored, Master Bo Rai Cho retires to a life of solitude in service of the temple.
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