Future battle cries (character intros)
posted10/22/2011 12:37 AM (UTC)by
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Member Since
10/09/2008 12:18 AM (UTC)
So in the latest Mortal Kombat (I don't call it MK9) everyone has an intro before each battle. I was wondering what the next set of people are gonna say so I came up with a few

Havik(walks in with head backwards then fixes himself) Let chaos reign!
Hotaru There will be order!
Skarlet Your blood will spill
Kenshi I see everything
Cyber SmokeSystem activated. Status: Kill on site (yes I know)
Reiko (slams hammer on ground then points) Kahn's throne is mine! (or doesn't say dialogue just thumbs down after point)
Hsu Hao My heart yearns for battle
Nitara (flies in) You look delicious. (OR) I'm thirsty for blood
Moloch (spins ball and chain) BALL AND CHAIN!
Motaro (stands on hind legs then kicks air with front legs) Prepare to be trampled!

Got any better ones?
About Me
"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

08/28/2011 04:16 PM (UTC)
Johnny Cage looks over his Sunglasses and smirks. "This shouldn't take long."

Shinok slowly rises out of the ground and says "Bow to me."

Sareena is kneeling facing away from her opponent. "You should leave." Then she rises up and faces her opponent. "I don't know how long I can control it." As her eyes start to glow red.

Rain, as in water, falls from the sky and Rain, the character, materializes from it. "You are no match for the Prince of Edenia."

Ashrah does some fancy sword twirls. "I have come to slay you."

Jarek falls from the sky and lands face first on the ground. Then he gets up and says. "The Black Dragon live on!"

Ok that last one is a joke. tongue
08/28/2011 06:17 PM (UTC)
Pretty good ones already. smile

Skarlet - I will bathe in your blood.
Ashrah - I sense evil in your heart. (and/or) Prepare to die, demon!
Reiko - Bow to the emperor of Outworld!
Kenshi - Don't underestimate me.
Havik - Chaos *snaps neck* reigns....
Li Mei - My village is counting on me...
Rain - You dare challenge the Prince of Edenia?! (and/or) You will drown in your own blood!
Ermac - We will crush you. (or) You will join us.
Let's see some more!
Arthur Zonatto
08/28/2011 07:29 PM (UTC)
McHotcakes Wrote:

Jarek falls from the sky and lands face first on the ground. Then he gets up and says. "The Black Dragon live on!"

Ok that last one is a joke. tongue

Good one lol

Kabal: Wanna know how I got these scars??

Havik: (Ok, imagine him kneeling and snapping his own neck then falling down. Now invert this animation.) Then he says: May Chaos release you!

Hotaru: *marches in, Naginata in hand* You are trespassing. Dead must not stand above this ground.

Sektor: More stealthy than the Night, more deadly than YOU!!!

Cyrax: If you prove yourself, I'll take you for phase one.

Mileena: In memory of the Emperor!

Sheeva: Wait until I get my hands on you.

Baraka: My blades hunger for death.


My blades demand your blood.

Reptile: *Grunts* OR Your death will be sssslow and painnnful...

Kano: Gimme yer name so I'll crave it in yer flesh.


Killing is what keeps my heart beating, mate. *evil taunting laugh*

Sonya: KOMBAT TIME!!!tongue

Ermac: One can not defeat Us...

Kenshi: I can beat you with my eyes closed.

Skarlett: Let's see how powerful you really are.

Rain: My subjects will deal with your body later.


I will send you to your watery grave.

Johnny Cage: ' You sure you wanna do this?

Reiko: *hits hammer on floor, camera shakes* I am no mere soldier.

Kai: This is skill training, right?

Tanya: Your power will be useful.

Nitara: You thrist me.

Scorpion: I avenge my fallen. You better have someone to avenge you.

Sub-Zero: Feel death's cold embrace.

Noob Saibot: For the Brotherhood!

Quan Chi: Now you fear me, soon you'll serve me.

Raiden: Johnnyboughtacar!






Shinnok: If my brothers can't stop me, you think you can?!?
About Me

Thanks to xB$INx for the Kick-Ass Sig.

08/29/2011 02:35 AM (UTC)
i got nothing all of you took the good ones :[....
08/29/2011 09:57 AM (UTC)
Rain: "I'll make you wet!" (If he faces a lady, they walk over and slap him)
Arthur Zonatto
08/29/2011 04:42 PM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
Rain: "I'll make you wet!" (If he faces a lady, they walk over and slap him)


glasses: 'the hell you sayin' girl?!

About Me
Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
10/20/2011 07:10 AM (UTC)
Sonya: I'm feeling' hella good, so let's just keep on dancin'.

Kai: *kartwheels in and reverse flips, close up on face, smirks* Hmph.

Fujin: *stomps, pushes palms forth with a gust of wind, sighs*

Johnny Cage: Come at me, bro.
10/22/2011 12:37 AM (UTC)
Scorpion- Burn in Hell's flames!
new Sub-Zero- Freeze into oblivion!
Kai- You will not escape...
Sektor- The Lin Kuei know no mercy.
Cyrax- System error..Resuming combat mode.
Raiden- You will not escape my wraith!!
Sonya- Are you ready to have your a** handed to you?
Cage- Don't underestimate me..
Reptile- hissssssss...KILLLLLLLL!!!!!
Baraka- I am death!
Quan Chi- You will serve me!
Kano- Hmph!! Another waste of time!
Ermac- We will destroy you!!
Rain- It will rain blood today.
Kenshi- Fear the blade of my ancestors.
Shinnok- Victory is mine!
Tanya- (laughs) Die!
Fujin- Winds guide me.
Reiko- Outworld will be mine!
Noob Saibot- Fear the Brotherhood!!
robo-demon Smoke- Disappear in Smoke!
Li Mei- I will not lose.
Kitana- I am Kitana! Princess of Edenia!
Stryker- Lets do this!
Blade (Jax replacement)- Bring it on Fool!
Mavado- Are you sure you want to do this?
Chan-Kang- Shaolin pride burns within me.
Bo' Rai Cho- It's time for your first lesson.
Shang Tsung- I can taste your soul.
Frost- You have a date with death!
Hotaru- You shall know the might of order!
Havok- I..AM..CHAOS!!!
Ashrah- My blade craves your blood demon!
Dairou- Lets see what you got!
Shujinko- Master, forgive me!
Taven- NO mercy!!
Daegon- Its over fool!
Mileena- Someone's about to die.
Skarlet- I will bathe in your blood!
Dragon King- Kneel before the emperor of Outworld!
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