Fujin in MK9
posted12/17/2008 07:43 PM (UTC)by
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03/25/2003 08:14 PM (UTC)
I'm going to piggy back off of what someone a posted earlier on another board...that Fujin should have a big imapact on MK 9, as one of the main or stronger characters. I was thinking that he could do very well in MK9. I have always liked Fujin's character, even though he's been played down. I think that he has a lot more potential than he has been done justice.
I would definitely like to see Fujin make a return, especially if Rayden is not there. I think that they should have stuck with the storyline of Fujin being the new protector of earthrealm. I thought it was refreshing to the series. I guess they did well at explaining why Rayden came back (I mean he is a fan favorite). Actually, Rayden is my top favorite character off all, but I am more a fan of the series and the franchise itself and I think Fujin would do well with the franchise

I was thinking that Fujin should play in MK9 like The Flash does in MK vs DCU. It would make perfect since with Fujin being a wind god, and since he is a higher ranking character it would make since for him to be a more powerful fighter. He could have powers reminisant of Storm of the X men, but have the speed and agility of The Flash, have at least 8 special moves, and power moves. I think that he should also get his signature bow and arrow back (I call it his signature because it was unigue apart from everyone else and fit his character as the wind god). I don't like the idea of everyone having swords or similar weapons. I don't think guns have a place in MK, but I do think that there should be diversity in the game to keep it fresh. I just think that his bow/arrow and moves could be revamped. If you've seen how LInk plays in Soul Calibur, his bow and arrow is pretty fast and doesn't compromise his strength against other fighters. I think his bow/arrow could come with a variety of moves and be almost unstopable, so that it would stand up in close kombat. A balance should always be maintained.

What are your thoughts about Fujin being in MK9?
12/09/2008 11:28 PM (UTC)
well, if he's a god, and raiden is a god, then yeah, he should have a big impact. I mean, what's the environment without wind? Plus, I like his style. I've never seen him angry.
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12/10/2008 11:42 PM (UTC)
Fujin was a good idea. Introducing another God... a counterpart to Raiden... Controls the air...

I always thought they meant him to take over as protector from MK4 onwards, but Raiden's too popular to disappear.
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12/11/2008 12:52 AM (UTC)
I would like to see Fujin in MK9 and him figthing like Flash would be awsome
Fujin was great in MK4. I think MK4 was underrated and I think MK4 was the best 3D MK. Only because it was mostly classic Kombat in 3D. It's sad that Fujin had to reappear in a not so great MK (Armageddon). I do hope to see his return in a better game.
12/11/2008 02:21 AM (UTC)
Now that Raiden's gone "dark", it should be much easier to work Fujin into plots because their functions in the story won't be stepping on each other's toes.
12/12/2008 04:25 PM (UTC)
I support Fujin to be an active character in the next Mortal Kombat. The idea of a wind god is fresh and apart from all the other Mortal Kombat 4 characters I recieved both Fujin and Kai very well.

I feel that those two characters can parralel the relationship that was shared between both Raiden and Liu Kang.

If the series decided to continue from the plot revealed in both Deception and Armaggeddon perhaps Fujin and Kai could work together with the remaining Earth warriors to bring down the corrupted and twisted versions of Raiden and Liu Kang.
12/12/2008 06:28 PM (UTC)
Well said...I also thought that MK4 was underated. A lot of people seem to knock it, but for it's time, I think it was ground breaking and the most innovative. Of course, it was their first attempt at making MK into a 3D fighter, so it couldn't be perfect, but I think they did a great job, for the time, and introducing weapons was one of the best ides that they had, and I think the way they were implimented in MK4 was better than the way the wereexsecuted in the fallowing games, which were not as original and was too much like Soul Calibur (without the strategy and depth). The best MK, IMO since MK2. I think they need to return back to MK's roots, using MK2 an MK4 as a springboard, and just expand upon their original concepts and giving us something new at the same time (a deeper more complex fighting engine, potentially better than any of it's 3D fighting competion).
12/12/2008 06:30 PM (UTC)
I support Fujin to be an active character in the next Mortal Kombat. The idea of a wind god is fresh and apart from all the other Mortal Kombat 4 characters I recieved both Fujin and Kai very well.

I feel that those two characters can parralel the relationship that was shared between both Raiden and Liu Kang.

If the series decided to continue from the plot revealed in both Deception and Armaggeddon perhaps Fujin and Kai could work together with the remaining Earth warriors to bring down the corrupted and twisted versions of Raiden and Liu Kang."

I agree with this completely!
12/13/2008 12:20 AM (UTC)
I like him. He's wise and calm. I also like his tornado power, I think its unique.
12/15/2008 05:26 AM (UTC)
Never liked Fujin. Love mk4, my favorite along with mk2. I personally would like them to ignore this evil Raiden crap and have him step back down from being an elder god.

Fujin was okay, but if he comes back or is never seen again, I won't care, he just never caught my eye as an overly interesting character. I never saw him as anything more than a supporting character at best. The calls for him to have a major impact on mk9 I don't see happening. Raiden and Shinnok were the main gods in the series along with Shao Kahn (demigod ?).

If Fujin were used as a tool to bring Raiden back to the light (if he is still dark) in mk9, that would probably be a good swan song for him.
12/15/2008 10:12 AM (UTC)
Raiden's character is growing and doing new things for the first time ever...and you want things to go back to the way they were.

That just makes all kinds of sense.
12/17/2008 08:45 AM (UTC)
I don't like dark Raiden. It's that simple. It is a different direction for the character and one I disagree with. They used it in 2 games already with no real success in my opinion.

Raiden resurrecting a zombie Liu Kang to do his bidding a la Shang's henchman Goro rates as one of the stupidest decisions in mk history to me.
It's like really bad fan fic or a hack comic book writer. So far other than the novelty of Raiden being a bad guy the storyline has gone nowhere in 2 games.

Add to the fact that Raiden is one of the good guys and I like him as a good guy, yeah I want him back to his original status quo.

Hell, make Fujin a bad guy, that makes more sense and differentiates him from Raiden, and thereby actually gives him an interesting reason to appear in future games.

12/17/2008 08:58 AM (UTC)
Well...sorry, but you're wrong. I mean you're entitled to your opinion and all, but your explanations for that opinion just don't work.

What sense does it make to say "the storyline has gone nowhere in 2 games" (which isn't even true) when your suggestion is that the story go backwards? That's LESS than nowhere! And what does "they did it in two games with no success" even mean? Who are we to measure "success"? Raiden alone isn't going to affect a game's sales one way or another, and from what I've seen on the boards, more people like the change to Dark Raiden than dislike it, so apparently you're the minority.
It's not a novelty, it's not hack work or fan fiction, there've been completely logical reasons given explaining how Raiden's attitude towards the world was altered. The character has grown and changed, as well-written characters are designed to do over time. In fact, changing him BACK is what would feel like fan fiction.
Think like a writer, not like a fan. Try to get into the character's shoes and see things from their perspective: why would he change back? There's nothing in the games suggesting it's only temporary. He's got a completely different personality now, you can't just erase that with a magic wave of the hand. There has to be a logical way for it to happen. Things don't happen for no reason out of thin fuckin' air. And along the same line, why would Fujin turn evil?
The good news for White Raiden fans is, there are six whole games where you can play as him available right now, no waiting.
12/17/2008 10:10 AM (UTC)
I am only referring to character bios and stories. I'm not referring to sales as I don't think they have any place on this particular point of contention.

Not to sound snarky but I'm "measuring" the success of the Dark Raiden story as we all do by our own opinions and standards. As stated above, I don't particularly like dark Raiden. I still like Raiden, I'm just not fond of this particular incarnation.

As far more people liking dark Raiden, I personally haven't seen multiple polls run on the topic to confirm or deny this. I suspect most people like old school Raiden better anyway, or at least most fans who have been playing since mk 1 like I have. Probably fans who came in during mkda, mkd, and mka might lean more toward dark Raiden but all this is harmless conjecture and beside the point.

I personally love the mk story and characters, it's one of the main reasons I have stuck with the series since the beginning, but I would hardly call the last couple of entries well written. There has been some good stuff, yeah, but mka was horrible and full of contradictions imo.

As far as their being a logical way for them to change him back, I haven't put any thought into it personally but the mk team truthfully doesn't need a logical reason to restore his previous character, their were several dead kombatants in mka with no explanation (Sheeva, Motaro, Jarek, Mavado, Hsu Hao). Yes I know there were no bios, but do you actually think they would have been able to logically incorporate these guys into the story?

As stated above I think it was a mistake to turn Raiden bad anyway. I suggested turning Fujin bad because Raiden has always been a good guy and I feel he should stay that way. He is always going to be in mk along with Scorpion and Sub Zero. I think it might be give Fujin an interesting story to be a bad guy and feud with Raiden.

Raiden might be a bad guy in mk9, but he will go back white again probably by mk10, then where does that leave Fujin? He is basically a redundant protector god who got his butt handed to him by Noob Saibot.

RazorsEdge701 we agree on some things but this is one where we don't. Like you stated above, you're entitled to your opinion, neither one of us is wrong since it's all subjective, let's just agree to disagree on this.

12/17/2008 10:22 AM (UTC)
Thrawn Wrote:
As far as their being a logical way for them to change him back, I haven't put any thought into it personally but the mk team truthfully doesn't need a logical reason to restore his previous character, their were several dead kombatants in mka with no explanation (Sheeva, Motaro, Jarek, Mavado, Hsu Hao). Yes I know there were no bios, but do you actually think they would have been able to logically incorporate these guys into the story?

Well now that's just plain incorrect. There were bios released later and they hinted at a fairly obvious explanation for how the dead characters came back.

The bios revealed that Shinnok is the main cause of the giant battle. He wanted as many powered warriors to fight as possible, to cause Armageddon.

I don't know if you noticed, but every single dead character is a villain, which means they're all part of Shinnok's domain and he has the power to bring them back and send them to Edenia to fight.

And I suspect that most of Dark Raiden's proponents are like me, fans who grew up with the series since the beginning and are now old enough and well-versed in storytelling enough to know that when a change this major, explained this thoroughly, is made to a character, it should be permanent, not meaninglessly undone or ignored.
Mainly because those are the only people I ever talk to on the boards. Typically, one doesn't ever see franchise newcomers discussing and analyzing the storyline.
At any rate, characters who turn into villains only turn good again and are accepted back into the heroes fold in stories with happy endings like children's cartoons. In Mortal Kombat, characters don't EVER have happy things happen to them. Every story is a tragedy.
12/17/2008 11:11 AM (UTC)
Hinted at but not said in game. So Shinnok just magically resurrects everybody and thats good writing? I disagree. I think a more logical reason was midway said to the mk team "We want another mk game as soon as possible." Mk trilogy 2 which is largely what mka was, was the easiest game to make, and due to fan demands for so many left out characters and due to reasons stated by the mk team to just close off the current gen games.

Children's cartoons?

Or maybe comic books? I'm just saying. smile
12/17/2008 11:22 AM (UTC)
Thrawn Wrote:
So Shinnok just magically resurrects everybody and thats good writing?

"Good" is subjective. All that matters is that it makes logical SENSE and fits the characters' personalities, motivations, and prior actions.

It fits the story we're told, that too many people with powers all fighting in one place at one time has been prophecized to happen and will cause strain on the realms and destroy them.

Shinnok wants that to happen because it will cause Blaze to appear and he wants Blaze's "prize", which will allow him to ascend back into power and get revenge on the gods, which has always been his motivation, since the character was first introduced.

So as many bios revealed, he's doing everything within his power to manipulate EVERY powered person he can find into going to the crater and being in the fight. He gets Quan Chi and Onaga to assemble all the villains, he manipulates Johnny Cage into assembling all the heroes, etc.

Why wouldn't he use his power to let the dead out of Hell, if it increases the numbers? We know he can do it because he did in MK4. His entire army in that game was demons and resurrected dead characters.
Thrawn Wrote:
Or maybe comic books? I'm just saying. smile

MK is still a tragedy story where characters don't have happy endings. Raiden turning dark won't end in him turning light again, it'll end in him becoming a main boss and dying. That's just the way MK does business. Maybe AFTER that, he can come back from the dead and be good again, because MK is also known for never letting anyone stay dead...but he does have to die first, which means you'll be waiting THREE games at the least before you get your Good Raiden back.
12/17/2008 11:30 AM (UTC)
You'll see. Raiden will be a good guy again. wow
12/17/2008 11:36 AM (UTC)
I'll see, will I? Don't suppose you've got an exact date in mind?
12/17/2008 11:38 AM (UTC)
No, sadly I don't. I wish I did. Can't wait for mk10, 11, 12 ,13... well you get the idea.
12/17/2008 02:29 PM (UTC)
The way Midway as a company is gettin' raped so far. MK:9. I don't know guys.
Fujin should be in it though. MK:4 Fujin was wack. Horrible. I think Armegeddon brought that guy to life, personally.
12/17/2008 03:07 PM (UTC)
I dunno, I think Armageddon did him a bit of a disservice. The Devastator sword didn't fit him at all, his costume was bland, and he didn't come off looking like he had a good reason to attack when he fought Taven in Konquest mode.

I also would've turned the crossbow into a projectile special move instead of ditching it altogether. It was unique and interesting.
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12/17/2008 07:43 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I dunno, I think Armageddon did him a bit of a disservice. The Devastator sword didn't fit him at all, his costume was bland, and he didn't come off looking like he had a good reason to attack when he fought Taven in Konquest mode.

I also would've turned the crossbow into a projectile special move instead of ditching it altogether. It was unique and interesting.

Yeah, the Devastator sword is totally out of character for Fujin. They should have just stuck with the wind staff we saw in the early footage's of MK:A. That would have been great.
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