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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/03/2015 02:27 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Ascottpwns Wrote:
Hey, at least Reptile is in MKX.


A frustrated Baraka fan.

Trust me I am right there with you. But I gotta maintain hope for him or else I'll be too bummed out to buy on Day1.

I seriously think that he'll make that second DLC pack if nothing else. He strikes me as the type of character that NRS would go bonkers with in their fatality meetings.
04/03/2015 02:34 AM (UTC)
Tbh I used to love Chameleon lol
04/03/2015 02:46 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
"and his slow mo will just make his combos longer and easy."

Awwwww yeah, You hear that Kunglaodoesntsuck? Time for some Kunimitsu style jugglan. tongue

Good luck with that. Buzzsaw Kung Lao says bring it.
Brutalities too. I don't play Marvel games but why not turn Baraka into Wolverine gameplay wise?

KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
"and his slow mo will just make his combos longer and easy."

Awwwww yeah, You hear that Kunglaodoesntsuck? Time for some Kunimitsu style jugglan. tongue

Good luck with that. Buzzsaw Kung Lao says bring it.

Lol I am looking forward to the matches around here.
04/03/2015 03:51 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Ascottpwns Wrote:
Hey, at least Reptile is in MKX.


A frustrated Baraka fan.

Trust me I am right there with you. But I gotta maintain hope for him or else I'll be too bummed out to buy on Day1.

Oh trust me, I'm holding on to every bit of hope I've got in me.
It's just so hard to imagine him getting in now that the roster is essentially full.

Really the only thing keeping hope alive for me is the achievement picture that looks like him in gameplay plus the possibility that Goro and ? Might not be a part of the final select screen.
04/03/2015 06:06 AM (UTC)
Okay, I don't mean to come off as a dick or anything but this is a big wall of text..

Anyone have a TL;DR of what he said?
04/03/2015 06:23 AM (UTC)
Here's Reptile's alleged MKX biography:

"When Kotal Kahn rebelled against Empress Mileena, Reptile was one of the first to join his side, showing allegiance to the one who had always shown kindness and respect to the Saurian who was always used as a mere blunt instrument of war. Reptile was now one of Kotal Kahn’s top advisors, using his mastery of stealth to spy on Kotal Kahn’s enemies and report back his findings. Reptile’s invisibility had gained him many secrets that continuously push back Mileena’s efforts at striking any sort of crippling blow at Kotal Kahn’s forces. Reptile remains truly loyal to his master now that the two share something in common; being the last known surviving members of their respective races."

Don't know about you, but I'd be rather irked at this if I were a Rep fan. After 22 years, he's again serving under a master, plus the zillionth retread about how he's the last of his race.

NRS is just stuck in a rut with him in terms of story.
04/03/2015 06:27 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Here's Reptile's alleged MKX biography:

"When Kotal Kahn rebelled against Empress Mileena, Reptile was one of the first to join his side, showing allegiance to the one who had always shown kindness and respect to the Saurian who was always used as a mere blunt instrument of war. Reptile was now one of Kotal Kahn’s top advisors, using his mastery of stealth to spy on Kotal Kahn’s enemies and report back his findings. Reptile’s invisibility had gained him many secrets that continuously push back Mileena’s efforts at striking any sort of crippling blow at Kotal Kahn’s forces. Reptile remains truly loyal to his master now that the two share something in common; being the last known surviving members of their respective races."

Don't know about you, but I'd be rather irked at this if I were a Rep fan. After 22 years, he's again serving under a master, plus the zillionth retread about how he's the last of his race.

NRS is just stuck in a rut with him in terms of story.

If they either bring back his race or make him ruler of Outworld I will never complain about his story again.
04/03/2015 12:47 PM (UTC)

Visually I think Reptile is looking his best. However, his gameplay is a huge letdown considering everyone on the roster has 3 variations each with distinct playstyle while only Reptile has injustice traits that buff him.

I wanna ask, what do non-Reptile fans think about this inequality? Is it okay because it's just, well, Reptile? It just seems so unfair. What happened in the ideas room on Reptile day? I'm seriously bothered that this is bothering me lol.

I see the pros and cons of keeping all your specials, but really, the variation system has tripled the replay value for everyone, while Reptile remains consistent throughout his variations for the most part.

04/03/2015 01:24 PM (UTC)
I too was sort of disappointed that his variations don't have much variation. I really think they missed a perfect opportunity to have 3 different versions of reptile that play completely different. One of the versions being human.
About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/03/2015 01:32 PM (UTC)
ReptileFinally Wrote:
Okay, I don't mean to come off as a dick or anything but this is a big wall of text..

Anyone have a TL;DR of what he said?
for what little I could stomach he seemed to be complaining about Reptile being a reptile and not a human ninja. Also that for some reason he looks to be a character designed for newcomers and not the mk9 version which wasn't easy to pick up... which is odd because he looks the most similar to mk9 than anyone else. He also whines about the variations basically being injustice traits that work on the same way as injustice and he didn't get anything that really differentiates them... which again is also wierd because nimble variation doesn't work like Flash's trait. Flash's trait is almost instant which allows for him to use it for combos immediatly as he launches. Reptile's doesn't. It takes a while to activate and is most certainly going to be used for zoning. Throw a force ball. Freeze it in place. Spam more force balls and acid spits. If they jump in, activate the flash trait. Open them up. Noxious variation. Seems to work like Grundy's. Unlike Grundy's there is no cooldown on it and once you're hit it goes away. It'll most likely be used for rushdown. Activate it, Go berserk and chip away at them. Deceptive variation. Regular mk9 reptile that doesn't need to ex the invisibility to go completely invisible. The combos will most likely be the same throughout the 3 variations. The approach on them however is going to be very different.

04/03/2015 01:37 PM (UTC)
He's saying Reptile is the only character with limited variations, only getting one additional move per variation that were all taken from Injustice. He's disappointed because his favorite character is pretty limited variation wise while other characters get crazy stuff and tons of moves.
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04/03/2015 01:42 PM (UTC)
Welcome to the site, man!

Yeah, I get what you're saying OP and I have to agree. If Reptile was my favorite, I'd be a bit underwhelmed at what they chose do do with his variations, though I do agree that his moves and design are among his best ever.

But to me, it feels like a missed opportunity. I mean, Reptile is one of the few characters that has really evolved (devolved?) over the years in terms of his look. Why not take advantage of that?

Maybe have his force balls, his slide and invisibility be his base moves and then do something like this:

-Disguised: Complete human ninja look, with gained use of his MK4 battle axe in combos for more damage, an axe based command throw and use as projectile. Also has a teleport and mid air teleport, but they can't be used while invisible.

-Hybrid: Looks like his current MKX look. Has running elbow, acid spit, acid spit based command throw and tongue lift is a command throw that combos in to other attack or throw. and a speed up buff move that lasts about 5-7 seconds.

-Saurian: Looks more like his MKDA version with a tail. Gains a crawl special, acid spit becomes large puke pile that stays on the ground and burns opponent if the walk on it (only lasts about 5 seconds), tail throw, tail sweep, tail uppercut, tail combos. Attack buff shriek that lasts about 5-7 seconds.

That's just off the top of my head. But my point is that it really would've been cool to have played as all three versions of Reptile and to have them be very different from one another.
04/03/2015 02:12 PM (UTC)

If you bothered to read properly, I said that I've come to accept the humanoid lizard look as MKX Reptile looks really good.

I'm not saying that he has traits from Injustice, although that's the case for his Nimble variation. What I'm saying is they are very Injusticey in that you activate them like a buff. A lot of Injustice traits were simply buffs.

I mean, look at freakin' Takeda. His variations are extremely distinct, NRS went to town on him. Mileena, my second main, they did a tremendous job building hers around her characteristics. If these were my favorites I'd be highly satisfied.

Look, I'm so glad (and jealous) everyone's variation looks good, regardless if they are viable options for competitive play. In the end, I want everyone to be created with equal love and effort.

Seriously, I'm not trying to come off as whiney. I care too much for Reptile, just like how you guys care about your favorites.

Sorry for my long post, first time expressing my feelings on an MK site and I had a lot to get off my chest.
04/03/2015 02:23 PM (UTC)
Okay I edited my OP. Now it really looks like I'm just whining lol.
04/03/2015 02:23 PM (UTC)
That's how I like my Reptz to be honest.

Let him be the lovable lackey that he is and underdoggy as fuck.

People will flip their shit when I REK them online with Reptile.

Doesn't matter how I get him Human disguise? Full on Lizard? Hybrid?

I'll take him anyway I can get him because Reptile is bae.

I don't need him to progress story wise to be interesting some characters just thrive in that jobber / lackey role and Reptile is one of them.
04/03/2015 02:34 PM (UTC)
TilDawn Wrote:

I'm not saying that he has traits from Injustice, although that's the case for his Nimble variation. What I'm saying is they are very Injusticey in that you activate them like a buff. A lot of Injustice traits were simply buffs.

While Reptile's invisibility has been his forever(regardless of Ares getting it in Injustice), the Toxic Cloud is a special move taken from Grundy and the Buff Speed is taken from Flash, both things that Reptile never had.

In the end, what it does is give Reptile even more versatility. While other characters focus on getting various moves, Reptile can turn invisible, give you constant chip damage or slow you down(well, move faster, but you know what I mean). No other characters have these kind of buffs. He might not get more moves, but the way I see it it makes him more unique, not less interesting.

Super speed and Invisibility can already give you a clear advantage over the battlefield. More moves could have made them OP.

Maybe Noxious could have allowed you to release the toxicity into a pool of fuming sludge, thus being able to trap the other character?

In the end thought, I'm fine with Reptile. The 3 variations do give you different ways to use his univerisal moves.
04/03/2015 02:39 PM (UTC)

To an extent I agree. It's no secret that his story has been stagnated. But in every story there has to be the henchmen, rulers are nothing without them. I just kind of wish Reptile would go fuck this and be his own person.

All the returnees seem to be getting an upgrade storywise. Kang is a reverent working for Quan Chi. Johnny got to hit dat Sonya and have a baby. Mileena is or was Empress. Scorpion has an apprentice. And it just goes on.

I'm just hoping the introduction of Kotal will help Reptile's story. Just something different at least.
04/03/2015 02:52 PM (UTC)

That's an interesting perspective, I like that.

I'm not at all discounting the usefulness of his variations. I feel like his potential remains to be seen, but from what I've gathered Reptile's gameplay will be about setups in order to fully utilize his "traits".
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If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/03/2015 03:17 PM (UTC)
TilDawn Wrote:

That's an interesting perspective, I like that.

I'm not at all discounting the usefulness of his variations. I feel like his potential remains to be seen, but from what I've gathered Reptile's gameplay will be about setups in order to fully utilize his "traits".
it's precisely what it's going to be.

Each variation having a different approach.

Are you really that concerned with how similar they look though?
That means that Reptile actually has three useful variations. Unilke many characters which lose a ton of moves in different variations.

Look at Kenshi's for example. They're nearly copy past of each others with balanced being the best one of them. They pretty much all do the same things. Only different one is possessed that is pure rushdown since nearly everything he does is unsafe plus he lost range in his normals.

Many of these variations will be obsolete in favor of stronger more viable ones. Commando Kano, albeit interesting, won't get much use. Has lower combo potential, is not great for zoning and if you miss a parry you get opened up for heavy damage.

Kung Lao's hat trick is another that I doubt will get much use.
Raiden only good one is displacer. Thunder God has more damage potential but lacks mobility. The other is just bad.
Mileena's ethereal is also the weakest of the 3. She doesn't have good zoning tools and can rushdown better in the other 2 variations.

With Reptile you have all main tools available in all variations. What's a plus is that all 3 have different approach methods.

It's just my view though I'm rarely wrong about these things.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

04/03/2015 03:45 PM (UTC)
Consider the following:

IF Reptile plays like MK9 Reptile, then he doesn't need them.
Those Variations are just icing on the cake. For god sakes, he can stop his Forceball now. At least it's not like Liu Kang where it's a Variation and you have to do more than Reptile to make the projectile stop in its tracks.

I do agree that his Variations are lacking and obvious how they couldn't come up with anything for him. But I see it as hope that his gameplay is much better.
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