Frost as a snow-themed character
posted02/20/2015 01:56 PM (UTC)by
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06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
It's an idea that was suggested by other posters that I found fascinating, and I think this could help differentiate her from Sub-Zero.

Like the ability to make hail fall on the opponent, use a big ball of hail as a projectile, temporarily cause a snow fog that blinds the opponent (her own invisibility move, in short), hinder the opponent's mobility by burying their legs deep in snow, etc.

I admit I'm not sure if these aren't things Sub-Zero couldn't do himself, and there are other ideas that come to mind that would also suit Fujin (with some tweaks), but it'd be a start in individualizing Frost.

So, can Frost be differentiated from Sub-Zero significantly, or not?
02/05/2015 05:35 PM (UTC)
Of course she can be.

Frost can also throw icicles at her opponent and trance them with snowflakes to daze them (acts like Freddy's green drop).
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-sig by MINION

02/05/2015 05:39 PM (UTC)
I guess the question is if cryomancers can just manipulate ice specifically or other forms of water/precipitation.
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02/05/2015 06:24 PM (UTC)
Well i honestly hope she is in the game. i don't really care what they really do with her fighting wise anyways. Except I do want a decent story for her in story mode.
02/05/2015 06:48 PM (UTC)
What would snow do lol.. I guess the characters with no sleeves would be fucked. I don't mind two ice characters but I think it would be hard to differentiate them. Like kensi and Ermac both use TK but Ermac is more about grabs and slams while kensi is more about distance strikes with his sword. How could you make frost different in that sense? Having the same moves only the snow version sounds lazy.
02/05/2015 07:18 PM (UTC)
Yeah I remember suggesting Frost taking a snowroute instead of ice :) A name of one of her fatalities as her hair is made of ice - Haircut.
02/05/2015 07:26 PM (UTC)
Yeah, it could easily be done. Will it tho? Who knows.
02/05/2015 08:30 PM (UTC)
What would snow do lol.. I guess the characters with no sleeves would be fucked. I don't mind two ice characters but I think it would be hard to differentiate them. Like kensi and Ermac both use TK but Ermac is more about grabs and slams while kensi is more about distance strikes with his sword. How could you make frost different in that sense? Having the same moves only the snow version sounds lazy.

She can literally do something completely different than Sub-Zero. I don't think he can make glaciers and shove them away or towards her, she could throw snowballs to either slow down the opponent, or stun them.

Stunning them either like, they're confused that they just got hit with a snowball, or it's brutally cold.

She could have an aura of mist that if someone gets caught in it, they'll either be frozen or it slows them down for a bit.

She could turn herself into ice and use it as a strength boast.

Have various snowballs or icicles surrounding her as a partial shield as how Kung Lao's hat works.

There's literally dozens of ways she could be used differently. And this is not a post to show how much I would like for her to be in the game, it's literally showing how she could be worked into this game as another ice character.

Which is really why I don't get how so many people are just against one more ice character when we have had dozens of other characters who have moves similar towards another character.
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02/05/2015 08:53 PM (UTC)
Sure, whatever that can help her distance from a female sub-zero, maybe she can slow the opponent's movements or slowly drain health due to frostbites. Plus, add some creative wrestling or muay thai moves and we're all set.
02/05/2015 08:57 PM (UTC)
I said it on a different thread, Killer Frost has many moves that Sub-Zero isn't using, speically the ice crystals from the ground.

Give Frost ice crystals and projectile shards and Sub-Zero MK9's snow puddle (but faster) instead of the freezing move, which can be explained by her not being yet powerful enough to fully freeze someone, just snare him with snow, and being more violent in nature than Sub-Zero, she uses sharp ice crystals too, this could also be why in the comic she didn't freeze Cassie and you have a totally different playstyle than Sub-Zero and still ice based.

That said, that was the professional game designer in me talking as I can't deny facts, but the MK fan side in me isn't specially thrilled about Frost as for some reason I always disliked her, if she's in I guess it's good for her fans and still better than a guest character for me, so whatever.
02/05/2015 08:59 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
What would snow do lol.. I guess the characters with no sleeves would be fucked. I don't mind two ice characters but I think it would be hard to differentiate them. Like kensi and Ermac both use TK but Ermac is more about grabs and slams while kensi is more about distance strikes with his sword. How could you make frost different in that sense? Having the same moves only the snow version sounds lazy.

She can literally do something completely different than Sub-Zero. I don't think he can make glaciers and shove them away or towards her, she could throw snowballs to either slow down the opponent, or stun them.

Stunning them either like, they're confused that they just got hit with a snowball, or it's brutally cold.

She could have an aura of mist that if someone gets caught in it, they'll either be frozen or it slows them down for a bit.

She could turn herself into ice and use it as a strength boast.

Have various snowballs or icicles surrounding her as a partial shield as how Kung Lao's hat works.

There's literally dozens of ways she could be used differently. And this is not a post to show how much I would like for her to be in the game, it's literally showing how she could be worked into this game as another ice character.

Which is really why I don't get how so many people are just against one more ice character when we have had dozens of other characters who have moves similar towards another character.

I really do not understand why we can't have a 2 characters with similar elemental type moves. I am a total YES on having frost in, she can becomes such a well fleshed out character he has so much potential.

I askdd you in another thread Icebaby, where do you want to see her story go?
02/05/2015 09:08 PM (UTC)
It would be interesting, in my opinion, if instead of fully freezing her opponent she would steadily slow them down in a stacking type effect. Have it last longer than the full on freeze so it's balanced, and have Frost's melee combos center around mix-ups so the opponent can't just block until the effect wears off.

Of course with the new variation system, this could just be the tip of the iceberg (no pun intended). Maybe, one variation could have an attack that adds a layer of snow to the whole ground, making mobility there suffer, and forcing an air battle in which Frost would be better equipped for.

Another snowy variation could be a primarily a defensive one that is meant to buy time until she can preform an avalanche maneuver to deal massive damage all at once. I believe snow and a non-"Sub-Zero with boobs" design would do wonders in making Frost stand out.

(That pun was totally intended.)
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

02/05/2015 09:33 PM (UTC)
For snow themed powers I think of something used in evasion and escape. Using a cloud of snow to blind an opponent kind of like Sonya/Kira's kiss special in DA/Deception. I'm also thinking a teleport using snow/wind. Could also have Haohmaru/Joe Higashi styled snowy tornado projectiles. There is a TON of stuff you could do with Frost.
02/05/2015 09:42 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
What would snow do lol.. I guess the characters with no sleeves would be fucked. I don't mind two ice characters but I think it would be hard to differentiate them. Like kensi and Ermac both use TK but Ermac is more about grabs and slams while kensi is more about distance strikes with his sword. How could you make frost different in that sense? Having the same moves only the snow version sounds lazy.

She can literally do something completely different than Sub-Zero. I don't think he can make glaciers and shove them away or towards her, she could throw snowballs to either slow down the opponent, or stun them.

Stunning them either like, they're confused that they just got hit with a snowball, or it's brutally cold.

She could have an aura of mist that if someone gets caught in it, they'll either be frozen or it slows them down for a bit.

She could turn herself into ice and use it as a strength boast.

Have various snowballs or icicles surrounding her as a partial shield as how Kung Lao's hat works.

There's literally dozens of ways she could be used differently. And this is not a post to show how much I would like for her to be in the game, it's literally showing how she could be worked into this game as another ice character.

Which is really why I don't get how so many people are just against one more ice character when we have had dozens of other characters who have moves similar towards another character.

she literally can but i'm having trouble seeing a few unique ones let alone a dozen. The good ideas you said have already been adopted by sub zero. sub already creates an ice shield and throws his clones, and freeze stuns. characters did share moves before but that's what so cool about variations.

making frost more powerful than sub with glaciers and shit kinda sucks imo, he's the grand master. i hope they do pull off a unique frost, it would be a surprise to me. i don't think we'll see her in the comic anymore. she'll catch up with cassie later in the game story. i just don't want another cyber sub, chest freeze and divekick sub zero. I would rather frost take over the sub spot instead of retconning the other ones back in.
02/05/2015 09:44 PM (UTC)
I hope Frost does make and even though she is a Cyromancer like Sub Zero I hope she her moveset is not a carbon copy of Sub Zero. Yeah some aspects of her moves and abilities will remind you of Sub Zero but thats to be expected
02/05/2015 09:54 PM (UTC)
i think to make her different it would have to be less about ice or snow. she could have similar moves to sub zero but be less proficient. she would be quick and combo heavy. ice mma gloves or muay thai knee spikes. her element is secondary to her fighting skills where as sub is about ice play and heavy hits. i wouldn't mind a really quick sub zero at the cost of some ice efficiency.
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Props to MINION
02/06/2015 01:58 AM (UTC)
I think if they didnt make her costume so similiar to sub-Zero's people wouldn't think her fighting was/will be so similiar

If she's in the game she'll be nothing like sub-zero minus having ice power
02/06/2015 03:13 AM (UTC)
Sounds about as threatening and imposing as Rain's water hose power in MK2011.(would it have killed them to make that look more powerful as if it were coming from a fire hose?)
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02/06/2015 04:07 AM (UTC)
I wonder if this means anything?
02/06/2015 04:23 AM (UTC)
She could have like Blizzard moves. Id like to see her have a variation with her Ice daggers. I imagine her playing more offensively while Sub-Zero has been more defensive.
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02/06/2015 05:25 AM (UTC)
I like the idea of giving her more snow based moves as opposed to ice as a way of differentiating her from Sub. A few ideas:

-Snowbombs: She throws a snow ball at her opponent and if they don't block it, the snowball detonates and the snowy explosion bounced the opponent in to the air.

-Snow Skin: A counter move where she briefly turns her body to snow. When an opponent punches or kicks, they hit snow and get stuck, and she gets a free hit.

--Melt Away: While in Snow Skin, she can quickly melt in to a puddle and travel on the ground briefly before reforming ala Glacius in Killer Instinct.

-Frost Burn: She holds one hand in the air and rains down blue fire from it. If opponent is at close or mid range and doesn't block, they're stuck in a layer of snow and have to mash buttons to break free.

-Snow Clone: She creates a snowy clone of herself that mimics whatever move she does next for three moves.

-Frost Bite: A power up move where she takes off her gloves and her hands start to glow blueish white. For a small duration, any punching combo has a different sound, hits harder and leaves frost on the opponent.

-Snow Dragon: Frost summons a medium sized snow dragon that avalanches down from the sky and buries the opponent momentarily.

Is also add that I think she should be super fast and have a very acrobatic style. Flip kicks, spiraling moves, rapid strikes etc. A very aggressive style that doesn't do a ton of damage, but is quick and sleek and stylish. I'd also take away the Lin Kuei outfit and sever the connection with Sub Zero. Sure, they can interact, but no need to make her the female Sub Zero.

02/20/2015 01:56 PM (UTC)
Bumping this thread since I still think Frost as a snow-themed character would be promising.

I do wonder if Killer Frost's injustice gameplay would suit MK's Frost. Maybe a variant based on KF's moveset.
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