01/05/2009 12:25 AM (UTC)
The first three are a toss-up...at least I thought so.

So it could go any order, I just put her first since she is the OG fighter...lol
01/05/2009 05:16 AM (UTC)
LordGremlin Wrote:
Bah, Mileena is number one. Others are too dull. However, I'd like to see em all in MK9 since I enjoy killing em, playing as Reptile or Scorpion.
As for two freezing characters... If Sub-Zero and Noob became one creature, Sub may not be a freezing character any more, so Frost will be the only one))) That's what I call a new thing in the game. And Frost, transformed by nanomachines can lose her freezing abilities and gain some new... If you wanna Sub-Zero with his freezing power, that is.

If Noob and Sub-Zero combined... wouldn't whatever resulted from that have both ice powers and shadow? Causing... I'm making up a pathetic name for this, Noob-Zero(?)... to have two types of powers.

I mean, what is wrong with having two charcters with the same abililities? We already have that happening...

Sektor and Cyrax - Both have explosives in their move lists, even though one has missles, the other has grenades

Ermac and Kenshi - Both have telekentic powers

Khameleon/Chameleon and The Ninjas - Has one same move

Kitana and Mileena - Throws weapons, one's a sai the other's a fan

Smoke and Scorpion - Harpoon/Spear

Sonya/Kano and Kira - Kira has all their signature moves basically

The list could go on... what's wrong with having two characters that perform the same type of move, but is performed differently? I have to admit, Frost's Freeze move is very cool as she uses a long strip of ice on the ground to try to freeze a character. Sub-Zero just shoots out a ball of ice to the player. And yes, Frost may have stolen a few signature moves that Sub-Zero had, but it was quickly changed. So, I'm pretty sure that the harm of having two charcters with the same kind of ability will not hurt as MK has been doing it for a long, long time with other characters.
01/06/2009 08:58 PM (UTC)
Jade is the 4thsmile
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