Frost an Ice Queen
posted01/06/2009 08:58 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/18/2006 06:19 PM (UTC)
They should bring back Frost but make her an Ice Queen Change her look. She should have long hair this time, and no mask Make her have a light blue dress with some white on it, make her very pretty. In Mortal Kombat Armageddon Ending she took the dragon medallion from Sub-zero. She is more power now then ever. I know that they say that many of the endings aren't canon but this one could be. I saw a lot of images of her as an ice queen online and she looks really good, that's where I got the idea. One of my friends is going to draw her as an ice queen. Basically the one of the reasons why I want her to be an Ice Queen is because she is always trying to be more powerful than Sub-zero, and i think that as a Ice Queen she could be. Besides in Armageddon's ending she stole the Dragon Medallion, and she enhanced her freezing power more than Sub-Zero. She met the Cyromancers and planted their souls in there bodies, and planted their bodies in the current LIn Kuei, and they conquered the realms leaving each of them a frozen wasteland. So it only makes sense that her new look should embrace her new powers. Besides in Mk vs. Dc Sub-zero left the LIn Kuei. I don't know if thats canon but it happened.;=related The main reason she becomes this is, in Mortal Kombat vs. Dc Sub-zero's ending said he left the Lin Kuei, and Frost stole the Dragon Medallion in Mortal Kombat Armageddon's ending, which enhanced her freezing powers It is just an idea
12/26/2008 04:49 AM (UTC)
951009 Wrote:
They should bring back Frost but make her an Ice Queen
Change her look. She should have long hair this time, and no mask
Make her have a light blue dress with some white on it, make her very pretty.

That is what i really want to

It's nice that someone else would like to see this character return, but exactly why is she a queen? What did she do that gave her a queen status during all of this? Would she be a heroine or a villain? Will she partner up with Sub-Zero or try to kill him? Explain more on why and how she became an Ice Queen.
12/26/2008 07:29 AM (UTC)
In my opinion I think Frost should remain as a dead character to add more depth to Sub-Zero's story. I think Frost would be a constant reminder of how he failed as a mentor, and Lin Kuei. Frost's corruption and then death (by his own hands would add more of a punch) would weigh heavily on Sub-Zero's heart (although ice cold) and would parallel his DC counter-part Batman with a similar story of Jason Todd as Robin.

Sub-Zero's enemies could use that knowledge to attack Sub-Zero's spirit and make him loose his rationality and give in to his anger and rage. Something I feel that Noob Saibot could very much use knowing that he was Sub-Zero's brother and at one time he too a Lin Kuei.
01/01/2009 07:20 PM (UTC)
Next to Jade, Frost should return for MK9. I like your idea btw!
01/02/2009 01:34 AM (UTC)
Mmm... And what if dead Frost becomes a queen of Netherealm? You see - Noob Saibot's a king, and she's his queen. And both are trying to kill Sub-Zero, while their army of demon cyborgs, lead by general Smoke is invading Edenia. So Sindel, Jade, Rain - are all enemies to Frost and Noob. Well' and perhaps Shao Kahn too - since they're trying to conquer the realm, he desires to rule. Here we can imagine a "made-of-desperation" union of Edenia and Outworld, and it's huge army battling an endless horde of demon cyborgs.
As for Frost.. Well, she can become queen after Smoke's nanomachines resurrected her, as Noob ordered. ) So she'll be half-human, half-demon, half-cyborg... Too many halves, but I think you see what I mean)
01/02/2009 04:58 AM (UTC)
lmao at all the new, dumbass kids

"Make her pretty"....lmao..oh shit
01/02/2009 05:17 AM (UTC)
LordGremlin Wrote:
Mmm... And what if dead Frost becomes a queen of Netherealm? You see - Noob Saibot's a king, and she's his queen. And both are trying to kill Sub-Zero, while their army of demon cyborgs, lead by general Smoke is invading Edenia. So Sindel, Jade, Rain - are all enemies to Frost and Noob. Well' and perhaps Shao Kahn too - since they're trying to conquer the realm, he desires to rule. Here we can imagine a "made-of-desperation" union of Edenia and Outworld, and it's huge army battling an endless horde of demon cyborgs.
As for Frost.. Well, she can become queen after Smoke's nanomachines resurrected her, as Noob ordered. ) So she'll be half-human, half-demon, half-cyborg... Too many halves, but I think you see what I mean)

Do you guys excactly know what Frost's purpose was in MK? She was a tournament winner in Sub-Zero's newly reformed Lin Kuei, though desired to be Grand Master that Sub-Zero was already titled with, she basically got herself trapped in ice becuase she didn't have the strength, the power and the discipline either.

And then, she went into a state of delerium becuase she thought she was seeing Sub-Zero everywhere after she was freed from the ice.

The intentions on Frost becoming a queen for some reason makes no sense whatsoever with the type of background that Frost has. She's only an emotinally disturbed character who's been froze in ice for quite some time. Becoming a queen would not make sense, forming an alliance with Noob would not make sense either. Having Frost try to take over the Netherrealm doesn't make sense either.

Why would Frost and Noob try to take over realms does not make any sense at all. Even if they did, who would they take over? There are far more vicious and powerful creatures in the Netherrealm that would refuse to be ruled by an emotionally unstabled human.

Not to mention, Noob isn't the kind of character who would be in a situation where he is able to take over a realm just like that. So, he's a demon and could have the cyberdemons as he wanted to have in Deception, but taking my advice, the idea would totally trash both Noob and Frost altogther.

Now, if it was for a different realm, then maybe, Outworld? Ha, don't count on it. Edenia, you have Jade, Kitana and Sindel still alive, if not, at least one of them, there's gonig to have to be something invovled there.

But Noob and Frost are two characters who don't have big intentions on doing something so stupid that the Elder Gods would automatically stop them, You have to remeber,s just because there are currently two Elder Gods that are playable in MK, you still have to realize that there are more than just two, despite Shinnok as he's a banished Elder God. Even though I'm not sure how cannon the endings are in Amrageddon, the Elder Gods were not too pleaed that Sub-Zero was able to become a god with his powers and they want to stop him. Do you honestly think that the Elder Gods would allow Noob to try to rule Outworld, and Frost to rule a realm that will not be ruled over too quickly by her?
01/02/2009 11:30 AM (UTC)
to Icebaby: Well' of course I know Frost's story. But Elder Gods were challenged many times - remember Shao Kahn? He broke the rules of Mortal Kombat. And you mentioned Sub-Zero's ending in MK:A - yes, Elder Gods sent their champions to kill the new ice god, but who says these champions succeeded??? Anyway, war between Edenia and Netherealm army of demon cyborgs looks even greater, if you add Elder God's wrath)
Yes, there are many Elder Gods in MK universe. But don't forget - Raiden was defeated by only two sorcerers, so it's a big question, who wins the challenge I described.
01/02/2009 05:15 PM (UTC)
It does make sense if you think about it, and know Frost full story, and endingssmile
01/02/2009 05:17 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero left the Lin Kuei
01/02/2009 07:02 PM (UTC)
^ You dumb fucker.....
01/02/2009 07:36 PM (UTC)
951009 Wrote:
It does make sense if you think about it, and know Frost full story, and endingssmile

No it doesn't. How? How does Frost become a queen after what she went through? Who would make her a queen? Noob? And how would Noob get king status? By ruling what? What intentions would Noob have to go after Edenia or some other realm all of a sudden when his brother is still out there alive? The way that Noob is this:

In the events leading up to Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, he appeared during a battle between the armies of Edenia and the Shokan (led by Kitana and Goro) with the Outworld army (led by Kano). He sneak-attacked an exhausted Goro, mortally wounding him. The war ground to a stalemate. With Kahn and Shinnok both believed vanquished, Noob Saibot slowly changed from a pawn into a player. Free to pursue his own interests, and uninterested in the affairs concerning the rise of Onaga, he plotted to create his own legion of assassins. While searching Kahn's abandoned fortress, he discovered the inert body of Smoke. Reprogramming the cyborg to remain loyal to him, he reactivated his nanotechnology, and formed plans to create an army of cyberdemons, using Smoke as a template (Noob-Smoke).

That doesn't tell me that he's interested in taking over a realm, more like planing on trying to kill a lot and lot people.

951009 Wrote:
Sub-Zero left the Lin Kuei

And yes, we've known that since Mk3.
01/02/2009 08:52 PM (UTC)
to Icebaby: Well, If you remember Noob's ending in Deception, he declared himself the Emperor of Netherealm. Oh, yes, in this ending him and Smoke killed Sub-Zero, but can't they modify MK story just a bit? Surley, Noob simply wants to kill lots and lots of people, so it makes sense for him to make Netherealm his warbase, declare himself an emperor and so on. As for Frost, I doubt she'll regain anything from her personality after resurrection. Just memories. And cyberdemonic lust for bloodshed. AND Sub-Zero would be number one In her black list, since she remember her death)))
01/02/2009 09:06 PM (UTC)
LordGremlin Wrote:
to Icebaby: Well, If you remember Noob's ending in Deception, he declared himself the Emperor of Netherealm. Oh, yes, in this ending him and Smoke killed Sub-Zero, but can't they modify MK story just a bit? Surley, Noob simply wants to kill lots and lots of people, so it makes sense for him to make Netherealm his warbase, declare himself an emperor and so on. As for Frost, I doubt she'll regain anything from her personality after resurrection. Just memories. And cyberdemonic lust for bloodshed. AND Sub-Zero would be number one In her black list, since she remember her death)))

I know that it said "His first act as ruler of Netherrealm" yes, yes I know. But this may not even be a true ending, because in Noob's ending in Armageddon, he and Sub-Zero are fused into one body, which means that I doubt that he's ruler of the Netherrealm.

With Frost, well I think that's going to be unlikely as well seeing how she clearly remembers Sub-Zero and she sure kept her emotionally distubed attitude during Unchained. Frost did not die, she was kept in a frozen tomb until she was ready to be released, there was nothing said about her actually dying in both her endings in Deadly Alliance and Unchained.
01/02/2009 09:24 PM (UTC)
to Icebaby: Well, actually we can ignore Smoke's Armageddon ending here and focus on Konquest - I mean, Blaze was defeated by Taven, not Smoke. As for Frost, she may not be dead, but she can be corrupted by Smoke's nanomachines - they removed ice from her body and transformed her, that kind of thing.
01/02/2009 10:11 PM (UTC)
LordGremlin Wrote:
to Icebaby: Well, actually we can ignore Smoke's Armageddon ending here and focus on Konquest - I mean, Blaze was defeated by Taven, not Smoke. As for Frost, she may not be dead, but she can be corrupted by Smoke's nanomachines - they removed ice from her body and transformed her, that kind of thing.

What are you talking about with Smoke? I never mentioned about him, and what nanomachines? Why would Noob want to be partnered up with Frost? Both of them hating Sub-Zero are two different reasons. Yes, both of them want Sub-Zero dead, but Noob's reasons is for family issues and Frost is just delarius and just wants his medallion.

Combining the two together would not make sense and I have no idea how you're veiwing it to where it will be making sense as well as giving Frost a status such as Queen and ruling some realm that probably wouldn't make sense either.

None of them can rule Outworld, Edenia and Earthrealm

Chaosrealm and Orderrealm wouldn't make much sense

Netherrealm could be a choice, but why? Why Netherrealm besides the fact that it was mentinoed in Noob's ending that he was the "ruler" of it. Do you think that it's a cannon ending? No one knows for sure because of this next game. How do you know that these two would come back and remain with the alignment they have already. Who knows, Frost could come back and easily have forgotten that she was evil.

Noob could finally be conquered by his brother and brought him back to life like he originally wanted to do long ago.

Thing is, these ideas are great, don't get me wrong, but they just don't make sense beaucse of the type of characters they are and how they've been made in MK. That's all that I'm getting at.
01/02/2009 10:21 PM (UTC)
Whatever. Let's just wait for the next game - storyline never was MK 's strong point. What I described is just a good decoration, background, and it can be connected to the main storyline, not flawlessly, but it is possible. What I really want is 18+ rating... grin
01/03/2009 11:51 PM (UTC)
Why do people always gotta shoot down other's idea's? It's just an idea, and, it possibly won't even happen. besides, can't people have an imagination????

At least Frost is totally better than Sonya and Kitana!!!

Kitana, Sonya and Sindel will not make MK9. If they do, it will only be in the story of how they died in Armageddon. However, Sonya could return but have Cyborg Jax kill her for good!
01/04/2009 05:42 AM (UTC)
Kitana, Sonya and Sindel.....three of the four biggest female characters; with Mileena being the fourth.

IMO...and I'm guessing others opinions too, Kitana and Sonya are locks to make the game over Frost

It makes no sense to have two freezing characters and cut out the two biggest female characters.
01/04/2009 06:52 AM (UTC)
Every time I see someone refer to Sindel as important, I wish I were taking a drink of something so I could do a spit-take. Sure, no one could see me do it, and I'd have to wipe my monitor clean afterward, but it would feel right to me and that's the important thing.
1995 was a REALLY long time ago and being a plot device in a single game does not a main character make.
About Me

01/04/2009 09:44 AM (UTC)
Sindel is nothing. The blind favouritism here is amusing.

Essentially ever thread dealing with some rationalisation on how to make XY is just another ploy to make XY of primary relevance. Why? Good characters do not need to be protagonists or important ones.
01/04/2009 08:45 PM (UTC)
Green_Lantern Wrote:
Why do people always gotta shoot down other's idea's? It's just an idea, and, it possibly won't even happen. besides, can't people have an imagination????

At least Frost is totally better than Sonya and Kitana!!!

Kitana, Sonya and Sindel will not make MK9. If they do, it will only be in the story of how they died in Armageddon. However, Sonya could return but have Cyborg Jax kill her for good!

If you are referring to me, I would gladly tell you that I'm not shutting down an idea, the question that I continued to ask is why and how would Frost become a queen.

And no, you are wrong, Sonya, Kitana and Sindel are too important characters to not return. I'm actually surprised you said that seeing how the fact that Sonya is actually the name of Boon's daughter, I don't think she, along with Scorpion and Sub-Zero and possibly Tanya, would be gone after Armageddon. It wouldn't be right.
01/04/2009 08:50 PM (UTC)
So....none of you would say Sindel is a top four female character

2. Kitana
3. Mileena
4. Who?

She had a major role in MK3....I cannot think of any other character whos more important after those 3.
01/04/2009 09:58 PM (UTC)
Sub_ZER0 Wrote:
So....none of you would say Sindel is a top four female character

2. Kitana
3. Mileena
4. Who?

She had a major role in MK3....I cannot think of any other character whos more important after those 3.

SINDEL!!! i'm agreeing with you on how Sindel is an important character.

But with that list, are you just putting them in random spots or really listing them as who's the most important, becuase I doubt that Sonya is at the very top.
01/05/2009 12:12 AM (UTC)
Bah, Mileena is number one. Others are too dull. However, I'd like to see em all in MK9 since I enjoy killing em, playing as Reptile or Scorpion.
As for two freezing characters... If Sub-Zero and Noob became one creature, Sub may not be a freezing character any more, so Frost will be the only one))) That's what I call a new thing in the game. And Frost, transformed by nanomachines can lose her freezing abilities and gain some new... If you wanna Sub-Zero with his freezing power, that is.
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