From He must win. now to He must die.
posted01/22/2013 06:50 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/12/2010 05:12 PM (UTC)
I know there are many thread out there pondering what will happen to Shujinko and what not. Well, here's another one.

Like many of you, I think with the new timeline will have Raiden stop Shujinko before the latter get all the kamidogu and help Onaga return. How will this be done? This can happen as soon as the next game, or the one after.

I personally don't think we have seen the last of Armageddon Raiden sending message to his past self. This time instead of the message of "He must win," the premise of MK2011, to "He must die" which serves as the premise of the next game. It will get fans wondering, who must die. Obvious choice would be Shinnok, who's invading Earthrealm, but the twist will be, it's Shujinko. Obvious long time fans, know it's Shujinko, but not everyone can tell right away. I personally knew before I played MK2011 Story Mode through, Raiden meant Shao Kahn must win. But not many other people did. So the premise can still work.

But with Armageddon Raiden sending message to his past self, how will he do it? He already used the amulet. Perhaps this time, another possession of Raiden, perhaps the staff? The staff can be electricity charge, so perhaps it can be charge to travel back in time?
09/13/2012 01:27 PM (UTC)
It'll have to depend on if the writers even have this story continue on in the background. I personally, would love to see Shujinko never return because I hated every moment of playing conquest. His character was supposed to be the next Liu Kang but look where that took him.

If they want this character to return, they honestly need to do a better job of convincing me that this guy has what it takes to be the next hero, make sure that he doesn't fall into the same fate that he did during Deception, and for goodness sake, give him his own moves, better fatalities, and a better character in general.
09/13/2012 01:48 PM (UTC)
If i get your point, i don't think that would be a good idea to have these same lines again with Shujinko. "He must win" becoming "He must die". It's not like it's the end of the world, but there's no suspense there. Shujinko would be an Obvious "Must die" based on his previous timeline accomplishments so.

Like i said once, after watching the MKD intro i was already aware that Shujinko's quest would turn with the hero being deceived by the bad guy. Liu and Kahn were the main characters. After hearing "He must win" a couple times i wish ppl started to wonder if it wasn't meant for Kahn instead.

If Shujinko can't do better than going on his quest that will help Onaga when he comes back well, course he must die. But i'd like to have another main character or hero if things are to turn out the same once more with Jinko.
09/13/2012 03:31 PM (UTC)
Well, we got to examine whether it was Shujinko was perhaps the one that inadvertently cause Armageddon? As the narration of Armageddon intro video goes:

"It was foreseen that the kombatants would one day grow too powerful and and too numerous. If left unchecked, their intensifying kombat would weaken and shatter the realms, and bring about the apocalypse!"

Mortal Kombat originally was suppose to be between Earthrealm and Outworld with the concept of Outworld wishing to conquer Earthrealm. Simple concept.And there would have been a fix number of Kombatants and not too too powerful ones. Shujinko quest brought about other realms into conflict. Shujinko brought Hotaru, from Seido to rule a village in Outworld. He continue the rivalry between Seido and Chaosrealm over water and philosophy. He also fought with Havik to repel a Seidan invasion. In Edenia, he help Sindel fought against Shao Kahn. And in the process, he reunite all the characters good and bad together to defeat Onaga. So in a way, he did cause Armageddon.
09/15/2012 12:50 AM (UTC)
That's not really why Armageddon happened, the realms were interacting with each other long before Shujinko came along. There were champions searching for the Kamidogus before him, in fact, ever since the Elder Gods had the Nexus and all the portals that lead to and from it built long ago.

Armageddon came to be because Shinnok knew about Delia's prediction and wanted to make it come true so he could get Blaze's power. So he told everybody about Blaze and MADE the armies meet in Edenia.
09/16/2012 03:01 AM (UTC)
So Deception had not part of leading to Armageddon in no way whatsoever?

All subsequent Mortal Kombat games (excluding most of the action adventures and 1 crossover) has some influence on the predecessor. See below. I'll leave MKA blank, since according to you, Armaggedon had no influence from Deception.

MK2: Shang Tsung lost MK1. Kahn still want to conquer Earthrealm, which lead him to host MK2 in Outworld.

MK3/Ultimate/Trilogy: Having lost MK2 in Outworld, Shao Kahn now enact the Sindel plan that allow him to cross into Earthrealm, which becomes part of Outworld.

MK4: Ok, this one may be the first one to lack real continuity from the previous. But from how I interpreted and how MK2011 in a way confirm this with its ending, Shinnok took advantage of the Earthrealm defeat of Outworld, and launch his assault on a war fatigue realm. I mean, Earthrealm, essentially had to fight 3 Mortal Kombat tournaments back to back to back.

MKDA: Quan Chi escape the Netherealm, where he was teleported after trying to send Scorpion back in MK4. He then forms the Deadly Alliance.

MKD: Earthrealm warriors and even Raiden failed to defeat the Deadly Alliance that was form in MKDA. The victory for the Deadly Alliance was shortlive, as the Dragon King return out of deceiving Shujinko.


MK2011: Shao Kahn is on the brink of defeating Raiden and winning what happened in Armageddon. Raiden sent message back to his earlier self to prevent Armageddon, by altering the events in MK2011.

MK201?: Shinnok and Quan Chi at the end of MK2011 could have a meaning into this.
09/16/2012 02:24 PM (UTC)
According to me Armageddon occured simply because "It was foreseen" that with so many powerful warriors inhabiting the realms and wanting a piece of each other it would turn like that. So Blaze, that i think was created to prevent such a thing to happen (I might be wrong), was sent in. But that supposed godlike power that would be passed to the warrior able to defeat him in MK made all the fighters want to climb up that pyramid so bad.

With MK9 we sort of were provided with that result, Raiden and Kahn on top of it and everyone else dead but MKA was only an attempt at a cleansing if you will. It was sort of the result of the amount of characters, stories and plots that could be explored by guys that didn't know where to start from and where to go. THE DEAD END only. The game acts more like the compilation for the end of that generation to me.
09/17/2012 07:34 AM (UTC)
Prophecies such as the one about Armageddon must have some actions that triggered them into coming true. These including both on purpose actions and on accidents. And not just one actions, but can be multiple. The events in Armageddon is foreseen, yes. But actions must be taken in order to lead it to be fulfilled. I do not deny Shinnok may have a direct influence. But maybe Shujinko quest has some indirect influence.
09/17/2012 12:50 PM (UTC)
It's funny that Delia didn't foresee the time travel; being quite prominent. confused
09/17/2012 02:36 PM (UTC)
I would rather not have any more hokey storytelling, especially pseudo-time travel stories like the one we had to deal with. It's only going to further sink the series' story and ruin more characters. With the direction NRS is going, they should try to make the best out of the premise for the next game's story and really redeem the storyline.
01/22/2013 06:50 PM (UTC)
I think it needs to be Blaze because no matter what there will always be an Armageddon ending if he dies who will the Elder Gods choose for everyone to fight?
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