Fire and Ice
posted06/15/2012 03:47 PM (UTC)by
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04/01/2012 11:45 AM (UTC)
What would you say if NR announced they will after all release "Fire and Ice" which we found out was cancelled in 2011.

(The idea being the game is just MKSM 2 with Sub And scorp)
04/01/2012 02:44 PM (UTC)
I would say no. And i wouldn't buy. But i would sure have a look at the gameplay, graphics and other characters introduced and their roles. I know that they're popular and i love both of them but i'm not ready to have those 2 or Liu and Kung Lao as a matter of fact come back as the only important faces of a game yet.

I would rather have anyone else than those 2 for an adventure game at the moment. But i was not a fan of MKSM gameplay-wise.

Glad it was cancelled. I don't want to see more and more of the same. And it would probably provide us with a setback once more having Scorp and Sub trapped in an adventure game. I prefer a sequel to MK9 realized with many characters taking their deserved step forward.
04/01/2012 06:47 PM (UTC)
@ Distraught Overloard

I 100% agree with you on this. I think MK:SM would not be a good direction for the game to go in because an adventure format would also take away from the competitiviness of the 1-on-1 fighting formats that has made MK, one of if not the more popular fighting games in it's genre. I think a better way to implement a more open and exploratory format for the game would be to have an "Adventure Mode" or "Conquest Mode" implemented as an option for the rest of the standard fighting format of the game. That way you provide the consumer with options and a variety of different modes that they can enjoy. And plus in an adventure format would severely limit the amount of characters to be ultilized in the game as well. I would think that most of the MK fans would be looking for a continuation of the MK9 fighting format.
04/04/2012 12:16 AM (UTC)
Esoteric Wrote:
@ Distraught Overloard

LMFAO..... Forums use quotes. Twitter uses @... what's with the mix and match shit going with people these days?


Fire and Ice sounds like a spin-off from Scorpion's MK2011 ending.

Since MK10 royally fucked our beloved storyline, I don't see an action adventure game being based off of the "Defenders of the Realm" timeline.

If we ever see another adventure game it will probably be set before MK1.
About Me do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.
04/24/2012 12:21 AM (UTC)
I think it would be interesting, maybe have them both working together. I would buy and it wouldn't be more of the same, they would obviously update the gameplay and graphics, among other things. Also, what does it matter using @ or not? The person still knows they are talking to them.
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04/24/2012 01:08 PM (UTC)
yeah, i'd prefer this sequel (if they ever decide to release it)...
to have the levels play out entirely on a 2d plane with only the boss battles playing out with a fixed camera using 3d movement as it was already done in mk:sm... think the game would have a lot more benefits and be more enjoyable this way... but as usual it all boils down to opinion...

@ blacksaibot
reading @ "someones name"... is a heck of a lot better than reading excessive quoted paragraphs that you've already read in previous posts... less page clutter as well... just sayin
04/24/2012 01:57 PM (UTC)
Call me crazy, but I think this could work. A Shaolin Monks type game featuring Sub-Zero and Scorpion isn't a bad idea.

They could agree to put their differences aside until they get the job done (which would be to kill Quan Chi). I'm not saying these guys will be best friends and brofisting each other after they defeat a boss. It's just Sub and Scorp realizing they have a common enemy. Along the way they could run into Noob Saibot, Drahmin, Moloch, and many others.

Plus all the cool team moves these guys could perform. My only thing about this idea is the title. Fire and Ice sounds like a pack of gum. Here's a couple I thought of:

Mortal Kombat: Vengeance
Mortal Kombat: Retribution
Mortal Kombat: Ninjas
04/28/2012 03:16 AM (UTC)
This game could definitely work. I would be on the bandwagon if it came

I've always found it weird that these two have never trule teamed up in all of MK history and they are the two mascots. What the hell?

This is the perfect time to do it as well. Have Scorpion somehow free Sub-Zero from Quan's grip and then have them escape the Netherrealm and plot a plan to bring down Quan Chi and Shinnok.

I feel that Mortal Kombat should not be in the name for this game, but rather something like Mortal Kombat presents in small lettering.

So here is my name:

A Cold Day in Hell

Have Scorpion and Sub-Zero's backs turned to one another as the boxart. Possibly with Quan Chi looking down over the two.

I could dig it. Fire and Ice will forever be associated with condoms now so I suggest they stay away from that name.
About Me do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.
04/28/2012 03:09 PM (UTC)
Scar subby, i agree with everything you said, especially the name you presented: A Cold Day in Hell. Heck yeah!
04/29/2012 03:11 AM (UTC)
Nouns Wrote:
Scar subby, i agree with everything you said, especially the name you presented: A Cold Day in Hell. Heck yeah!

While thank you. I really like the name. It's funny one of my roommates said something smart to me and I replied with it will be a cold day in hell when that happens. Then I thought about it later and thought that would be an awesome name that doesn't remind everyone of

I've thought these two need a game for a while though. Most MK fans say no because they are tired of these two, but honestly who else would the masses even buy into? Because that's who they also have to think of. The masses. Not everyone is going to buy a game with Kabal and Stryker or Kitana and Jade.

That doesn't mean they can't include these characters in the game itself. Hell, if they somehow revived Sub-Zero would it not be great right now if Scorpion and Sub-Zero had all of the good guys as bosses in the game because they are under Quan's control.

I mean they could easily say that Quan is on the run from Sub-Zero and Scorpion and he sets one of the heroes in each of the realms to keep Sub-Zero and Scorpion from finding him and stopping he and Shinnok's plans.

MK 4 is the best opportunity to set up a tag storyline with these two though hands down.
06/10/2012 08:21 AM (UTC)
I see what you're saying about the needs of the masses compared to the hardcore fans. An easy way around this would be to make sub and scorp the main characters which would sell more and then have unlockable characters and stories for the hardcore fans.

I myself would like to see an in depth look at the deadly alliance story between Shang and Chi or something like that, but as far as advnture games go, i think it would work better for a free roam driven game like konquest rather than a liner Armageddon style one.
06/12/2012 02:07 AM (UTC)
First I would look into the features, the storyline and gameplay, things like that. I would follow the trailers and interviews to see if this game would be worth buying. I want to support NRS, but I really don't like the idea of a game with Scorpion and Subbie as main characters and possibly the only playable characters. If it would be a feature to unlock other characters to make them playable, then that would definately be a plus. It would probably be too much to hope for Jade as a playable character, but that would be the one thing that would convince me to buy the game.
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06/12/2012 02:26 PM (UTC)
Esoteric Wrote:
@ Distraught Overloard

I 100% agree with you on this. I think MK:SM would not be a good direction for the game to go in because an adventure format would also take away from the competitiviness of the 1-on-1 fighting formats that has made MK, one of if not the more popular fighting games in it's genre. I think a better way to implement a more open and exploratory format for the game would be to have an "Adventure Mode" or "Conquest Mode" implemented as an option for the rest of the standard fighting format of the game. That way you provide the consumer with options and a variety of different modes that they can enjoy. And plus in an adventure format would severely limit the amount of characters to be ultilized in the game as well. I would think that most of the MK fans would be looking for a continuation of the MK9 fighting format.

I was wondering if you could explain this a bit more, because to me, it sounds like you're comparing MK:SM to the konquest mode of Deception and coming out with the answer that the latter was actually better.

Now, I'm trying not to look at those two concepts in a vaccum because to me, MK:SM was a fun game and konquest in Deception was one of the worst experiences I've ever had in a fighting game. But to me, I don't want an MK story to play out in an adventure format in an MK fighting game.

I don't play a fighting game for an adventure mode where I have to run around to different parts of different realms, discovering this and that and revealing plot points and retreiving stuff and unlocking stuff and gaining abilities, all the while running in to enemies that engage the regular versus fighting format seen in the rest of the game.

You want to make a stand-alone MK game where this stuff happens, and you want to actually make it fun? Then sure, go for Fire and Ice or Shaolin Monks 2 or heck, have a Special Forces game that isn't hot garbage. Shaolin Monks is a great template for this. Konquest in Deception is not.

But please please please, no more adventure modes IN fighting games.
06/12/2012 08:57 PM (UTC)
The gameplay of Shaolin Monks was reasonably fun, but the overall feel of Mythologies was awesome. It captured the real oriental mysticism of the earlier games.
It would be cool to see something on a 2D platform again, with smoother gameplay anyway.
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06/12/2012 09:48 PM (UTC)
LemyAddum Wrote:
The gameplay of Shaolin Monks was reasonably fun, but the overall feel of Mythologies was awesome. It captured the real oriental mysticism of the earlier games.

It would be cool to see something on a 2D platform again, with smoother gameplay anyway.

I could agree with that, minus the live-action cut scenes, of course. I agree about the smoother gameplay though. Wow, even for its era, MKM played terribly. I still remember trying to jump in that game... Yikes.
06/12/2012 10:46 PM (UTC)
I would say it's about damn time. I would love to be the anti-hero for once and kill either hero or villain. They should have it to were your decisions decide the fate of the world. Whether you free the heroes from Quan Chi, or kill them all. There are very few far and in between neutral characters in the series as is.
06/15/2012 03:47 PM (UTC)
What about an action-adventure game developed by RockSteady with Mr.Cage and Ms. Blade as main heroes and a storyline that bridges the events of MK9 with mk10?
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