Final roster numbers and DLC variations discussion
posted02/11/2015 06:10 PM (UTC)by
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01/27/2015 11:02 PM (UTC)
So I have been thinking and reading a hell of a lot about MKX as I am sure we all have and am starting to think that the final roster size may in fact be 24 with 5 DLC characters thrown in giving a total of 29 which as Boon stated before wild be roughly the same size as MK9.

My thoughts behind this are if we get 24 characters each with 3 variations that is a hell of a lot of unique moves and variation names to come up with. to expect 30 characters with 3 variations each is probably asking to much and I don't really see it happening which leads me to my next thought about DLC characters.

With DLC characters like Goro and the kombat pack characters I am thinking they may each only have 1 variation. What does everyone else think on this? Has there been anything to suggest the contrary? Goro has been announced for ages and still no mention on his variations or a demo video of him
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Props to MINION
02/11/2015 03:43 AM (UTC)
Someone stop people from making new threads lol, this is like the third roster one in an hour
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02/11/2015 03:49 AM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
So I have been thinking and reading a hell of a lot about MKX as I am sure we all have and am starting to think that the final roster size may in fact be 24 with 5 DLC characters thrown in giving a total of 29 which as Boon stated before wild be roughly the same size as MK9.

My thoughts behind this are if we get 24 characters each with 3 variations that is a hell of a lot of unique moves and variation names to come up with. to expect 30 characters with 3 variations each is probably asking to much and I don't really see it happening which leads me to my next thought about DLC characters.

With DLC characters like Goro and the kombat pack characters I am thinking they may each only have 1 variation. What does everyone else think on this? Has there been anything to suggest the contrary? Goro has been announced for ages and still no mention on his variations or a demo video of him

Why people are so obsessed with this select screen. It was said numerous times it is only temporary and it was said many times that the roster will be somewhere in the high twenties. Or maybe even 30 if they have enough time + DLC.

Just watch this interview:
or any other on youtube...
02/11/2015 04:41 AM (UTC)
I think there will be 28 spots. 26 for the roster. 1 for a secret character and 1 for DLC/Goro.
02/11/2015 04:46 AM (UTC)
Boy, it's been a while since we've had one of these.
02/11/2015 04:54 AM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
Boy, it's been a while since we've had one of these.

Yeah, that may be, but...

My favourite from today was the one posted which was a serious prediction of who'd be in; and it included DC characters & console exclusive characters being part of the games DLC, you know even though both DC & console exclusive characters were confirmed not to be done at all for MKX.
02/11/2015 04:56 AM (UTC)
Born-To-Be-Hero Wrote:

To be fair, not everyone keeps up with every bit of info.
02/11/2015 05:07 AM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
Born-To-Be-Hero Wrote:

To be fair, not everyone keeps up with every bit of info.

But they're on here, you'd expect them to have seen others mention it by now; the info is more than a few months old.

There's also a few who just don't accept legit news as fact & think Boon's trolling even in interviews.

Didn't mean to sound harsh at all, I'm a speculator myself, but some things posted here from time to time can really boggle the mind.
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I will rock you.

02/11/2015 05:13 AM (UTC)
I like these threads myself. Hmm I hope for 36 main characters and 12 DLC characters. 48 characters is all I want and I am not that greedy.grin
02/11/2015 05:18 AM (UTC)
I think we'll have either 28 main roster & 8 DLC, or we'll have 30 main roster with 6 DLC; if we get more than that I'll be pleasantly surprised.
02/11/2015 05:21 AM (UTC)
andy88 Wrote:
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
So I have been thinking and reading a hell of a lot about MKX as I am sure we all have and am starting to think that the final roster size may in fact be 24 with 5 DLC characters thrown in giving a total of 29 which as Boon stated before wild be roughly the same size as MK9.

My thoughts behind this are if we get 24 characters each with 3 variations that is a hell of a lot of unique moves and variation names to come up with. to expect 30 characters with 3 variations each is probably asking to much and I don't really see it happening which leads me to my next thought about DLC characters.

With DLC characters like Goro and the kombat pack characters I am thinking they may each only have 1 variation. What does everyone else think on this? Has there been anything to suggest the contrary? Goro has been announced for ages and still no mention on his variations or a demo video of him

Why people are so obsessed with this select screen. It was said numerous times it is only temporary and it was said many times that the roster will be somewhere in the high twenties. Or maybe even 30 if they have enough time + DLC.

Just watch this interview:
or any other on youtube...

Oh high 20's you say!!! I must have been so off with my original prediction of 24 then oh wait but I said plus 5 DLC which equals............. 29! Which if I am not mistaken places the number in the expected high 20's does it not!

As for the people sick of these roster threads here's a solution if you are sick of them just stop f@@@ing reading them yeah pretty simple!
02/11/2015 06:15 AM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:

Oh high 20's you say!!! I must have been so off with my original prediction of 24 then oh wait but I said plus 5 DLC which equals............. 29! Which if I am not mistaken places the number in the expected high 20's does it not!

As for the people sick of these roster threads here's a solution if you are sick of them just stop f@@@ing reading them yeah pretty simple!

I agree Noob.

24 initial roster spots, + 1 for Goro = 25
+ 4 DLC characters (2 guests + 2 classic characters) = Total 29

02/11/2015 08:45 AM (UTC)
Shaun Himerick confirmed in an interview with (gameinformer i think) that Goro will have 3 variations just like others on roster.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/11/2015 08:52 AM (UTC)
firmly belive final roster count to be 24.

02/11/2015 12:43 PM (UTC)
Final base roster will be more than 24. Its true, its true.
02/11/2015 02:29 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Final base roster will be more than 24. Its true, its true.

Yeah, it's a slim chance it'll be 25 (not counting Goro)...
02/11/2015 06:10 PM (UTC)
30 initial roster + 4 DLC(Not counting Goro).

But this is merely wishful thinking on my part.
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