08/17/2014 12:14 AM (UTC)
Tether -Is there a possibility we will see the Shimmering Woman from Jades ending in this game or perhaps in the future? Fans love her design and the new, unknown realm she inhabits.

Boon -Is there a possibility? I suppose, but is there a probability? Not a high probability.

Me - Thank fucking god.
08/17/2014 12:14 AM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
Bloodfang Wrote:
Can anybody who has actually played any of the demonstrations OR just simply heard one way or the other if Scorpion still has his Air Throw move?? I feel it's a major part of his style/strategy and it concerns me that I have not seen it yet. More Scorpion specific info on his moves, etc. would be appreciated in general at least by Scorpion fans anyway. But seriously, anybody know about the AIR THROW situation? lol.

So far, we only saw D'Vorah's & Cassie Cage's. That would be odd if they got rid of Scorpion's for he was the only one to have it in Injustice. They haven't shown Kano's either.

Yeah I just looked up the info they had and they only mentioned his Spear, Teleport, and Leg Takedown as universal moves. That has me very worried for airthrow... another question does Scorpion's new teleport kick hit as an overhead (only blockable high, will still hit crouching opponent)? It looks like it should and that would be sweet as simply holding the down button would no longer shutdown his teleport attack.
08/17/2014 12:17 AM (UTC)
So we're gonnna get more than just kharacters for DLC? Awesome!
"It never ceases to amaze me with the speculation that goes on. We love our fans and stuff like that and it's great that they're so into it but it just blows my mind when somebody hears 'Cassie Cage is in the game...' and then they assume that means 'well Sonya is not in the game!' and I don't know where they draw that conclusion and then they go 'Well if Sonya is not in the game that means Cassie is going to be a version of Sonya and she's gonna be skinned'. It's amazing but my advice would be don't speculate on that kind of stuff."

Thank you, Ed. Maybe some people will stop making baseless assumptions, though I doubt it.
About Me

J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

08/17/2014 12:20 AM (UTC)
"It never ceases to amaze me with the speculation that goes on. We love our fans and stuff like that and it's great that they're so into it but it just blows my mind when somebody hears 'Cassie Cage is in the game...' and then they assume that means 'well Sonya is not in the game!' and I don't know where they draw that conclusion and then they go 'Well if Sonya is not in the game that means Cassie is going to be a version of Sonya and she's gonna be skinned'. It's amazing but my advice would be don't speculate on that kind of stuff. *laughs*"

I should put this Boon quote in my sig so ppl will shut-up about "They won't include Sonya since Cassie exists"

Yes they will, and you will deal.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/17/2014 12:25 AM (UTC)
So I guess there's officially at LEAST 28 characters on the initial roster.

I cringed reading Cassie's X-Ray.

I'm loving all the unique dialogue. Really adds some depth to the characters and their relationships with one another.

I smell a Mileena and D'Vorah alliance.
08/17/2014 12:30 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
So I guess there's officially at LEAST 28 characters on the initial roster.

I cringed reading Cassie's X-Ray.

I'm loving all the unique dialogue. Really adds some depth to the characters and their relationships with one another.

I smell a Mileena and D'Vorah alliance.
i think 28 also +2 unlokables maybe to a toal of 30 plus dlc
08/17/2014 12:37 AM (UTC)
Another thing I liked from the interview is that they are still tweaking things out with Cassie and fixing her up.

So that giraffe neck people keep pestering at, yeah, gone.

Well, when they finally finish touching her up whenever that is.
08/17/2014 12:49 AM (UTC)
Oh, and also this:

TKT: Should we anticipate every character that died in the previous game to stay dead for MKX? Death has never been everlasting in Mortal Kombat.

EB: Yeah you just answered that perfectly. Death never has been everlasting in Mortal Kombat. *smiles*

You're welcome.
About Me

08/17/2014 12:50 AM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
"It never ceases to amaze me with the speculation that goes on. We love our fans and stuff like that and it's great that they're so into it but it just blows my mind when somebody hears 'Cassie Cage is in the game...' and then they assume that means 'well Sonya is not in the game!' and I don't know where they draw that conclusion and then they go 'Well if Sonya is not in the game that means Cassie is going to be a version of Sonya and she's gonna be skinned'. It's amazing but my advice would be don't speculate on that kind of stuff."

Thank you, Ed. Maybe some people will stop making baseless assumptions, though I doubt it.

Don't forget this too...

TKT: Should we anticipate every character that died in the previous game to stay dead for MKX? Death has never been everlasting in Mortal Kombat.

EB: Yeah you just answered that perfectly. Death never has been everlasting in Mortal Kombat. *smiles*
08/17/2014 01:19 AM (UTC)
Now, that's a FEATURE.

A lot of interesting stuff...and Shao Kahn's real name is just "Shao"?
08/17/2014 01:23 AM (UTC)
Awesome interview with very in depth questions and answers, I love it.

-Sonya basically confirmed (Cage too)
-Roster will be equal to or greater than MK9
-Dead characters will come back (Jax was hinted in a tweet in the recent days, Kitana is strongly demanded by fans)
-DLC will be more than just characters.... arenas? doubtful, but maybe?
08/17/2014 01:33 AM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
Awesome interview with very in depth questions and answers, I love it.

-Sonya basically confirmed (Cage too)
-Roster will be equal to or greater than MK9
-Dead characters will come back (Jax was hinted in a tweet in the recent days, Kitana is strongly demanded by fans)
-DLC will be more than just characters.... arenas? doubtful, but maybe?

Sonya n.Cage may be.in story but that doesn't mean theyll.b playable.

Roster needs to b greater than mk9 with so many new.kharacters

Dead kharacters always.come back lol

I bet that they r taking away the 5th slot in finishers n adding that as DLC along with game modes
08/17/2014 01:36 AM (UTC)
Pretty much asked everything that I would've asked. Good on ya, Tyrant.

Kind of think not bringing in the woman in Jade's dream is a potentially wasted opportunity for a character, but whatever floats their boat.

Good to hear that they're really trying hard to make descendants unique from their progenitors (I wish I could go back in time and bop Boon on the head for making Kira and Jarek moveset-clones of existing characters).

About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

08/17/2014 01:54 AM (UTC)
I am so glad that NRS finally changed the inputs for Kano's ball moves. Now they match up with the same kind of inputs as every other character.

Also some fantastic news is that the characters models get proper damage. I really disliked the cartoony damage from MK9. It makes the characters looks ridiculous close up in their winning poses.
About Me

-sig by MINION

08/17/2014 02:09 AM (UTC)
So the magazine article has some inaccuracies.

Good that Kotal isn't related to Shao Kahn but I don't like that Kahn is suddenly a title. Shao Kahn already had a title, he was the emperor. Hell Onaga had his own title too, he was the Dragon King. I suppose it could be something that Shao Kahn started though.

No fifth-ality so they won't be overdoing it and stretching themselves too thin trying to come up with a decent one for everyone.

No current plans for multiple X-Rays.

Might not see the Krypt or the Challenge Tower. Which is truly shocking tbh.
08/17/2014 03:37 AM (UTC)
Just seen this on TYM

Sub-Zero: Inaudible
Raiden: I am their protector, not you!
Sub-Zero: Inaudible

Da fuck??? I seriously need to hear all of this audio now!
08/17/2014 04:36 AM (UTC)
I'm not able to see the entire interview, just the first 2 questions on the webpage show up. can anybody post it somewhere else with a link perhaps?
08/17/2014 04:38 AM (UTC)
subzert Wrote:
I'm not able to see the entire interview, just the first 2 questions on the webpage show up. can anybody post it somewhere else with a link perhaps?

You have to scroll down at the center of the page, over the text. Scrolling over the sides or top won't move the text.
subzert Wrote: how do I do that on my mobile phone?

I just tried it on my smart phone and it worked. If you don't have touch screen capabilities it might not be possible.
subzert Wrote: it wasn't working on opera browser and opera mini. Its working on uc browser though

Good to hear.
08/17/2014 04:40 AM (UTC)
how do I do that on my mobile phone?
08/17/2014 04:49 AM (UTC)
it wasn't working on opera browser and opera mini. Its working on uc browser though
08/17/2014 04:52 AM (UTC)
subzert Wrote:
how do I do that on my mobile phone?

I can imagine the site not being smartphone friendly.

So here's the interview:

The Kombat Tether: How are you enjoying Gamescom so far, Ed?

Ed Boon: It's awesome, the reaction has been great, thanks for asking!

TKT: When did Mortal Kombat X first enter the development stage? Rumours claim that work began prior to the conception of Injustice.

EB: Yes, we always start the next game before we are done with the previous ones, so we had started working on the graphic engine and getting everything over for next-gen quite a bit, long before Injustice so a lot of work went into it.

TKT: Can you confirm the actual purpose for the flip stance button? Many fans have questioned its necessity in MK9 and Injustice. Could we see it become replaced by something more substantial like a taunt button for example?

EB: Yeah you know what, I don't think that has been decided yet. I think currently it's just there because we've had it before. Some people liked to change their stance to be in front but even within us there is debate to decide if we want to keep the button for that. It's an interesting question. *laughs*

TKT: Now that a running mechanic returns to Mortal Kombat, do you feel this will change the meta-game despite it being governed by the new stamina meter and with dash-cancelling a thing of the past?

EB: Erm... No I think that because it is governed by it that's something we are going to do to cap it, but we do want to have as aggressive of a fighting mechanic because you're also going to be jumping off of these objects and getting really long jumps and so we really want the player to be able to do something. So it's not just you escaping and then all of a sudden there's this 'long time' and not so much action. Dash cancelling is gone yeah.

TKT: Will we see any classic or previous MK stages in the game? We can certainly name a few fan favourites.

EB: Oh like The Pit and all that stuff? Erm, I think the vast majority of them are new. You know we're trying to just, philosophically, introduce as much new elements as we can. You know Mortal Kombat 9 was really a like a tribute to the first three games, bringing everything back, all the backgrounds; so many of them were things that you saw from before. We are taking the opposite approach now, we want to have as much newness as possible to the game.

TKT: In this Gamescom build there are five slots in the finishing moves list for each character, for example, two fatalities, a stage fatality and two yet to be announced alities, Is it likely this format will remain in the final game?

EB: Probably not. *smiles*

TKT: There was some confusion at E3 in regards to multiple X-Rays per character. Was this a mistake on behalf of the interviewer or will characters in fact have more than one X-Ray move across their variations?

EB: I think that was a mistake. We don't currently plan to have multiple X-Rays per character.

TKT: Are you worried at all that given the new technology at your disposal that you're going too far with some of the fatalities and depictions of violence?

No. You know at this point we are so over-the-top, so outrageous. Oddly, most of the reaction we get is laughter, at some point it just becomes like a parody of itself.

TKT: Given the three character variations have slight changes to the characters appearance, does this spell the end for alternate and classic costumes or will additional costumes also feature the visual variation cues?

EB: No it does not. As a matter of fact that's one of the things we were considering having each variation have it's own costume, which is a really great way to identify but exactly like you said, all of a sudden when we discussed alternate costumes, alternate skins; which people really like. We didn't want to have the alternate skins be forced to be one version, so our solution was to have an added accoutrement like Scorpion's skulls on his waist to let you pick alternate costumes and to also choose any variation you want.

TKT: With the likelihood of Stage Fatalities making a return, will every stage have one, or will only a select few stages harbour them?

EB: If we did them, not every single stage will have them but there would be a good number of them.

TKT: Aside from the graphical fidelity, is there anything else that will be significantly different in the last generation versions of the game?

EB: Ideally no. We are focusing mainly on the Xbox One and the Playstation 4 versions. The other versions will be outsourced so our job is to make as strong a game as we can and then the other versions is something that another studio is doing and is a separate effort. So we're just going to make the best game we can on next-gen.

TKT: Is there a possibility we will see a new version of the Challenge Tower and The Krypt in this installment?

EB: It's possible, but like I said, we are wanting to add as much newness with Mortal Kombat X.

TKT: In regards to practice mode, will we see as many options, if not more than we encountered in Injustice? Replays, frame data, etc?

EB: Absolutely. We always want to keep layering features to practice mode. People seem to really give us good responses to that.

TKT: Have you considered the idea of a dedicated tournament mode for the offline scene? Streamlined and optimised for tournament settings?

EB: Yeah, it's interesting you said that as I went to the EVO tournament in Las Vegas and that was like one of the foremost things on my mind. You know there are things that are done in tournaments and to streamline things like button checks, etc. I'd love it if we could, I certainly can't promise anything like that but I would certainly love it if we can squeeze that in.

TKT: It became common knowledge that Brutalities were implemented but later cut from MK9 due to time constraints. Could we see these foundations built upon in a future instalment?

EB: Mmhmm, it's definitely a possibility, yeah. *big grin*

TKT: Aside from this persistent online mode where everyone is involved, are King Of The Hill, Survivor and other online modes still probable?

EB: Yes!

TKT: MK9 got a fair bit of criticism for the online net code causing disconnects and lag, etc. Seeing as MKX will have some form of a persistent online mode, has the netcode been overhauled and optimised for the game?

EB: Absolutely. One of the problems we had with MK9 was the messaging that we delivered to the player. Sometimes the game would get disconnected or the opponent dropped out and then we just said 'session lost', the most generic thing. Now we are a lot more informative about the status of things and we are matching people up better with their connections.

TKT: With MK9, online players could quit matches with no repercussions. Are you working to penalize gamers who rage quit and disconnect similar to how other games are doing?

EB: We -always- want to do that. Some people have complained about that, but I think whatever we can do to discourage people from doing that should be done, you know?

TKT: Could we see a companion or standalone Mortal Kombat app to coincide with the release of the main game? The Injustice app was an incredible success.

EB: *long pause* - We don't have anything to announce, but you're right; Injustice did very, very well and sometimes that's a good motivator for us to do that, but I have nothing to announce.

TKT: There was discussion of crossing the proposed Mortal Kombat movie with this game in terms of a character created specifically for the movie. Doers this still have the potential to be realised?

EB: Well I guess that was never a discussion that 'we' had, it sounds like a cool idea but the timing of things is really tough because we always have to design our characters in advance and there's a long pipeline of things so it's hard to do with that with a movie script that's far behind us.

TKT: The roster has 24 slots on the select screen right now. MK9 had 32 playable characters, including Kratos and the DLC; will the MKX roster match or exceed this?

EB: Yeah it will be comparable to MK9, you know it might be a little more, but will definitely be comparable to it.

TKT: The DLC for MK9 was capped at four kombatants. Given that this game will have many new characters; will you unlock the limit of DLC when it comes to classic characters? Perhaps 6 or more akin to your DLC plan with Injustice?

EB: I mean yeah, we always want to take a more aggressive approach with just online and DLC so currently we would also like to offer more than just characters so we're gonna have some surprises coming up.

TKT: Could you name one character from Deadly Alliance, Deception or Armageddon that will definitely not make an appearance in MKX? You confirmed that Motaro and Hsu Hao will be absent and its common knowledge that you dislike Drahmin, although he has a cult following.

EB: Uh huh, Drahmin! He's not gonna get into this game. *laughs*

TKT: As far as Mortal Kombat mythos has gone, there has only ever been two Sub-Zero’s that we know of, the original, Bi Han who later became Noob Saibot and Kuai Liang the current one who became a Cyborg. Is the Sub-Zero in MKX one of those two or has another taken up the mantle?

EB: If I told you I'd be giving away some of the story and I really don't wanna do that right now, sorry. *smiles*

TKT: ​Is there a possibility we will see the Shimmering Woman from Jades ending in this game or perhaps in the future? Fans love her design and the new, unknown realm she inhabits.

EB: Is there a possibility? I suppose, but is there a probability? Not a high probability.

TKT: ​Cassie Cage specifically seems to be still a work in progress in terms of her character model, notably her face, posture and some of her animations. Are these elements being polished further?

EB: Yes, of course.

TKT: Are characters battling for the control of Outworld 'Game of Thrones’ style now that Kotal Kahn is the new emperor? Mileena is still alive at the end of MK9 and seems to be Shao Kahn's last surviving heir.

EB: Yes. As like I said before, the course of the game is over twenty-five years so people come in and out of power so it's a great shift of control.

TKT: So with having 'Kahn' in his name, is there a relation between Kotal Kahn and Shao Kahn or is ‘Kahn’ actually just a title befitting of emperors?

EB: No. It's just a title.

TKT: Hector Sanchez tweeted about wanting to see this 'Aztec god' since 1993. Was the concept for Kotal Kahn created years ago but never realised? Was he ever planned for an earlier game?

EB: No, he was just created for this game.

TKT: Guest characters are a valuable commodity nowadays with Freddy Krueger and Scorpion being the best-sellers for MK9 and Injustice respectively. Will both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 receive a guest or is it more likely only one console will get the exclusive?

EB: We don't have a final decision but ideally it would be great if the most players can have them, like Freddy was available for both of them so that's our ideal thing for some guest characters, but the two consoles are different and opportunities come up for one or the other but unfortunately, right now there is nothing we can announce at this point. You understand. *smiles*

TKT: Given that this game begins shortly after the events of MK9 and spans about 25 years, without revealing too much, is it safe to say we could see events from MK4, Deadly Alliance, Deception and Armageddon reimagined?

EB: There might be similarities but we are certainly not going to just follow that story because when you think about it, this is kind of like an alternate reality and anybody who looked at MK9 will know we kinda retold the MK story but events had changed, people had died and so you're probably not just going to see MK4 through to MK8 played out you know.

TKT: Kano for example doesn’t look like he has aged very much over the span of 25 years. Will the ‘human’ characters age throughout the span of the game story and will certain variations or costumes reflect this?

EB: Yes and yes. With Kano, if you look at some of the details like his hair and stuff like that you'll see that he has aged but you will certainly see younger versions and older versions of the characters and that was one of the things we wanted to do, to offer the younger and older versions of characters.

TKT: Many fans are concerned with your talk of character descendants. They fear that their favourite characters will be succeeded by essentially clones with similar move-sets, when they could just have the original character. Is this something the team is being sensitive with?

EB: Right, yes. It never ceases to amaze me with the speculation that goes on. We love our fans and stuff like that and it's great that they're so into it but it just blows my mind when somebody hears 'Cassie Cage is in the game...' and then they assume that means 'well Sonya is not in the game!' and I don't know where they draw that conclusion and then they go 'Well if Sonya is not in the game that means Cassie is going to be a version of Sonya and she's gonna be skinned'. It's amazing but my advice would be don't speculate on that kind of stuff. *laughs*

TKT: Should we anticipate every character that died in the previous game to stay dead for MKX? Death has never been everlasting in Mortal Kombat.

EB: Yeah you just answered that perfectly. Death never has been everlasting in Mortal Kombat. *smiles*

TKT: In terms of the roster, we will see a healthy ratio of females against the male characters?

EB: Yes we will have a good, decent amount of female fighters. That's always been popular in the games.

TKT: Will we ever get to see the One Being manifest itself or at least will we learn more about it? Many fans have been excited to see this ominous being since Deception.

EB: Erm, probably not in this chapter.

TKT: Seeing as NetherRealm have now worked alongside DC Comics, will Mortal Kombat finally get the comic treatment it deserves?

EB: I would love to see that but we have nothing to announce at the moment.

TKT: You recently tweeted that we should expect a new 'Ality' soon. Can we ask just how soon?

EB: In the upcoming months. You know we always have a kind of long plan where we announce characters as you know. We're doing these character reveals and all that. So there's a whole kind of plan set out and that's going to be one of them in the future, so.

TKT: Finally, are there any secrets that you are aware of that have not been discovered in any previous Mortal Kombat games. Could we get a hint?

EB: That's a tough one. Not that I can think of off the top of my head. There have been a lot of secrets in the games over the years.

TKT: Thanks so much for your time Ed, it's been a pleasure!

And the game impression:

Our many presentations began and ended in a similar fashion, Derek Kirtzic, Brian Goodman and Hans Lo all provided commentary to the video presentation at different times of day.

The demonstration begins with covering the basics, most of which was covered at E3, going over the character variations for Scorpion and Sub-Zero. They then introduced us to the many ways you can gain leverage using the environment. When it came to 'Finish Him', Scorpion was the victor and the team deliberately failed the input for his elusive Fatality. Engaging us by stating that the real gory fun is yet to come.

After this they introduced Raiden and Kano for the first gameplay footage outside of their respective trailers, showcasing both of their multiple variations and the recently revealed Jungle stage. We then got to see Kano's fatality in full. it was mind-blowing!

They then rolled out a special 'Finish Him' Fatality montage trailer which compiled some of the goriest moments from the Fatalities we have all already seen. To end the presentation they revealed Scorpion's Fatality in its entirety so we could all witness the infamous finisher in full, glorious HD!

We were then directed to the various MKX stations across from the theatre seating with both Xbox One and Playstation 4 versions available for play. Below you will find new information we were able to discover in our playthroughs, discussions with the team. For even more information, clarifications and confirmations, check out our interview with the legendary Ed Boon right here!

Mortal Kombat X is absolutely fantastic, NetherRealm seem to have honed their craft with this instalment and there is nothing that greatly concerns us. The only concern we have is balancing. With three variations for each character and a roster that will match or exceed MK9, the team certainly have their work cut out for them, but we are incredibly confident that the finished product will be the defining game in the Mortal Kombat franchise.

Below are some details and information on characters, moves and other miscellaneous tidbits we managed to compile during our time with the game.


- Universal Moves across all variations: Spear, Teleport and Leg Takedown.
- According to NetherRealm Studios, Scorpion is overall the most damaging character in the Gamescom build. They clarified that this is likely to change with further development, balance tweaks and retail patch updates.


- Universal Moves across all variations: Ice Ball and Slide.
- The special move 'Frozen Aura' in his Unbreakable variation allows Sub-Zero to absorb one or two hits without stun, etc. Enhanced version increases the amount of hits he can endure before it wears off. Visually the move encases him entirely in a thin layer of jagged ice.
- Victory Pose: He constructs an ornate Kori Blade with his hands which he then forcibly sheathes into the ground. Camera pans in close to his face and he clasps his fist into an open palm.


- Updated X-Ray: Raiden begins with the same electrifying move in his previous X-Ray then uppercuts his opponent into the air. As they travel through thundering clouds, Raiden flies up and jams his hands into their chest allowing you to see their skeletal structure become overwhelmed with electricity. He then punches the opponent back to ground level and as they bounce up from impact, he zooms back down and catches them with a rising knee, snapping their spine in half.
- In his 'Thunder God' variation, Raiden can charge the electricity effects In many of his basic combos which will amplify the damage output slightly.
- Raiden has a unique blocking animation. Whilst blocking he teases a column of concentrated electricity between his hands.
- Victory Pose: Raiden begins to discharge and conduct various electricity effects before standing stoic in a solemn close-up pose.
- If Raiden is defeated, his hat will fall from his head when 'Finish Him' appears. This may be to prevent any glitches/issues with Fatalities.


- Full Fatality: Kano unsheathes one of his knives and swiftly cuts into the opponent abdomen which causes intestines to spill out onto the ground. As the character begins to drop to their knees, Kano grabs them from behind and hoists them up in front of him as he proceeds to burn through their skull with his eye laser, leaving a huge, smouldering hole through their head.
- Universal moves across all three of his variations are: Kano Ball, Up Ball, Air Ball and Knife Throw.
- Kano Ball (horizontal) and Air Ball (downward diagonal) are performed with Back Forward A / X.
- Up Ball is performed with same command input as MK9.
- In his 'Cutthroat' variation, you can input a command where he will pound his heart implant which will increase his overall damage output for a limited time.
- in his mid-round victory pose, Kano will pummel his head with his fists multiple times whilst sniggering.
- The enhanced choke special (Commando variation) has Kano choking the opponent for a longer duration before finishing by lifting them by the throat and stabbing them multiple times with his knife.
- Victory Pose: Kano utters "Nothing personal mate" then begins to play with his knife before stopping to perform a 'ear to ear' motion on his neck. He then begins to casually shave his beard with the blade.


- X-Ray: Cassie begins by twirling her batons at long range at the opponent, upon connecting she then uses an incendiary device that explodes in the opponents face. She then cartwheels into the opponent and slides down into the spits to perform a crotch punch (modelled testicles/cameltoe for females) - after this she crushes the opponents skull at the temples with the butts of her akimbo pistols before firing off two bullets into their eye sockets, throwing them mid-full screen.
- Cassie has a command input taunt in one of her variations where she performs a salute.
- Her D1 is very similar to Mileena's in MK9 which is quite useless. Hopefully she will receive something more useful.
- If you play a Cassie Cage mirror-match, the Player 2 Cassie Cage will have a yellowish-green bodysuit centre colouring instead of her default.
- Cassie's Nut Kracker special move (Hollywood variation) has her drop to her knees before punching the opponent in the crotch with both fists in unison.
- Her tied-up bun hairstyle is her final hair. The cropped bob hairstyle was a previous design experiment.
- Cassie is still being polished and developed further so her posture, animations and character model are still being worked on.
- Her X-Ray hasn't been shown publicly yet due to the graphic depiction of ball busting.


- There is no direct relation to Shao Kahn, 'Kahn' is confirmed to be a title bestowed upon the ruling emperors of Outworld.
- He was never planned to be included in any previous Mortal Kombat game despite Hector Sanchez stating on Twitter that he had waited nearly 20 years to see an 'Aztec God'.
- Kotal Kahn is confirmed to be from Outworld.
- Special Moves in his War God variation: Blood Offering, God Ray, Air Takedown, Saw Blade, Sword Toss, Overhead Sword Strike and Sword Sweep.
- You will see his rise and fall to power as the Emperor of Outworld throughout the story.
- Has some of the most damage-heavy chain combos.
- As you perform specific special moves and chain combos, the inscriptions on his body will begin to glow brighter.
- Victory Pose: Kotal pulls out his short blade, drops to his knees and slices open one of his palms whilst muttering an unknown phrase before slamming his palms together and closing his eyes.


- Has some form of relationship with Kotal Kahn.
- Is one of the game designers favourite characters on the roster. He took the liberty to show off with her, demonstrating some long and gnarly combos.
- Her pokes seem to have the longest range out of the right characters present in this build.
- D'Vorah has a lot of 50/50 mix-ups which allows for some crazy pressure and rushdowns.
- Her Venomous variations ovipositor attacks will do slight damage over time.
- Can do standing resets in Venomous if you time her acid spray special right and you get a 50/50 mix-up off that too.


- When fighting against Cassie Cage, Ferra will shout "Break her face!" in the mid-round victory pose to Torr.
- Victory Pose: Ferra leaps up onto Torr's shoulders whilst acting gleeful and cheering. She then stops to playfully pull and squeeze at Torr's head before resting her head on his.


- Universal special moves for characters are listed in white text when pressing Start and variation specific special moves appear beneath them in gold text.
-Similar listing style to Injustice (if not more detailed); with move descriptions, enhanced/meter-burn inputs and explanations, etc.
- There are five finishing moves listed as '?????' in this build of the game. Our interview with Ed Boon has confirmed that it won't be that many in the final build.
- Frame Data for moves has the following information: Startup Frames, Active Frames, Recovery Frames, Block Advantage Frames, Hit Advantage Frames and Cancel Frames.
- Basic combo starters and strings again have unique names personalised to the character.


Out of all the matches we managed to play we have only managed to grab a handful of intro dialogues. Some days the MKX stations were not outputting sound and the other days had them at a very low volume. It doesn't help that Gamescom is a very noisy environment, but we have done our best to extract what we could. Subtitles were unavailable in this build.

Kano Vs. Raiden:
- Kano: "Hmm, the big cheese"
- Raiden: "This day will not end well for you..."
- Kano: "*spits* Get your crystal ball fixed!"

Kano Vs. Cassie Cage:
- Kano: "Over here sweetheart."
- Cassie Cage: "Your grandmother wants her teeth back!"
- Kano: ***Inaudible***

Cassie Cage Vs. Cassie Cage:
- Cassie Cage 1: "Funny."
- Cassie Cage 2: "You know what's funny? Your face."
- Cassie Cage 1: "Dude, you've just insulted yourself..."

D'Vorah Vs. Kotal Kahn:
- D'Vorah: "Kotal..."
- Kotal Kahn: "With which face do you see me?"
- D'Vorah: "There is no power greater than ours!"

Scorpion Vs. Sub-Zero:
- Scorpion: ***Inaudible***
- Sub-Zero: "Prepare to rejoin your clan!"
- Scorpion: ***Inaudible***

Sub-Zero Vs. Raiden:
- Sub-Zero: ***Inaudible***
- Raiden: "I am their protector, not you!"
- Sub-Zero: ***Inaudible***

Ferra/Torr Vs. Cassie Cage:
- Ferra/Torr: "Such pretty eyes!"
- Cassie Cage: "Got a thing for eyes do ya?"
- Ferra/Torr: ***Inaudible*** "both get one." ***Inaudible***


- The game is faster-paced than MK9 and marginally faster than Injustice: Gods Among Us.
- The Gamescom build was completed a week prior to the showing.
- Some specific character variations will have a command input taunt. Some may give additional super-meter among other benefits, etc.
- Forward and Backward Throws are still present.
- Throws can now be meter-burned. So you can into a 50/50 from a meter-burned grab.
- All models now have trackable damage. For example if Scorpion slashes his opponent at the chest with his sword, a gash will appear in sync with the slash. Hitting D'Vorah for example in the face with the tree branch in Snow Forest will leave a gaping wound in her cheek.
- Character models will have a wet sheen effect over them and drip slightly when knocked into or splash into the water on the Jungle stage.
- Mud and Dirt will cake and stick to character models when knocked or rolling on the Jungle stage ground.
- Snow will fall onto character models and dissolve during the fight in the Snow Forest.
- Characters develop beads of sweat and a sheen to their exposed skin during intense kombat.
- All Fatalities in this build were performed at mid-screen distance with Down Down X / Square.
- There are EX (enhanced) and meter-burn special moves.
- You can meter-burn some combos.
- Some characters will have unique blocking animations.
- Dash-cancelling is not present in this build and it is not likely it will be included.
- Forward Forward RT / R2 is the command input for running.
- You can begin a combo directly after running and use running to extend combos.
- Running can be cancelled at any time during the animation, even into a dash.
- The Stamina Meter dictates the duration of running.
- Forward and Backward dashing will deplete the Stamina Meter.
- Crossups seem to operate the same as they did in MK9, though this could be subject to change.
- All characters share universal moves such as the uppercut D2 and a sweep, but all have unique animations that reflect the characters personalised styles.
- Characters have unique air jump-in attacks.
- Can still perform a standing neutral jump attack which will allow for pop-ups.
- Environmental interactions can be meter-burned but are still fully blockable.
- X-Rays are currently set at 30-32% damage but if they end or lead into a combo, scaling will still govern the overall damage.
- The main menu consisted of 'Versus' and 'Ladder' only.

About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/17/2014 05:12 AM (UTC)
Beads of sweat and melting snow on the characters? Wet sheen from water? Mud and dirt getting caked?

Yeah, I'm gonna need to upgrade to PS4. All the little deets are just too fantastic.

History does indeed repeat itself - I bought a PS3 JUST FOR MK9.

Bollocks. furious
08/17/2014 05:15 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Beads of sweat and melting snow on the characters? Wet sheen from water? Mud and dirt getting caked?

Yeah, I'm gonna need to upgrade to PS4. All the little deets are just too fantastic.

History does indeed repeat itself - I bought a PS3, JUST FOR MK9.


Hehe, I'm going to buy PS4 as well JUST for this game. I WAS supposed to get an Xbone just for Killer Instinct, but I am still not sure about that. If I do, well, then I will play MKX on the Xbone. I just really hate the Xbone controller...
08/17/2014 05:23 AM (UTC)
"Raiden: I am their protector, not you!"

Hmmmm he doesn't sound like he's addressing our usual suspect Kuai Liang. And whose protection? Earthrealm's?
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