Ferra Torr Discussion
posted09/23/2014 01:34 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
Ever since this character got released, I felt that they haven't been talked about pretty much at all after two weeks past. The only thing that I think was trying to restart the conversation about them was when someone discovered the symbols on Ferra's headpiece, but that hardly went anywhere. So I thought maybe we could discuss them again and see where it takes us.

I've seen a few people say that they want these guys to be evil, but you know, the more I think about them, I kinda want them to be neutral but it's not painfully obvious. More so, they're anti-heroes than anything. It's just, we've seen characters like this, and usually they're not good guys. I'm hoping they are more chaotic neutral during story mode.

For their arcade ending, I pray to god that it's not the, "Torr becomes more powerful than Ferra and destroys her, becoming free from her grasp and no longer is a slave." That's been done so many times it's predictable. Lack of originality, don't you think?

I also hope that Ferra isn't suffering from the Napoleon complex and Torr is the dumb but powerful brute who is also a mute. I actually hope he talks in this game, even if it's not a lot. I just don't want Ferra being the one who we pay attention to all the time because she has a voice and a brain. It would be too painful to see them create these characters and choose the natural thing by making them become what we've seen done so many times. Hopefully they're unique, and also:

When talking about the relationship these two have, I hope it's one of these two:

They're brother and sister

Torr is Ferra's protector.

I can see the second one being more of the obvious choice.

Hypothetical part here, doesn't need to be taken seriously at all

If what has been said is true and she's this queen character or something, maybe she's a threat to someone, let's say, Kotal, because maybe she's got what it takes to be empress of Outworld by reasoning unknown at this time. Kotal has whoever he's got hunting her down and she's running away. Torr sees her and just comes out of the blue and protects her. But of course there's the whole, "Well then why does she fight?" I don't have an answer for that one.

Now if they're brother and sister, then that would be an even better thing with these characters because as Boon said, we will be seeing more characters like Cassie come into play, so I'm wondering if we could see these two actually being family. Not all the time do we have people in the roster actually be related to one another. You have Kitana and Sindel and that's pretty much it. Everyone else is just a friend of the others. It would be really cool to see these two actually be brother and sister. Not so much husband and wife.

I'm assuming fatalities have already been discussed on how they'll work on these two. I'm sure Torr is just going to get things done to him while Ferra runs off... which in a way makes sense for the hypothetical part but I'm not going to be that person. So yeah, Torr gets the fatalities happen while Ferra runs off.

Is there anything else you like to discuss about these guys? Out of all of them, so far these two struck me with curiosity so badly I want to know more about them. So here you go, let's talk about these guys.
09/22/2014 03:01 AM (UTC)
I personally would like them to be neutral. I also would like it if Torr was Ferra's protector for whatever reason. It would be cool to me if they made it that way, rather than Torr being some slave to Ferra or whatever, him vowing to protect her would be more interesting to me.

Anyway I am pretty interested in these two, cant wait untl we get some more information on them.
09/22/2014 03:11 AM (UTC)
The way she abuses him during one of their variations makes me think she is a sadistic, twisted person and he is her bodyguard by force. Perhaps she is evil and he was once a good person who went insane at her hands, perhaps tortured.
09/22/2014 03:35 AM (UTC)
I think they are traditional duo of evil little villain and big dumb muscle.
MK rarely was original with using stereotypes, so I don't think Ferra / Torr will be exception.
Though, I 'll be pleasantly surprised if it is not the case.
09/22/2014 12:07 PM (UTC)
1.I want them to be from Chaosrealm
2.I want them to be neutral
3.I want them to have beef with Havik
09/22/2014 03:46 PM (UTC)
Glad to see some want these two to be neutral!
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Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of a war drum

09/22/2014 04:17 PM (UTC)
I'd like to see them be neutral as well. They don't strike me as a pair that would fuck things up for the sake of fucking things up like Havik (who should be in the game for that purpose alone), but I can definitely see them fitting into a wild card role within the story.

Really really hope Torr doesn't wind up being dumb muscle. I'd prefer a brother/sister relationship. Then I feel like if Ferra is sassy with Torr, it's just sibling bickering rather than Ferra being a bitch.

I'd also be okay with Torr being in the role of a bodyguard or just someone vowing to protect her for whatever reason. I think it would be cool for them to be from Chaos realm, but my gut tells me they're of Outworld descent.

So long as they don't make Torr a slave, I want that outcome being avoided at all costs. Even if he *is* dumb muscle, just not a slave.....
09/22/2014 04:19 PM (UTC)
I'm not expecting much from these two, honestly. I'd be pleasantly surprised if they have a complicated relationship (something more than master/minion), but I wouldn't be willing to bet money on it.

I hope there is more substance to them than their two-in-one gimmick.

With all the discussion about NRS' marketing strategy, I would like it if they gave us a tiny blurb about the new characters. Just something basic and general so we could at least speculate. Because I really find it hard to talk about the new characters without anything to really go off of except for hunches. confused
09/22/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
Even though Ed declared them some of his favorite new characters, I think it's mostly for the "2 in 1" mechanic.

The fact that they receive the attention of 2 characters in the space of just one makes me think they won't be developed too much and will probably be goto goons. Probably something like Kotal conquered Ferra's people and forces these 2 to work for him or something like that.

I could be wrong of course and even if part of that is true, they might try to start an inner rebellion or something.
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09/22/2014 05:00 PM (UTC)
We need more neutral characters.
09/22/2014 05:30 PM (UTC)

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Ferra/Torr's pre-fight banter with Kotal indicates that they are just Kotal's minions. So they are probably from Outworld and will probably just be jobbers for the entire story. Also, they were described by Boon (I think it was Boon) as "marauders", which indicates evil alignment, not neutral. I hope I am wrong, but I don't expect NRS to create a layered, nuanced character.
09/22/2014 05:59 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Glad to see some want these two to be neutral!

Well it wouldn't make much sense for them to be from Chaosrealm and be evil at the same time. I mean it defeats the purpose of chaos at the end of the day doesn't it?
09/22/2014 08:22 PM (UTC)
I'm anxiously waiting for more info on these two, especially Torr. He is a big brute, and I like characters like that. Take Doomsday, Bane and Grundy from Injustice for instance, they are great characters.
I too think Ferra/Torr should be neutral. I really hope there is more to Torr than him just being someone's lacky.
I sure hope they at least are an important part of the story in some way. I also hope their 2nd fatality is better then the one we saw.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/22/2014 10:12 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
1.I want them to be from Chaosrealm
2.I want them to be neutral
3.I want them to have beef with Havik

I like everything about this post.

So far, Ferra/Torr is the new character I'm most excited about. I get kind of a neutral scavenger vibe off them, and wouldn't mind seeing that played up a bit in their story. Could be that Kotal has something they want/need to survive and they're just there until they get it.

I really want more gameplay from them. I feel like we've not really seen as much from them as we have from D'vorah or Kotal. Hopefully they'll be the "versus" for the next reveal and we can see some higher level gameplay.
09/22/2014 11:44 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote: Could be that Kotal has something they want/need to survive and they're just there until they get it.

Wouldn't that be considering them "Two-Faced", if that happened? Just saying.....
09/22/2014 11:49 PM (UTC)
I've been told by an outside source that they are going to find more information about Ferra Torr at EGX. Hopefully we get some more info on these two and have more of a discussion.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/23/2014 12:12 AM (UTC)
DarkenedSoul Wrote:
Detox Wrote: Could be that Kotal has something they want/need to survive and they're just there until they get it.

Wouldn't that be considering them "Two-Faced", if that happened? Just saying.....

Sure, you could say that about quite a few Mk characters.
09/23/2014 01:34 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
DarkenedSoul Wrote:
Detox Wrote: Could be that Kotal has something they want/need to survive and they're just there until they get it.

Wouldn't that be considering them "Two-Faced", if that happened? Just saying.....

Sure, you could say that about quite a few Mk characters.

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