Ferra in future games
posted02/06/2015 01:55 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
If she returns after MKX, should she still be paired with Torr, or become an individually playable character?

Imo, I'd like her to be individually playable, even if it's only for a variant if those also returned along with Torr.

But any MK games with her as an individually playable character would have to be developed with her height in mind. Some special moves would have to be adjusted to work when fighting Ferra, and every characters including Ferra herself might even need different x-rays and fatalities.

Alternately, they could give her stilts a la Thrill Kill's Imp, like sharp ones made from a Tarkata's forcibly removed blades, so that she'd be as tall as the majority of the roster. But I'd prefer her without stilts, as a small person fighting "naturally" so to speak, would be fresher.

I like Ferra, and while I also like Torr, I'm disappointed she's not individually playable even for one variant.
01/25/2015 02:17 PM (UTC)
No, it's Ferra/Torr for a reason IMO.

They're like Krang and his suit from TMNT, I don't want to play as Krang without the suit. Ferra is the brains but she also delivers some brutal hits and the final blow, Terra is the muscle and does the heavy lifting.

Short characters in fighting games may be fun to play as but they UBER suck to fight against.

Example: Gon in Tekken 3. Yoda in Soul Calibur 4.

Storyline wise it would be cool if she was somehow separated from Torr for a bit to see how she'd cope without her fighting half but otherwise I wouldn't want it.
01/25/2015 02:29 PM (UTC)
NickScryer Wrote:
No, it's Ferra/Torr for a reason IMO.

They're like Krang and his suit from TMNT, I don't want to play as Krang without the suit. Ferra is the brains but she also delivers some brutal hits and the final blow, Terra is the muscle and does the heavy lifting.

Short characters in fighting games may be fun to play as but they UBER suck to fight against.

Example: Gon in Tekken 3. Yoda in Soul Calibur 4.

Storyline wise it would be cool if she was somehow separated from Torr for a bit to see how she'd cope without her fighting half but otherwise I wouldn't want it.

But what would be wrong with her being individually playable for only one variant? It'd work for a story mode chapter where she is separated from Torr.

These games you mentioned probably weren't designed with short characters in mind, or they just didn't bother implementing them properly. Because the Smash Bros games did a pretty good job with characters of various heights and sizes, as well as the Marvel vs Capcom ones. If NRS bothers to put in the effort (I know, that's a stretch), Ferra could work both as a playable and a fightable character.
01/25/2015 03:26 PM (UTC)
I like the team, without each other they wouldn't be as effective. She's the brains, he's the tank. People seem to dismiss her as a character or think less of her because she rides a beast into battle but I don't think so.
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01/25/2015 04:03 PM (UTC)
She's too small to be playable and she is already an adult.
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01/25/2015 04:58 PM (UTC)
What stupid characters Ferra/Torr are. I don't think I will ever even play as those lame-o's when I get MKX.

01/25/2015 05:04 PM (UTC)
Yeah they are a packaged deal. You can't have one without the other. Plus that hitbox would be a nightmare. Servbot in MvC2 anyone?
01/25/2015 05:22 PM (UTC)
Oh christ here we go. This is going to be the new Human Smoke/Cyber Smoke argument of this generation isn't it?

Let's just forget this idea right here maybe? She and Torr are symbiotically connected. There is no one without the other.
01/25/2015 05:28 PM (UTC)
They aren't glowing to let you mutilate and do X-ray moves on a child. And yes, I know it's been said she is an adult, but she has every characteristic of a child and killing her would look the same as killing a child. She's only considered an adult so NRS doesn't get in trouble with having an 8yr old brutally murder people.
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01/25/2015 05:33 PM (UTC)
Darkk Wrote:
They aren't glowing to let you mutilate and do X-ray moves on a child. And yes, I know it's been said she is an adult, but she has every characteristic of a child and killing her would look the same as killing a child. She's only considered an adult so NRS doesn't get in trouble with having an 8yr old brutally murder people.

She's only considered an adult because she is an adult.

You cannot X-ray her or fatality her because her hitbox would over-complicate things. It has nothing to do with her being a child, because she isn't a child.
01/25/2015 06:18 PM (UTC)
I like them as a pair
01/25/2015 06:48 PM (UTC)
shes childish in a primitive way so it's easy to see why people think so. she seems like a spoiled brat but if you're riding around on torrs back i guess you can afford to talk a little shit. you can tell that torr doesnt care about much besides protecting her. hes like a big daddy from bioshock lol.
01/25/2015 06:50 PM (UTC)
Think we need to wait and see what her relevance is overall to this game before we go talking about her future. We still know little about her in the grand scheme of things.
01/25/2015 06:58 PM (UTC)
I mean Ferra calls the shots, so why would she honestly fight when she has a behemoth on her side.

It's Ferra/Torr and that's the way it should stay.
01/25/2015 07:18 PM (UTC)
Could we at least get through this game before jumping into the future, please?
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

01/25/2015 07:42 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
If she returns after MKX, should she still be paired with Torr, or become an individually playable character?

Imo, I'd like her to be individually playable, even if it's only for a variant if those also returned along with Torr.

But any MK games with her as an individually playable character would have to be developed with her height in mind. Some special moves would have to be adjusted to work when fighting Ferra, and every characters including Ferra herself might even need different x-rays and fatalities.

Alternately, they could give her stilts a la Thrill Kill's Imp, like sharp ones made from a Tarkata's forcibly removed blades, so that she'd be as tall as the majority of the roster. But I'd prefer her without stilts, as a small person fighting "naturally" so to speak, would be fresher.

I like Ferra, and while I also like Torr, I'm disappointed she's not individually playable even for one variant.

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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

01/26/2015 08:15 PM (UTC)
If Ferra were alone, it would be impossible to use the neutral jump punch against her, or to land pretty much any jump or crossing attack. Some highs would whiff right over her head, and she'd be harder to juggle. You could leave her at a disadvantage in power to make up for how tricky she would be to hit, but balancing that against everything else would be a nightmare.

I'd like to see it, but it probably wouldn't work.
01/26/2015 08:48 PM (UTC)
Does mk have crossing attacks? I thought the block button fucked that up.
01/26/2015 09:15 PM (UTC)
MKKitana Wrote:
Think we need to wait and see what her relevance is overall to this game before we go talking about her future. We still know little about her in the grand scheme of things.

Completely agree. I feel like I know next to nothing about them, any discussion regarding their role in future games is premature. Or, in other words:
Icebaby Wrote:
Could we at least get through this game before jumping into the future, please?
02/06/2015 01:49 PM (UTC)
Why are Ferra and Torr receiving so little exposure? We've gotten a lot more information about D'Vorah, Cassie, Kotal Kahn, and new characters from the comics that may not even end up on the roster.

Please tell me that NRS, Ed Boon in particular, don't already hate these two like they hated Drahmin and Hsu Hao.

It seems like their lack of exposure has reduced fan interest in them. To me, that makes them more fascinating, not less.
02/06/2015 01:55 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Why are Ferra and Torr receiving so little exposure? We've gotten a lot more information about D'Vorah, Cassie, Kotal Kahn, and new characters from the comics that may not even end up on the roster.

Please tell me that NRS, Ed Boon in particular, don't already hate these two like they hated Drahmin and Hsu Hao.

It seems like their lack of exposure has reduced fan interest in them. To me, that makes them more fascinating, not less.

Ed Boon actually really likes Ferra/Torr
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