Females that should return and take MKX to its dark past
posted09/06/2014 02:16 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/04/2014 09:24 PM (UTC)
I know this has been done before but hear me out....I really think that the following females must return in MKX and only these should have a spot in the roster above anyone else, they would take MKX to its dark times (MK4, MK:D) :

-Mileena : She is my main from MKD-MK9. She looks awsome, her moves are just awsome and theres lots that can be done with her story...if she is returned to the deception days in story mode i would be really happy. She in my opinion is better than Kitana and she can stand on her own without her (Deception) Mileena just has to return no if or buts!

-Tanya : Awsome character, lots of potential. My main in MK4 and i have loved her ever since! She always gets pushed aside but she can stand on her own like she did in MK4! just the bangs have to go and give her her MK4 hair! That drill + split kick is just an awsome combo

-Sareena : I only played her in MKA but she was awsome there, one of the better looking females and also she has a great story...i think she deserves to come back and given another chance i mean i would love her instead of kitana...also i think scarlet ripped off Sareena in the moves department...the throwing knives were her thing and she needs it back! :S Also she just needs to be in 2D finally! the combo system in mka was crap and she could really shine

-Jade : I've saved her for last because im not sure...if she would look like she did in Deception but with faster gameplay and much better moves im all in+she can also be in without kitana proven in MKD. She was a very mysterious and interesting character in MKD but in 9 she was so lame so if she returns it better be good or i wouldnt want her back just so shes back.

I dont hate kitana but i dont mind her sitting out this one since shes been in mkvsdc and mileena wasnt...now its your turn kitana! (also karma for stealing mileenas roll move in mkvsdc!)

These females i really feel are the best of the best and all could really evolve into much better characters without kitana in the mix and i can see them become classics (well sareena and tanya-already a classic to me anyway)...share your thoughts with me :)
09/04/2014 10:41 PM (UTC)
Those are reasonable selections.


I feel she could also bring the dark past back (as you mentioned). Even though she died in MK9, no character stays dead in MK. I wouldn't mind if she was to return undead.


Being part demon (like Sareena), she would be a great addition to MKX. I truly liked Ashrah in MKD. NRS can make her way different than Raiden. She can use light instead of electricity.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/04/2014 10:55 PM (UTC)
liveboy100 Wrote:

-Mileena : She in my opinion is better than Kitana and she can stand on her own without her (Deception) Mileena just has to return no if or buts!

...her entire time in MK Deception was spent imitating Kitana.
09/04/2014 11:01 PM (UTC)
Frost, Sareena, and Ashrah... And maybe Li Mei. I'll go more when I'm not on my phone
09/04/2014 11:04 PM (UTC)
Sindel could be done but i think she can skip this one sice she died and shes just old and looks kinda cartoony to me + limited spots on roster for returning females

Ashrah could return but she has almost the same story as Sareena + all her moves are borrowed from others just with using light...shes just been very plain to me and never really liked her and again theres limited space on the roster so she probably wont get a chance.
09/04/2014 11:07 PM (UTC)
Mileena lead an army and had an alliance with baraka...and imitating kitana is a good story if you ask me and so much more can be done with her
09/04/2014 11:11 PM (UTC)
Tanya, yay! :D
09/04/2014 11:12 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Frost, Sareena, and Ashrah... And maybe Li Mei. I'll go more when I'm not on my phone

Frost should not return cause we have subzero sorry...she can be a cameo but i wouldnt let Frost take anyones place on the roster...id rather have Ashrah and even Kira or Li Mei.............
Li Mei has potencial but shes kinda like Mileena with Reikos kick...if they gave her a better costume and move set she could be good...she has better chances of being in the game than Ashrah, Frost, Nitara but still very low
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/04/2014 11:14 PM (UTC)
liveboy100 Wrote:
Mileena lead an army and had an alliance with baraka...and imitating kitana is a good story if you ask me and so much more can be done with her

Not saying it wasn't a good story or even that she shouldn't return, but imitating Kitana is a far cry from standing on her own two feet.
09/04/2014 11:18 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
liveboy100 Wrote:
Mileena lead an army and had an alliance with baraka...and imitating kitana is a good story if you ask me and so much more can be done with her

Not saying it wasn't a good story or even that she shouldn't return, but imitating Kitana is a far cry from standing on her own two feet.

If there was another mk after deception that continued the story then mileena would have evolved even more but there was mk a which did nothing for her...well atleast she got closer to blaze in the intro than kitana haha....but mileena was THE mk girl in Deception.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/04/2014 11:26 PM (UTC)
liveboy100 Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
liveboy100 Wrote:
Mileena lead an army and had an alliance with baraka...and imitating kitana is a good story if you ask me and so much more can be done with her

Not saying it wasn't a good story or even that she shouldn't return, but imitating Kitana is a far cry from standing on her own two feet.

If there was another mk after deception that continued the story then mileena would have evolved even more but there was mk a which did nothing for her...well atleast she got closer to blaze in the intro than kitana haha....but mileena was THE mk girl in Deception.

Yeah, unfortunately a lot of great stuff in Deception fell by the wayside.
09/04/2014 11:26 PM (UTC)
MKX needs at least 4 returning females. We already have 4 males that returned. Johnny Cage is confirmed, so that makes 5. Not knowing if the next bad guy will be male, if so, that'll be 6.
So 4 returning females will be great! Hope one of them is going to be Tanya at least.
09/04/2014 11:32 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
MKX needs at least 4 returning females. We already have 4 males that returned. Johnny Cage is confirmed, so that makes 5. Not knowing if the next bad guy will be male, if so, that'll be 6.
So 4 returning females will be great! Hope one of them is going to be Tanya at least.

The 5th female is gonna be Sonya :S i hateeed her in mk9 but she was pefect in mkvsdc...if they bring back 5 females it just needs to be Mileena, Tanya, Sareena, Jade and Sonya is gonna be in anyway I have a feeling
09/04/2014 11:50 PM (UTC)
You say Jade instead of Kitana lol :( but its ok...
Honesty story wise.. Melinaa & Tanya would make a great story..
& Tanya needs to be reintroduced into the series... what more in this installment...

As for Ashra, her story is honestly just gets off the story of MK.. & if she made it back into the series... will she be one of the forces who rebel against the neatherealm? though I dont like Raiden or another Raiden clone.. I hope they can do something for her

Tanya too has great potential too since were Mk9 left out in... with the uprising of the neatherealm & all...

09/04/2014 11:54 PM (UTC)
As far as females are concerned I want Mileena the most.

Skarlet would be cool too
09/05/2014 12:01 AM (UTC)
Ok lets say there are 28 characters on the roster and probably there will be atleast 12 newbies + 1 guest so that means only 15 spots for returning characters if were lucky
We have: 1 Scorpion
2 Sub-zero
3 Raiden
4 Kano
5 Cage
Now that leaves 11 spots
We are probably gonna see
6 Quan Chi
7 Shinnok
8 Baraka
9 Ermac
10 Liu Kang
11 Fujin
12 Sonya
13 Mileena
14 Tanya
15 Sareena

Its also posible for Havik and Reiko to return..but unlikely...so that means theres really 4-5 (probably 4) slots for returning females, the others will be new :((((
09/05/2014 12:08 AM (UTC)
Kitana and Mileena have to be in because they are Scorpion and Sub-Zero after a gender reassigment surgery for many people.

Skarlet deserves a second chance.

Sonya is already in, let's just wait what her role will be and if she'll be playable.
I hope that two of my favourites will come back, Sareena and Ashrah
Tanya and maybe Li Mei could come back but Personally I wouldn't like them that much.

Frost, Sindel, Sheeva, Jade, Kira and Nitara have to be canned for good.
09/05/2014 12:12 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
Kitana and Mileena have to be in because they are Scorpion and Sub-Zero after a gender reassigment surgery for many people.

Skarlet deserves a second chance.

Sonya is already in, let's just wait what her role will be and if she'll be playable.
I hope that two of my favourites will come back, Sareena and Ashrah
Tanya and maybe Li Mei could come back but Personally I wouldn't like them that much.

Frost, Sindel, Sheeva, Jade, Kira and Nitara have to be canned for good.

Yeah but I think Kitana can sit this one out and give other females a chance....i feel like Kitana will be DLC
...and i have a feeling that Mileena Tanya Sareena really have high chances.....much bigger than Skarlet and since there arent many spots Skarlet wont make it
About Me

-sig by MINION

09/05/2014 12:44 AM (UTC)
I feel like we need a Kitana shouldn't be in MKX master thread.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

09/05/2014 12:48 AM (UTC)
The only female I would like to see "returning" to Mortal Kombat X is Sareena. NRS can give her a long overdue appearence in a full fledged console game and I do not count Armageddon. She has got very intriguing potential story arcs that could deviate in many directions and could be any alignment since she wants to escape the Netherrealm but is a demon at the core. This could also play really well with the variations.

I also expect Sonya to be returning since it makes a lot of sense plot wise after the events of Mortal Kombat 9 story.
09/05/2014 01:04 AM (UTC)
Only female I see returning in the initial roster is Mileena. And Tanya has a good chance to appear. Other than that, everyone else is doubtful.
09/05/2014 01:18 AM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
The only female I would like to see "returning" to Mortal Kombat X is Sareena. NRS can give her a long overdue appearence in a full fledged console game and I do not count Armageddon. She has got very intriguing potential story arcs that could deviate in many directions and could be any alignment since she wants to escape the Netherrealm but is a demon at the core. This could also play really well with the variations.

I also expect Sonya to be returning since it makes a lot of sense plot wise after the events of Mortal Kombat 9 story.

This user is right, so I agree. Sareena is in need of something good. She did make an appearance in a hand-held version of an MK game, then returned in MKA. Those two appearances didn't do much for her at all.
NRS has the ability to make her a great addition. I hope they do so, especially with the new variation system.
To end this, I am going to say that Sareena should be the female that NRS should have their minds set on first.

Even knowing that the roster is already set, Sareena could be in. If she is, I would like for her to be revealed first or second out of the returning females.
09/05/2014 01:20 AM (UTC)
I will say Mileena has a good chance of making it but I want to see Ashrah and Sareena in the game because I think together they could be very important to the story..
09/05/2014 01:23 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
Kitana and Mileena have to be in because they are Scorpion and Sub-Zero after a gender reassigment surgery for many people.

Skarlet deserves a second chance.

Sonya is already in, let's just wait what her role will be and if she'll be playable.
I hope that two of my favourites will come back, Sareena and Ashrah
Tanya and maybe Li Mei could come back but Personally I wouldn't like them that much.

Frost, Sindel, Sheeva, Jade, Kira and Nitara have to be canned for good.

Sindel, Sheeva, and Jade should always pop up in MK games. Not every installment of course, but just the ones where it's fitting for them or their appearances would be appropriate for the story. I like them, they are from the original trilogy. I'm a big advocate of seniority.

09/05/2014 02:01 AM (UTC)
liveboy100 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Frost, Sareena, and Ashrah... And maybe Li Mei. I'll go more when I'm not on my phone

Frost should not return cause we have subzero sorry...she can be a cameo but i wouldnt let Frost take anyones place on the roster...id rather have Ashrah and even Kira or Li Mei.............
Li Mei has potencial but shes kinda like Mileena with Reikos kick...if they gave her a better costume and move set she could be good...she has better chances of being in the game than Ashrah, Frost, Nitara but still very low

The characters I listed I'd rather see more than the ones you listed because:

1.) I honestly do not see a purpose for Jade to be in this game. I feel that the developers cannot make her more of a stronger character, she is always the secondary character. Deception would have been the best chance she would have gotten for being an individual character, but they decided to give her a weak feud with Tanya, and she was helping Sindel out with her problems.

If she was to come back, what is there to do for her other than probably going after whatever is going on with Edenia? I'd rather see her sit out.

2.) Tanya is an ify because many people want to see her return and have the same betraying attitude. I however, don't want to see it recurring. I'd rather her be evil in another way. Basically, she's evil because it depends on having other characters be brought into this game, mainly Shinnok. And as time flies by, I really don't see Shinnok ending up in this game. The more I see people wanting her in, for some reason, the less I want her to be in.

3.) Mileena. As much as I would like her to return, I don't see it anymore. Yeah, there's the whole "She could go after Kotal Kahn and try to be emperor" but to be honest, I don't see her at all doing that. I more so actually see her getting killed by Kotal, as to why he becomes emperor. As much as I like this character, I hated the way they treated her in 2011 by giving her that stupid childish personality. I get that she's a clone, doesn't have that much time to actually become smarter, but for heaven's sake, they didn't need to have made her that childish.

Now, onto the characters I listed.

Frost... I think we can have characters with similar abilities and play completely different from one another since we have a family of three being included into this game. I've stated various times how she can work into this game. Change her story a bit to where she's already a Lin Kuei student. I'd rather see her be on the forces of good rather than being stupidly delusional again. She could escape from the Automation Program and help out the good guys with whatever they need. She can easily have different ice powers, abilities that don't necessarily freeze the opponent but more so slows them down.

Li Mei has nothing going on with similarities with Mileena. Many have stated how, I however, don't see it. She's a character that has good potential, and despite that the Deadly Alliance are not in this game to antagonize her into entering Mortal Kombat, there are other ways to work this character into the story. I feel she would make a great character if given another chance and a retcon to her story.

Sareena, to be honest, I actually wouldn't mind seeing all of the assassins come back, but I don't mind seeing Sareena more so than the others. I want to see her in her demonic form more than anything. Maybe as to how she became Quan Chi's assassin,

Last but not least, Ashrah. I'd rather see her what she looked like and acted like when she was evil rather than trying to purify herself. It would make her much darker than what she was before, and give way to a better story. I didn't care for her debut story at all. I'd be more down to see what she was like before she became "good."
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