features you want in future titles
posted01/09/2013 01:20 AM (UTC)by
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01/03/2013 09:40 PM (UTC)
i would really like

roster editor - you can create your own costumes for main characters, like make a maskless sub zero or bikini mileena

QTE counters for specials- imagine if you're given a chance to dodge scorpion's Kunai last second by hitting a random button prompt just before it hits you, we could even hit a second prompt to even go as far as grab the rope and pull scorpion onto the ground .

any other ideas
01/05/2013 05:33 AM (UTC)
The return of Konquest like in MKDA would be amazing.
01/05/2013 11:15 AM (UTC)
This thread will be moved to the Future MK Games section of the forum later today, just leaving this message here as a notification.

As for features I'd like to see in future games:

- more in-depth character stats, including ranking charts by various stats categories
- custom arcade ladders
- team battle
- better AI, especially when it comes to boss characters (they should behave like normal characters, only have increased health and deal more damage, instead of being loaded with armored moves and act predictable)

That's it for now.
01/05/2013 11:50 AM (UTC)
I'm feeling a little nastolgic (is that how you spell it?), so to start it off:

1. Choose Your Destiny
This is something I've been asking for since Armgaeddon. I feel that Choose Your Destiny makes the game more interactive and provides more gaming freedom. Plus, it separates MK from all other fighting games.

2. Kreate-A-Fighter
I really want this mode to return. I am a creation freak and I'm always coming up with ideas. Unfortunately, I can never implement them where I want to. Armageddon's creation mode was amazing, especially since it allowed us to create original fighting styles for our characters. That, above all, is the one thing I want to see if Kreate-A-Fighter does in fact return.

3. Customized Rosters
One thing I can say for all fighting gamers is that we have our set characters that we play with. I think it would be cool if we could create preset lists of characters, and have it set as the primary character select for the gaming profile. Have it set up to allow like 10 characters total. That would be nice.

4. Custom Soundtracks
This is really just a personal thing here. As an aspiring composer, particularly one who wants to compose for Netherrealm Studios, I've always wanted to hear my music in a MK game. Havig this feature would not only make me super happy, but keep me motivated.

5. Full Zombie Mode
Need I say more?

6. Custom Special Moves List
It seems MK characters have more abilities than the developers give us. Furthermore, not every special move a character has is one that is sufficient (based on opinion). It would be nice if every character had a large set of special moves, and we could create custom lists of about four or five moves each that suit us well. That way, we get the moves we want, when we want, and leave out the scraps.
EXTRA: It would be even better if we could have a custom list for every costume.

7. Saved Battle Plan Progress
There comes a time when you are whooping as in the Arcade Mode, and someone else pops up and is like, "I wanna play!" It would be great if we could save our progress in the Battle Plan, so we won't have to start all over.

8. Individual - and canon - Story Modes
As amazing as Mileena was in MK2011's story mode, it sucks that I couldn't play as her. To be honest, we never get to play as villains, and some heroes. I think every character deseves to have their story told. Individual - and canon - story modes can do just that.

I'm all out of ideas now. sad
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01/07/2013 08:11 PM (UTC)
Kreate a Kharacter: I've heard people bag on this idea for years now, but if it were actually done well, with the attention to detail and quality that we saw in MK2011, then I think that it could as good, if not better than Soul Calibur's fighter creator.

Kreate a Tournament: Going along with the Kreate a Kharacter, I'd love to be allowed to put together my own "tournament with all of those characters. Allow me to put them on my own customized select screen, give them bios and endings, a created villain to fight etc. Then let me share all of this online so that I can play other people's tournaments and they an play mine.

Tournament Mode: This was in MK Gold, I think... But just an elimination style tournament that you and up to 7 other people can enter. It could be online or offline.

All-Encompassing Story Mode: As others have suggested, I want to be able to play as everyone, villains included.

Combo lists and tutorials: It's not enough to simply list the tools for combos on the move lists. I want to see every single thing that I can do with a character on the move lists and I want walk-through tutorials for each move and combo including timing indicator flashes. I've seen a lot of other fighters do stuff like this and it's time for MK to do this as well.

Unlockables: While I don't really want to have to pay with in game kurrency to unlock characters, alt outfits etc like in MK:DA and MK:D, I'd still like to be able to unlock a ton of stuff. Several characters, arenas, alt ouftits... Basically take the amount that you were able to unlock in MK2011 and multiply it by about 10.

Mercy: I kinda liked this in MK3. I'd like to see it return. I'd also like to see some sort of humiliation fatality for giving someone a Mercy and then beating them again.

Throws / Multi-part throws, Counters and Escapes: I'll just lump these all in to one since they all basically refer to depth or variety of move list. I want more throws per character, some should have combo-throws, and I think that everyone should have the ability to counter or escape if timed correctly, wheither it's basic attacks, throws or even combos. Perhaps you could stop an opponent's combo by countering in to your own combo, leaving them no option but to try and escape.

Signature Moves: It's hard to define these, as they could be as simple as Sub Zero using an ice sword or icicle in mid-combo or Quan Chi exploding a green skull in his opponents stomach before throwing them at the end of a combo, but I'd like to see more moves like this that really come from what the character is and their abilities etc. Otherwise it's all just punching and kicking and large parts of move lists that could easily be transferred from one character to any other character on the roster.

Updated Outfits: This isn't so much a request for a feature, but I'd really like to see character outfits that are more, well, modern? I guess? Obviously I mean this within the context of what the characters are, but my main opinion here is, in other words, no more spandex, no more cosplay stripper costumes, etc. It's not the 90's anymore.

That's all I've got for now.

About Me
01/07/2013 11:23 PM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:
The return of Konquest like in MKDA would be amazing.


Also Endurance Mode and Brutalities two things that didn't get finished in MK9. Choose Your Destiny and Klassic Music selection, as well.
01/08/2013 12:06 AM (UTC)
A tournament or endurance mode. Tournament similar to the tournament modes they use in games such as VF. But the MK4-MKG tournament modes return would be a good start.

The return of a Konquest similar to MKDA or at the least a tutorial that would allow you to start and finish with the characters you like before going into this 3-5 fights per char only in the story mode.

Back during the MKDA days i also loved the unlockables. Kind of played a long time before actually ending up with all the characters and costumes. Everything worthy of anything was just handed on a plate so fast with MK9.:(

Maybe choose your destiny for arcade ladders or a mode that would allow the player to set up his own list of opponents.

The blood features were really bad imo. I never thought i would say that but the character shouldn't disappear under tons of blood. The ground fully painted, i don't mind. So a better use of the blood feature i guess.

And That's about it 4 now.
01/08/2013 12:47 PM (UTC)
Damn, I can't believe I forgot tournament mode, loved it in MK4! Sometimes I would just watch the CPU battle it out, sit back, cheer for my fave characters and enjoy!

01/09/2013 01:20 AM (UTC)
1) brutalities with the scrapped concept supposed for MK9
2) Konquest Mode character-specific, but not just move repeating and text...something like MK: Deception
3)return of Story Mode, alongside Konquest
4)more basic moves per character
5)more fatalities per character
6)Motaro, or at least a playable centaur with four legs and two arms.
7)real dark and apocalyptic atmosphere
8)slightly fewer body-damages during the fight
9)less DLC, more in-disc content
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