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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

03/24/2015 11:31 PM (UTC)
Erron Black
D ́vorah
Ferra Torr
Kung Jin

I actually don't dislike any of them, I just have no strong feeling towards anyone Ferra/Torr and downwards.
03/25/2015 12:03 AM (UTC)
From "top" to "need to see more of to properly judge" cause I don't really dislike any of them yet:

Cassie: I was a little iffy on Baby Blade at first when I thought she was there to replace her mother and was simply going to recycle Johnny and Sonya's moves but she has her own style that is an homage to her parents rather than outright thievery. She looks like a lot of fun to play as and I love her look but what really makes her standout as top dog amongst the newbies is the human aspect she'll bring to the story. Johnny and Sonya's viewpoint helped sell the story in MK9 as the human viewpoint to all the otherworldly nonsense that was going on. With her father's sass and her mother's temper I'm sure that Cassie will be a very entertaining figure in MKX's story mode. And I'm most interested in seeing the dynamic between her and her parents, especially with Sonya since that's where there seems to be tension.

D'Vorah: Though there's potential for her to fall in to the "dumbass minion" category that veterans like Baraka, Reptile and Sheeva struggle to escape, everything about her is sickening. Her design is fresh and creative and distinctly "Mortal Kombat". Her gameplay looks like so much fun and I'm really looking forward to seeing more of her in the story. And I'm really digging her voice and the way she talks. This debut could really soar.

Ferra/Torr: Like D'Vorah, I worry about evil minions getting their chance to shine but I love the dynamic between the giant silent brute and the little loudmouth on his shoulder. I can see Ferra being annoyingly hilarious and Torr looks scary as hell. Gameplay wise, I'm also very intrigued. I wasn't much of a fan of the Noob/Smoke tag team so there are some reservations about another duo and not having Ferra fight on her own like Torr does for a variation feels like a bit of a missed opportunity but overall I'm very excited about these two.

Kotal Kahn: I can't explain it. Kotal has a fantastic design, a complex personality and interesting plot, some very kickass gameplay and is set to be a real star in the game. Yet there's something about him that is flat-lining for me. Maybe it's because despite his very unique appearance, his personality is so put together and composed, like he's not as big and loud a personality as the above three (four), that something just feels a little bit plain, or safe. I'm hoping his large role in the story will convince me otherwise. I am still very much looking forward to playing as him but he isn't who I'm heading for first.

Jacqui: We've seen so little of Jacqui that I really didn't know where to place her so I just put her in the middle. I'm hoping she delivers. I never found Jax to be the most interesting character but I appreciated him all the same and I enjoy playing as him from time to time. Introducing Jacqui could be just the ticket to giving her a memorable debut and adding some spark to Jax's character.

Erron Black: Again, like Jacqui, we've seen virtually nothing about Erron Black other than he's got a Western visual and he's in the game. If he can deliver on personality and gameplay, then I feel like he could be a breakout star. But he also feels like a bit of a risk as well. If he doesn't deliver, he could sink - badly. I'm remaining optimistic though but cautiously.

Kung Jin: Jin looks like he might be an interesting character. His moves look really good and his design is quite good. But just over all, we've seen more of him than Jacqui and I'm still feeling a little bit 'meh'. I'm hoping that as I see more of him and his interactions with other characters that he'll start to shine. But right now, like Kotal, he's just kind of there.

Takeda: I do love characters that have a sense of humour in this serious, I just feel like we've seen this sense of humour before. Like his personality, his design also feels a little uninspired. Like we've seen this before. Where he stands out though is in his gameplay. I do love the whips and all of his interesting moves but there's something a bit jarring about his personality and appearance that makes him the least interesting to me as one of the newbies. Prove me wrong Takeda, prove me wrong.

Wow, I can really ramble on.

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