posted11/13/2007 09:58 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/29/2007 06:35 AM (UTC)
I wonder how popular the new way is with players? Does anyone want 2 see the old fatallity system return I like those better. I mean they could do both. Couldn't they? Kinda like when MK trilogy came out & it had a brutality & two fatallitys 4 each character. I kinda miss the choose your might/Test your site mini games too. I want KAK 2 return 2. But this time it would be cool if you could assign the COM player to a kreated fighter. That way you could create your own opponents too. I rarely play online so I don't get to fight any1unless their N the game.

11/13/2007 09:58 PM (UTC)
My hopes for MK8 are that each character would have a minimum of one Brutality-style killing in which they stomp, kick, beat, and chop their enemies to death (preferably with weapons, and featuring disembowelment and dismemberment), and three normal Fatalities, each unique to their character and without resorting to cut & paste gore. (By "cut & paste gore" I mean Fatalities that use differing animations to bring about the exact same body damage and effects, such as the half-dozen Fatalities in MK3 that cause opponents to explode, or the handful in MK:DA that simply decapitated the enemy).

I'd like to see all the comical edges thrown out; the kills should be brutal, unreal, but not so far out as to be funny. Examples:

A character plunges his hand into his opponent's back just above the pelvis, grabs their spine, and with a single upward rip, shreds it out of her body. The spine torn out from the victim's waist to the base of her skull, she folds in half backwards, collapsing to the ground, quivering. (Imagine someone cracking a whip as hard as they can—now imagine that instead of a whip they're cracking, it's your spine—straight through the flesh of your back. That's what I'm talking about.)

Why not have a character whose fatalities are simpler but no less brutal, such as jerking their opponent's head back by their hair and slashing their throat three or four times as the camera zooms in for a close-up of the victim's face?

Give me a character who plants an axe in your chest cavity, dropping you to the floor, and then wrenches it out mercilessly, leaving a gaping wound and wet, gurgling noises.

I want someone who pulls a garrote wire out of their pocket and strangles their enemy face-to-face, watching the life fade from their eyes as they futilely pound on his chest, trying to break free. Or, you could have someone who simply strikes their opponent in the throat one time and then watches coldly as they collapse to their knees, suffocating to death with a crushed windpipe.

I'd love to be able to perform (weapon-based) brutalities, as well. Imagine a character who bludgeons his victim to death with a string of eight or nine rapid-fire strikes to the face and neck with nunchaku, or a character who strikes a series of pressure points with her fingertips in rapid succession, then pulls a knife and guts the victim like a fish. Think of the potential for blunt-force trauma as someone whips out a club and sets out to see just how many bones he can break in fifteen seconds, hammering away at his helpless enemy's chest and face. There's limitless potential for awesomeness in a fully-fleshed-out brutality system. Every combination should be true to a real-world hand-to-hand or weapon style, and each should be totally unique from start to finish.

This is the kind of stuff I want to see for finishers in MK8. This is what I *expect* from MK8. I wish I worked for Midway; the gore hounds would love what I'd try to do with the series.
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